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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:16 pm    Post subject: Sorry Reply with quote

Sorry *Bows* First no one was suggestiong, then the tie vote...I just voted, so I'll get the next chapter up in about and hour or 2....*Bows* Sorry again.....

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:24 pm    Post subject: Poll Results Reply with quote

What's For Breakfast?
33% [ 1 ]
66% [ 2 ]

Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: Chinaren, PopeAlessandrosXVIII, Thunderbird

Looks like sandwich for breakfast, yay!

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:38 pm    Post subject: Chapter 10 Reply with quote

Death Day 3

Sidling over to her bike, the girl hops on to the small seat, once again cursing her ample backside, as well as idiot bike makers. ^I mean c'mon. Wouldn't EVERYBODY be more comfortable on wider bike seats?^ With a small push off, she tears out of the dirt driveway and into the alleyway. It's cracked and stone smattered surface causes the wheels to make popping grinding sounds as she rides over it. Deciding on the back road, she heads straight instead of a right at the end of the alley. ^How about fresh meat this fine cloudy morning?^ Standing, she forces the hunk of metal and rubber into a higher gear, taking her speed up to suicidal levels. Across streets and through alleys, she books it past store and home until she pulls up beside the local Subway. ^Ah, time for some MEAT!^ Propping her bike up on the outer wall, she wanders inside, growling irritatedly at the jangling of the customer bell. Being early, the store is empty save for the pockmarked teen behind the counter.

Waking over to the glass case that guards all the tantalizing toppings from grubby children mitts, she waits for the guy to notice her. Finally dropping his magazine, he slumps over and just stands there for several seconds before asking, “What kind of bread would you like ma'am.” Cringing at the sound of someone calling her ma'am, she glares at him.

“I'll take the white stuff. Trying for an early heart attack here.” The guy just shrugs and grabs the requested loaf.

“How long would you like it?” He asks disinterestedly.

^My, what a cheerful demeanor. Perhaps I'll tip today!^ “Um, foot long will work.” She mutters. Looking at all the divine meats, she decides to go easy this morning. “Just give me a plain triple club sub please!” For the first time his attention seems caught as he stares at her openly, when she smiles, showing off the results of too much calcium in ones diet, extra canines growing from her gums above her regular ones, he blinks and looks down, readying her sandwich. ^I love doing that!^ Turning away, she looks out the window in time to spot the person about to enter just before they pull the door open. ^Oh goodie^ Smiling a little lighter now, she waves at the guy coming in. “Hey God Bro” He stops for a second, taking some time to register just who she is. He laughs slightly before walking over and bonking her on the head.

“What's up midget? Aren't you suppose to be in school?” he asks. Rubber her head she just sticks her tongue out at him. Rubbing the spot on her head where he'd bopped her, she heads over to the register to pay for her monster meat sandwich.

“Nah, my first class isn't for an hour. What about you? I know your schedule, you have class in like 20 minutes.” She fires back at him. He just shrugs and points at his car outside. Growling, she snatches up her change and meal and brushes past him. Throwing open the door, she waves before scuttling over to her bike. Taking off, she stuffs the top of the bag between her teeth to keep her food safe. In less than three minutes she arrives at the bike rack behind the collage. As soon as it's chained, she pulls half her sandwich out and begins munching. Waltzing up to the back doors, she moves down the halls towards her first class. Rounding the corner, she's met by an unwelcome sight. Standing outside her classroom door are a pair of officers. They are standing beside the girl from the previous night. In the light of day, she recognizes her as someone she shares classes with. Whipping around she tries to retreat without being spotted, but to no avail.

“There she is!” The second she hears the phrase ring out, she stops dead. Spinning back around she watches the group of three walk over to her. All the eyes around are trained on them, including her own.

^Oh yay of yayness. I get to “answer a few questions”^ Steeling herself for the experience, she tears into her sandwich. The action gives her an excuse for a little while to remain quiet.

“Excuse me,” The shorter of the two says as they reach her. “Where were you last night from the hours of 2AM to 3AM?” His low guttural voice makes her cringe. Taking her time chewing up her food, she entertains the idea of lieing.

^I mean, does it really matter? I helped her...So what if I gave some guys concussions in the process....^ Bobbling her head back and forth a few times, she wonders just what to tell the nice men with guns. Deciding truth is the best way to go, she swallows thickly and says. “Well, if you ask that nice girl right there, I'm sure she can tell you.” The officer glances back at the trembling girl, then turns back to the girl munching on the sandwich.

“Could you come with us? We have a few questions about the events of last night.” The officer motions down the hall. With a huge sigh, the girl follows the blue clad men down several halls. Everyone they pass turn to the person beside them and begin whispering.

