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The Other Side - Chapter Two is up! (new)

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Tikanni Corazon
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:21 pm    Post subject: The Other Side - Chapter Two is up! (new) Reply with quote

Okay, not entirely sure that I should be doing this, given I already have an SG on here, but I felt inspired to write it, so we'll give it a whirl. It's not the kind of project I'm going to abandon in the long run anyway, so it should be fine. Wink Hope you enjoy!

The Other Side


Silence should have reigned in the forest. Nothing stirred, not beast nor bird, nor even a leaf, fluttering it's way to the ground to lay alongside it's fallen brothers. Even the wind seemed to have abandoned the place, the rattling of bare branches and the remaining leaves that slowly browned and died upon the skeletal limbs was noticeably absent. But the rumble of the distant battle broke through the potential quiet, tainting the stillness with the clash of metal upon metal and the faint cries of agony as swords and arrows claimed the lives of their targets, while a clear scent of burning wood and flesh filled the air.

As the three made their way through the half-light of day, they took care to avoid any fallen twigs and branches that could betray their location with a single snap. Every so often, the leader, a creature of a tall, slim stature, would pause, and hold up a hand to motion for the others to do the same. The smallest of the three followed the leader like a shadow, remaining close and freezing in it's tracks every time it was indicated to do so, save for a slight trembling.

The last was entirely unlike the other two. While the leader and it's shadow were within a foot of each others height, their companion was huge, taller than both the others were one stood upon the other's shoulders, and more than ten fold their girth. The cloak that covered it's hide could have clothed half a dozen men, and yet it's calves and feet, clad in an enormous pair of highly textured leather boots, were still visible below the hem. Such was it's bulk that it couldn't entirely mask it's footfalls, though for such a large being, it's steps were strangely soft.

The leader brought them to a standstill once again, and listened.

“I think we've lost them...” came the whisper of a distinctly female voice from beneath the hood of the leader's cloak. Apparently hearing nothing that would indicate danger nearby, she turned to the other two. The smaller figure reached forward to clasp her hand tightly.

“I'm afraid...” The voice was that of a young girl, quietly spoken but full of fear. The leader knelt before the other, bringing the hand to her lips and kissing it firmly.

“I know, Karine,” she said in response. “I am too...even Droj gets scared sometimes, don't you Droj?”

At her words, the great hulking mass beside the other two gave a nod, and a sound like a low rumble bubbled inside it's throat.

“See, we all get afraid,” the leader went on. “It's when we push past the fear and do what we have to do that we become strong. True bravery exists in such acts.”

She gave the girl's hand a squeeze, before returning fluidly to her feet.

“We're close now,” she said, still speaking in a whisper, her head turning from one to the other. “When we get there, we will do what we must, then leave. It'll be no easier getting back to the city than it was to leave it in the first place, but at least we will have succeeded.”

At this point, she turned fully to Droj, tilting her head right back to look up at him. As she did so, her hood fell back from her head, revealing stunning golden locks hidden beneath, the dim light catching upon the soft curls and shimmering like water. Her eyes, intense blue surrounded by gold, gazed up at him.

“Whatever happens, Droj, keep her safe,” she said softly, reaching out a hand to touch his hand. As before, Droj nodded in agreement.

“But...why does it have to be” the young girl asked, her whispered voice desperate, as she tugged lightly against the woman's hand. The leader looked down at her with a sad smile.

“Because all of this is my fault...” she replied simply, before turning and starting purposely through the trees once again.

Very soon, the forest began to thin out, depleting further and further until it disappeared, and before them lay a clearing. There were two trees near the centre, birches with beautiful, silvery bark, and all over the generous expanse of grass were small pools of water, which shimmered with an ethereal light. The leader pointed to one in the very centre.

“That's it...” she said, stepping fully into the clearing and walking towards the pool, her breaths few and far between, as though she was afraid to breathe the air around her. The others followed, Karine cautious and still trembling, Droj calm and solid as a mountain.

Suddenly, through the quiet, there was a whooshing noise, then a soft thunk. Karine and Droj watched as their companion stumbled, then fell to her knees, a crudely crafted arrow protruding from her left shoulder.

“GET DOWN!” she roared, letting out a scream of agony as she lurched back to her feet, hissing in a pained breath and drawing a sword from a scabbard at her hip, aiming a slash at one of the enemies that broke from the cover of the trees and sprang towards her. Karine, to whom the order was directed, dropped to the ground instantly, crawling along on her belly towards one of the birch trees, in order to use it as some form of cover. Droj followed her, though he remained on his feet, using his vast bulk to shield the young woman from further arrows, which sped through the air around them. There was a further 'thunk, thunk' as he was hit twice, once in the calf and the other arrow sticking out of one of his arms. He gave a low grunt and thrust Karine behind the safety of one of the birch trees, before turning to face the enemy alongside his leader. Beneath the hood of his cloak, a large set of eyes glowed an angry green, and from his throat came the low rumbling sound again, though this time it was louder.

