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Chapter 6: Mind Games

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Author's Note: Well after China and solus's comprehensive analysis of Chapter 5's dp the result of the poll was fairly inevitable Smile (China's throw the rocks option) - but was it the right option?...and what other surprises lay in wait amongst the lonely wind-swept Rusheldon Hills? Find out below Wink :

Mind Games

Elvendor closed his eyes, giving him the vital seconds of clear thought that he needed. Suddenly, with a start, the answer came to him. They can’t be real! There is no other possible explanation for them to be walking through a flowing stream without it affecting how they move. He opened his eyes and looked at the boney feet that stepped ever closer. Strangely though, the phosphoric glow that had highlighted the upper part of the skeletal figures seemed to die out at their feet, ensuring that they remained obscured and confirming his suspicions. Keeping his hands over his ears he looked about for something to throw at them, yelling to Alex above the growing noise,

“It’s ok, they’re not real.” Alex looked puzzled and tried to keep the qualms from bolting by holding their horns, watching as Elvendor ran over to the stream.

'No one has ever been hurt', he remembered Alex saying when Alex first told him of the hills, by the crossroad near Timburton. ‘All who entered the hills either became lost, disorientated or fled’, Mayor Constantine had told them, therefore he’d implied that none were harmed.

Elvendor used these thoughts to over–ride the urge to flee the gruesome monstrosities ahead, instead approaching them, holding a large pebble from the stream. He moved to within throwing distance of the advancing army, as he did so a sword whizzed by his head. It buried itself into the rocky ground behind him with a convincing thud, briefly shattering his newly found confidence. Quickly he hurled the stone at one of the lead figures, watching anxiously as it looped through the air towards the grinning apparition, his destiny seemingly resting upon the outcome.

The stone seemed to move in slow motion, sinking through the skeletons body, piercing the bones that weren’t there. Alex watched from a distance, his face a picture of shock. The skeleton too seemed taken aback, looking down at itself before raising its head, shrugging its shoulders and once again advancing. Elvendor though saw through this attempted bluff and strode forward to meet this army of visions. Alex slipped from the back of the qualm, unsure whether to join his friend or look after the scared animals. He watched as Elvendor reached the first few skeletons. Straining his eyes he saw the army part then surround Elevndor, forming a ghostly circle about the elf.

Elvendor felt uneasy, it's all a show to scare me, he kept telling himself...however it didn't stop the fact that his eyes were telling him it was real. Slowly the skeletons nearest to him raised their swords above their heads, blades glinting in the glow of their bodies. Then each swept their blade down towards his head, causing Elvendor to flinch, testing his resolve to near breaking point. He didn't duck or run however, and the blades stopped a frction above his head, useless as he thought.

There was a long pause before one skeleton, wearing a silver bandanna, stepped out to come face to face with Elvendor. Very purposively it dropped its weapons to the floor with a clatter, all the others doing the same. The moment the weapons hit the floor they turned to a blue flame and vanished. Then slowly the skeletal chief started raising its hands above its head and all the other skeletons followed suit.

Are they surrendering? Elvendor thought in surprise as he continued to stare boldly at them, his confidence growing with every second that passed...that would make no sense, they're just images.

Then just as their arms reached vertically to the sky, their white bones disintegrated to powder, forming a swirling cloud of flying white dust. Alex from afar lost site of Elvendor behind the swirling column that unravelled to form a cloudy white wall between the two friends.

Elvendor watched bemused, as the powder re-formed itself into what would have normally been a completely terrifying sight... a single giant skeleton. Elvendor smiled at this latest attempt to scare him, spinning the bow from his back and firing an arrow through the apparitions back in the blink of an eye. Alex continued to hold the tethers of the qualms, staring at the larger than life skeleton with a mixture of fear, disgust and now boldness, as he saw Elvendor's arrow shoot through the creatures body and bury itself amongst the rocky slopes to his right.

Slowly the skeleton lowered itself down upon it’s hands and knees, resting on all fours and filling the breadth of the valley, it’s head a few metres away from Alex and the qualms. Too late did Elvendor suddenly realise the new aim of the engineer behind this grotesque apparition.

