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Wrath chapter 5 - Knives.

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Hallowed IFian

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69488 Fables

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Warning! This SGame contains unsuitable material! Adult scenes! Perversion! Bad language! Violence! Torture! Disgusting stuff!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you are young, unlawful, lack a humorous disposition, or are otherwise unsuitable, then don’t read this SGame! If you can’t read this warning, send a PM to Chinaren detailing why you can’t read, and he will send you an abusive response.

Chapter 5 – Knives. .

Harley put the small crystal ball down on the bedside table. “Okay, so the old bags know. I wish they’d get with the times and use a cellphone though. I hate carrying this thing about.”

“There, there dear,” Lily leaned across and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Her hand slipped down towards Harley’s chest.

“What are your plans now mistress?” Her actions were interrupted by Fats, who was sitting next to the window licking his arm.

Lily scowled and drew back. “I think I should go after the sword,” she said. “Do you know where it is?”

Fats nodded in way of reply.


“What about me?” asked Harley.

Lily considered for a moment, picking up Messy and stroking him whilst she thought. The phallus wiggled its little legs in pleasure. “I think we should split up,” Lily said eventually. “Fats can go with you and try and find another item on the list. I saw three of them. If we can’t get the sword, then we’ll at least have something else.”

“Okay,” Harley shrugged.

“In the meantime…” Lily brought up Mephistopheles. “We can have a little fun.”


Lord of the Night stretched and stood up. He glanced at his watch. Five pm. Time to meet the twins.

He put on his coat, nodded at the frog-like librarian, and strode out of the hall. He had spent most of the day there, researching possible locations for the other artifacts, with limited success. Fortunately, most of them were magical in nature, and such things tended to gravitate to Big City or the immediate environs over time. Partly because magic attracted magic, and partly because of the large numbers of practitioners, evil and otherwise, that resided in the area. Unfortunately, because they were protected by other users of magic, many were cloaked or hidden in some fashion.

He walked out of the building and down the steps into the early evening. The daylight was beginning to fade already, and the city looked grayer than usual. Cars jammed the road as the humans started their daily migration back home from whatever dull job they occupied their lives with. Still more mortals were on the sidewalk, walking through the world, blindly ignorant of what was under their noses.

Lord of the Night smiled to himself. They wouldn’t be ignorant if he succeeded in his quest. Multitude would reap their souls, and souls were power. It was time for evil to ascend.

He walked along, mingling with the herd, until he arrived at an entrance to a small walkway between two tall buildings. Glancing about briefly, he slipped down it. Dodging garbage cans and various items of refuse, he made his way to the brick wall that apparently blocked of the rear of the alley. With a final glance around, he muttered a Word under his breath, and then stepped through.

The other side was almost identical, though the garbage possibly smelled a little stranger. He walked along again, and out onto a cobbled lane lined with shops. There were no cars here, just people. These people were a little more diverse than on the other side of the wall. He saw a group of gnomes waddle past, whilst on the other side of the street dark beings with no visible legs floated along, shrouded in black cloaks.

Lord of the Night ignored them all. Pulling his hat down slightly, he turned right and walked along the road a way. The shops here were also slightly different. Some were normal enough, but others held wares of a more supernatural nature. Potions, flying carpets, spells and other paraphernalia occupied the store fronts.

Eventually he arrived at a more normal looking establishment. The ‘Cold Wind’ was, despite its name, a cozy up-market café. He entered and looking around the dimly lit interior, removing his headgear.


Lord of the Night rolled his eyes and strolled forward, to stand next to table. “Mother, what are you doing here?”

Dinranwen beamed up at him, the lower portion of her face coated with chocolate cake. “Just having a snack with some of my group my dear,” she said, indicating her companions.

Her group, as she called them, were, in Lord of the Night’s opinion, a bunch of meddling old hags who went around making nuisances of themselves. Only three were present today. One apparently was a witch straight out of the storybooks, tall black hat and all. The other two seemed to be normal old ladies. One was asleep with some knitting resting on her lap.

He nodded politely at the ones still awake. “Ladies,” he said. They mumbled something back.

“Are you here to further the cause of evil?” asked Dinranwen, stuffing another slice of cake into her mouth.

“Mother! Shhhh. I’m simply having a business meeting.” He glanced around, but the restaurant wasn’t busy, and no one seemed to have heard.

His mother nodded, and tapped the side of her nose, smearing cream over it. “I ndrstnd,” she mumbled around her cake.

“You enjoy yourself here,” said Lord. He nodded again at his mothers’ companions, and then moved off further into the establishment, finally seating himself at a table near the back, where he perused the drinks menu.