The leader thrust her sword through the throat of her opponent, kicking away the gurgling would-be corpse, before moving to kneel behind Droj, her arms a mass of bleeding cuts and slashes, and a hand pressed firmly against her abdomen. Droj spread his arms wide, as he opened his wide maw, and a blue light poured forth from his throat. Despite their murderous intent, the enemy cowered in fear, turning to flee. But it was too late. A moment later, a ball of light flew from Droj's mouth, hitting it's mark at the centre of the enemy ranks and blowing everything in the vicinity to smithereens. The few who escaped the carnage ran screaming, while limbs of their brothers and sisters in arms hung from tree branches and scattered across the ground.

Droj lowered his arms, and turned in a quick and surprisingly graceful movement for one of his size, looking to Karine to make sure she was okay, before kneeling beside the other. The leader had slumped to one side, sweat beading on her brow. She looked up at Droj and smiled.

“ friend...” she said, wincing in pain at the effort it cost her to speak. Then with a groan, she sank down, lying on her side, still clutching her stomach while blood poured through her fingers from the wound she'd hidden behind them. Karine broke from her cover and darted towards the other female.

“No...” she said quietly, her voice full of grief. “Mother, please...”

Her hood had fallen back in the midst of the excitement, and hair matching that of the woman on the ground tumbled around her face and roamed free down her shoulders. She pulled the leader's form over, until she was lying on her back, her eyes widening at the blood soaked clothing even as she prized her mother's fingers from her wound. Tears filled her eyes at the sight of it. Blood belched from the deep gouge and flowed profusely down either side of the woman's body, puddling on the grass around her.

“Oh gods...” Karine rasped, looking from the scarlet mess to her mother's quickly dulling eyes. The leader's breaths were short and ragged, droplets of crimson blood beginning to form at the corners of her mouth. Though Karine could see it cost her to do so, the other female lifted a hand and placed it on Karine's cheek, down which tears freely ran, as the girl took note of the familiar three-fingered touch.

“Be brave, sweetness,” she spoke quietly, trying to swallow the blood that was building in the back of her throat. “It's up to you now...” Removing her hand from her daughter's face, she reached inside her tattered tunic, and drew out a small package. “Send it through...” she continued urgently, the red bubbles forming on her lips becoming more abundant. “It might seem foolish to the others...but trust me, it's our only hope.” She let out a groan, and her body spasmed, leaving her gasping and spluttering as she kept a grasp on life. “...It mightn't help...but it's worth a try.”

“I can't...” breathed Karine, a ragged sob escaping her lips.

“You can...” replied her mother. “You must...I believe in you...”

She thrust the package into Karine's hands and turned to Droj.

“Please” she whispered, tears leaking from her eyes. Droj nodded solemnly in acceptance of his charge, then started as a sudden torrent of blood erupted from the woman's lips, spraying down her chin and neck. The pop of a final bubble marked her last breath, leaving Droj and Karine stunned as they looked down at the body, still achingly beautiful even in death.

A crashing and the cries of their enemy returning with renewed numbers brought them back to the real world. Droj lurched forwards, grabbing Karine about the waist, and lifting her up into his arms. The sound indicated that the enemy was all around them, blocking off any escape. Droj scanned the clearing silently, his eyes resting on the pool his mistress had indicated. Without a moment's thought, he hurtled towards it. Thinking he was intending for her to send the package through as her mother had wanted, Karine, held it aloft, ready to throw it into the pool. But as they reached it, Droj shot her a look of apology, before casting her into the water.

Karine opened her mouth in a silent scream, as she was sucked down, down, into darkness.


She entered the clearing, surveying the bodies of her own dead as she did so. Her face was expressionless, emotionless as she took in the burnt and bloodied arms and legs that dangled from the limbs of trees. She kicked aside a head that happened to be in her path, sending it spinning away to disappear amongst the shadows. Save for a couple of her own skimming the borders of the clearing, there was no other signs of life.

A snarl twisted her mouth as her lone eye picked out a body different from the others. She approached at her leisure, taking in the damage done to the figure lying prone on the ground.