^Oh yay, not I'm going to be the center of attention for the next YEAR. I hate this. I mean, it's not the first time I've saved an idiot girl from her own stupidity! Hell, I'M one of them!^ Laughing at herself slightly, she finishes up the first half of her sandwich just as they reach the office. Moving into the conference room, she spots not only the principal, but the school shrink as well. ^Oh great! They're turning this into something big!^ Suppressing a growl, she steps into the room, one of the officers closing the door behind her.


With a deep sigh, the girl begins unshackling her bike. The day had been long. ^First the interview, ten the principals speech about morality, THEN the shrinking! My day was so nice. The, dealing with the constant hiss of whispers from everyone. I swear, I was going to class with snakes today! I felt like going all Weasel Stomping Day on them....Except snakes rather than weasels....^ Looking at her watch, she notes that it's still 2 hours before work officially begins for her. ^Ugh, nothing to do for two whole hours....I need to get away from all this hissing.....^


So, what to do now? She needs some relaxation. Should she head to work early, grab a few? Slip over to Pockey's for some girl time? Head home for a nap, or a nice chat with bro? Anything else? What cha think?

To Be A Knight
And my first Finished work Death Day

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:23 pm    Post subject: Suggestions Reply with quote

Oki, need some suggestions here.... Inknow this may not be the most exciting SG out there, but it's nearing it's end. So, if you guys could stick it out, we'll be set in about a week.............

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Pope, I actually read this yesterday, and somehow convinced myself that I commented then...I still can't figure out why I didn't.

Anyways, good chappie! Smile For the dp...I don't think she's going to be in the mood for a nap to be honest. She's irritated and probably also not going to be in the mood to take any good advice from her brother, or in the right frame of mind to be around her work collegues either for an extra couple of hours. Pockey's house sounds like it might be the right thing to do, considering she likely wants to get it out of her system with a rant about her day, and a little innocent(ish) misbehaviour with her best friend. That or go grab herself some retail therapy. Wink

Sorry again about the delay Pope!

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm really behind on reading Pope so please don't be offended. Been wanting to get to this for a while now. Thanks for your patience.

Anyhow, I'm going to say that she should head down to the park for a quiet nap beneath an oak tree in an isolated place she sometimes goes when she doesn't want to be around ANYONE.

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:07 am    Post subject: Polling Reply with quote

Oki, Polling now! Needs votes!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really liked the premise of the story: understanding the personality and last few days of a murdered girl. Very innovative. Also, like somebody else mentioned, I found the protagonist to be very realistic and believable.

As for options, I chose taking a nap under a tree. Very Happy Just because it's been a while since I've done that myself.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very Happy
It is SO cool to see you back on IF Muad! Been a while. Welcome back! Thinking of starting another SG?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Mayor! No plans to start a SG. I'd like to see this SG and others to their conclusion.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:57 am    Post subject: Poll Results Reply with quote

Before work relaxation?
Drinking with Pockey
25% [ 1 ]
25% [ 1 ]
Nap under tree at park
50% [ 2 ]

Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Andolyn, Muaddib, Thunderbird, Tikanni Corazon

I'll get right on it.....

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm    Post subject: Death Day 2 Reply with quote

Death Day 2

Throwing a leg over her bike she pushes off of the cement and heads for the road. ^How can one day be so annoying....^ Weaving back and forth across the emergency stop lane, she drifts slowly down the highway, enjoying the light spring breeze in her hair. ^Okay, here we go!^ Taking a few deep breaths, she gets her legs pumping. In a short little race against the stoplight she manages to once again get under the train bridge and to the other side without getting mowed down by moronic motorists. ^Another win for me^ Walking her bike until she reaches a clear spot, she watches each car pass with an odd expression. ^I wonder what their lives are like....Who are they? What are their names? Why is that their name? What brought them to the place in their life that they are now? Do I know them? Have I seen them before, or have they seen me?^ Glancing back she sees no more cars coming on her side of the street so the girl hops back on her bike and starts peddling. Her mind continues questioning. So many questions that she has no way of answering, but that she craves the answers for none the less. Passing the fairgrounds a moving picture seems overlay her vision and she sees the area bustling with people and rides that are no longer there. ^All these people in their lives, doing what they do...And only a few people will even remember them. We hear about people dieing, and we feel bad on principal, but do we ever really care? We don’t know these people, and their deaths don't affect us, so.....^ He mind drifts to many more thoughts and question as she swiftly makes her way towards the lake.