He was just sipping at his latte when the door opened to admit the dark haired figure of Never. She was wearing a long black raincoat. Glanced around, she walked through the café until she spotted him, whereupon she came over and sat down at his table.

“Hey big guy. What’s up?” she flashed a white toothed grin at him.

“What news do you have?” asked Lord of the Night, ignoring her greeting.

“I’m great too,” she replied, picking up the menu. “What’s good here then?”

Mr. Night sighed, placing his cup on the table carefully. “Hello Never and, presumably, your murderous other half. I would recommend an Irish coffee. They do a good one here.”

“A bit of Irish it is then,” Never replied cheerfully. She signaled the waitress and made her order. That done, she leaned back in the comfortable sofa.

Mr. Night raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Oh, okay then. It’s all work work work with you,” she grumbled. “You didn’t used to be so obsessive. Remember that time in the back of that car? We’d just hacked apart that couple, their remains were still steaming… Boy, you were hot that night. Good times, good times.” She smiled in remembrance, then looked across the table at her companion’s unmoving face and scowled. “Oh very well. We contacted our friend. He was a little reluctant at first, but Solus persuaded him. He’ll do the job tonight.”

“So soon?”

“Apparently the sword is in the old museum. It’s not so hot, security-wise. He said it should be an easy mark.”

“It had better be,” Lord of the Night said, taking another drink of his coffee.

A figure stepped up to the table and put down a cup.

“Thank-you,” said Never, glancing up at the server. “What the…?”

There were two small, quiet sounds, and Lord of the Night felt two impacts in his chest.

“Gun!” shouted Never, needlessly. She was suddenly blond.

The thin dark shape of the assassin swung the weapon round, but Solus moved faster, knocking the gun out of her hand with a swift chop to the wrist.

The server, who was an attractive woman with long white hair tied back in a bun, leapt backwards, blocking a kick as Solus bounced onto the table.

“No one attacks my sister bitch!” she hissed.

The assassin said nothing, but producing a wicked looking knife from somewhere.

Solus did a forward flip off the table and lashing out at the woman with one foot, but the assassin dodged the blow, cutting at Solus with the blade, and scoring a line down her calf.

“Come get some then,” she said, backing away slightly and beckoning with her spare hand.

“I’ll stick that up your pussy you tart!” retorted Solus, furious at being hit. She produced her own dagger from a hidden pocket and advanced.

The two women circled each other warily for a moment, and then the assassin lunged. Solus stepped to one side and slashed out in turn, cutting the attacker slightly on the arm.

The assassin scowled, and there was another flurry of knife work, which led to several more cuts on both sides.

“What’s going on here?” a voice cut through the action. “Oh! My boy! You hurt my boy! I’ll tear your gizzards out and feed them to you, you cow!” A plate hurtled through the air, shedding chocolate sponge as it went.

The assassin dived out of the way, and the crockery smashed against the table, showering the figure of Lord of the Night with broken china.

Dinranwen bore down upon the assassin, looking like a battleship on full stream ahead. The black clad figured took one look at her, and leapt away. Running nimbly though into the ladies’ room. Solus ran after her.

Lord of the Night groaned and clutched at his chest as his mother huffed up. “My little boy!” she cried. “Are you all right? Where does it hurt? Tell mummykins!” She felt at his suit, smearing cake everywhere.

“I’m fine!” said Lord, trying to fend her off ministrations. “I’m wearing my vest.” He pulled his shirt open, to reveal a dark material under it. Two slugs were flattered against it.

“Oh my dear!” Dinranwen engulfed him in a bear hug, nearly finishing off what the assassin started.

Solus came back and pulled her off, rescuing Lord of the Night from suffocation.

“She got away,” Solus said, once the mess had been cleared up and Dinranwen pacified and escorted back to her group. “Had an escape route all planned. I don’t know who she was, but she was good.”

“Someone’s out to stop us. We’re going to have to speed up the plan.” Lord of the Night took a small sip of his latte and swore. It was cold.


“Sonofabitch!” Rai hurled the wig into one corner and slumped into a chair to examine her wounds.

There was a brief glow from behind her, and she whirled about to see the strange figure who had given her the assignment.

“Oh it’s you,” she said, and turned back to her desk, reaching for a first-aid kit. “The jobs done.”

“I’m afraid not,” said Crossfire, gliding across the floor. “The target survived.”

“I hit him twice at point blank range,” said Rai, wincing as she dabbed at a cut with some antiseptic cream.