“Well, well, well,” she said to the bloody corpse. “Look at you now, huh? The great and powerful Tianna taken out by a few of my simple-minded mutts.” She tilted her head, as she knelt down beside the other. Her jaw tightened as she mentally registered the perfection of the features even when they were covered in blood.

She traced a finger down Tianna's face, leaving a trail in the already clotting scarlet, before leaning in close.

“I got you, Tianna. And I'll get that little girl of yours too.”

She spat the last few words, then got to her feet and dusted herself down. Giving the body of her enemy a venomous kick, she turned and returned to the cover of the trees.

Some of you will know what this SG is going to be, and for those of you who don't you can go here - - if you'd like to familiarise yourself with a few characters. The storyline of this SG though isn't actually going to have any connection to the storyline of the other, so there's no requirement to read it in order to understand it. I plan to post a quick summery of the other story anyway, so the gist of it can be gotten.

Chapter 1 will be up as soon as I get it written! Thanks for reading! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

Last edited by Tikanni Corazon on Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:07 am; edited 7 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha I'm going to go through SS now. I heard it's really good, so I might as well have the full enjoyment of it, instead of a summarised version. Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OOOHMYYYYGOOOOSHI'MSOEXCITED!!!!!!! you mentioned you were thinking about doing this, but seeing it actually starting has me SUPER pumped!! can't wait to see what you're going to do with it!! what's through the pool?? the kids' world?? what happened to the big guy?? who's the bitch that killed Tianna?? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! write more!! lol!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good job Miss Tika, I simply must read the next chapter as it arrives. I find myself curious as to why the beast had tossed the girl into the lake.. *Pouts* me will just have to wait.. *Smirks*

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:59 pm    Post subject: I Think. . . . . Reply with quote

*Bounce* *Bounce* *Bounce* Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Squeels loudly* Yays! I will be missing Jed, but that is neither here nor there RazzI simply can not wait to see this one take from. From what you have here, it already has my anventurer's blood pumping! Onward and upwards, to the moon!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh ho... who is this that's commanding mutts? Looks great Tikanni ... but what sort of being are their enemy? Are they the same as Tianna, Karinne and Droj? Or something else? I'd really like to know.

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's chapter 1 up for you! Hope it's not a disappointment. Smile

Chapter 1

The sun overhead beamed brightly, smiling down on the grounds of the Allington Estate, catching upon the delicate leaves and petals of thriving roses growing in the rose garden, and glinting across the surface of the lake, making it glitter and sparkle enchantingly. A soft breeze blew through every now and then, ruffling the green, leafy treetops, and causing the ocean of long-grass to ripple like the waves of the sea.

Seated upon the grass with his back leaning comfortably against a large rock near the water's edge, Milo observed all with a slight smile playing about his lips. He very often found himself in this manner, taking in the now and then thinking about the past and his first few days and nights at the Estate. It often struck him that, even though a terrible occurrence had originally brought him here, he now couldn't imagine wanting to be anywhere else. Of course, he'd had eight years to grow accustomed to the place since his arrival. A scared, grieving eleven year old had passed through the big gates marking the entrance to the property in Old Bob's rickety car, had the adventure of his life within a few short days, saved the world, and now...

“Here I am,” he murmured, turning his gaze skyward as a flock of birds passed overhead. The memory of cranky Old Bob made him smile, as he took another bite of his cheese and lettuce sandwich. He was on his lunch break and making the most of the spare time before he had to get back to work. He was overseeing the building of some new stables on the far side of the Estate, as well as keeping an eye on the general work in the house and grounds. Since the departure of Old Bob, Rosie and Violet, new staff had been taken on. The workforce remained small, the regular staff consisting of a live in cook and two maids, a trio of gardeners that came twice a week, and an odd job man, called Briar.

The summer sun had bleached streaks of lighter blonde through Milo's dark gold hair, which he now ruffled in irritation at the thought of latter. He'd joked on more than one occasion with his Uncle Jem that the term 'odd job man' hardly applied to the boy at all. Seventeen and carefree in manner, Briar often set off on his own little ventures rather than doing the required work, and Milo had found him on more then one occasion napping beneath one of the large trees in the grounds. The only section of the title that seemed to suit him was the 'odd' part. Briar was distinctly unusual at times, that was for sure. Just the other day, Milo had caught him practising dance moves in the greenhouse, his partner a slightly worse-for-wear broom with a balloon tied to the centre of the brush end as a head. A tatty blue jumper had hung from either side of the brush which acted as shoulders for the garment. Briar had tucked one of the cuffs into his pocket to give the impression of a hand placed at his waist, while he held the other in his own hand, performing a half-hazard foxtrot around the small space to a vaguely musical humming coming from his own lips.

