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My Life As A FairyTale: Chapter 3-A Wandering Tale.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:31 am    Post subject: My Life As A FairyTale: Chapter 3-A Wandering Tale. Reply with quote

My Life as a Fairy Tale Damsel in Distress

A inner look of the lives of the many Dasmels a hero has to save before he finds his happily after as told through the eyes of Elizabeth Forester who is just the average working girl hired to play the dasmel in distress.

Elizabeth Forester lives in the small town of Somewhere between the cities of Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After, just south of Quester Forest and Testing Mountain, West of Wicked Winding Caverns, east of Adventures Tavern, and North of Hero's Journey Road. The various citzens who live their lives there, including two talking cats in boots, zombies, ghost, elves, and regular humans. It's also the home of the Fairy Tale Writers Agency, an agency created to employ the people who are destined to live there lives somewhere in between Once Upon A Time and Happily Ever After.

Although the agency would never say so, they were also there to make sure every single story lived out by the heros of Once Upon a Time went exactly according to the books. Unspoken by the Agents was the fear that one day something wouldn't go as it went in the stories, because if this happened it would mean the end of Fairy Tales and their home as they knew it.

Although Elizabeth Forester, didn't want to live her life out as replacement Cinderella, a standin Snow White, she thought at least those lives would be better than being a DID (damsel in distress) which was the hardest job in the land.

Too bad for her, Elizabeth Forester ends up being hired as DID in the Quester Forest. She soon surrenders to her new life as she deals with angry fairy grandmother, not so wicked witches, and dangerous thieves.

However, her life is about to get complicated as a lost golve, a lost note, and a family heriloom of a Fairy Tale book that is a treasure tome of information that helps her do her job causes her to entwined with the life of a hero whose story isn't going exactly 'according to the book'.

Is there anyway to get this story back on Track?

Join Elizabeth as she discovers sometimes life isn't exactly a Fairy Tale even if you are one!

((So What do you think?))

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:00 am; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*claps like a little kid* YAY! I likey! I think this is a really cool idea so far even though personally I am not big on "Happily Ever After/Happy Endings" I think you will be able to tease this into a tidy (or not-so-tidy, lol!) little story! Good work Din and keep it coming! Very Happy Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds good Din, but it's Damsel, not Dasmel. Confused And perhaps Happily ever after. But I'm just nitpicking now. Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pick, Pick, Pick! *shakes head and smiles* Just kidding Chinaren.

I hope to have the prelude out before the end of this week, and hopefully *crosses fingers* a full size read before the end of the Next.

Wish me the best guys, I'm going to take some advice from some 'friendly readers' and try for the first time ever to keep to the K.I.S.S. Principle....which trust me, isn't easy for me to do.

*Btw K.I.S.S. stands for, just in case you didn't know, Keep it simple Stupid!

Evil twin quoeth, "Hey that gives me an idea!"

Din, "Oh shut up already!"
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 1: Once upon a Time is so Very, Very Far Away

In the midst of a forest not so very far away from a town called nowhere was an old copse of trees within which the villagers often cut their winter wood.

The wood was small, but the labyrinth of growing trees amidst miles of bramble undergrowth created plenty of cover for small animals to hide, among other people.

The wood, positioned so very close to the edge of the page of the book where the Country of Hero's Quest within the land of Fairy tales, was also the very first to see any light in the morning.

Despite the cover of trees, brushes, and a healthy cover of leaves, one pile of newly fallen autumn leaves could not escape newly risen lamp-sun causing the pile to moan in a manner that suggested that it was not a pile of leaves.

A grey stocking foot that stuck haphazardly upwards over the root over a tree confirms that occupant was no animal either.

Moaning some more, the tanned rough skinned hand of a young maiden vainly tried to shield her eyes. It was not use...the lamp-sun was determined to wake its victim up.

"Alright, Alright, I'm up, I'm up!" the leaf-covered figure said to no one in particular. Strangely, it accomplished what she wanted; the sun stopped shinning right in her eyes and went its merry way to light the village beyond the copse.

Searching idly with the hand that tried to shield her eyes, the girl search amidst the leaves for a pair of spectacles that had fallen off in the night.

Her lazy efforts did nothing, and looking at the sun again, the figure shut up causing her curly leaf filled brown hair to fly in her face.

"Blast it...I'm late! And I'm promised Papa I wouldn't fall asleep reading again...I’m in such deep, deep trouble."

Renewing her efforts, the brown haired girl shut a rather large old looking tome she held in her other hand. From its position, the girl had read this book all night.

"Where are they?" she muttered puffing her hair at out of her face as one hand pulled leaves out of the unruly nest and the other straighten her simple loosely fitted long green dress. Her hands wandered until they reached her face, where one hand found and pushed up a pair of glasses to the rightful place before her eyes.

"There that's better," she said as a one boot than another was shoved roughly on her stocking feet and hurriedly tied.

Realizing this was probably as good as she would look after spending a night in the leaves...the girl raced to her destination. Reaching downward to grab her book, the girl did not see a piece of a paper fall from her book, or that she had forgotten one of her gloves.

Ducking under the various trees, the girl had to stop to blink as she came full stop into the bright light from out of the forest as she stood facing the town.

The town was a quaint small village holding a position some hours north of Once Upon a Time and days south from Happily Ever After. Yet despite having none of luxuries of the big cities of Fairy Tales, the small town known as Somewhere was prosperous. The town’s wealth and happiness existed only because the main highway of Hero’s Ways came right through the town. If anyone wanted to get to Happily Ever After, they had to come to the town of Somewhere.

Placing a finger on the bridge of her nose, the girl known as Elizabeth Forester checked to make sure her glasses were in their proper place half out of habit as her wandering mind continued it’s train of thought as she quicken her pace through the cottages that made up her home town.

The town of Somewhere’s position was a strange one. Although not marked on any map, it was visited by many people from all over Hero’s Quest. This was because Somewhere was the town where hero’s would receive their quest and would also based on the story each hero was living out, the town’s people of Somewhere would provide directions to the route each hero had to take. For most of the hero’s, whether the seventh sons of seventh sons or wandering princes exiled from their throne, this route would lead them directly through Quester Forest, a wild forest filled with beast and thieves that lay only a few hours north of somewhere.