Alex watched the face as two tiny spots of light began to swirl and grow within the chasm of the skeletons eye sockets, casting a terrifying, flickering light upon him. A putrid repulsive smell rose up from the mouth, blood dripping from the edges to the floor. He heard Elvendor cry in the distance, “tie up the qual…” But his message was drowned out by a shrieking wail of rage that the ghostly figure began to pour forth upon Alex and the poor animals. There was no stopping the qualms now, both pulled free of Alex’s grasp with a strength no man could have prevented, sending Alex spinning to the rocky ground with a cry of pain. Then they were off, galloping North with all the speed they could manage.

The apparition slowly rose to it’s feet and turning, it grinned at Elvendor, before disappearing within a stunningly bright flash of light, causing Elvendor and Alex to fall to the ground covering their faces. When Elvendor looked up there was nothing there except the bare valley and the bubbling stream nearby.

* * *
The two set off the following morning, Alex still nursing his right shoulder that had been injured when he’d try to prevent the qualms from leaving post haste.

“I’m sorry Elven,” he said miserably, “I should have thought to tie down the qualms...certainly after you'd shown that the whole thing was merely a trick of the mind.” Elvendor took his time to reply, still musing over all the events of the night before. Bringing himself back to the present he abjectly thought about the loss of their money and most of their supplies. Trying to retreat and find the beasts would have met with little success, they were capable of running for many days when scared. Besides, their tracks had almost certainly been wiped out by the early morning drizzle that had been provided by a sullen greying sky. Unsure of what lay ahead, but knowing that it was a good couple of days trek backwards, the two had continued on South. Elvendor knew that with the small amount of food they had on them and with water from the many small springs and lakes, that they should still be able to travel for a week South. Also, Elvendor figured, I can always kill a wandering sherpa, so food isn't really an issue. What annoyed Elvendor more was the loss of their money, money that could well have been useful later on. Finally he replied,

“Don’t worry Alex, no–one could have stopped them from bolting...and I’m sure our mysterious ‘friend’, wherever that being is, would have found another opportune moment to scare them away. At least it now knows that we are aware of what it is up to.

* * *

‘It’ was almost certainly aware of the fact, but it didn’t stop an array of varying tactics being thrown at them. Both repeatedly heard voices over the next few days and saw mutated ghostly faces drifting around them. On the second day, heading south, even the sun seemed to change it’s position from behind the clouds several times. Elvendor was able to draw on his experience of the natural world to counter act this and ensure that they kept heading south. He also kept a close watch for someone on the horizon, but whatever was behind the visions was keeping itself well hidden.

By mid – afternoon they’d reached the highest plains of the hills, a plateau of heathered moor land and crystal pools, before the hills began to slope down again. It was upon reaching the plateau that they espied the gothic ruins of the abbey. Both had travelled in near silence for both days – concentrating on covering as much distance as possible and ignoring the constant influx of distractions that plagued them. Within an hour of seeing the ruin, they were at the gothic style structure that lay barren, soulless and mist shrouded as it sat on a small island of green amongst the damp purple plains. Cautiously they approached it, skirting round the edge of one of the many crystal clear, yet spookily still pools that lay cluttered amongst the high terrain.

The abbey itself was made of the same speckled rock that could be found throughout the hills, with huge forboding weathered arches and carvings. Only the main hall was in any way complete, although it had no roof upon it. From atop the structure black ravens cawed and chattered amongst themselves, occasionally shaking the falling rain from their backs. By now the rain was heavier and the ominous growl of thunder could be heard prowling the skyline to the south.

"Looks morbid," muttered Alex as he sat down against the southernmost and dryest end of the ruined abbey, that served to shelter the pair from the slanting downpour.

"Yes," Elvendor replied as he too sat down, observing the scattered remains of a fire that had probably been left by Constantine's own group.

"At least we've made it as far as the other group," Alex said after a while. He was starting to brighten up, having had a bite from one of the sandwiches that he'd thoughtfully left within his cloth jacket pocket as well as being sheltered from the worst of the rain. "I suppose we've got bat like creatures and more funny faces to contend with next?" Elvendor smiled, at least Alex was becoming rather more like his natural self. He'd been afraid for a while that the shock combined with the guilt of losing the qualms had managed to permanently depress him. Thankfully it seemed that his shoulder was giving him less trouble, after Elvendor had applied an elvish balm to it, made from the juices of some of the more common hill plants.