Milo had stood at the door of the greenhouse his expression baffled, before walking away irritably. The boy's oddness aside, he also spent far too much time around Winnie, something that his golden-haired sister did little to discourage. On more than one occasion, he'd witnessed Briar leaning casually against a wall or door frame, whilst Winnie chattered away to him, flicking her hair back and biting her lip in what could only be described as a flirtatious manner. More often than not, Milo would send Briar back to work with a warning that if he was caught slacking again, he'd be fired, which then resulted in the brother and sister having a heated argument and not speaking to one another for a few hours until they'd had a chance to cool off.

Finishing off the last of his lunch, Milo stuffed the cloth in which the cook, Ada, had carefully wrapped his sandwiches into the pocket of his jeans, and reluctantly stood. Taking one last look at the dancing light upon the lake surface, he began to make his way back towards the rear of the property, where the building work was taking place.

A flash of movement caught his eye suddenly, as he walked down the side of the house. He stopped in his tracks, and turned his head swiftly, his gaze landing upon the something as it disappeared into the deep shadows of the forest that surrounded them on all sides. He flitted his eyes around the area, squinting to see if he could spot whatever it was again. But there was nothing, save the odd movement of the wind rushing through the leaves.

Frowning, Milo walked on, finally dragging his gaze away from the forest, resolving to tell his Uncle later. His thoughts instantly turned to the Harlimane that inhabited the forest. The big cat-like monsters tended to keep to the deeper, darker areas where the trees grew thicker, and Milo himself hadn't seen one in at least three years. But that didn't mean that they didn't still stalk the borders every now and then, and Milo knew that they had to be vigilant, especially since they had outsiders working at the Estate at the moment. He'd made it clear to everyone that the forest was off limits, and in general the household and workers alike took notice, though it didn't seem to stop Briar sneaking in there whenever he got the inkling.

So intent was Milo on his thoughts that he didn't notice the ladder. Stumbling against it, Milo's hands shot out to grab it before it could fall, and he looked up to make sure that the person at the other end was okay. He found that he needn't have worried about nearly causing an accident. The rungs of the ladder were clear of people, including it's owner. Milo's eyes narrowed, and his gaze shot around to the greenhouse where Briar could usually be found, and he was just about to charge over there, when it suddenly occurred to him where the other end of the ladder was located. Milo's jaw tightened as he looked up again, taking in the open window above him, leading to Winnie's room.

Without another moment's thought, the presence amongst the trees instantly gone from his mind, Milo turned tail and marched back the way he'd come, passing by one of the maids, Penny, as she was hanging washing on the line to dry, and entering the open front door. Over the years since he'd arrived at Amethyst Estate, Milo had grown tall and remained as exceedingly nimble as he'd been when he was a boy. He took the stairs two steps at a time, making his way quickly to his sister's rooms.

Milo had moved into the east wing once the rooms there had been cleared of clutter and dust, and been given a good lick of paint, while Winnie's quarters remained in the rooms they'd shared as children.

Approaching, Milo gave a sharp rap on the door. There was a scuffling noise on the other side, and the sound of hushed voices whispering to each other. His jaw tensing all the more, Milo took a hold of the door handle and turned it, finding with a pang of annoyance that the door was locked.

“Winnie!” he shouted through, knocking again, harder this time. “Open this bloody door right now. I know he's in there!”

There was a moment's silence, before her answer came passing through the locked door.

“Who?” she replied casually.

Milo decided he'd had enough. Putting his shoulder to the door, he threw his weight against it, feeling the door give slightly. He heard the voices again, more urgent now, and quickly repeated the motion. The door flew open and Milo stalked through, finding Briar hurriedly exiting through the window, his shirt half unbuttoned, while Winnie fluttered around him like a flustered mother hen. She turned, her eyes widening at the sight of Milo. She rushed towards her big brother, who was furiously marching towards the window even as Briar was scrabbling down the ladder.

“Milo, no!” she said, standing between him and the window, pushing her brother back with all the strength she could muster. “Leave him alone!”

“You're fired, you hear me?!” Milo shouted out the window after the disappearing figure. “You can pack up your things, I want you gone by this evening!”

With that, Milo turned and strode out of the room, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. He heard Winnie following him, and set his mouth in a firm line, knowing what was coming.

“You're not firing him!” she said, walking quickly to come up alongside him and push in front, stopping him in his path, her eyes flashing angrily and her tumble of golden curls wild, framing her face and falling elegantly down her back

“I already did,” Milo said, pushing her gently but firmly out of his way, and kept going. “And you don't like it, you can just lump it. It's partially your fault for letting him in your bloody bedroom. What then hell were you thinking?” Milo gestured his frustration wildly with his arms, turning to the still persuing figure of his sister, and standing with his arms folded, looking frowningly down at her. “Well?”