In addition to guiding hero’s along the way, Somewhere also had the extreme privilege of being the host town of the Fairy Tale Writers Agency. The agency of Legendary Fairy Tale Writers of both past and present severed as overseer of all Fairy Tales for the entire world of Fairy Tale Stories. The agencies job was to make sure that every hero from once upon a time lived their story out exactly by the book. Rumor had it that if anything happens to take a story of track, it would mean the end of the World for the Fairy Tales. Nevertheless, that had not happened yet, and Elizabeth Forester doubted that it would ever happen at all.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, Elizabeth looked around her for the first time. Elizabeth’s feet had taken her partially from habit directly to the agency. The agency from the outside at least looked exactly like a two-story inn and pub with an attached stable. In front of the building, a large billboard proudly displayed the announcements for the day.

The Sign Read: “Welcome To Somewhere of Nowhere. Today is I don’t Know and I don’t Care in the Year of Who Knows When! Important announcement….do not throw Tomatoes at the Self-Writing Bulletin Board it is rude. It lighter matters; The Agency of Fairy Tale Writers is Hiring Today.

Weather Forecast: Sunny with a ninety percent chance of Sunny and Share singing!

Population: 10 Undead….Will the Undead Zombies please refrain from leaving body parts on people’s front steps, it is not funny! Okay, it is a little bit funny, but that does not make it okay!

25 Normal Boring Humans.

Seven dwarfs….Snow White Called!

2 Talking Cats….make that 8 cats, Congrats to Mr. and Miss Puss in Boots on their new litter of Kittens in Socks!”

Elizabeth laughed; the billboard was her favorite part of the town, as its humor was quite a relief from her boring day-to-day life. The Billboard however, apparently did not see what was funny and started to write:

“Hey, you quit laughing at me….it’s not funny….hey come back here, I’m not done writing ye…..”

Elizabeth did not get to see what else the billboard had to say as the town Cock-Tower crowed the hour.

Racing up the stairs and through the inn’s door, Elizabeth faced her worst fears….she was the last in line Again.

Sighing Elizabeth joined the lines labeled….”Now Hiring Fairy Tale Workers, stand here!” The lines were clearly divided it too a group of boys and girls dressed in strange offits.

Elizabeth knew what the offits were for and looked down at her own wrinkled clothing with a sigh. In order to get a job, you had to dress the part, and sure enough amid every line their was girls dressed as Cinderella’s, boys as Giant Slayer Jacks, and many other hopeful people trying for those rare and important jobs that would eventually guarantee them a ticket to Happily Ever After.

Elizabeth never really dressed as any of those parts, after all Happily Ever After was highly over rated according to her small town mind.

~ ~ ~

For hours Elizabeth stood inline trying her best to ignore the annoying Princess Wanna-Be behind her who had spent the whole afternoon trying to tell Elizabeth exactly why she deserved to be a princess. To tell the truth, Elizabeth didn’t really care what the girl thought and wished with her whole heart that she could shove her dirty socks into the snots mouth without appearing to be rude. Instead, Elizabeth had showed her contempt by trying to read silently to herself, but apparently, the Princess was clueless as well as Brain-Dead.

But then, just as Elizabeth thought she really was going to kill the girl, rude or not, she heard a door open to an elderly matron dressed like a librarian....”Elizabeth Forester.”

Jumping up as she shut the book in her hands, she cried with relief, “Here.”

“Your councilor will meet with you now.” The sectary said holding the door marked, Fairy Tale Writers open for Elizabeth.

Following close behind the sectary through a bustling newspaper like office filled with white shirt and black vested men with loosened ties, Elizabeth found herself passing doors with names like, Grimm, McKinley, and Lackey. Looking at the famous names of those fairy tale writers, Elizabeth wandered exactly who was her councilor.

((Well, who is it? It can be any Fairy Tale Writer from past, present, or even from this City!))

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm.. very tidy Din, I like... Let's see well, if it had to be from the City I would say, insert yourself there Din! And then I am sure utter chaos, I mean, the perfect road to Happily Ever After will emerge! Teehee! Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Love this story, can't wait to see how it goes. Anyway, I voted for a current Fairy Tale Writer, and my choice would be William Steig, since he has a knack for turning classic themes on their heads Very Happy
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And it's a tie! I'll allow the poll to run a few more days before closing it down.

In the meantime, I have to do some 'research' on your suggestion GG, I'm afraid I've never heard of him.
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He wrote Shrek, I know that much, but I'm not sure what else he's written.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

Whodunnit?On hold till further notice
I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13 is now released
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems the tie has been broken. *Looks speciously at Lily and Lordy who holding a giant pair of sciccors behind their backs*

Apperantly, I'm now officially a Fairy Tell Writer. Someone should really tell me. *whispers* I don't think I know yet. Very Happy

Chapter should be up soon.

So buckle your seat belts folks! This going to be a bumpy ride!

*shifts SG writing machine it to high gear*
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 2: When the Strange meets the Stranger

As Elizabeth wound her way following after the dainty clicks of the secretary's heels, she found herself in the back of the Author’s Agency in a dimly lit corner with a single wooded door.

Glancing at the brass plate on the door over the secretary’s shoulders, Elizabeth noticed that unlike the clearly written names on the other doors, this plate had strange mysterious symbols instead. She also noticed that brass plate was perhaps a little less polished then the others.

Presently the secretary knocked sharply on the door prompting the person within to cry, “The door’s open Meril. It always is.” The voice was soft, low, mysteriously, and gently hinted at a accent in it’s alto tones.

Meril, as the sectary was now known, opened the door just large enough to stick her head in. “Your client is here, Miss. Now, will you please behave, we don’t want a repeat of last time, now do we?”

“What on earth are you talking about my dear?” the female within office said with a voice filled with false innocency and hurt.

“You know very well what I’m talking about. Now promise or so help me I’ll report you to the Author’s board!”

“Alright, alright, I’ll behave, okay?” the voice said to the sound of theatrical thunder in the background, “Now be a dear and show my client in.”