“He was wearing a protective vest,” replied Crossfire. “The target lives.”

“Fuck,” said Rai. She reached for a cigarette and lit it one handedly, taking a deep drag. “So I’ll go again then.”

“No. I have a better idea, one more likely to succeed.”

“Are you saying I can’t take this motherfucker out?” Rai snarled.

“Of course not,” Crossfire said soothingly. “But I am in possession of new information.” The figure floated slightly higher in the air, dodging the smoke from Rai’s cigarette. “How long is it since you visited the museum?” he asked.


Chinaren frowned. “Is that gray thing one of yours?” he asked.

Idea Master shrugged. “I don’t think so. I don’t know where he came from. He’s not even on the board properly.” He pointed at a smudgy shadow.

“Ah well, never mind,” Chinaren said, catching a passing cloud and sitting on it. “My go then.”

“You could just give up now,” said IM. “You know you’re going to lose.”

“No way,” said the orange god. “I’m going to finish off your stupid little humans and bring back my dinosaurs. Bigger and better this time too.”

“You wish,” IM said. “Come on, what are you going to do?”

Chinaren made a face and leaned forward to study the board. “Well, for a start, I’m not going to let you get hold of that sword-thing.”

“Try and stop me,” IM replied smugly.

“Time to play a joker card I think.” Chinaren smiled and snapped his fingers.

“Hey! That’s my card!” complained the other god.

“Too late,” retorted Chinaren. “Look.”


Motherfucker!” exclaimed Lily, taking an involuntary step backwards. “I mean, er… No, that just about covers it I think.”

The man in front of her was big. Really big. He towered above the witch, standing nearly twice as tall as her. His frame matched his height, making him suitably giant. Arms hung to his sides, bulging with muscles like sacks full of oranges, and covered with barely visible tattoos. His legs were like tree trunks, each one about as wide as the witch was. His face was practically obscured by a massive thatch of a beard, and black curly hair exploded over his scalp, making it look like someone had just detonated a nuclear device on his head. The hair didn’t stop there though. All over his visible body it coated him like fur, creating a bear-like appearance.

Despite all of this, the hair and size wasn’t what had shocked Lily. It was his attire. Such a man should, by all rights, have been walking around in a checked shirt and jeans, probably carrying an axe over his shoulder. Not the case. Stretched over his massive chest was a… well, ‘skimpy’ doesn’t seem to work here. Let’s say ‘distressed’ pink top. The figure hugging garment reached down to his navel, and was embroidered with the words: ‘Sweetie Pie’ in glittering purple sequins.

Further down, for the eyes were almost dragged downwards, kicking and screaming all the way, was a sparkling belly ring, almost hidden within the forest of hair. Below that the giant wore the world’s largest mini skirt, also pink. The material did nothing to conceal the bulge in the front, which Lily lingered over slightly, before stopping abruptly at the legs, as if scared to go any further. The visible portion of the legs were covered, you could just about make out, with fishnet stockings stretched to breaking point, and looking a little bit like netting laid in deep grass.

Then came the knee high red boots. These had high stiletto heels, which were slowly sinking in to the floor under the pressure.

A small white bag was looped over his shoulder, to complete the ensemble.

“Who the fuck are you?” asked Lily.

“I’m Zephyr,” the rumbling bass voiced reply came. He leaned forward a little and held out a gigantic hand, fingers laden with rings inset with red, pink and purple stones. “Nice to meet you.”

Now that he was leaning over a little more, Lily could see that his eyes were made up with deep black eyeliner, and the small amount of visible skin on the face was powdered with glitter.

“Er, yes,” she said, shaking the hand uncertainly. His grip was really quite gentle.

“I’ve been sent by COW, to help you.”

“Oh great,” said Lily. “Because you really blend in well don’t you? Practically unnoticeable I’d say.” She sighed and stepped aside, allowing the man into her room. “Come on then, I’m just getting ready.”

Zephyr ducked under the doorway and looked round the hotel room whilst Lily finished packing her equipment.

Harley and Fats had already left. Lily had cast a glamour on the cat, to change his appearance to something a little more human. Now she was getting ready to go to the museum.

She swung her pack over her shoulder and looked in the mirror. Her outfit was slinky and black, the better to blend into the shadows. Zephyr was something else again though. She shook her head. “I’ll just have to wing it,” she said to herself. Then louder. “Come on you, we’re going to steal a sword.”

The two left the room.


The Museum of Old Things, as it was imaginatively called, was old itself. Big City had been built with magic and mayhem in mind. Evil considered profit and business a priority over the arts, and so cultural buildings were not, generally, high on the list.