“I love him...” she said quietly, the jut of her chin stubborn.

Milo rolled his eyes, and turned away, sighing as he continued his march down the hall and to the stairs.

“You're sixteen,” he said, without looking back. “You don't even know what love is...OW!”

He stopped as something hit him in the back of the head, before dropping to the floor. He looked down and saw one of Winnie's shoes at his feet.

“I cannot believe you just did that...” he said, looking squarely into her stubborn expression. “Well, if you're going to be immature...”

He bent down and scooped up the shoe, then turned and started walking again, trotting down the stairs. Winnie trailed after him.

“Give that back!” she said, but was met with a shake of her brother's head.

“Nope, you want to throw things, you can expect to have them confiscated,” he replied, pushing open the front door and returning to the fresh, outside air. “And I don't care what you say, that stupid boy is going, and Uncle Jem will agree with me when I tell him what happened.”

He heard her make an exasperated noise behind him, but he kept going, making his way towards Briar's greenhouse. Frustrated and angry, Milo chucked Winnie's wayward shoe into the thick trees to his left, watching as it became lost amongst the deep shadows.

At that moment, while his eyes were on the forest, another flash of movement caught his eye, and he turned quickly, catching a distinct glimpse of something disappearing into the darkness once more, though he couldn't make out what it was.

Curiousity quenched his anger slightly. Even as he turned back towards the greenhouse, in order to make sure Briar was already packing his bags, he could feel the need to know pulling him towards the tree line, in an attempt to discover what he'd seen.

First DP for our SS sequel...what does Milo do next? Go to the greenhouse to confront Briar? Go to the woods to find out what the movement was? Or something else? You decide. Smile

Thanks for reading! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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9744 Fables

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

March right off to the greenhouse and beat the crap out of that little snot. You don't mess around with someone's sister and expect to live after you've been caught in the act.

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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Tikanni Corazon
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lol! Thanks for reading Lil! Smile
.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:36 am    Post subject: I Think. . . . . . Reply with quote

A wonderful beginning. Very interesting I must say. And for once, I kinda agree here. Moving on, anyways. Your descriptiveness had me seeing every moment like a movie in my head, especially when they were fighting in the hall. Had me giggling. I am so fan boying already. I'll admit it! I'm a Tikanni Fan Boy, WHOO! *Giggles* Love it Tikanni-chan, can't wait to see more.

As for the DP, I'ma go with. . . .Beat the ever living tar out of the guy, then, while pinning him to the wall, ask him the honest question"Are you just fooling around, or do you plan to make an honest woman out of my sister?" I don't see Milo as heartless, and after his sister's declaration I would have him show a little compassion. So, vent, then have a hard talk with Briar. I know, the forest has a strong draw, but I'd say anger wins out for now.

Good start Tikanni-chan. Can't wait to see what happens next!

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry so late, buuut...I LOVE IT, TIKA!!! Like Pope said, it's like watching a movie in your head. XD and i'm already loving what you've done with Milo! Wink dont tell Kurt. XD

for the DP...just so we have both options...check out the forest. while the boy's a pest, what's in the woods could potentially be dangerous for our family. let's take care of it.
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Tikanni Corazon
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Pope and Andi for reading and for your comments and suggestions! Smile I'm glad you enjoyed it, especially given that there's pressure to make sure The Other Side becomes it's own individual tale without veering away from the style of SparkleSteps. The acknowledgement that I seem to be managing to make it enjoyable so far is a relief, lol! And don't worry Andi, Kurt will know nothing, lol! XD

Thanks to you all again! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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Tikanni Corazon
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I need a tie breaker on this one, guys, before I can write chapter 2. Wink
.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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Tikanni Corazon
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm going to give this until the evening to become untied and then I'm going to just attempt to combine the two suggestions. I'm itching to write something. Razz
.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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13801 Fables

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:45 am    Post subject: Tie Reply with quote

Yay, voted, and look, broke the tie! Whoo! I can't wait for the next chapter Tikanni-chan!

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Pope! Smile

Poll is now closed and I'll have a new chapter up as soon as possible! Thanks to all my readers, it means alot!

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Two

Though he continued stalking towards the greenhouse, Milo could feel his steps slowing as his resolve to deal with Briar slowly dissipated , and his curiousity took a firmer hold of him. Finally he stopped, and looked back at the forest. Besides the faintest of breezes humming through the trees, causing the leaves and more flimsy branches to sway slightly, there was no movement that his eye could detect. Nothing to insinuate that anything had been there just moments before. And yet, Milo knew that was not the case.