“Go in when your ready, and good luck, your going to need it with this one.” Meril said disapprovingly.

Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth stepped into the door and into a very dimly office that only boasted a small orb hung like moon from a golden base to provide light. The room was layered with shadow upon shadow as a small silver candle flickered next to the desk roughly revealing the shape of someone behind the chair.

“Do come in, and have a seat won’t you?” the voice said again, “Don’t worry about Meril,” there was a shuffle of paper work before the voice said, “Elizabeth, she gets testy when she hasn’t had her coffee.”

Making her careful way to the chair, Elizabeth narrowed her eyes in an attempt to make out the figure of her council.

“Allow me to turn up the lights,” the voice said laying down its paperwork with shadow hands, “People don’t like it as dark as I do, I find.”

As the figure fingers touched the orb in a rough circle, the light from the moon orb began to gradually brighten until it appeared as if the light was coming from a full moon rather then a waning. Silver light flooded the room, banishing shadows into their corners with a gentle touch but the light was such that it encouraged the shadows to linger and meld with the light to form a dancing melody of silver and shadow. Able to see her counselor for the first time, Elizabeth looked across the desk to the being she supposed was in charge of getting her a job somewhere in the fairy tale kingdom.

Her councilor was a woman, as Elizabeth had guessed from her voice, but like the room, she was coated in shadow. The woman wore a lightweight dark blue that looked like the sky before morning’s dawn with long sleeves and a hooded cowl that was pulled far down over her face to shade both the woman’s eyes and nose. The only feature Elizabeth could make out were a pair of cheery red lips that wore a small smile as if their wearing was gazing at her with a small amount of amusement.

“Greetings and Most Welcome Elizabeth Forester.” The cloaked woman cried her smile widening slightly to barely reveal small pearl like teeth, “My name is Dinranwen, but you can call me Din, everyone does.”

Hesitantly shaking the proffered hand, Elizabeth said, “Um, Hi. May I ask what the secretary was talking about when she said something about ‘last time’?”

“Nothing to worry about deary. Meril is an old busybody who is still upset about that little episode I had last month. I mean all I did was ‘accidentally’ turn a princess into a frog. It really messed up the Princess and the Frog for a moment there, but it was easily fixed, so now harm done.”

“Oh, okay,” Elizabeth, said doubt hanging in her voice as she wondered if this Din character was really the person she wanted handling her case.

Lowering her voice conspiratorially, Din leaned forward and whisper, “Tell me dear, do you like Princess? I mean, you don’t want to be one, do you?”

“No!” Elizabeth cried emphatically certain about That at least.

“Good, I don’t like them either,” Din, said picking up her paper work and leaning back in chair, “So let’s see what openings we have here. We need a Gretel, but you’re too old for that. Then there is the maid in the goose girl, but she ends up rather badly being rolled down the street in a barrel full of nails and then drawn into quarters and all that. Alternatively, with a shrinking spell, we can probably pass you of as a fairy. You’re too pretty to be an ugly sister. Not enough eyes for Three eyes, too many eyes for One. Little Red Riding Hood. Mary-annes Maid in Robin Hood. Or a switchling…..”

With each word, Din spoke, Elizabeth’s heart fell a little bit more and her face most have fallen too, because then Din said, “No, not those. Hmmmm….let me see,” The noise of rustling paper work sounded through the room, “Ah, here we go, yes one of these will defiantly do, but will you do for them I wonder? Oh well, we shall see, we shall see. Follow me dear,”

Following Din, Elizabeth stepped out into the shadow room into a world that was suddenly very, very bright. Blinking, she hurried up to the fast moving and silent Din.

“Ah, Din?”

“Yes, Dear?”

“People are Glaring at you.”

“Oh really, I hadn’t noticed,” Din said looking around as if for the first time and noticing that indeed she was getting some pretty cold stares. “You think that after five months of apologizing some people might actually forgive you but noooo….” Din said sticking her tongue out at the glaring people, “I mean all I did was accidentally switch one of the step-sisters with the ‘real’ Cinderella. Simply anyone could have made the same mistake.”

It was at that moment that Elizabeth decided that she was very glad indeed that she did not want to be a princess.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile in the faraway city of Once Upon A Time, a story was starting as a loving father opened a book began to read to his daughter.

Once Upon A Time, A booming but somehow soft voice said over the loud speakers causing several people in black to scrapple off the scene and a funnily dressed woman wearing a fruit hat to fix the last detail on the scenery before dragged off the scene by a hooked cane.

The scene was the positioned in the forecourt of an elegant castle with towering spiral towers all done in a simple white marble freckled with several. The forecourt was a simple area made with flat slate pavers about twenty feet from a wide marble stairs. A few trees stood here and there planted in big bronze planters and in the shadows, a league of knights in elegant dress uniform blank of emblems waited for the voice to continue.

Far Far Away, there was a castle where the good King Jared lived. Instantly the folded banners of the castle unfurled to reveal the gold sparrow hawk in a green field that was King Jared’s flag. Mild noise could be heard in the background as the noise of happy servants began to sound throughout the forecourt to indicate Jared’s goodness and the elblemless knights hurriedly pinned the gold sparrow hawk to their uniforms.

Now Jared had two twin sons whom he loved very much. The eldest, The voice said as a muscular son of 6 feet tall with blondish gold hair, stern brown eyes, and 250 pounds of hard hitting muscle who walked into the corridor where he was greeted eagerly by the knights, was named John and he was a great captain who had known many victories in the defense of his kingdom.

The youngest, which had been born two minutes after his brother, was named Ethan who was also a knight, but he was not a captain like his brother.
This cue announced the arrival of the second son who trailed in behind the other knights. Ethan was 5’11’’ inches, although not as bulky as his elder brother still possessed impressive muscles. Like his brother, he also had blond hair although his was browner, and had also brown eyes but speckled with gold and green. The air hung tense as the brothers looked at each other as if waiting for something….

They do like each other, don’t they Daddy? Piped in the childish voice of a small girl, I mean the have to, don’t they being twins?

