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Chapter 11: Freedom Comes at a Price

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Yes it is rather messy, I started off with a naturally messy scrawl and finely tuned it through having to write fast in exams to its current perfected state Wink . )

Chapter 11: Freedom Comes At A Price

Wearily Elvendor slowly raised his head, the others tense, waiting on his word.

“Very well,” he said in a resigned tone, “it shall be done.” Alex started to protest anew but he half raised his hand, indicating that Alex should say no more. Simeon still seemed bewildered by the turn of events. Slowly Elvendor turned to face the Krantle guard, as he did so Mike took a couple of strides forward to stand next to him.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Elvendor asked in a hushed whisper, “it will be for real, there will be no last minute escape plans”. There was a brief pause, then Mike replied resolutely,

“Yes, this is what I must do if we are to achieve a lasting peace between us and them.”

“Very well,” Elvendor replied, signaling the Krantle guard to approach. Quickly through gestures and tone he got the message across. In response the guard and three other Krantle gently grabbed and guided the four back along the route Elvendor had previously traveled. When it came to them being picked up and carried to the hole in the top of the spherical chamber, Elvendor couldn’t help but smile as he saw the faces of Alex and Simeon being carried upside down above a space they couldn’t see. The smile vanished in an instant though, when he remembered where they were heading and what was to happen.

Soon he found himself once again before the towering insect queen, the others could still see very little, only a faint shadowy outline. Elvendor observed though that Alex was still hopeful, either that this queen was playing mind games with them, or that he had a way out of the problem and was hiding it from them.

There are some problems where the best option is the hardest, did I make the best choice…? There wasn’t another way surely… I wonder how Remera will react when she finds that one of her best men has been lost?

The insect queen made a number of ranged clacks and Elvendor stepped forward, again answering in gesture. The queen gave a low range of clacks in response and Mike was carefully guided over to the right, where Elvendor had already observed with a sinking heart a freshly carved pit in the rocky floor, a deeper darkness in the overbearing gloom. Slowly the queen moved to the right, beckoning with a claw for the other three to follow and witness the act, although only Elvendor could fully see what was to happen.

The queen reverently picked up Mike in her left claw, and laid him across the pit, his body hanging over the middle. Gracefully she moved her claw into position, running perpendicular above and below Mike’s chest. Suddenly she began to emit a long speech, filled with changes of pace and tone that reverberated about the hall before finally falling silent. All the guards had swiveled round when she had started to talk and now observed the final act of the ceremony. There was a hush in the chamber, Elvendor saw Mike smile and wink at him. Snap, two dull thuds – followed by a third smaller one, as the part of Mike’s body trapped between the claws fell into the pit. Mike was lost from his view forever, his body destined to never again see the light of day.

With a wave of her right claw the queen summoned four guards to bury Mike’s body, and quickly they came forward, industriously burying the remains of the brave leprechaun. All in the chamber remained silent, respectful of the courage shown by the young captain. Elvendor glanced at his companions, Simeon was close to tears, Alex looked sick. He also started to sense some anger within Alex building towards the Krantle. Quickly he summoned the queen and arranged for their transport back to the crossroads before such emotion could come out and wreck the sacrifice that Mike had made.

* * *

They had left the Krantle long behind when Alex finally blurted out,

“Why? Why did he have to die? Those insects weren’t worth it.” Elvendor paused, causing the others to slow to a stop. His voice was strangely hollowed, trying to smooth over the torrent of emotion that he felt within, despite having only briefly known Mike.

“He had to die because he was willing to. Because he saw beyond his own life to achieve something greater, friendship between his own people and those down here. The act he did was a lesson in courage, bravery and love that I have never seen,” he replied. Then he moved on, glad it was so dark that the others could not see the tear he had shed. Alex, rebuffed by the comment said no more, Simeon brought up the rear – silent and thoughtful. It seemed to take forever to reach The City of Haven, when they did without Mike, they were shown straight to Remera.

* * *

“Approach,” commanded Remera’s sharp voice to Elvendor, Alex and Simeon, who all slowly moved forward towards the red line in front of the throne. Elvendor looked at Remera, worried by her tone, something was lurking behind the command, fear, anger…

“How come you have returned without Mike?” Anger, Elvendor realized with concern as Remera’s next question snapped out faster than the crack of a whip, stinging the faces of the three before her. In an effort to at least in part appease her he dropped to one knee with Alex and Simeon following suit.

“Mike willingly gave himself up as a sacrifice to appease the Krantle, to ensure friendship between your peoples your Majesty.” Remera’s eyes scanned Alex and Simeon’s eyes for confirmation of the statement. Getting it she eyed the three with hurt still flashing behind her eyes, replying curtly,

“When I sent you out upon the quest perhaps I should have specified that the loss of a captain, our best captain, wasn’t an option that we would willingly choose. You can stay within this hill for a couple of days whilst we ascertain that the Krantle are now friendly and then you may go on your way. You are dismissed.” With that she rose from her throne and strode into the right hand chamber, the door slamming shut behind her.