"Only if we stay the night here," he replied, "besides, now that we've discovered they are tricks of the mind, the prankster playing them is hardly likely to play the same type of trick again. He also seems to like to show off, every incident that I've so far been told of has involved radically varied enemies…and he was certainly doing his best to show off last night as well." Alex considered the point and had to admit that the Elvendor was right. The two sat talking about the quest for several hours, letting the storm blow itself out of existence above their heads.

When it had passed they left the towering building to continue South across the heather. They'd only travelled a few metres however when they came across four stone tablets grouped in a circle, sunk deep into the boggy ground. The writing was too old and weathered for Elvendor to understand, Alex however after much peering was able to read two of the four:

In memory of Albert Saxen,
Age: 23

Killed defending the monastery from the red winged beast

In memory of Tyler Green
Age: 42

Killed defending the monastary from the red winged beast

Alex was able to work out that another of the deceased was aged 52 and that the word red appeared in the fourth tablet's wording, but then only the occasional individual letters stood out sparsely upon the rain denched, moss covered, light grey stone graves.

Despite the wind having dropped and the sun, if it is the Sun Elvendor mused gloomily, having broken through the patchwork of grey and blue sky above - both Elvendor and Alex shivered inside. The sight of the graves suddenly brought back the cold reality that the Mayor's quest could potentially offer death as well as fame. This was the first time that fatalities had been recorded, just as Elvendor had begun to think that no-one had ever lost their lives upon these hills. The Mayor's group didn't spot these graves presumably, Elvendor wondered, they are quite well hidden but... Alex had obviously just had the same flash of inspiration and reached out to check if they were real, almost surprised to find that they were. Shrugging Alex straightened up and wordlessly they moved on, with only a brief backwards glance at the graves.

Both advanced more cautiously now, careful to observe that nothing snuck up upon them. They started eyeing every deep pool and lake whose crystal clearness gave way to hidden uncertainties within their deep inner sanctums, and every area of flowering heather that rustled deceptively in the fresh gusty breeze. When the next event came however it was not wrapped in subtly but broke upon the pair quickly, like a tsunami after an unusually long period of silence.

* * *

It was early evening and they'd just skirted round the foot of a large still lake, preparing to mount the slope on the other side, when a figure appeared on the ridge above them wearing black burnt rags. Stumbling the man half ran, half fell, through the soft heather, coughing and choking as he crashed towards them. Another mirage…? he wondered, but a voice of doubt resonated within his head and broke through completely when the man stumbled against him, pausing for breath. Elvendor looked at the man's face and tried not to be sick. Horrific burns had completely disfigured it; one eye was just a mess of...Elvendor turned away and was sick. Alex tried to say something but couldn't as he tried to adjust his face from a look of horrified disgust.

The man briefly eyed the pair with his one ‘good’ hazel eye that emanated terror.

"Go back before it's too late," he cried, "she's a coming...we strayed too far South cough, all but I have died...died,"he finsihed with a hoarse voice. His eye went blank and he blinked away a tear, as Elvendor's ears picked up a faint beating noise in the distance. The old man heard it too and took off round the lake for the far slope at a frantic canter crying out in terror,

"She's a comin, alack, alack."

"What is she?" cried out Elvendor, but got no reply. The man was clearly intent on disappearing as fast as possible, almost at the far embankment already. It wasn't going to be fast enough though, the man turned to face the Southern horizon, his scarred face still whole enough to portray terror. Elvendor looked up to see a huge red winged beast fly overhead, it's body blocking out the sun and casting a grey shadow over the ground and lake. They watched as the man scrambled up the cliff backwards, facing the scaled beast. He heard Alex’s surprised mutter beside him,

"a dragon!". Suddenly his mind found the word within the ream of language in his head and unlocked its meaning, 'a mythical flying beast that breathes out flames'. True to its description this beast reared back its head and unleashed a terrifyingly powerful burst of flame upon the man, completely covering his body - but not his screams. When the flames subsided their remained no trace of the man, just scorched, dying and blackened heather.

