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Chapter 4

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Venerable IFian

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10229 Fables

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The story so far: Robbie is a boy with an overactive imagination. He can talk to the ghost of his dead brother, but his parents are distressed when he reveals this fact to them. His brother's ghost, in order to console Robbie, offers to transport him to a different world where people will appreciate his imagination. Robbie wakes up in a different world, sure enough, but it isn't as wonderful as he expected. There is only barren terrain and faraway industrial towns. Then he notices a large figure approaching, which turns out to be a man he befriends, and who, in place of his name 'Citizen 103', he calls Jack. Robbie and Jack descend towards one of the towns, where they encounter a guard. Fortunately, they distract him and evade him, and then decide to visit Jack's farm. On the journey there, Jack divulges his admiration for his grandfather, who appears to have been a man of some importance. Jack's farm turns out to be a small shack with a tiny plotland. Once Jack gets some papers there, which he uses to prove to a factory boss that he has completed his work for that day, they drive back to town in an old motorcycle. When they approach the factory, they are again confronted by someone, except this time, the woman who confronts them, Citizen 2, seems to be someone powerful. She orders Jack away into the factory and commands Robbie to follow her into a certain room, where Robbie meets Citizen 1, otherwise known as Bill. Bill demonstrates to Robbie that he can create a bird simply by visualizing it, which he does. Robbie is wonder-struck by this strange power and demands to know more, and Bill offers his assistance...

Chapter 4

"I've been wondering about the steeple, actually." admitted Robbie.

"Good choice, Robbie. You're a smart kid." beamed Bill, and he cocked his trilby hat downwards, feigning mysteriousness, "Shall we?" with a lofty gesture, he directed his hand towards a window.

"Huh?" Robbie scratched his head.

"That's right, Robbie, use your imagination." winked Bill, and he coolly opened the window and stepped over the low sill, immediately disappearing from view. Robbie gasped, rushing over to the window. Bill was hovering in mid-air, comically flapping his arms like a chicken.

"That's impossible!" cried Robbie. The blue jay flew from his hand into the air outside, and chirped merrily as it soared around in circles.

"Is it, Robbie?" Bill laughed, "Then how do you explain this?" He closed his eyes in concentration and waved his arms more emphatically. Long, raven-like feathers began sprouting from his arms and sleeves, engulfing his entire arm and shoulders, and within moments Bill's torso was covered in the black plumage. He re-opened his eyes and caught an updraft which carried him away from the window, dropping his trilby hat in the process. The hat floated downwards and Bill's long black hair flowed behind him freely as he glided back to where Robbie stood, jaws agape.

"I've got some tricks up my sleeve, as you can see, Robbie. Now it's your turn." challenged the raven-clad man.

"No way! I can't do that!" Robbie stepped away from the window, terrified by his own anticipation. The blue jay fluttered into the room and rested on the desk again, chirping encouragingly.

"Robbie," Bill's voice grew conciliatory as he flapped his enormous wings to stay in place "You must release all preconceived notions. Let your imagination run loose, and nothing will be impossible. Your powers will only exist as long as you believe in them. Now take flight."

Robbie hesitated; You can do this, he thought, then he held his breath and sprinted towards the window, clearing its sill like a hurdle before plunging into the light blue sky.

"Ahhhhhhh!" yelled Robbie at the top of his lungs, as he continued to plummet towards the ground. Fly, fly! he commanded himself, but his free-fall didn't halt. He flapped his arms in panic, and still his body, dropping headfirst with his legs flailing upside down, refused to float. I'm going to die, thought Robbie. He could clearly discern the individual stones of the cobbled road as he approached them in his fatal descent. In a few seconds, his head would smash into the stones and he would perish. If only I were a bird, considered Robbie, and he closed his eyes, waiting for the catastrophe.

The instant that this thought crossed Robbie's mind, he felt as though his body suddenly lost all of its weight. Instead of falling, he was now rising, his light body carried by the wind. Robbie opened his eyes and realized he was only a few feet above the cobbled street, but he was flying upwards and fleeing from certain death! An updraft carried him higher and he surfaced above the rooftops with his mighty red wings.

"AhhhYeaaahhh!" Robbie screamed in delight, and he admired his beautiful cardinal wings. His feathers had somehow burgeoned from his shirt sleeves and covered his shoulders, arms, and upper back. Robbie flapped his wings with vigor, immediately elevating his entire body, which was stretched out horizontally like a plane. Robbie glided over to where Bill waited for him, closely followed in loops by his new friend, the blue jay.