Turning on main street, Ludington as the locals know it, she looks into all the shops she's never visited. ^All of these places, how important are they? I mean, one or more shuts down or moves EVERY season at least! I'll never go in, but why do others? Obviously they need the services offered there..But why?^ The never ending question echos in her head. 'Why' The question with no complete answer. She tries to shake off the question as she reaches the lake front road. Following it for a times, she makes her way across the road to where the fountain and gazebo are. The splashing sound of the fountain water is an old and welcomed relaxing noise. Hopping off her bike she chains it to a nearby sign and wanders over to a tree within earshot of the babbling waters. ^Too many questions. So much to think about....^ No one visits the fountain anymore, and the gazebo is only really used for weddings so with a final glance around the girl curls up beneath the tall tree, it's broad leaves lit lightly by the sun overhead causing beautiful patterns to dance around on the ground around her. Fiddling with one such pattern with a finger, she slowly drifts off to sleep.


A little over an hour later, she wakes to her phone playing the theme song from Law & Order. “Uuuugghhh” She complains towards the irritating device. Reaching into her pocket she turns off the alarm without looking. Crawling around in a few circles on her hands and knees she finally runs into the tree repeatedly which wakes her up. “Ok, ok, awake, work now....” Standing she stretches several times, filled with snaps and pops from various joints, she gives out one last “Argh!” before dropping her hands and meandering towards her bike. Unhitching it she crawls on and starts off towards home. The trip is filled with a dull buzz of songs she tries to sing to wake herself up. Getting into the house she realizes that her Bro isn't home yet. ^Ah well, will make the stop shorter^ A slight pang in her chest causes her to stop. Looking around, she tries to figure out what caused it. The pain had brought her fully awake, and now she can't help but notice the clean nature of the room. ^Mom must have called and pestered him about keeping the house clean. The girl had found out that Mom would be gone for a while downstate to see the grand-babies via text the day before, but work had gotten in the way of seeing the “old lady” off. Tromping around the basement she quickly pulls on her work uniform and heads out the back door.


A short time later finds her pulling up at work. She glances over at the place her and her brother had taken care of the jerk squad and she can't help but smile. ^Cops said that some of the guys will be in the hospital for a while.... They SO deserved it^ And with that thought she heads inside to put on her show for the soon to be drunks. Many Ooos, ahhs and hand slaps later she makes her way back to her two wheeled transportation and unhooks it from the pipe coming out of the back of the pub. ^More and more fun as the day goes on...I was THIS close to breaking fingers...^ Pulling out her phone that had been on silent she checks out her texts. One from her Bro wishing her well, one from Mom teller her to do her portion of the cleaning ^Too late^ and one final one from Pockey asking if she'd spend the weekend at the dorm. The plump friend had apparently gotten a hold of a game she knows the girl will love and wants to watch her play it. With a shrug she texts back -Sure- and snaps the phone shut. Sliding on to her bike she starts puttering along towards the collage. Her mind wanders to the 24 hour shops. ^I'm hungry.....Snacks? Food? Booze?^ She sticks her tongue out playfully at the last idea. ^Maybe Pockey actually has food in the dorm room this time....Maybe I should call....^


I know, dorky DP this time, but it's an honest one. Snacks, food, booze, make a call, anything else you guys can think of? A mixture of all of them? Whatcha think?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it has to be booze. With snacks. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:57 pm    Post subject: Well........ Reply with quote

Well, that's one suggestion. One more, and we can have a poll!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Will catchup soon my friend... gimme a few days

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry it took me so long Pope. My internet's been playing up the last few days and I've found posts and PMs alike to be difficult tasks to manage. But, finally, I've got to it! Wink

Damn, this girl likes her booze! *giggles*

Found a few things that need correcting...

We hear about people dieing,


He mind drifts to many more thoughts and question as she swiftly makes her way towards the lake.


Following it for a times, she makes her way across the road to where the fountain and gazebo are.

I'm not a hundred percent on this one, as I'm not sure (and am braindead to working it out) if 'times' should be 'time' instead, or if both can be used in the same context.

one from Mom teller her to do her portion of the cleaning


Okie doke, dp...I'm going to go with not drinking herself silly this time. She seems to eat an awful lot too. *giggles* I'm going to say just go down the shops and have a browse around. She was thinking about them before, and questioning their importance. So why not go find out?

I can see how close this is to the conclusion, Pope. I'm very intrigued as to how it's going to reach it's end. Wink

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

She should try something new. I say she goes to Pockey's place and they smoke some cheap phillies.

Also, I have a suggestion regarding her thoughts. Maybe they could be on separate lines like the way Thunderbird does his conversations in Heavy Metal. Or maybe instead of using caps (^) you could italicize her thoughts. I really don't like the caps at all.