Yes, sweetheart, they do like each other very much. However, like you and your brother even though they loved each other, they sometimes fought. This was not this time because the elder brother had just got back from a very long and successful campaign and had won a great victory. Ethan and John have missed each other very much and were about to heartedly great each other when you interrupted,

Oh okay, the daughters voice sighed in contentment, That’s all right then, just one more question Daddy, will there be a princess in this tale?

Several twigs with various hair and eye colors dressed in dress far too large for someone of their frail size to possibly carry vied for the front just to the stage left.

We just have to wait and see now don’t we?Came the father’s voice causing the twigs to snap their fingers in frustration, Now where were we? Ah yes, John had just gotten back from a quest and the brothers were about to great each other

As the brother enthusiastically hugged, the doors of possibilities had begun to open waiting for the father to tell the Authors which tale Exactly he was reading.

~ ~ ~

“Duck, left, crouch, parry, upward thrust,” Din cried harassing the poor Elizabeth who after some questioning had finally admitted that her father had trained her in the art of the staff.

Dinranwen had spent the last hour shouting out drills to the weary Elizabeth while occasionally attacking Elizabeth herself physically and magically. Elizabeth was beginning to believe that maybe the other authors were right, Din was crazy.

Elizabeth had barely completed the last command when Din rushed in dagger raised. Spinning, Elizabeth was somewhat surprised that instincts drummed into her by similar endless practices from her father were not an endless waste as she found the staff in her hand catches Din’s wrist and knocking the dagger out of her hand. Moving in for a second attack, Elizabeth swung and encountered nothing.

Din had disappeared seemingly into thin air by just taking a step backward into the shadow of the building that the morning sun cast. Looking around Elizabeth found Din in the doorway of the building her arms crossed and her cheery lips smiling widely.

“Very good, Elizabeth.” Din crowed, “You will do very nicely for what I have in mind.”

“And what,” Elizabeth panted as she leaned against the staff, “Exactly do you have in mind?”

“A DID, a damsel in distress.” Din said crossing her arms and smiling, “Don’t give me that look, young lady! I know what your thinking, that DID’s are helpless shrieking females. Well, let me tell you, they are not. They are girls like you, strong girls with good old fashion common sense who can handle themselves in a fight. The men you come against won’t be easy. Most of them will be dim bolts who won’t even deserve the challenge their faces. Others are ignorant slobs who thinking saving a gal’s life entitles them to a night in the girl’s bed. You will have to tell the good and the bad apart. You will have to defend yourself against the lustful, the greedy, the selfish, and the unworthy. I noticed you have a book, a rare thing in this land. What is its title?”

“Complete Fairy Tale Collection by Collaborative Authors. It’s a family heirloom,” Elizabeth supplied hefting up the heavy volume from where she had set it on a nearby bench. Turning to hand it to Din, she noticed that her councilor stood stock still and knew if she could see Din’s face it would be the picture of wide eyed shock.

“You have that Book?” Din gasped not daring to touch the thing, “Do you realize what it does?”

“It outlines the lives of all the fairy tales currently living in this land as well as gives the bio of every villain, princess, and hero that has ever lived. Oh, there this handy section in the back that tells you what fairy tales are currently playing,” Flipping to the back of the book, “Ah I see that the story of Little Red Riding Hood is ending soon, and that another tale called the Twin Princes and the Quest has just begun.”

“Wow, dear, I’m lucky. Yes you’ll do very well for that lot.” Din said erasing the look of shock from her face, “I’m going to send you to Quester’s Forest where you’ll be met by a sprite who will taking care of any magical effects you need and a group of bandits you’ll be working with. They are not a bad lot really, just dangerous but I have no doubt you can handle yourself. That book of yours is going to become priceless, it will tell before it happens which want to be hero will be arriving, what quest they may be on, and when they will be arriving. Such information will be priceless for you. Can you be back by tomorrow?”

“No.” Elizabeth said firmly, “I have to say goodbye to my father, we are very close especially since my mother died.”

“Yes, Harold,” Din said smiling fondly, “I introduced them you know, he had quite an interesting tale if I remember. No wonder you are trained so well. You have to leave by Friday, my old DID is retiring then. I will arrange for a quickening spell so that you can get there before the evening of Friday no matter what time you leave, as long as you leave by Friday. And tell Harold that Ranil said hello and that I hoped he remembers me.”

~ ~ ~

Back in Once Upon A Time, the father continued his tale to his daughter, After Greeting Each other, John declared,

The elder brother John broke his embrace with Ethan, and held his brother at the length of his arms. “My Brother, I am so happy to see you again, but I most speak to our father right away.”

As Prince John was speaking, King Jared had descended from the stairs and heard John’s Declaration….

A man in his early fifties with grey hair and the beginning of a bald spot where his crown rested stood at the bottom of the stairs looking at his children lovingly. The King wore his colors of green and gold and a giant sparrow hawk was embroider on his chest, the king spoke, “I’m here my son, what have you say to me.”

“I have heard oh my father,” John said releasing his brother to bow slightly to his father as the rest of the court bowed also, “Of a great and marvelous adventure that is worthy of a prince.”

“And what oh my son, is this quest?” The King said sagely gesturing for the bowing court to rise.

Well what is it?, the little girl’s voice cried eagerly, What are they seeking?

Closing the book with an audible snap, the father released his hold over the fairy tale world and said, We’ll just have to wait and see won’t we?

((Well, what quest on the princes going to go on and what do they seek? Kind of Lame, I know, but I promise it is important.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Being the not so typical fairy tale, i thin they need a not so typical quest. So, no princess locked away in the highest room of the tallest tower of a dragon guarded, lava surrounded castle. Hmm, might have to get back to you in a few. great story though. you skipped some words occasionally, but it was a great read overall. hope we come up with some quest worthy of Din's eccentricities.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about a dragon that needs rescuing from a princess? (Maybe Din has things muddled) Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A princess needs help in killing her father and mother in an effort to take control of the kingdom, all for the eventual greater good.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

how about a quest to prevent the union of a couple who should give birth to a king who will rid the world of evil, which would end the era of adventuring and questing and put a whole lot of people out of work?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All very good ideas all! Just one word of advice, whatever you decide, just don't get too attached to it.