Hence the museum was housed in a less than salubrious part of town, and constantly struggled to stay open. As a result, the displays were usually not of the highest quality. Rather mangy stuffed animals stared blankly out of glass eyes, and most of the valuable Egyptian artifacts had been sold to pay the bills.

It was fairly easy then, for Lily and her enormous new companion to find an empty niche to hide in whilst the museum closed its doors. Several rather old guards did a cursory check, but their hearts really weren’t in the job.

Time passed, and Lily poked her head out and looked about. “Come on, it’s all clear,” she hissed.

She tiptoed down the hall, whilst Zephyr tried not to make too much noise following her. “Where are we going?” he rumbled.

“I told you before,” scowled Lily. “The sword is in the middle room. I have a shadow spell ready. All you have to do is stay at the entrance and hold the door open. Once we are out, I’ll cast the spell on us both, and we just stroll on out in the chaos.


They crept forward to the entrance of the main chamber. The laser beams had been turned off due to budget cuts, and Lily easily circumvented the other alarms.

“There it is,” she whispered. “Get ready to hold the door open.”

The room was square, with only the sword in a glass case in the center. It glistened in the dim light that came in through the windows, a lethal looking weapon from days far gone.

As they looked on, a shadow moved near the ceiling.

“What the…” Lily gasped.

She watched as the dark shape climbed along until it was above the swords’ case, and then slid down, evidently on a rope. It paused for a moment, doing something with the glass. There was a slight scratching sound, followed by a ‘plink’, and then the thief reached in through the hole it had made and plucked the sword off its stand, leaving a stone in its place, no doubt to fool the pressure sensor.

It started to pull up, but then, for some inexplicable reason, it dropped the sword, which landed with a crash on the floor.

The thief swore loudly to itself. “Damn! Every time!” Lily heard him say.

The alarms went off.

“Crap!” The witch raced towards the sword, but collided with the clumsy thief, who was also trying to retrieve it.

A third figure appeared from nowhere. The thin form leapt forward, her white hair bobbing about in the dark. “Ah ha!” she said, grabbing the sword.

“Tres bien!” came a distinctly French voice. “Al la la! A beeeutiful warrior!” It said.

Before Lily could do anything, the new figure dived out of the nearest doorway, which started to descend behind her as sirens wailed.

“Bugger it! I swore I would do it right this time! Every time! Curse these hands of mine,” the original thief was moaning.

Lily looked towards him, then the doorway. She needed that sword, but the moaning thief might have more information. Of course, if they hung about too long, she wouldn’t be able to get away. Zephyr was holding the large door they had come through open, but he wouldn’t be able to hold it long. He was struggling even now.

“Shit,” she said.


Very well then, not super amusing this time, I struggled a little bit to fit everything in!

What does Lily do now? Run after the third thief with the sword? Grab the closer one? Something else? You decide!

Bids now due:

Random Bid: Fats, 100 Fables - I wanna see a Telepathic, intelligent, Flying Broadsword, with a dirty womanizing, personality, and a French accent. (You’ll see more of this one later).

Random Bid: IM, 350 Fables - for there to be a wonderfully brilliant thief...except when it comes to stealing things. He can sneak, he can hide, but his hands are so shaky when it comes time to steal things it's a miracle they're still attached to his arms!

Wonderful Random bid NeNe, 200F - Zephyr - aka Beryl - a santa claus bearded biker with a dolphin tatto and belly button peircing who wears female streetworker cloths and a pair of spiked dominatrix boots... A crossdressing bear if you will.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very good, I enjoyed reading it!

For the DP - Grab the closer thief. Safety in numbers, and all that. He is obviously inept, so should fit in with the team just fine! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

very amusing description of Zephyr, china. laughed my way through that, i did! found something wrong, but forgot what it was. oh well, couldn't have been too awfully important! as for what she does? i say, get the sword. butterfingers probably only knows that he was supposed to get a sword. clever chappy china!
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
I don't know, it's just the way I am.


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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mephistopheles wrote:
found something wrong, but forgot what it was. oh well, couldn't have been too awfully important!

I found a few typos myself here and there. I was in a bit of a rush putting it up. I'll fix them later.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interrogate... Butty butter fingers.

What else could they do? Fight? Worthless, and what would they fight? A couple of guards? Run? They MUST get the sword or at least more information.

And a great chapter by the way.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interrogate. But butterfingers refuses and upon seeing Zephyr, he fesses up.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 Messy. The thief isn't likely to have much useful information, since Lily already knows who probably sent him. Get the sword!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fables are being sent to the OFian bank account number you provided me with, China...

