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Chapter Twelve: Red Sky at Night

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Twelve: Red Sky at Night

Ulliana stared at the black walls of Danzig, silhouetted against the full, blood red moon. The battlements of the fortress walls appeared empty, but she was running out of time. Behind her, Kagemusho darted back and forth; his body spinning away from blows that would have disembowelled the blind-folded monk should they have fully connected. The wraiths tore at him, sharp claws still removing scrapes of skin and pieces of flesh. Her dark blade clenched loosely in his grasp, whirling the weapon as if it was made for him. Wraith’s cried out voicelessly as limbs were severed by the ancient blade.

Blood dripped from dozens of cut and wounds rippling across his body. Even as she turned her head to look, Ulliana saw the warrior reverse his blade to impale one of the ethereal creatures, tearing through its chest before ducking as one ghostly talon swept over his head. The five remaining wraiths circled the Hoeder, the banshee directing them continuing to howl menacingly, its deadly screams inaudible due to the wax tablets plugging the pair’s ears. Ulliana took this all in with a gaze, then turned back to the city.

Realising that – unarmed bar her bow – there was nothing she could do against the near-invisible foe; she clambered to her feet, dashing for the great stone walls. Her cries – though she herself couldn’t hear them – rent the air in attempt to contact the guards on the fortresses interior. There was no reply from the black stones, the city as silent as a grave. She screamed again, the high pitched elven voice carrying through the night sky, but again without response.

Glancing back at Kagemusho, she could see that he was having difficulty of his own. The blade had been knocked from his grasp, and lay on the ground a few feet away from him. Before her very eyes, one of the Wraiths - who she now noticed was missing an arm – reached out, wrapping an ethereal talon around the monk’s neck and lifting him effortlessly from the ground.

Another of the beasts raked its claws across his belly, blood welling up and pouring from his torso to hit the ground below. Yet a third attacked him, ghostly teeth gouging holes in his arm, before tearing themselves across his hand, the tattoo emblazoned upon it scoured away by the gnashing fangs. A great blaze of purple light beamed forth, the brilliance of the light dazzling the creature stood clustered around the blind warrior. Kagemusho collapsed to the ground, agony clearly shown across his pain wracked features, clutching his crippled hand. As the light faded away, the creatures closed in for the kill, the prone monk offering no resistance.

In desperation she turned towards the castle once more, and seeing no help coming Ulliana swung back, reaching for her bow and snatching an arrow from her sheath. Pulling back on the drawstring, her keen eyes sighting down the shaft, she released the arrow, its flight taking it straight through the nearest Wraith’s head, continuing on its journey unperturbed.
The ethereal being hardly noticed its passing, let alone felt it. It looked from side to side in almost confusion, a twisted snarl spread across its features. Catching sight of Ulliana, risen to her feet once more, the Wraith howled once more, sweeping towards her across the grass and onto the solid stone road. A second arrow followed the first, another creature turning away Kagemusho and towards her. She continued the futile effort, flurries of arrows raining down upon the ghostly beings, before turning and running towards the city gates.

Glancing back over her shoulder to ensure the beasts followed her still; she began to circle them, trying to draw them away from the fallen body and the sword he had wielded just moments beforehand. The creatures moved faster than she had expected, floating over the dew covered grass with little effort, her own legs beginning to feel the strain of sprinting.

So preoccupied was she on staying ahead of the beasts, Ulliana failed to notice the dip in the ground before her, stumbling to hit the earth as her foot caught squarely on the grassy knoll. Tumbling forwards, arms outstretched the Rakshasa connected with the floor, rolling the impact and turning onto her back. Pulling a slim bladed knife from her boot, she hurled it towards the Wraith, even as she scrambled to her feet.

The blade never connected, a dark bolt of fire overwhelming it just before it could penetrate the Wraith’s ghostly essence. The black light continued, the fireball catching the creature in the centre of its ethereal chest. Contorting, the beast howled to the sky, moments before the unnatural blaze consumed it utterly, vanishing into ash.