Also for the purpose of the poll and the story I will be flipping upside down all upside down and non-atypical quest request for the purpose of the story. Yes, you're ideas will eventually be followed but for now it's abouselty essential to my plot that everything appears perfectly normal, at least to start it off.

Yes, I know what I'm doing.

No, I'm not crazy. *lightening stricks dangerously close to Din*

All upside down quest suggestions will eventually become the plot, after setting on the right sides of their heads for a while.

All traditional suggestions may or may not be turned upside down on their heads.

I thought I just let you know that way if I don't immediatly annouce whatever option that wins the poll, you won't kill me.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pretty creative I must say. You do have a few errors such as word misussage, but not enough to throw off the story.

I agree with Chinaren, the woman holding the dragon thing could be used well.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sectary = secretary? I'm not sure if it is a valid word, but my spell check didn't pick it up.

Elizabeth's name was rather over repeated at the top of the chapter, it could possibly be interspersed with 'she' occasionally.

This is an original way of displaying the fairytale that was being read, although I kind of missed not seeing quotation marks, although the different coloured text and italics do clearly indicate what is going on.

For the DP, I'd say they have to go and find something. Maybe a crown, or a sword or a jewel or something.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up...

Word on the poll, I worked in everyone's suggestions in a creative way.

Chinaren's Dragon suggestion is presented in poll option 2, believe it or not.

The suggestion to help a princess who wants to kill of the rightful king and queen is presented in the Poll Option that Presents a princess that needs rescuing from her 'evil' step-parents.

The suggestion to prevent the marriage of a couple is presented in the Last Poll option.

I also incorbrated several other options that aren't exactly what they seem.

Have fun voting!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I assume you mean a king is holding a tournament
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wait...*curses* No I had another option up there that suggested a King who needed his daughter rescued from an evil prince....

It's too late to change the poll, so just post if you want that option. Sorry y'all.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll closed. Chapter will be up in a few days.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thissss Ssssstorygame now meetssssss with my approval.

Ensssure it sssstayss ssso, or I will return for your head....
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 3: Wandering Tale…

The next night, a father sat in a comfy chair placed in this small decorated in pink and lace for the same purpose for which was about to be used. In her bed, a little girl’s blond curly hair carefully combed of its daily knots and tangles spilled softly around a young innocent face and wide bright blue eyes.

Some attempt was made by the girl to quell the eagerness that she had to hear the tale her father was telling her, as she knew bouncing and playing around were simply not allowed during this particular nighttime ritual. Still she couldn’t help but clutch a large grey bunny, whose floppy ears were decorated with pink ribbons, tighter to her small body with pink chubby hands as she waited almost breathlessly for the book to be opened and the tale begin.

Watching his little girl with pride as she tried to quell the bouncing motion that seemed to be permanent in this link mink, the father opened his book and with a voice just above a whisper began to tell the tale…

~ ~ ~

The father opened his mouth and said, “The eldest prince John turned to his father and joyously said…”

“Father, and King, when I was on my journey a strange tale reached my ears. Rumors spread abroad of a princess, about our age in years that has been captured by a dragon and locked away in a high tower. The common people say it was the order of her cruel stepmother who wished her own son to be King instead of whoever married this princess. King George, the poor father of the captured girl and our dear neighbor and beloved ally, is grieved by these tales but is unwilling to believe them true. He has sent an order across all lands that whosoever rescues the Princess from the hands of this foul beast and bring him the truth of the thing shall have his daughters hand in marriage. I had the chance of speaking to King George on the matter personally, and asked if he would be willing that, we should try since our kingdoms have always been friends. King George said he would be most willing for us to try and hopes indeed that we will find his daughter first, since he would welcome such an alliance that would come of such a marriage between our kingdoms.”

“A most worthy quest my son,” King Jered said softly beaming at his older son with pride, “But which one of you shall go? You are both prince’s and of equal age, so you both have the right to go on such a quest if you wish. Indeed, King George and I discussed such a marriage before only to dismiss it out of fear of giving one of you the preference over the other.”

“Why should we not both go?” Prince Ethan said speaking for the first time since his brother had made this shocking announcement.

“What wisdom brother!” Prince John bellowed slapping his twin across the back causing Ethan to wince at the strength behind the blow. “We could both go father. It can easily be a contest between us two as well as the others searching for the captured princess. Which ever one of us reaches the princess first shall have the promised prize. It will be a fair contest, and if both of us go separate ways, no one would say one was favored above the other.”

“You would agree to such a contest?”

“We would.” The Twins agreed in unison.

“Very well, in the morning you will each go your separate ways in the morning. We will determine directions by feathers. Each brother shall go which ever their feather blows, and may the fates be with you.”

Closing the book gently, the father got up out of his chair and approached his daughter. Kissing her forehead, the father exited the room after carefully placing the closed book on his chair leaving his daughter to pleasant dreams of princess’ in towers, dragons, and brave princes wearing silver armor. The book closed the story was released of the father’s hold. Yet for a moment, the story wound on forging its own path free of all control until it was reluctantly forced back into the bounds of a book by one of the ever-vigilant author who created it in the first place. What those moments of freedom did to change the story, only time will tell.

~ ~ ~

Hurriedly packing her bags on Friday evening, Elizabeth struggled with tears. A tearful goodbye had been said both to her father both on the day before, and earlier this morning at breakfast, but despite all her efforts Elizabeth could not quite control the tears that threaten to send her crashing back into her father’s arm.

Granted she loved her sweet stepmother that she had known since the tender age of two, yet nothing compared to the strong bond to her father.

As she packed the last of her things, the carefully wrapped volume of Fairy Tales that possessed magical powers, she silently thanked her step-mother for this small gift that had forged the friendship between them as she as a tearful two year old had listened to her step-mother’s slow careful voice reading aloud tales that she at that age could only begin to imagine. Such thoughtfulness, kindness, gentleness, and yes, love was not typically shown in stepmothers in the land of Fairy Book, yet having never been a major character in a fairy tale, both Elizabeth and her stepmother were sparred from the cruelty that turned the gentlest of stepmothers into unwilling monsters at the whims of the authors.