And I love the way you did the thief. Anyways.

I say go for both. The giant grabs up the thief (thieves, if he can manage it) and Lily gets the sword. Then, when the interrogations are finished, Zeph bashes a way out, most likely through a wall or two. And bring the more trustworthy thief with you. Namely mine. You have other things to steal, you know.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

read it loved it.

am having a grumpy moment (read it yesterday) and my brain is too annoyed to think.

so glad that though zeph put in a nullify bid that i got mine anyways lol

grab the sword and hightail it out of there. the theif may well follow (the clumsy one) if he knows whats good for him.
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent chappy! As for the Dp, I think that Lily snatches up the sword and uses it to duel with the flying broadsword, while Zephyr just swings his handbag around. During the duel, of course, the mysterious powers of the sword are unleased.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fabulously described, Ren. I liked the suspense of the assassination, where it seemed a character was going to get killed (I was worried for Lordy!). And Zephyr is outrageous (I liked the "kicking and screaming" part and just the description altogether).

I would bet on security being laxxed enough to give us time. I think the sword is the priority, anything more is bonus, but don't go out of the way for it. If they can't get the sword, if they can at least tail them a while perhaps they won't be entirely empty handed. Or perhaps Lily already knows where they are headed? Knowing the headquarters doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

If they can't get the sword right away, try to beat them to their destination (if known).

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whitey, I'm fairly sure there's only the one sword, and the white haired woman is currently holding it, and rapidly fleeing the scene.

I'd say grab the incompetent thief, as even Lily should be able to manage that, and worry about the sword later. Even if she could catch the woman up, the woman's carrying a sword of ancient and unknown power (except that it talks). For all we know, chasing her could well result it Lily getting penetrated, and not in the nice way.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lordofthenight wrote:
I'd say grab the incompetent thief, as even Lily should be able to manage that, and worry about the sword later.

You're just saying that because you want Evil to win. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Key wrote:
You're just saying that because you want Evil to win. Wink

Yay! Go Evil!
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL! I love the comments in this story!

And don't forget: Wrath needs your vote in SGotM! Some tale with rabbits, of all things, is beating it at the moment. Shocked Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Key wrote:
lordofthenight wrote:
I'd say grab the incompetent thief, as even Lily should be able to manage that, and worry about the sword later.

You're just saying that because you want Evil to win. Wink

Hey, (while that may be true - and I'll not be having you foil me again Mr. Pot) I don't even know who the white hair woman is working for. That could be Rai for all I know, while NeNe set about hiring Mr. I Can't Steal to Save my Life.

It could all be part of some nefarious deviant scheme, planned to throw the witch off guard, while I make off with all the other items I need.

Or something.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh Lordy, do you think i am incompetent? This veneer of sex is a front for a mind like a whip and a compulsion to fu... *ahem*

If i hired the bumbling idiot im sure its only to act as a front for the real theif to slip in during the ruckus and take the sword. Surely Solus could do it - she is a killing machine.

and i didnt get my bit o' irish either Sad

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So am I the lucky bitch with the sword? Hopefully.

Anywho I'd say you leave butterfingers for the cops and make like an egg and beat it.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lordofthenight wrote:
Whitey, I'm fairly sure there's only the one sword, and the white haired woman is currently holding it, and rapidly fleeing the scene.

Almighhty Author wrote:
Random Bid: Fats, 100 Fables - I wanna see a Telepathic, intelligent, Flying Broadsword, with a dirty womanizing, personality, and a French accent. (You’ll see more of this one later).

So what, that doesn't count as a sword?

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No Whitey...I'm fairly sure that is the sword. The only sword. That the ancient relic they're looking for also happens to be a telepathic, intellegant, flying broadsword.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great story China! Ive caught up and say go after the sword!
Just browsing, thank-you.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zephyr wrote:

Neil Hartley Books.
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And you tell us off for useless posts...

Tea Cures All.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The White Blacksmith wrote:
And you tell us off for useless posts...

Ah, but a: This is my SGame. b: I didn't gain any fables from it and c: Zephyr/I don't do this all the time.

Now stop! Off Topic

Any more suggestions? Poll will go up shortly.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up. Copulate with the floozy of voting.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ha! Inspiration has struck, and a way of combining about 5 bids into one, lovely scene. Laughing

I'll leave the bidding open, but there seems to be a clear favorite here, so work's gonna start on the next chapter. Hopefully it will persuade a couple more people to bid on Wrath for SGotM! Wink

Watch this space!
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