Bill took off and Robbie pursued. They soared in and out of the clouds like a swan swims in and out of water. They were Dedaelus and Icarus, escaping from the yokes of reality. The rooftops sped by in blurs, and the street was a river meandering between houses. But the journey didn't last long, and they soon alighted at the doors of the church after circling the steeple once. The wings began melting away, and the feathers dropped from Robbie's arm like ripe fruit; soon the feathers were carried away down the street by the wind.

"Wasn't that fun?" asked Bill as he knocked upon the doors of the church. Robbie nodded, gazing in wonder at his arms. The church was in an unkempt state, its corners and the bases of the outside walls were covered in moss and ivy. The door itself, peppered with moth holes, wasn't in the healthiest conditions either, and the windows were shielded by nailed boards. There were probably some leaks in the roof as well. Only its steeple remained untouched by weather and time, like an ever-shining beacon. On the whole, the church produced an effect of quiet respectfulness and diligent devotion.

Bill knocked again but received no answer. Shrugging, he fished out from his pocket a large key ring, embellished by a hundred different keys hanging from its sides.

"There's no door that I can't unlock, my friend." winked Bill, as he shuffled through the multitude of keys. Finally, finding the right key, he inserted it inside the church's rusty lock and the heavy door slowly creaked open. At first, the darkness inside was of such great intensity, that Robbie couldn't make anything out, even with the aid of the light filtering through the door.

"You see, Robbie," Bill explained, oblivious to Robbie's incapacity to distinguish anything, "This church is sacred to the townsfolk. They respect it because they are superstitious, and that's why few people ever come here. The church was built a long time ago, by some people who wished to control other people through religion. Thankfully, I put a stop to that." Bill paused as he walked into the center of the church, "Do you want to hear more, Robbie, or am I boring you?"

At that moment, Robbie's eyes became accustomed to the dark, and he was able to discern the physiognomy of the church. There was a tall nave supported by hefty beams and an elevated platform at the opposite end from where Robbie was standing, which at some point in time had functioned as an altar. But what most caught Robbie's attention, beyond all doubt, was the heaps of treasure lying scattered about in careless mounds. There were jeweled crowns, scepters, silk pillows, silver bracelets, marble statues, swords, ornamental-like muskets, shields, crests, faded embroidery, tapestries of battle scenes, helmets of all types, gold coins spilling from mahogany chests, rusty armor, bayonets and arrows, elaborate ladies' dresses, pearls, necklaces, gloves, and diamond tiaras.

"No, I'm not bored." Robbie answered, straining his eyes to explore the plethora of riches, yet afraid to touch anything.

"Good." Bill looked pleased by Robbie's interest, "You see Robbie, this is where I keep some of my treasures. They used to belong to the townsfolk, but I had to make them give it to me, because it was distracting them from their duties. Someday, when I feel that their job is done, I will return it to them. Until then, nobody will dare to ransack the town's only church, so their possessions are safe."

"What job?" asked Robbie as he examined a sharp sword with a ruby encrusted in its hilt.

"Their job in the factory, Robbie." Bill advanced nearer to Robbie. "They build things for me."

"Like what? And why do they do that?" Robbie turned his attention to a mechanical bird, fashioned from different shades of jade, similar in size and appearance to its counterpart, the blue jay perched upon the church's high beams. He turned its handle and slowly, ever so beautifully, the mechanical bird moved its wings. It was as handsome as the real blue jay, and maybe even more exquisite, with its finely tuned gears and emerald eyes, because it would never die. What song would the jade bird sing? The jade bird's song, learned in the factory workshop, no matter how beautiful, would never change; the blue jay, naturally acquiring its chirps by birth on a rooftop nest, would sing its own dying song.

Robbie shuddered and lay down the jade bird and its sapphire heart. Unbeknownst to Robbie, the idea of perpetual life scared him.

"Well, they do many different things." Bill clarified, "Most of them work on making food, to feed everyone. Others manufacture weapons, like guns. There's even a special group of women who take care of all of the babies and children. They all work for me because otherwise they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. But I'm afraid that production isn't fast enough, since we don't have enough energy to operate the machines..."

"So why did you bring me here?" Robbie interjected, unable to control his bold impulsiveness.