With an irritated huff, he put Briar from his mind, and headed back to the tree line. He couldn't risk an attack from a rogue Harlimane or anything else that might still be lurking in the depths of the forest, not when there were outsiders working on the premises. Something pressed against Milo's mind though, some intuition that whatever he'd seen wasn't quite as simple as that.

He squinted slightly, straining his eyes to see further into the shadows that engulfed everything below the tree tops. But his efforts were futile, as he'd known they would be, and he frowned, wondering what he should do. Eventually he turned on his heel and walked quickly back to the house, pushing through the front door and allowing it to bang shut behind him, his prior bad mood causing him to have little care for any noise that he made. He made straight for the kitchen, thrusting that door open in the same manner, and causing the cook, Ada, to start in surprise. She was sat at the table with a very disconcerted Winnie beside her. The latter glared at Milo, still clearly furious. Milo sent her a withering glance before heading over to a trunk in the corner, opening the lid and grabbing a couple of torches, and heading back towards the door.

“What's going on?”

Milo looked back, to find Winnie's gaze on the torches in his hands, her expression changed to one of curiousity and concern.

“I thought I saw something in the forest,” Milo replied simply, giving a careless shrug to try and make less of the situation than he really thought there to be. “I'm just going to check it out in case a Harlimane has ventured too close to the borders. Can't risk one of the workers coming face to face with one.” 'Unless it's Briar...' he thought to himself vindictivly, though he didn't voice it to Winnie.

Winnie paused for a moment, then got to her feet, went to the trunk and grabbed two more torches.

“I'm coming with you,” she said, flicking each one on and off to make sure that it worked. “Where's my shoe?” She looked around his person, her expression questioning. Milo shrugged again. “I can't remember where I left it,” he lied, heading out into the hall again. “Just hurry up and grab another pair if you're coming. Probably for the best anyway. Hardly the best shoes for walking in the woods, are they?”

He didn't wait for an answer, just kept going, heading back outside, and hearing Winnie running up the stairs behind him to do as he'd said.

He waited for her by the forest edge, using the spare time to search along the ground just inside the trees for any clues. He wasn't waiting long, hearing her approach a couple of minutes after he'd left her. He turned, finding her dressed as she had been, in a long, mid-green dress, the top half of which was fitted and became looser as it went down, with short, fitted sleeves. There were two new editions to her appearance, one being a pair of walking boots on her feet, which clashed slightly with the rest of her distinctly feminine outfit, but were more appropriate for the task at hand, and the other a shotgun, which she handed to her brother. Milo nodded in gratitude, taking the firearm, then smiled in amusement at her ensemble, until he saw her glance towards the greenhouse, his expression darkening as she did so.

“Right, let's go,” he said sharply, turning back and heading inside the treeline, flicking on one of the torches as he did so, the wide beam lighting the way perfectly. He saw another shaft of light appear at his side as she followed him, feeling her smaller form coming up alongside him.

“Did you see what direction the Harlimane went in?” she asked quietly, swinging the torch around to light up the areas around them.

“I don't know that it was a Harlimane,” Milo replied, doing much the same as his sister, as they made their way deeper into the forest. “I just saw something and I wanted to be sure. And let's face it, anything living inside these woods is unlikely to be good news, is it?” His thought instantly transported back eight years, and the events of the time. Despite himself, he couldn't restrain the urge to swallow.

“No...” he heard Winnie agree in barely more than a whisper. All of their anger from before had gone, and they were merely brother and sister again, exploring the unknown, sharing in each other's wariness and taking comfort from one another's presence.

At first they remained fairly close to the borders, knowing that was the area most important, as it was where potential attacks could occur. But finding nothing, they ventured deeper still. Despite the years since their victory over the Veeka, Milo found himself recognising areas of the forest. Of course, it had changed since then. During the Veeka's reign, the it had been dark and almost dead, the trees and plants restrained and subdued, their branches knit so close together that they blocked out the sky. Now though, the trees were alive with greenery above and below, and through gaps in their branches, faint shafts of sunlight trickled through, creating a dappling effect on the forest floor. And yet the paths he and Winnie took still brought back memories for Milo.

They entered a small clearing, and the feeling of familiarity grew further for Milo. He looked around, and finally his eyes came to fix upon the tree at the centre, a tall, ancient birch. His gaze flickered to the ground at the base of the trunk, and suddenly a memory filled his mind. He, injured and about to become a meal for three Harlimane, had been sitting with his back against the tree, when it had begun speaking to him, and then fought off his would be attackers, killing one of them. It had also healed Milo himself, and then helped him on his quest.