* * *

A couple of days later, having been held within a couple of rooms inside the hill, barred from leaving by a couple of armed guards, they were once again summoned to appear before Remera. This time it was a more calm and friendly Remera who asked them to approach.

“I’m sorry I was so cross the other day,” she said a little awkwardly, “I was just upset at the loss of such a fine leprechaun. I had to keep you captive until now to ensure that you spoke of what happened to no-one. You must promise to never let what happened down there to come out, if it did then many here would feel anger towards the Krantle and would undo the good deed done. It seems a fitting way for him to die – as a hero, don’t worry though his name will not be forgotten, it shall be written down in the deep histories that are being recorded – to be published and shown at such a date that a future ruler sees fit…Now do you both, on the word of honor of humans and elves, promise that you will not tell a soul about this Kingdom, at risk of bringing death upon yourselves and your families?” Both Elvendor and Alex solemnly agreed to the proposal. Then Remera reached down by her throne and picked up Alex’s sword and a small newly crafted bow and quiver of arrows which she brought over to the pair. “I’m afraid the bow isn’t quite as good as your original,” she said with an apologetic grin, “but it should suffice, at least as reminder not to be too complacent when someone threatens you…and of Mike.” Having solemnly handed them the weapons she turned and walked back to the throne and sat down, saying as she did so,

“Oh, there is one more thing. Simeon appears to want to join you on your journey. It seems that he feels that he ought to see what is going on more widely outside, perhaps find a wife….of course he’ll say that he’s going to keep an eye on you and ensure that you stick to your word. As he intends to return within a few years, we are fine with him going. It is after all unlikely that anyone other than travelers will be coming through this region in that time, and one of our youngsters, Sprit, is becoming quite good in dealing with this ‘heavy energy’ stuff. Certainly good enough to ensure travelers coming nearby our city from discovering it. I discussed it with the Elders and they are fine with the idea, particularly as it’s a way to ensure that you are as trustworthy as you claim to be. Is that alright with you?”

Elvendor talked it over with Alex in whispers. Alex was adverse to the idea of allowing a third person to travel with them. Eventually however Elvendor persuaded him that the mage’s illusionary abilities could well come in use when danger threatened and so with a small shrug Alex conceded the point. Funny, Elvendor noted, before it would have been me averse to another traveler, however we could really use Simeon’s abilities on our travels…it would be foolish not to take up his offer.

“Then we will be happy to have Simeon come along with us your highness,” Elvendor replied.

“Excellent, then if you would like to lunch with me before our ways part, presumably forever, I’d be glad,” Remera said as she rose. Stepping from her throne she once again strode in her green and gold robe, beckoning them to follow her through the right door. Within this chamber (a mirror image of the Council room) they crossed over another large stone square to a large circular pine table where a delicious meat dish was laid out with various vegetables accompanying it. Remera spoke as they walked towards it, occasionally glancing over her shoulder as she talked.

“That square leads down to my personal quarters and also my personal kitchens, study room and so forth…I noticed you staring at it Elvendor,” she added noticing his surprised look – seeing his look move towards the table she continued, “the dish is rabbit by the way, one of the few meat types we can breed for food within our City. Sorry, is that alright?” The last comment was in response to Elvendor wincing, slowly he replied,

“No it’s fine, I just find keeping animals caged rather than free repulsive, but then here it has to be so, so I can’t really complain.” Remera nodded, respecting his honesty,

“Yes, we’d prefer them to be running free if possible. Tell your friend that I’m really sorry that I can’t understand him, I will try and talk through you to him over the course of the meal.” Elvendor relayed the information to Alex who nodded with a touch of glum resignation at his continued position of isolation.

Over the course of the meal Remera asked about the elfin and human lands. The meal lasted a long time allowing her to gain most of the information she sought to satisfy her curiosity. From time to time the stone square would disappear with a hiss and a waiter would appear carrying drink and food and inquiring what else was needed. Seeing the waiter slowly rising from the centre of the room, ghost like, was a memory not easily forgotten.

For perhaps the first time in many days Elvendor finally felt himself relax, there was no doubt though that he was a different person as a result of stumbling upon this city. He felt older and wiser, events had conspired to thrust so much upon him. He also felt more than ever a need to express the emotions inside, but old habits die hard and he still kept them buried deep within, reasoning to himself that, to show emotion is to be vulnerable and that is something I cannot let happen, I must not be vulnerable for that is weakness.