The other Wraiths stopped in amazement, staring wildly in all directions, the brunt of their attention fixated upon the feline figure before them. Another burst of fire shot towards them from her position, and the creatures scattered, unable to combat this invisible menace. Sighing in relief, Ulliana turned to face her saviour, her breath catching her throat at the sight of the man. Covered from head to foot in black, burning flames, his arms wreathed with the dark conflagration.

The man, for despite the lack of features, his build still gave away his gender, spread his arms, the inferno around his body dissipating as he did so. As the fire faded away, leaving his body without a mark, her rescuer smiled. His robes were of a dark cut, formed from what was most likely the latest fashion in Myst. Inclining his long blonde topped head in her direction, the mage, for that he undoubtedly was, stepped towards her, the last remnants of the combustion that had consumed him mere moments before slipping down to a spark at his hand, which to faded in turn.

“Greetings stranger,” he introduced himself, his voice rich with both amusement and, simultaneously, lust, yet arrogant, the voice of one used to getting his own way. “My name is Zanthe. Zanthe de Roinso von Delaque. Might I have the pleasure of your acquaintance?” Seeing no reason to refuse him, Ulliana complied, recounting both her name and title among her own people.

“We should leave this place with due haste Miss Elven, the Gaast-Zecult shall return, and with greater numbers. Danzig is no longer the safe haven it once was. Had I not heard your cries, you would most likely be dead by now; the Wraiths would have claimed another soul.” Conceding the point, Ulliana turned her head to glance at the fallen body of her companion, who still lay in the moonlight, blood glistening from his many wounds. “There is nothing we can do for your friend – he has been too badly injured. Come – let us move. Dawn is nearly upon us, and my powers are less effective during the day. I will be unable to bring you into the city, and they do dislike strangers there. Especially with rumours of Rakshasa spies in the area. Your people are supposedly gathering for war.”

Ignoring his advice, sound as it was, Ulliana moved to her comrade’s side. Withdrawing the black sword from where it had fallen – and ignoring Zanthe’s whistle as she sheathed the blade – the semi-feline crouched over Kagemusho’s body, ignoring the blood that covered her arms as she did so.

“He lives yet,” she cried out, tearing a strip of cloth from her already wearing tunic, and wrapping it around the worst injuries, taken care to bandage his crippled hand.

“Very well,” replied Zanthe, his voice deeper than before. Turning in surprise, she saw that once more his body was bathed in flames. “Give him to me.” Unsure of her own actions, yet with no other course presented to her, Ulliana gathered the body of the fallen warrior in her arms, climbing to her feet as she took the weight.

Zanthe wrapped his flaming limbs around the pair, his touch curiously cool, as opposed to the heat generated by the inferno. The sorcerer gazed upwards into the night, Ulliana following his eyes. Then she looked down once more, the ground twenty feet below the trio. Expelling the air from his lungs, they drifted over the castle walls, to land softly within its grounds.

“How do you think I avoided the guards to get outside in the first place?” he smiled at her expression, one of both wonderment and fear. “I have a place you can go – follow me.” Bewildered, her guide unconscious, she agreed, following him through the dark alleys of Danzig.

The room Ulliana found herself in a mere two hours later was small, and darkly lit. The score or so warriors clustered inside spoke amicably, old friends drinking and gambling together, an elite circle the Rakshasa had no place in. She was not sure if she even wanted to, the glances some of the men shot her, before laughing with their companions once more telling her exactly what was on their minds. Some of the women looked at her likewise, but their thoughts – just as easy to comprehend – usually involved just the two of them.

“Your friend is upstairs, resting. He was grievously injured, but we have his condition stabilised now,” reported a white clad woman from behind Ulliana. From what she had gathered, Sister Silence – as she was known – was a healer of some regard in these parts, and it was wise to trust in her judgement.

Ulliana nodded her thanks, then stretched to her feet, prowling the room as a cat treads the rooftops. Coming to rest before Zanthe, as the mage entered through a side door, she looked into his long blonde locks, and asked the question that burned on her mind.

“What is this place? Men and women gather freely, yet there appears to be no organisation, no laws. Who is in charge?” Zanthe smiled at her, and motioned for the half-elf to follow him, back through the door he had entered.