Milo stepped forward, holding one of the torches in the crook of his arm, then reached out using the free hand, placing the palm against the rough bark of the tree. Instantly sound filled his senses, a feminine voice so vibrant and present that it made him gasp.

“Child of the Allington bloodline! You have has been a long time...”

Milo restrained the urge to speak outright to the tree, instead focusing his thoughts to speak to 'her' as she spoke to him.

“It has,” he agreed. “It's been a while since I had the need to venture into the forest.” A strange murmur of agreement flooded through him.

“Indeed,” the birch replied. “And now the need is present I see...You seek her out...”

“...Seek her out?..." Milo questioned hesitantly. “Who?”

“She of Elven blood,” came the reply.

“Elven blood? Tianna?” Milo's thoughts became more frantic at the information. “Tianna is here?”

“...She awaits the portal...between the worlds...” The birch's answer came, slower than before almost sleepy.

“Who?!” demanded Milo aloud, but his words were met with a mere murmur. And the presence was gone. Milo stood there frozen for a moment, before turning back to Winnie, approaching her, then grabbing her by the hand and pulling her after him as he set off through the woods in another direction.

“Where are we going?” Winnie asked, not attempting to escape his grasp, but keeping pace with him as best she could, her expression curious.

“We need to get to the clearing,” he replied simply, knowing that his sister would know which clearing he was talking about. “I think Tianna is back.” He heard Winnie gasp at his side, and felt her putting even more effort into keeping up with his longer strides.

Milo allowed his instincts to take over, somehow transporting himself back eight years and remembering the forest as he'd known it back then. He began to recognise the area more and more as he passed, knowing that they were getting closer and closer to their destination, and his excitement building as he did so at the thought of seeing the beautiful Elven woman again.

Suddenly, through gaps in the trees ahead, the duo spied what at first glance appeared to be daylight, but when one looked more closely, it was obviously not. The light itself held a strange, ethereal quality, that Milo remembered well from his previous visits there. The image of Tianna lying unclothed upon the grass amidst the magical pools of water instantly hit him, and he hesitated, suddenly feeling like that eleven year old boy again.

“Go on...” urged Winnie, though she herself made no move to go ahead of him. She prodded him in the back, and Milo stepped forward, feeling a little afraid for some reason. But his curiousity got the better of him and he pushed forward. Parting the ferns at the edge of the clearing, he stepped through, Winnie following him closely, both of them glancing around at the familiar, enchanting scene.

The clearing was large and the expanse was dotted with tall, slim silver birch trees, their gleaming bark seeming to have extra lustre, and around and in between them were pools of crystal-clear water. It was through one of these pools that Tianna, Sorren, and Mot had departed, leaving to go back to their own world, taking the body of Chanah with them. Milo had wondered, and wondered still, if maybe each of the pools was in itself a doorway to another dimension. He didn't have the nerve to make such a discovery alone.

The two were gazing around the area, their wonder at it's majesty as potent as it had been eight years before, when suddenly Winnie paused and listened.

“Do you hear something?” she whispered to her brother, looking around. “Listen...”

Milo stopped in his tracks and focused on the noises around him. And sure enough he could hear a noise that differed from the usual forest sounds. A strange whimpering...

Frowning in his curiousity, Milo approached one of the birch trees, which had a slightly thicker trunk than most of the others in the clearing, and where the origin of the sound seemed to reside. As he drew nearer, it became obvious that it was actually a quiet sobbing rather than whimpering. Keeping a fairly wide berth, knowing that very often things were not as they seemed in the forest, Milo moved around to the other side of the tree, his eyes widening. A female with long, golden hair was curled up tightly on the ground, her face hidden in her hands. She wore a long, blue-green dress that reached down to her ankles, and with bell-sleeves covering her arms. A cloak was clasped about her neck, though it's length lay on the ground haphazardly behind her. Despite what the tree had told him, Milo still found himself stunned by the sight.

“Tianna?” he uttered quietly, moving slightly closer. The figure started, and sat up, backing against the tree trunk, and looking up at him fearfully. It wasn't Tianna, though to look at the girl, one would swear it was the Elven woman when she was much younger. She looked to be around twelve years old, though the delicate pointed tips of her ears told Milo that she was indeed Elven, and therefore was likely much older that he himself. But still a child in her own right, and frightened.

Winnie came around the other side of the trunk, and gasped when she saw the girl, even as Milo knelt down in front of her, smiling despite his unease.