This fact made Elizabeth perhaps a little bit more grateful to Din. As Elizabeth knew that whatever else her crazy, demented, absent minded, mysterious hooded councilor would do to her; driving her stepmother to hate her would defiantly not be one of them.

Tying the laces of the bag firmly tight, Elizabeth went downstairs to an empty house.

Her father was off to the millers were he worked an honest day’s work sawing lumber for houses, and her step-mother was helping poor widow Johnson clean her house today. Goodbyes had already been said and as none of them wished the painful realization that they would never see each other again, Elizabeth had decided to leave now, while her stepmother and her father were gone, before she changed her mind.

Closing the door, Elizabeth shouldered her heavy pack all the essentials for living except for the things that didn’t fit, like a bed, a indoor toilet, a mirror, a bowl and pitcher, dishes, silverware….basically everything that made civil life, well civil.

Stepping of the last step from her house, Elizabeth one moment wondering what exactly Dinranwen had meant when she had said that she would arrange for a transport spell when a sudden whirl of breeze knocked of her feet and sent her flying in the air twenty feet.

Struggling to grab something, anything, Elizabeth screamed the strong blast of wind sent her hurtling towards the town’s Inn, which was the Author’s Hiring Agency HQ. Thankfully, another wind, stronger this time picked her up sending her hurtling to the right and increased her altitude, which unfortunately meant she was heading for an unfortunate crash with the bell tower.

“Put me down. Put me down.” Elizabeth screamed to no one in particular.

To her surprise a small voice that sounded suspiciously like a ten-year-old girl said, “Okay.”

Suddenly, the wind stopped, and Elizabeth ground to a screeching holt before the bell tower and hung for a moment mid-air 100 feet from solid ground.

In taking a breath quickly, Elizabeth clawed at the now empty air and screamed, “Pick me back up, or so help me!” Just as she began to drop rather quickly towards the ground that suddenly didn’t seem so welcoming any more.

“Say please,” the voice came again as the wind rushed along her right check.

“Please!” Elizabeth screamed desperately as 100 feet became 80, 80 became 60, and 60 was fast becoming 40.

“Alright that’s all I ask for. Politeness. Although I can’t blame people for not being nice for people, they can’t regularly see. It makes it sort of hard you know.”

“Help. Please!” Came Elizabeth’s louder and more desperate cry, as 40 feet became 20 while the bodiless voice continued to talk.

“Oh!” came the voice as the wind rushed to grab her again picking Elizabeth up as she hovered to the local’s amusement 15 feet from solid ground.

Scooping Elizabeth up, the wind soared above the buildings safely alleviating Elizabeth’s fears about crashing into nearby buildings.

Desperate to regain her composure and some indication that this was not a dream despite the fact she had already pinched herself twice and already knew that pinching hurt, Elizabeth crossed her arms and tucked the skirt of the green dress she wore in between her legs for modesty’s sake. Then looking around, Elizabeth watched in amazement as the wind bore her northeast towards a dot of green in the far off landscape. “Who and what are you?” Elizabeth demanded as she looked around for the source of the voice.

“I am a wind, silly. My name’s Zephititta by the way. I am the northeast wind’s little sister, available during spring and early summer in this district. I happened be traveling this way when a nice wind mare asked me if I would mind picking up a girl going to the Quester’s Forest. The wind mare had been asked by Ranil, but her stallion’s is changing course for the storm blowing over the Troll Den’s area so she could not do like she had promised. So I picked you up instead.”

“Oh,” Elizabeth said rather confused about how a mere wind could lift a person and what exactly a wind mare was. “I see. How did you know that I was going to Quester’s Forest?”

“I was just told to pick up Elizabeth Forester, 112 Main Street Nowhere, Quester’s District, and Children’s Fairy Tale Book.” Suddenly the wind stopped mid breeze and questioned worriedly, “You are Elizabeth, right?”

“Yes,” Elizabeth assured hurriedly reluctant to experience another sudden drop.

“Oh good, then, we don’t have any problems. Now, I hope you brought lunch. I am in no rush today, and have several eagles to greet on the updraft so we won’t get to Quester’s Forest before dinner.”

“I brought lunch.” Elizabeth assured leaning backwards in the breeze. ‘You know,’ she ‘this flying 100 feet in the air stuff isn’t so bad once you get used to the height and the cold.’ On further thought, Elizabeth added, “You do want any do you? I didn’t bring enough for two.”

“Oh, no,” the Zephitta assured, “I don’t eat human food. In fact, we winds don’t eat at all. We just bath in the sun to gain energy. Sort of like plants,” the wind giggled, “But tell my brother I said that, he absolutely hates plants, although I have no clue why.”

Settling in, Elizabeth made her herself comfortable. She didn’t want to be dropped again, so she supposed she had better get used to this flying thing.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, just outside a little town called nowhere, a young hero rode aboard a magnificent roan that struggled in contrast of the young mans humble clothes which consisted of a pair of dark brown breeches and an overly large grey tunic which seemed to be held on his body by a mere cord of leather which contained a heavily sheathed and apparently rusted sword.

Although his humble appearance didn’t show it this man was the youngest of the twin princes, Ethan. Dismounting with a sigh, Ethan took the reins of the horse and began to lead his horse through a little copse of trees that stood in his ways as he reflected over the past days journey.

Ethan vividly the moment that his brother, John, had declared all too eagerly that he would follow the feather that flew to the west and thus leaving Ethan the east. John knew something, Ethan just knew it.

“John probably knew where this girl was a didn’t bother to tell me anything.” Ethan muttered to his steed. “Just like him, too.”

After a days worth of journey through an almost deserted road known for some reason as Hero’s Path with only rations to eat, Ethan was beginning to wonder if a princess was really worth wandering through the desert. I mean he remembered Josie as a little girl. She was a vain little thing far to pretty for her own good, if you considered a frail figure no curves and a heavily angled face complete with blond hair and blue eyes pretty.

Chuckling below a low lying branch, Ethan could imagine Josie now, just crying for the lack of the mirror. As far as Ethan was concerned, John could have Josie. But still, he had gone this quest because he would never dare disappointing his father. So useless this quest was, he might as well continue on this quest and get there first, if only for the satisfaction of rubbing it in John’s smug. After all, he could always give his future queen her own quarters after she had provided him with a heir or two.