The writing style really is unique for a storygame. I like the whole personalized feel the story has because of the inclusion of her thoughts. You've done a good job fleshing out the to-be-victim.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

@Mua-kun: I thought of Itallicising (I know I spelled that wrong) but in thruth, the slanted letters seem to me to give the wrong feel when it comes to the girl's thoughts. I have always seen the slant as softer, gentler writing, and her thoughts are anything but. Her thoughts and actions have such force and such a close connection that the softer feel would mix it up in my mind. Sorry that they bug you, but just think, you only have one more chapter to read with them in it! *Applaudes* I can't wait!

@Tikanni-chan: Thanks for the spell check, I'll be sure to deal with it a.s.a.p.!

I hope you will all like the ending, and that I will not dissapoint. I'll leave off on the poll until tonight, so we still have time for a few more suggestions

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, ominous...
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:01 am    Post subject: Polling Reply with quote

We are now polling, choose carefully. . . . .

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:21 pm    Post subject: Vote Reply with quote

I need at least one mroe vote before I can do my last chapter!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted, and made it a three way tie. Three way. Yay!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Three way. Yay!

In my head you said that in a Peter Griffin voice.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whoah! I could have sworn I checked this recently. Goes to show how fast things move here.

Sorry Pope, but you have 24 hours to post another chapter here, or it will be moved!

In my head you said that in a Peter Griffin voice.

Well, I have just watched three whole seasons of the Family Guy, so entirely possible.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:59 am    Post subject: Poll Results Reply with quote

Last Night
Booze and Snacks
33% [ 1 ]
Paruse some shops
33% [ 1 ]
Buy some cigars
33% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: Chinaren, Muaddib, Tikanni Corazon

I'll get right on it!

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:07 am    Post subject: Death Day 1 Reply with quote

Death Day 1

Looking around the deserted street, the girl smiles lightly. ^I really do wonder about these shops.^ Pushing off she slowly makes her way down the street towards her home. Darkened store windows grin at her from some shops. A name and hours is all she can see. Others have their wares displayed proudly with bright lights and festive displays. Passing the wedding store she giggles over many of the frillier looking bride's maid dresses, her eyes settling on one after another. The wedding dresses don't hold much interest for her. ^After all, virgin that I am, I still want a black wedding dress. I look soooo much better in black!^ Drifting across a street she sighs, glancing over at the eagle club. ^It should just come out and say “Boys Club” already”. ^ Many hair dressers li9ne this small town street, wigs and beauty care products insisting you can't live without them. ^Ah, Record Rack. Best store on the street! Like a pawn shop, but better! No ID required! They get all the best games here at one point or another. . . .^ Dropping a leg down she kicks a can lying on the sidewalk. Her eyes follow the shiny object as it skitters down the walkway and into the street. The sound is one she's heard a million times before, but here alone on this empty street, the sound resonates just a little deeper then usual.

Picking up her pace she takes a sharp right and gets on the back road, away from the main street lights. Homes pass on either side,t he residents never knowing of the young girl passing by their windows for the last time. Yards strewn with toys make her smile, remembering her favorite “toys” as a child were books. Many a day would find her stretched out on the lawn with a good Dr. Seuss. ^I bet I was so cute. . . . .Not the lump I am now^ Shaking of the depressing thought, she takes a right to avoid running straight into the middle school. ^They really need to change it into the “Everything but” School seeing as everything but 10, 11, and 12th grades go here. God this is a small town. . . . .^ Crossing the school's playing field, she snorts at the small area they've torn up in readying for a playground. ^They need to also make up their minds about what this large fenced in area is going to be used for. . . .Asphalt, playgrounds, grass, b-ball court, and now another playground. . . .^ Glancing at her house as she passes, the girl resists stopping in to say hi. ^Bro's probably already busy with Mr. M.^ Sighing at her own lack of boyfriend, she heads for the nearby gas station on the block next to hers.

Propping her bike up against the exterior she slips inside. The jingle of the bell is met by a pair a dull brown eyes turning towards the door for a second before the clerk turns back to her paper. ^Yes, no threat here, just a short little collage student here.^ Making her way to the back beside the cooler the girl snatches up a bottle of Southern Comfort and makes her way back to the front. Plopping the booze down her attention is caught by a pack of brightly colored cigars in a display on the counter. ^Well, I'm already taking my ID out for one thing, why not? Grandpa says they're tasty.^ Pulling out the pack she lays it along side her alcohol. Paying for the lot, she coaxes a plastic bag from the bored attendant and heads back to her bike. Pulling the bag on like a backpack, She throws a leg over her bike readying for departure when suddenly she stops. ^Gotta tell Bro. If this game takes half as long as I think it will, I won't see him all week!^ Pulling out her cell, the girl types up a quick message. -Pockey has new game, not coming back til we win it. May take all week. Love you lots. Sis.- With that task complete, she slips the device back into her pocket and pushes off.