“It's okay,” he said gently, looking into her intense blue and gold eyes. “We're not going to hurt you. What are you doing here?”

Without warning, the young girl broke into louder sobs, drawing up her knees and burying her face in them, her shoulders shuddering with the intensity of her upset. Winnie stepped forward, sitting beside the girl, and rubbing her back soothingly.

“We're not going to hurt you, we promise,” she said, smoothing down the girl's long hair. The girl looked up, glancing at Winnie, then Milo.

“Help me,” she pleaded in little more than a whisper. “I need your people need your help.”

Uh-oh, Milo and Winnie are getting their lives back to normal after the events of their childhood, and now they're being asked to jump headlong into another adventure. What will their plan of action be? Go in all guns blazing? Be cautious in their approach? Decide that they've had quite enough danger and excitement to last them a lifetime?

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! Smile

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

Last edited by Tikanni Corazon on Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well of COURSE they're gonna help! It's Milo and Winnie we're talking about! Lol! Chapter was fantastic, love. I loved how the memories brought them back together. It was very sweet Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why wouldn't Milo & Winnie help the Elves? First things first though, they need to pull Karine to her feet and calm her down. Perhaps even take her back to the house for a glass of water and some rest. And dismiss everyone on the grounds that aren't already involved/know about Milo & Winnie's adventure eight years ago while Karine is in Milo & Winnie's care.

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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the comments and suggestions guys! Smile


.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gah! Pure amazing-ness! So far this story has me on the edge of my seat, wanting more. I can only imagine how epic Sparkle Steps must be (I will be reading it in short order).

Only a few very minor things...

Tikanni Corazon wrote:
She was sat at the table with a very disconcerted Winnie sat beside her.


Tikanni Corazon wrote:
“...Seek her out?...Milo questioned hesitantly.

I think there needs to be a quotation in there somewhere, either after the question mark or after the "..."

Tikanni Corazon wrote:
He didn't have the nerve do make such a discovery alone.


Like I said very minor. It didn't take away from the story at all, but my nit-picky nature would not allow me to overlook them.

I have voted, and so my anticipation for the next chapter begins!
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for reading and for the crit, Seraphi! Smile Sorry it took me so long to reply, but somehow this passed me by. Gonna shoot off right now and correct those mistakes. Wink And I can't really speak for SparkleStep's epicness, but the storyline of this tale (though it will be a story in it's own right) might be easier to follow if one has read SS as well.

And the poll is closed. Thanks to all who voted and I'll try and get a new chapter up ASAP!

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm just getting back onto IF and I have to say, this was a good place to start reading again. Top notch!
Eadgar's Saga Chapter 2 POLL

Abattoir Chapter 2!
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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course they're going to help, but how do they go about it?

Take the girl back to the house to clean her up and calm her down, dismissing the hired help as they get ready for another adventure, while possibly wasting precious time? - 66% [ 2 ]

Find out what's going on there and then and head straight through the portal? - 33% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: kkdestiny, Lilith, Seraphi

.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:35 am    Post subject: I Think. . . . . . Reply with quote

Wonderful! Still doing top notch work Tikanni-chan! Whooooo!

Just two little thingies. Right near the beginning when Winnie joins him at the forest's edge, it "Additions" not "Editions".

And, well, may be just me, but you seemed to use "Suddenly" a lot, and in kinda close quarters if you know what I mean. I know sometimes it's unavoidable, but maybe you can take a look at what I mean.

Sorry I missed the suggestion and voting part. Been sick, but I better now! Keep up with the amazing work Tikanni-chan!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:14 am    Post subject: Post Reply with quote

*Poke* *Poke* Alo, anyone there?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:42 pm    Post subject: *Sniffles* Reply with quote

*Looks towards the horizon* Any newness in site?

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18382 Fables

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will try to get a new chapter out soon Pope, though due to my schedule, I can make no promises as to when, sorry. Sad
.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I now have three SGames! "Mist in a Cave" Chapter 5 is in the works

"The Freedom of Magic" Just got its THIRD chapter up!

Hope you all find the time to read them Very Happy *goes off to look for an SG to read*

Note to self: The Elven Moon; Coin; SVI; Black Animals; Two Wolves; Angel Cat
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's okay Tikanni-chan. I'm always willing to wait, especially when the prize for waiting is such a good one! *Hugs* I hope your life with sort itself out so you can come back and be part of us again!

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PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2019 12:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, all catched up.

Yah, natch they're going to help. However, I think they'll try and make sure the girl is put somewhere safe first, and let some others know what's going on.

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