Unfortunately for the crowned prince Ethan while ducking a low branch and thinking wishfully he missed a high root, and he tripped. Falling with an umph into a pile of leaves, he lifted his face and spit out the leaf in his mouth. Behind him, Ethan heard a neigh of his horse that sudden suspiciously like a chuckle.

“Quiet, Sir. Or I’ll forget to give you your oats tonight.” Ethan said in between spitting out bits of leaves and then smiled as he heard the sudden laughing of his horse come to a sudden stop. “I thought as much that’s loyalty for you,” Ethan declared looking backwards at the roan was trying his best to look sorrowful, “All right, all right, I forgive you,” Ethan laughed.

Straightening his arms, Ethan raised his self back on to his knees when something soft met his touch. “What’s this?” Ethan inquired to no one in particular.

Raising the object up, Ethan observed a slender black glove. “A Lady’s Glove, in the woods now how did that get here. A young lady must have lost it, and what do we have here,” Ethan’s said as her fingers expected the insides of the glove for any indication of its owner when he observed a piece of parchment tucked with the glove. A piece of old permanently stained slightly yellow crinkled at his touch, and opening the piece, Ethan read aloud, “If you this you read, this item you must return, for you are not aware that you do not own this treasure, but return this possession in which this careful piece of paper was found. This paper will help ensure the rightful owner is found, for the paper is enchanted with an ancient charm so that who promises to return this heirloom of mine will surely find me in the nick of time. Sincerely, the owner.”

As Ethan read slight power began to ripple around him, twirling and tugging invisibly as the tendrils of the spell which had been cast on the piece of paper tried to serve its purpose, which was to guarantee that an certain item stayed in the possession of its owner. All it needed was an oath, and this prince was hooked.

“I swear that I will find the lady whose owns this glove,” Ethan declared loudly as he looked at the glove with some admiration. ‘A glove for a heirloom, what a novel thought,’ Ethan thought privately, and then continued aloud, “surely the owner must be a lady of noble birth or perhaps a princess captured unaware by thieves to have so thoughtless left behind a single glove instead of tying the pair together. Yes, I will find her.”

~ ~ ~

Inside the authors office, a meeting was taking place between the more elite fairy-tale authors after carefully making sure to tell Dinranwen perhaps their newest member that the meeting was going to be a very loud, drunken, noisy party. Twirling their drinks, the authors praised each other on fooling young Din while they snack out little bit size morsels of crab and crackers while watching the story of The Twin Princes and the Quest.

Just moments before the scene that took place above the authors had been chatting politely to each other with the volume muted on the story, when all of the sudden a red light above the big screen live Story Display started to flash and a loud alarm went off.

One of the grim brothers so disturbed by what he thought was a fire drill accidentally dropped a drink on of the female authors white blouse causing the gentlemen to temporarily ignore the screen to rate this unexpected white t-shirt contest while the ladies tittered disapprovingly at the poor unfortunate blouse that was probably stained beyond repair.

So distracted were they that no one noticed the prince pick up a piece of paper, nor (with the volume off) did they hear the unexpected oath that followed the discovery.

In fact they would have missed the prince entirely if it had not been for one thing.

Well, one shadowed, cloaked, a hooded woman that is.

Rushing in to the room via a shadow, Din jolted into the meeting room and starred for a moment disapprovingly at the lying authors group. “Party eh? Must be really important if you just missed a red alert!”

Twirling Din picked up a remote and hit the rewind button, and then stopping it at the appropriate place before turning the volume way up on the screen.

Hitting play, Din angrily tapped her fingers on her cloak as she watched the authors turn their reluctant attention towards the screen and watched their mouths fall open as the scene played over and over again to their shock.

Grabbing the remote from Mr. Christians who had grabbed it from her hands to make sure what he was seeing was true, Din put the screen back in live mode, where it paused with the prince sitting grandly in a theatrical posse just moments before riding of to return the item to whom the prince mistakenly call his ‘beloved’ although having never met her.

Slamming the remote down, Din turned towards the authors and crossed her arms, “Well?”

As one, each author turned and glared at her in return as the elder Grimm brother turned reluctantly away from sight of a lady’s white blouse to glare at Din, cleared his throat and growled threaten, “Dinranwen, you have gone too far!”

“Yah!” The others chorused furiously.

“Me?!?” Din said stepping backwards in shock. “You think I did this? I assure you gentlemen, this is not my doing. I will admit I have made a few shall we say, mistakes in the past, but not even I would purposefully derail a story so that it no longer resembled the original tale.”

“And you expect us to believe that?” The wet bloused female purred, “Sorry Dinranwen, but some of your so called mistakes have been to purposefully planned for that.”

“I told you,” came the squeaky voice of the younger Grimm Brother, “I told you new blood couldn’t be trusted, specially not one from the City of If. Everyone knows how those authors are,” accusingly.

“Ladies, gentlemen, please, we’re talking a full scale disaster here? Do you have an any idea what just happened? We’re talking the potential end of the Whole World of Fairy Book here. You know the rules to the Game,” Din tried to say calm as she began to take very deep breaths before quoting, “No story, henceforth, and ever more, no story play held in Fairy Book shall ever go contrary to the story which has already been written. If an author wishes to rewrite a story, it must be written in full with no detail left unattended before it can be played. If a story derails, and fails to follow at least one visible already recorded story-path, the world of Fairy Book shall end and all volumes containing fairy tales, be they classics, new, or reinvented ones, shall burn to dust, and all authors shall immediately decease from earth.”

Pausing, Din panted and looked calmly at the council, “Now would I purposefully do anything to a story that would evolve the end of this world?”

The council looked at each other for a moment in thought and then said in chorus, “Yes!”

“Dinranwen,” Mr. Christians’ intoned, “As head of the board, I’m afraid I must inform you that you must take down your authors sign and leave the Fairy Tale Authors league immediately. Henceforth, your name shall never be utter save with the deepest contempt.”

Dinranwen’s mouth hung open as she thought in shock, ‘They actually think that…Why! Those fools’.

Snapping her mouth shut, Din crossed her arms and back up into the corner which she used to enter the room.