Moving down the road she watches the few cars out in this street pass with little interest, her mind already in the game. Rounding a corner, she hears the sound of a loud whistle. On instinct pounded into her by her father and his “Come here now” whistles, her head whips around towards the sound. A sudden pain explodes through her head, but there is no time to scream. The bike hits the pavement at it's rider falls to the side. Both bike and human lay in the road in a heap. A figure approaches the now lifeless body in the middle of the street, stopping a few inches short of the mess. In this night, and in this hour, lay now to rest, the youthful soul. A girl whose greatest desire not seconds before was to spend some time with a friend and kick some video game ass is now little more then a pile of meat, bones, and organs on tarmac. She'll never know what hit her, and shell never know how that video game ends. For today is her Death Day, and here ends her life.


I just wanted to do a small afterward for this story. I wrote this story after my sister came home and asked me the question, “What if I died today?” I know it's simple, but it got me thinking. My sister has never done anything in her life to garner recognition outside her family and immediate friends. Her death would be mourned by those people, and others would read about her if we felt we wanted to put her up in the paper. When I asked her what brought it up, she said she'd been biking home, and when she reached a certain corner here in town, she just had a quick flash of getting shot as a random thought. This too, got me thinking. I was curious on the matter myself, so I wrote the scene that popped into my head at the thought. She liked it and asked for more, so I posted it on IF for you guys to get a look. After a while, I realized I was no longer writing it out of curiosity, but because there was a an underlying thought pervading in my mind.

Stories are usually writing about amazing people. Tales of ones who changed the world, a town, or even the life of a group of animals. No one ever really pay attention to the average, even thought that's exactly what most of us are. Sure, when a bystander dies, the hero is saddened and/or angered, but what do they really know of this person? They mourn for the loss of life, not for the person themselves. While when the hero dies, he will be mourned by all who looked up to him/her. I'm not sure if I'm writing this right, but it's just how it's coming out. Your average person's death is not something to write an epic tale about. Sure, you can dramatize their actions, but in truth, they've done nothing extraordinary. They are just people, not heroes. My sister has never been fingerprinted, given blood, and her last dental x-ray was 10 years ago. She's gotten new teeth since then. No one would really know her save for the family here and a few friends, and that's how it is for many people.

This story was a tale of a simple collage girl, and her real life experiences. Most of what was written here really happened to her. All but the balloon incident, the getting a job at Ernie's, and of coarse, the dieing are all things I've seen or heard about. I hope this simple tale was able to amuse, and I'm grateful for your readership.

So concludes Death Day.

To Be A Knight
And my first Finished work Death Day
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Very sad, very provocative and finely ended. I'm very impressed at the thought process that led to this story, like I said before this was a unique SG.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:37 am    Post subject: Yay! Reply with quote

I'm glad you liked it! I was kinda afraid that it would seem boring, but I'm glad to see at least one person enjoyed my bland little story.

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Muaddib on all accounts. The inspiration behind it is actually a very familiar feeling for me. Worrier that I am, I very often think such things, and you're very much right about the average people of the world. Most of them will never be known to anyone but their loved ones really, and it is quite a sad thought when one thinks about it.

Anyways, very good ending Pope. Well done! Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, I like it! Good ending there. It would have had more impact though, if you'd not put this line in:

never knowing of the young girl passing by their windows for the last time

This kind of foreshadowing IMHO, generally doesn't server any purpose except to act as a 'spoiler' for your own story down the line! Because of it, I was warned what was going to happen.

Anyway, apart from that, well done. A speed SGame is not easy to do, as you've now found out! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought it was very profound. I kept expecting to see previous things that took place having something to do with the way things ended but the way you wrapped things up with your Afterword there put everything in the necessary perspective to make the whole of the read quite thought provoking indeed. My only regret is how far behind I had fallen.

Well done Pope!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:33 pm    Post subject: Sank You Reply with quote

Sank you, Sank you all. I'm really glad this didn't disapoint too much. The entire point of it is that it's NOT a tale most people would be interested in reading, but I guess Sis's life is just that interesting. . . . . Razz Anyways, I hope everyone can get caught up soon!

To Be A Knight
And my first Finished work Death Day
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