"First of all Robbie, you chose to come here." Bill reminded him, subtly admonishing him for his rudeness, "Also, I wanted to show you an important site in this town's history. You see, Robbie, this town and me need your aid, and I wanted to explain to you why before I explain how you can help.

This church you now see in a decrepit state was once tall and proud. The people worshipped a god who never existed, even when they could still think for themselves. Within the limits of their understanding, they were happy. But soon everything began to change- something terrible happened, nobody is sure how it happened, but it came and it took away everyone's imagination. Have you noticed the barren terrain, and the cloudy skies? Even the landscape became dull and depressing.

It happened just like that. Only a few people resisted this... epidemic, if you can call it that. Your friend... Jack, yes? His grandfather was one of the last men to resist the disease, but his attempts to restore life back to normal failed. Incidentally, as a young man, he was one of the men who collaborated to build this church."

"Really?" Robbie was now captivated by the story and by Jack's heroic granpaw. A semblance of remembrance darted across Bill's face; he momentarily mused about his past, but then he returned to the story.

"This world is unusual. As a result of the epidemic, the power of imagination was magnified herein, and now anything conceived within the realm of suggestion transforms into reality. It is an extraordinary power, Robbie, but only a few people have an imagination any more, and even then, it is limited. But you! A child with so much potential!

You could do anything with the world! You could hold it in the palm of your hand, if you wished, you could..."

"You could restore things to the way they were." said another voice, a deep, resonating voice originating from a black man dressed in a fisherman's outfit, waiting at the door. He was holding a fishing rod in one hand, and a dripping bucket in the other, and his boots were crusted with mud.

"Father." said Bill pleasantly, without appearing concerned. His eyes wouldn't lie, though; he was displeased by the reverend's untimely appearance. "Where were you?"

"I made a trip to the marshes today. I was fishing. Then I came back and I saw the door was open, so I peeped inside." He lay down his bucket and fishing pole and rested himself with his forearm on the wall outside.

"What did you catch?" Robbie inquired.

"C'mon see for yourself." the man said gravely. He wasn't particularly charming like Bill, but he exuded wisdom from his observant features and straightforward manners. Robbie approached the bucket and peeked into an empty bucket filled with cloudy water.

"There's nothing." he said, his eyebrows raised into a query.

"Are you sure?" asked the priest, pointing at the bucket with his dark hand. Well, the water was pretty cloudy, I guess there could have been some fish..., Robbie considered. He looked again. An antennae surfaced from the water and slowly investigated its surroundings like a periscope. It spotted Robbie's face and retreated into the murky depths. As Robbie moved back, a crustacean's claw shot out from beneath the water and nearly clipped his nose.

"Woah! What was that?" said Robbie.

"Can't say. There wasn't anything in that bucket originally; you thought it up. I merely used the power of suggestion." answered the priest, and his gaze bore into Robbie's. "Kid, you could help..." The priest stopped speaking as Bill placed his hand on the man's shoulder.

"Father, I believe you have business to attend to?" Bill pronounced. It wasn't a question, it was a command.

"Yes. That's true." the priest eyed Bill with resentment, but he picked up his fishing rod and bucket and began moving around the church. He spoke to Robbie one last time. "Remember, kid, fishing is a sport of patience. If you ever want to get away from the world, you should go fishing. The marshes are a delightful place for fishing." Then he disappeared around the corner, probably into his living quarters within the church.

"Ignore him." said Bill, "He doesn't know what he's talking about half the time. I allow him to stay here as long as he keeps the townsfolk away, and as long as he doesn't make trouble. But back to what I was explaining." He knelt and grabbed Robbie's arm. "Your imagination, Robbie, it can control the reality of this world."

"Well, yeah, I saw that...but...I just don't get it. It's so weird. Why does that happen?" Robbie voiced. He didn't want to appear querulous, but the discovery was mind-blowing for anyone who unexpectedly experienced it, and the question nagged him.

"Think of it this way." Bill searched for a different angle, "Think about when you have a dream. As long as the dream lasts, you are completely immersed inside it, and the dream composes reality for you. If you dream that you are chased by a monster, you will feel nervous and afraid until you wake up. Likewise, if you dream that you are having fun at your favorite theme park, you will wake up with a lingering sensation of well being."

"And, this happened to me once," chuckled Bill without releasing his grip on Robbie, "I dreamed that I was outdoors and urinating, and when I woke up, I had wet my bed!" Robbie grinned and Bill continued, "Anyway, do you understand what I'm saying? This world, and every world, is only a dream; even so, that dream composes our reality. Well, in this particular place, you have a higher degree of control over reality! Did that help?"