“Fine, if that’s how you want it to be. Deal with this yourselves!” Din thundered as she disappeared from the meeting room.

“Now,” the elder Grimm muttered as he looked at the screen, “We have exactly 15 hours till this thing goes live again, and in that time, we have to figure a way to get this trail back on track. Or else.”

“For the moment,” Mr. Christiansen continued where had left off, “May I suggest we send someone to deal with this minor crises and our little prince while the rest of us come up with a plan?”

Nodding, the council sat down and put there heads together…causing a rather loud clunk and several exclamations of pain not too surprisingly. When the authors of Fairy put their heads together, they really put their heads together.

“Come on people, think less literary, and lets plan already,” came the whine of the younger Grimm.

“Yes,” the others intoned seriously as if they were genius about to utter something very important, “What we need is a plan.”

((Dp time: *smiles evilly* Hope you enjoyed this little development everyone.

Specific DP asked for this chapter: Who does the author board send? It can be anyone aside from Din (me *waves hands with a smile*) since she (I) have been temporarily banned from the board.

Other questions:

What should the author’s board do to prevent this disaster caused by Prince Ethan discovering a glove with a mysteriously enchanted piece of paper inside?

**Bonus points if you can guess who the glove belongs to, and where the piece of paper really belongs.**

What should Din do, if anything, now that she is banned?

And lastly, who do you think is planning the total destruction of the world of Fairy book?

*laughs* I did promise a not so typical fairy tale didn’t I? *laughs again* This should be fun….))
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the paper belongs inside Elizabeths book.. it came unstuck when the wind swept her up..

the board should send out a message requesting help ... and they should get a Pied Piper of Hamlin type character..

The glove belongs to a wicked witch who ensnares ethan into loving her (re the snow queen) but as he read the note which was insde the glove (how did it get there> a mouse pulled it in there as it was making a nest - how do i know?!?!) his TRUE love is Elizabeth and when they eventually meet somehow she breaks the spell put over him by the witch..

Din storms off and seeks out Elizabeth for some bizarre unknown reason..

and the person plotting the end of the world? um Lordy did it evil boy that he is
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeNe...Some of your guess are correct, but some are not.

For futher Chapter 1 very, very, very carefully.

I will give you your props though, the paper does belong to Elizabeth.

Anyother suggestions before I put up a poll?

My own ideas include:

The Personfication of Poetry


One of the Authors (Pick one anyone)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ooohh does the author have to be a Ifian or is it any author??

IFian i vote um... Zephyr

Real World author - some twisted, tortured tormented soul or soemoen really left of centre like Terry Pratchett
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It can be any author...who writes Fairy Tales that is.

But I'll put your suggestions in a poll though despite the fact that I have no clue how Terry Prachett (Glad to see another Prachett Fan around If) or Zephyr would react to the current situation.

Behold the Cookie Tray of Voting...You only get a cookie if you vote.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Din wrote:
And lastly, who do you think is planning the total destruction of the world of Fairy book?

Um, you.

My proof:

Din wrote:
Pausing, Din panted and looked calmly at the council, “Now would I purposefully do anything to a story that would evolve the end of this world?”

Way too innocent sounding.

Wink SRY it took me so long to catch up!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But I am innocent! Honest. See no thunder.

Seriously, its not. Why would I after all? That would mean the end of the world...and while I might plan a quite stranglling or two if provoked, I could never plan the end of the world.

Believe me or not...
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well...what do you know...a Tie. I'll let this run for a few more days....and then come back to check to see if the tie has been broken.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Beware what you ask for....
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a plot idea that is completely random!

A rival author from Scitech Stories (Yours Truly) attempts to convince our DID to join his company, along with a contigent of Bordakh (Bioncle fan I am), Borg, and one Kzin. However, the story starts up again, and they all hide, except for one of the Bordakh who manages to pose as a statue of some evil animal...

Great story by the by!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


MW if you want me to use your suggestion, please explain your logic! And please...slowly.

Anywho, Zephyr himself sort of gave me an idea, although I'm not sure he himself realizes it, and I hope y'all like the results.

*rummages around in closet* Now where did I put that program.....?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*waits with bated breath*
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Assume helmet of Daktaklakpak*

Assertion one: IFian character already used.

Assertion two: IFian characters always follow IFian characters.

Conclusion: Other IFians will follow.

Assertion one: See above conclusion.

Assertion two: All companies have rivals.

Assertion two sub A: All companies in this storygame are based off book generes.

Assertion three: Automatic rival of Fantasy is Sci-Fi.

Conclusion A: Scitech stories will rival Fairytale Books.

Conclusion B: IFian will work for Scitech stories.

*Takes off helmet* In short, I am trying to get on the bandwagon before it starts moving.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, Okay, so for once, you make sense MW. Thanks for breaking it down to my level of limited understanding.

While I definatly I can't use this idea for the next chapter, I will see what I can do for perhaps a future reference. Although what exactly a Scifi apperance would to do to the already delicate balance of the world, I have no Clue!

In other words, Great suggestion but I'm not sure a writer of my limited talents with the current twisted plans I have in mind for this lovely little thread could work those suggestions in.....

But we will see....
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

maybe some weird scientist character is trying to take over the world and by introducing sci-fi to fairytale then he will merge the two worlds into one. scratch scientest and read sci-fi scary overlord dude.

then maybe a cool 'hero' from sci=fi could slip between the two worlds and help save the day (while at the same time seducing our poor unsuspecting heroine who in turn needs to be saved...)

MW has opened up a whole world of opportunity/plot twists/character cross overs to this story...... Shocked
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Who does the author board send to deal with the 'emergency'?
They advertise and get a Piped Piper Character
 20%  [ 1 ]
They send Lady Poetry...who being a lady may be able to convince our hero agains his oath
 20%  [ 1 ]
They send an author...Terry Prachett.
 0%  [ 0 ]
They send their most prized exectutive...Hans Christian Andersen
 20%  [ 1 ]
They send an Ifian author...Zephr.
 40%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 5
Who Voted: Chinaren, Lilith, LordoftheNight, Mephistopheles, NeverNeverGirl

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