“This is simply a meeting place for the lodge. A group of mercenaries, warriors, chosen few gather here – exchange stories, trade information and, most of all, get blind drunk. Your friend proved himself to be such a warrior, and if he ever awakes we intend to invite him for induction. As for yourself…well. No one has seen you in action, though I am sure you are perfectly capable of handling yourself.”

“That is not important though. As I’m sure you are aware, the Rakshasa are no longer the honoured neighbours they once were. Tensions between our nation and yours are growing – some fear uncontrollably. If you stay in the city, and without belonging to one of the lodges, you are sure to be turned in to the guards, and that is never a pleasant experience.”

“Through his delusions, your friend – Kagemusho is it? – spoke very little, but what Sister Silence did pick out between his ramblings was a desire to reach Myst. I take it that was your destination as well. As luck would have it, I too must soon make a journey to the White Towers soon, and I would welcome the company. You are of course, free to remain here, and wait for your friend to recover. Or make your way home, or even stay in the city. I cannot force you to travel with me, though any company alone the roads is pleasant, especially one with a body as lovely as yours. What will you do?”
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Ave Dominus Nox

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right then - the new chapter is - finally - up. I'm still not happy with it, but I battled to try and get their in the end.

Please note the link to another Wraith pic, it was too big to fit the scren without distortation.

Decision point should be fairly obvious, so I won't go into it again.

Oh, and - Vote for Fronte in SGotM. (and nominate it first) it has been nominated so many times now I feel it deserves it.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well written chapter, and a good wrap up. Hmm... well, I wouldn't abandon a friend. Try to bargain for the new guy to stick around until Kagemusho heals. Lay low etc... etc... Maybe do some investigating in the mean time. Try to find out why her people are soon to be at war here. Hide the sword, take a disguise. Make plans about what to do in case she is captured for questioning. Even if the sorcerer says he must leave now, do not abandon your friend who fought and nearly gave his life to save your ass.

This guy may have rescued you, but didn't sacrifice nearly what Kag did. He might also be more powerful, such is the sacrifices one makes for doing the right thing. I suppose a chat with Kag could release her from being bound to him at this time, but if he's out, he's out and you must stay.
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good one Lordy. I see you finally got the ideas out Very Happy

I wouldn't have a problem with abandoning Kagemusho for a stronger guide - if it wasn't for the fact that she instinctively doesn't trust him. Kagemusho would be happy to go see her going with someone stronger than he is and better able to protect her.

'Better able to protect her' is where the hitch is, here. We have no idea whether he has Ulliana's best interests at heart, or whether he just wants her sword.

We should wait for Kagemusho - presuming he ends up giving us the choice at all. If we have to lose this other companion on the way, so be it. If you can't trust someone, their strength may well be a liability, not an asset.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I can pursuade my drawing skills, I might well get a rough map of Danzig out, in case people want to stay in the city.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay, a Lordy Chapter. Smile

I'm with Rav and Stoaty - anyone that is so quick to announce Kagemusho as dead, has stronger powers at night, and is a member of a mercenary group without any formal leadership hardly deserves instant trust.

I want to atleast await Kagemusho's return to consciousness, so he can advise us, if not strong enough to join us.

In the meantime I think it's important to not give Zanthe or any of the others opportunity to judge her fighting abilities. Whilst she has that mystery it might be enough to keep them wary and respectful. It sounds to me that strength, either magical or fighting, acts as a kind of rank here.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zanthe has certainly been helpful so far. But to want to abandon someone obviously close Ulliana seems suspicious. It's like he has a whole new agenda planned for her, should she go with him alone. Wait until Kagemusho returns to full strength.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say stay until wotsisface has recovered a little and discuss with him.

Sorry, taking me a while to catch up!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree. I don't think this guy will be as faithful a companion as Kagemusho, and it appears he has more things in mind than just company on the road:

especially one with a body as lovely as yours


So, waiting for Kage to recover and then moving on with or without Zanthe seems the best thing to do, unless he proves himself to be loyal or good before they leave. Then she could try and pursuade him to remain with them.