Robbie assented. "So... you said something about this town needing help, right?"

It was Bill's turn to nod in accordance. "I'll explain as we return to the factory."

"You mean, fly back?" Robbie asked as Bill finally released his arm.

"Unless you can think of a better way, yes." answered Bill.

Robbie closed his eyes. What would be the most beautiful way of traveling? It would be something to the equivalent of flying, and something that would allow for a leisurely conversation at the same time. As he opened his eyes, the clouds parted and a single ray of sunlight shone forth; simultaneously, rain began drizzling down from a miniscule cloud and then followed the sunray, almost like the comic spoof where a single shower of rain pursues an unfortunate victim. The rain and sunlight began weaving together into a rainbow, only a step in front of Robbie. Bill watched the development in interest, and then Robbie touched the newly created rainbow with his finger. Just as he expected, it was solid; it felt slightly sticky, like a jolly rancher before being licked. Jumping up, he used his arms and legs to clamp on to the edge of the fixed, solid rainbow as well as he could. He hauled himself up and the rainbow, as if detecting his presence, commenced to widen its weaving so that he may walk more comfortably.

"I think I've built a bridge." smirked Robbie, as Bill regarded him proudly.

Once Bill had climbed on, they began walking on the slope, higher and higher, of the multi-colored bridge. Soon, the height became dizzying, but fortunately, the rainbow became wide enough to ensure a low probability of accident. Below them, they could see the entire town again, and the blue jay tagged along, flying ahead of them and then returning to rest on Robbie's palm.

"Well, Robbie," began Bill as soon as they reached the most level part of the rainbow, "This town needs energy. This town, and all the other towns, of course. We need to keep the factories running, so that we can produce more... things. There are still some people who oppose the factories, and they hide out in places and try to attack us. These rebels want to destroy all sources of energy so that we will go hungry and cold and die. That's why we need to make guns that will prevent them from doing that."

"Why would they do that?" Robbie was alarmed.

"They are bad people, Robbie, they don't respect authority and they try to make everyone's life miserable." Bill solemnly condemned. "So we have to protect ourselves from them. Remember Thomas? Well, there used to be many more guards like him, but now there's only him. We ran out of food and clothing, and now we can't afford to have more than one guard for each town. We need energy, Robbie. Not only food, clothing, and security, but also for electricity, house maintenance, and many other things. And guess what, Robbie? You can help us acquire that energy."

By now, they had nearly completed their descent. The rainbow had finished weaving itself and was now beginning to disappear behind them. Finally, the rainbow ended and they dropped down to ground level, at the doors of the factory. The woman known as Citizen #2 was waiting for them. Bill and Robbie advanced towards her, then Bill spoke.

"Robbie, hold your hands out like this." He held out his own hands like a zombie as an example. Robbie, thinking it was some sort of game, complied. Immediately, the woman pulled out a pair of handcuffs from her pocket and strapped them on to Robbie.

"What are you doing?" cried Robbie, in an outrage. Bill cackled.

"Those handcuffs are designed to distract your mind, Robbie. While you have them on, you cannot use your powers."

Robbie tried to concentrate on something that would break the handcuffs, but his mind wouldn't focus. In fact, he seemed to be under a spell of some kind. "Why are you doing this to me?" he tried to shout, but his voice was weak and distant.

"Because we need your imagination, Robbie." He somehow managed to sound sympathetic in the midst of his betrayal, "Imagination is the greatest source of energy in this world, and you have plenty of it! We can use your imagination to power the factory for many more years to come! Don't you understand Robbie? You must give your life for the best... that's why I explained everything to you, Robbie, so that you could understand your purpose."

The next minutes were a blur in Robbie's memory. He remembered being pushed by Citizen 2 through a number of doors, into the deepest part of the factory. He remembered passing through a cluster of factory workers, and he remembered their frozen, timorous features. By the time he came to his senses he was inside a large room where a girl of his age sat in a chair, immobile. Attached to her head was a giant piece of machinery, vibrating with electric power, which extended away into another room by means of large a valve loosely fitted into the wall. It reminded Robbie of a boiler room, except that the girl's eyes were blank and unblinking, and that scared Robbie most of all. There was another empty chair with a machine poised above it, which Robbie knew was intended for him. Citizen 2 sat him on the chair. As she turned the machine on, a spark flew from it and it died out.