Elvendor notched his bow, still unsure as to whether this was an elaborate hoax or not...but not seeing how it could have been the former. His arrow sped towards the creature, shimmering in the air for a fraction of a second before thudding into the dragons underside where it remained, half in - half out. The dragon had felt the arrow though, there seemed to be no question of that. Slowly it turned around in the sky. It's eagle eyes starting to search for the perpatrators. Elvendor's heart began to race, he glanced at Alex, trying to disguise the fear he felt as the loathsome reptilian face, with it's golden green eyes, locked on to it's new targets below. Alex had drawn his own sword and was crouched, ready to dodge the dragons flame, but Elvendor knew a sword would be no match for such a beast. Not even his arrows seemed able to significantly penetrate the dragon's hide, and all the time he felt that they had somehow been deceived again, yet he was unsure what was eluding him and how, if something was eluding him at all. Perhaps after hearing so many voices and seeing things my mind is now convinced that everything I see is false...What should I do - if it's real is there a way to escape it, if it's false what does it mean?

So a potentially complex the whole thing another elaborate hoax again or are the pair in real danger this time? Dependant on the above answer, what do you then think the pair should do…?

Also feel free to comment away on any of the issues Chapter 6 has brought up as well as the main one ...

You can Jump straight to Chapter 7: The Mage Uncovered here.

Last edited by JezSharp on Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:41 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the arrow hit it didn't it? I say shoot at the eye or the underbelly, the weak points. If you run out of arrows then run, but not away from it. Towards it and under it, because if it is an illusion it will back away and if it will not it will hopefully attack you while you're under it, killing itself. Of course, this may not work.

We really need Rai's advice on this one.

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter Jez.

It looked like the arrow hit it, but you have to be careful with illusions. It may just be he masked the real arrow and made it appear to stick in.

Having said that, the man was real, stumbling up against him. So there is something going on here.

Best be prudent I think. Retreat at speed, if it isn't too late, to the abbey and cover.

I have no other suggestions just now, but I will think it over...

[Edit] The illusionist probably isn't far away. It may be worth trying to search him/her out. Maybe pretend to camp (if we can get past the dragon) and then sneak around under cover of dark, try and find him/her.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, finaly back from school Very Happy!
Great new chapter, Jez!
I don't think it is an illusion, but yes, as the others said, get to the cover of the monastry and then fire at the eyes/underbelly, although I favour the eyes. Once the dragons gone, try to find the illusionist.
Alternatively, they could run to the monastry, then try and show that they have surrendered and want to talk, are they wearing anything white which thay can wave as a sign of truce?
An idea, anyway.
Looking forward to the next chapter Wink.

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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or just look for the single crack in the dragon's scales, the one which every beast has to have. It's top among the unwritten laws of dragon slaying.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have no other suggestions just now, but I will think it over...

Do , your suggestions have been excellent so far Smile - I won't say more other than if you do think hard about the dp for this Chapter something should hopefully start to become clear.

I'll leave this dp up and running until Friday to see if anyone can make any more deductions/sugestions, then set up a poll on Friday.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dang it!! Wait a minute! Hunt out that blasted person! He is probably the perp! Right under our noses blast him.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, In the absense of any more comments I'll put up a poll tomorrow with the following options:

Shoot at the dragon's weak points (Whitey)

Flee to the monastary (China)

Look for the person who bumped into them and then vanished beneath the flames(China)


Poll is up.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah reckon mr.Ren is onta summat. Voted fer such.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't find this entertaining story until it was nominated for SGotM. This seems to happen to me a lot.

I think it is way too much of a stretch to assume that an illusionist who earlier lacked the ability to make solid illusions has suddenly gained that ability.
The Dragon and the burnt man have made physical contact with real, solid things, so as far as I am concerned Elven and Alex would be foolish not to act on the assumption that the dragon is real and dangerous.

It can fly, and they are in the open, so running is the worst thing they can do.
They don't have time to search charred ground for secret tunnels or whatever when they have a flying flamethrower about to attack them.
Eyes are important for finding targets to shoot fire at, and are often a soft mushy gateway to the brain as well. Hence I voted for shooting it in the eye.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nearly forgot to vote, but did in the end, and tied it again! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right I'll leave the poll up for a couple more days to see if the tie can be broken Smile , the next Chapter ought to go up fairly soon after the poll closes.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can of course use your mystical author powers to break the tie, should you choose JS.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know Smile , in this case I could merge the two options quite nicely as well which I may well do if there are no other votes.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Never fear - Lordy is here. Consider your tie broken.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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