*holds breath* Shocked
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I think all of my readers have now read it *glares at Soily for procrastinating* all, six of them. And everyone seems to want to wait for Kagemusho to recover (all my readers seem to be too nice, unwilling to abandon him). So, unless anyone has any other suggestions I think I'll bung a poll up there tomorrow (for formalities sake if nothing else)
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Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The issue here is that Kag is a companion now... you don't abandon your companions! Its as much a matter of wisdom and common sense as it is being "nice". Besides... he's been great to us... how could we overlook the fact that he was willing to die for us?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, yeah, I know. I was expecting at least one person to make the evil suggestion though - it's a shame I can't vote in my own story...

Now if it was anyone else's, I could make those great - and evil - suggestions.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:14 pm    Post subject: point of honor Reply with quote

If Ulliana could persuade Zanthe to bring Kagemusho with them, I see no reason why she would not accept his invitation to travel to Myst.

Otherwise honor would dictate that she remain with him until he is able to journey again.

Mages are notorious for doing things to get people to do as they wish, if it is in his best interests that she accompany him, he will find a way to assist the unconscious one.

Finding some remedy to heal him, be it plant, potion, magic; a short journey to get it, so both learn a little more about each other
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Always glad to have a new reader Starwalker, even if I suggested it to you directly.

Finding a remedy may be possible, if Zanthe can be persuaded to wait for Ulliana, otherwise she can search for one herself, though obviously with more difficulty.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like Starwalker's suggestion of trying to find a remedy for Kagemusho. There are bound to be healers within the city. Does Ulliana have any savings or possessions she could sell (other than the sword, obviously)? Would it be possible to gain the help of her new 'friend' to finding a quicker cure?

Is there anything she could offer the new guy, to make him hang around for a while? Information, maybe. Her service as a mercenary or a courier? A favour for the future?

If not, then maybe he could point her in the direction of someone who would help her look for Kagemusho's cure. It's worth a shot...
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ulliana doesn't really possess anything of value. She was forced to leave quickly, and all they took were provisions and horses. She could - of course - simply steal something, as she's good at that, having lived her whole life since coming to Dartain beyond the law.

As a mercenary he is unlikely to want her - he's already proven that he is more powerful then she is when he defeated and drove off the Wraiths. Although she could always sell her services another way - though he could well be offended by the suggestion.

Informationwise she is relatively navie. She knows how to survive, and how to live out in the wild, but she doesn't know much that could be important to a powerful mage.

Of course, it's possible that there is a way to speed up his recovery, and either talking to Sister Silence about a way to heal Kagemusho quickly. Bare in mind, that if she can't do it currently, then there's a chance Ulliana will be forced to fetch something - either wild plants, or prehaps some ancient healing......thingy.

Of course, it depends on the results of the poll, and of the dice.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well then aren't we quite a predictament. Kag needs meds, but what exactly? Ulliana doesn't even know what to steal.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wallah - there you have it - one nice long poll. I've tried to get all the suggestions in - which wasn't hard as there only was one real suggestion - and so I included a bunch of my own possibilities.

Of course, I hope you don't decide to do anything foolish, as that would be - well - foolish. A few options may of course require a further poll, but - ta ta.

Have a good vote.
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Ave Dominus Nox

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the choice to get some aid to help heal Cagey faster. She can get to suss out the locals, plus of course possibly help him.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Half a bird? Confused

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Ave Dominus Nox

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ninja baloon


PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Pant, pant... phew" Good story Lordy. I finally caught up with on of your SG's, he he. I made my decision logical, honourable and winning.
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Wide-Eyed Joker


PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool story Lordy!
I finished it, see? Well, so far...
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I've got a new chapter ready to post. Originally I was going to have a proper chapter, but decided that you lot - as readers - might want to make a decision which could turn out to be quite major. Apologies about how short it is - shortest I've done in ages, and less than half my normal length - but if I wanted to let you make the decision, I had to split it.

Next chapter should be a much longer one, but here you go for now.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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