"Stupid machinery." she grumbled. She regarded Robbie, who was sitting in his chair pretending to be out cold. "I'll be right back. Don't try anything, there's no escape." she said and pointed at a camera installed on the wall, but somehow Robbie recognized a hint of compassion within her steely voice.Maybe she wants to help me, but feels forced to obey Bill? In any case, she closed the door, locked it, and disappeared.

Robbie regarded his options. There was the little girl on the chair, and the camera on the wall, and he was chained with the handcuffs so that he couldn't use his imagination. He walked over to the machine's valve and pushed it as hard as he could, managing to create some space to squeeze through into the next room. Unfortunately, the next room was some sort of well, only big enough to fit a horse, with walls which rose many meters up and ended in open sky. The room was probably used to draw energy from the valve quickly, in case of an emergency. Indeed, he could see some sort of hose hanging over the edge of the well. If only he could get rid of the handcuffs and fly away... The valve ran along into another room, but it was too tightly fit into the wall for Robbie to squeeze through.

He returned to the other room. He wouldn't be able to hide in the well room because the camera had seen him go inside. Searching about the room with the camera, he found a whistle and an old case filled with tools near the imagination-sucking machine. Unfortunately, there weren't any tools that would help him get rid of the handcuffs; the most useful tool he could find was a hefty screwdriver with a large, blunt handle. Looking about him once more, he discovered that the girl connected to the machine also had her arms and legs tied with rope. Should he liberate her? In any case, the rope might come in handy.

How does Robbie get out of this one? Does he bring the girl with him? If he manages to escape, where will he go? I think I laid enough clues so as to create multiple escape routes, if the reader uses his/her imagination. Also, sorry about the wait, but I was trying to figure out where the story would lead. In addition, I would also like to apologize about the chapter length, I know that some of you dislike long chapters. The next one will be shorter.

And don't forget, if you like this story, add it to your favorites!

Chapter 5: The Rendezvous

Last edited by D-Lotus on Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
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6104 Fables

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nicely written D. i would say untie the girl and remove her helmet, but the power drain would bring immediate attention to him. Who knows if the girl is capable of though anymore, anyways? Perhaps her suffering has forced her consciousness into some dark and secluded place within her mind. If we could be assured of cognizant thought, then, perhaps releasing her would be good, for she would be able to rid Robby of the cuffs and they could flee together.

I suggest that he wait for the nurse and keep the screwdriver hidden from view. When she returns, he can either kill her and take the keys off her, or he can threaten her with the weapon and force her to assist him. maybe he could plug her into the chair in the girls place and then free the girl. anyways, there be my thoughts.
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
I don't know, it's just the way I am.


without the threat of death,
there is no reason to live at all

marilyn manson
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Humm...being the heartless person I am I say that you leave the girl to her fate and attempt to disable the machine. You won't have time to do both before the person watching the camera alerts people and they storm the room.

But I'm sure that a device that sucks imagination from peoples brains will have any amount of delicate doodads on it that could be broken. Or gears that could be jammed by the thrust of a screwdriver...It'd buy him some time.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nicely written there D, I think this is some of your best work.

I would say try and block the door first, to allow himself more time. Then attempt to figure a way out of the well, and finally, free the girl and smash the machinery. Even if you just manage that, you will give yourself more time to escape whilst they fix it!
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Honorable IFian

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10415 Fables

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Disable the camera first with the screwdriver. If he takes it apart there may be more components that will come in useful.

Untie the girl and remove her from the machine, and see whether she recovers. If she does, she is not wearing handcuffs so with a bit of luck she may have some imagination left and give him some help.

The valve is also loose so maybe it could be removed from the wall. Dunno what it could be used for yet. Probably not a good idea if you use the hose in the next suggestion...

The hose - Wasn't really sure whether the hose ran from the valve in the wall all the way up to the top of the well - if it does, then pull it down and get it into the room with the camera. If the girl is beyond recovery, then crank up the imagination sucking machine to maximum and use the hose to blast the door open with... er... her imagination...?

What puzzles me is the whistle - this could be used to wake the girl up, or attract attention when he needs to. I have a feeling that he doesn't need it yet.

Now this is a storming DP! *loves puzzles*
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Venerable IFian

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10229 Fables

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The hose - Wasn't really sure whether the hose ran from the valve in the wall all the way up to the top of the well - if it does, then pull it down and get it into the room with the camera. If the girl is beyond recovery, then crank up the imagination sucking machine to maximum and use the hose to blast the door open with... er... her imagination...?

Good suggestion. The hose was actually hanging down into the well from outside...but since I think that you made a good suggestion, I will surreptitiously use my edit powers and allow for it to go to the poll.

I have to say people, some of the ideas suprised me, although some others didn't. However, I was hoping that Aponi would catch on to one other thing that Robbie could do... It involves the whistle, and it's a bit of a far-flung chance, but it would make a nice Deus ex-machina. Wink
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great story so far, finally gotten up to date.

I'm guessing that the girl has the same abilities as Robbie and that her imagination is powering the machine and therefore the factory as well, along with everything in it(the camera?). So if he managed to free the girl from the machine the power would go out, meaning the camera wouldn't work and he could then get the girl to free him using the screwdriver and then use his imagination to become really small so they could go into the other room and escape that way.

Just a thought Wink
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1029 Fables

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another nice chapter. I think the cuffs need to comeoff, and he'll realise he can just imagine them off or maybe together they can do it.
Just browsing, thank-you.
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Honorable IFian

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10415 Fables

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Missing posts reconstructed here. Smile

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:47 am


The hose - Wasn't really sure whether the hose ran from the valve in the wall all the way up to the top of the well - if it does, then pull it down and get it into the room with the camera. If the girl is beyond recovery, then crank up the imagination sucking machine to maximum and use the hose to blast the door open with... er... her imagination...?

Good suggestion. The hose was actually hanging down into the well from outside...but since I think that you made a good suggestion, I will surreptitiously use my edit powers and allow for it to go to the poll.

I have to say people, some of the ideas suprised me, although some others didn't. However, I was hoping that Aponi would catch on to one other thing that Robbie could do... It involves the whistle, and it's a bit of a far-flung chance, but it would make a nice Deus ex-machina.
Mattheus Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008
1:57 am

Great story so far, finally gotten up to date.

I'm guessing that the girl has the same abilities as Robbie and that her imagination is powering the machine and therefore the factory as well, along with everything in it(the camera?). So if he managed to free the girl from the machine the power would go out, meaning the camera wouldn't work and he could then get the girl to free him using the screwdriver and then use his imagination to become really small so they could go into the other room and escape that way.

Just a thought
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008
11:48 am

I was thinking the girl could imagine him free for him, but when you look at the rest of the inhabitants here, they’ve lost their imaginations. I’d say that’s probably thanks to the machines and the damage is difficult to repair. It’s like their minds have been… umm… mined.

However, would there be a ‘reverse’ lever on the machine? Could it go from suck to blow?
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008
11:01 pm

Chapter 4 Polling!

Beware- Only because you vote for something, it doesn't mean that Robbie will succeed in his attempt. eg- If you vote for undoing the handcuffs with the screwdriver, it may not come out right. The same goes for the cutting off of hands, flying donkey, and all the rest of the poll options.

As for the flying donkey, I myself suggested it. It's a bit of a fat chance, but then again, this isn't your average world.

Thank-you for all of the wonderful suggestions, and Happy Voting!
The Dark
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008
12:41 pm

As always, violence is the answer. Thus The Dark chooses.

The Dark is enjoying this tale, it has great potential for evil to thrive.
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008
1:53 pm

I read this one by accident and got all caiught up in it. Really good.
Only one complaint. It should be in scifi.

I voted and am looking forward to seeing more of this one. I dont think Ive read any by you before Lotus, Ive been missing out.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008
8:15 pm

Warning, this post contains shameless requests.

Poll is Closed

How does Robbie escape?

He knocks out Citizen 2 with blunt end of screwdriver as she returns
22% [ 2 ]
He unties girl, then instructs her how to make grappling hook with rope and screwdriver
0% [ 0 ]
He buys himself time by blocking the door, destroying the machine, and make girl free him from handcuffs with screwdriver
22% [ 2 ]
Disable camera, untie girl, use hose to reverse the effect of the machine
33% [ 3 ]
Untie girl, make her help him cut off his hands, then imagine them back on
0% [ 0 ]
Use the whistle to try and call the flying donkey, which would rescue him by flying in and out of the well
22% [ 2 ]

Total Votes : 9

Robbie will disable the camera, untie the girl, and reverse the machine with the hose, if he can.

Thank you for your votes. New chapter coming up as soon as possible!

Also, don't forget to add this story to your favorites, or second it in StoryGame of the Month!
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