He looked over at Alex, he’d changed too, now he sat sullenly eating his dinner, watching Elvendor and Remera talk, answering with just a trace of humor when Elvendor poised questions from Remera to him. With Alex though it has been a more subtle change. He’s lost a lot of his self confidence and become far less happy during the time here, probably because he is truly alone and at sea in a City where he can only speak and hear through me. I probably should have been more helpful and less selfish…but then perhaps being an elf naturally means we fall within being selfish. Deep down though he knew that it was as much the society that had brought him up as the race he was that was to blame for the inward looking attitude he had. But you can’t blame society for not changing…to do so would be to maintain the fiction that you have no control over what you choose, a small voice whispered within his head. Annoyed he pushed the thought aside and continued to enjoy the chat over dinner with the queen.

* * *
Finally it was time for them to leave the Haven. Remera led them out of the tunnel at the base of the main hill. There Simeon stood, wrapped up within a grey woolen cloak, a white tunic beneath. He gave them a half embarrassed nod of greeting as he saw them approach. Next to him stood a leprechaun guard, waiting to lead them to the freedom that they had so sought for many days. Both Elvendor and Alex had been given food and new clothes, loose green tops and trousers with identical woolen cloaks to Simeon, except Elvendors was blue and Alex’s red.

“I will then leave you in Johan’s capable guidance,” Remera said hurriedly, “it’s been nice meeting you…both, it is a shame that we should have to part for what must be forever but I wish you well upon your travels.” A smile that lacked backing from her eyes remained on her face as she spoke her final words, “Goodbye, brave travelers,” then she turned – quickly striding back within the darkened tunnel.

If I didn’t know her better I’d have thought she was glad to see us go, but I know that she’s hurting…for a brief time she has realized that there are benefits to having friends in other races and it’s troubling her…perhaps…or that she’s envious that we’ll be seeing sights that she’ll never see…

Johan quickly led them to a narrow valley between two of the encircled hills. They pushed through thickened undergrowth and squeezed through narrow rocky crevices until eventually they emerged out upon the Western side of the ringed hills, surrounded by a forest of pines.

* * *

A little later on Simeon, Alex and Elvendor had climbed to the top of one of the tallest western hills surrounding Haven City, Elvendor and Alex had then ascended two of the taller pines and now were able to survey the land around from there softly swaying perches. A cold southern breeze blew in gentle chilling gusts past them.

Looking south Elvendor saw hilly terrain covered by pine trees, the pine trees actually spread out South, East and West as far as one could see, the distant purple moorlands halting their advance to the North. Simeon had informed him that not much further south the land ended at the sea, with a shingle beach. Westwards, the mountains loomed larger than ever over the ever increasing hilly and rocky terrain which somehow emanated danger and excitement from its midst at the same time.

“Do the mountains run from coast to coast?” Elvendor shouted down to Simeon. Simeon, had so far been surprisingly pleasant since they had met up within the City a few hours ago. Elvendor had asked the standard ‘what made you want to join us question?’ and was much amused to see Simeon blush slightly as he tried to claim that it was purely to ensure that they weren’t going to head off and divulge the secrets that his family had so long protected. Now Simeon considered Elvendor’s question carefully,

“No, not quite, there is a lower forested section at the southern end of them where it might be possible to pass through safely,” he replied, “that’s where the elves and dwarf headed all those years ago and they never returned to the best of my knowledge, but then I can’t cover all the terrain round here all of the time.”

Elvendor mused over the options that were spread out before them…Should we return to Kostenton City, what would we then say to the Mayor? Or should we head south and follow the path that my parents seem to have taken, we have some supplies and weaponry but no idea what lies in that direction. Perhaps we should head north to the dwarven towns and find out more about the dwarf that set out with my parents? His eyes brightly skipped over the beauty of the world around him, breathing in the fresh air that flowed into his lungs and allowing the comforting smell of the pine woods to lick round him. He smiled as he thought, so glad that whatever decision they made, it would be one made freely without the constraint of a prison around them.

Last edited by JezSharp on Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd head north. No real reasoning behind it, I just like north.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter!
i think they should go north
if his mother passed that way with the dwarf then they should defnately take that route to find out more about her.
all the other ways don't seem to have as much excitment (though the mountains seem intrigueing...)
joy Cool [/quote]
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Embarrassed my bad I had two North's at the end of the Chapter. I've amended it now...It will be south to follow the route his parents went, and North to either return to Kostenton or the dwarven towns.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hurrah! Another chapter!

I will come back and read it later. No time now.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


After all, when he has found out all he can about his parents from then then he can go south and follow the path his parents took.
If that leads to the sea though, then they probably took a boat and it would be easier to find out info from the dwarves then follow the route his parents took than to follow his parents and then find out dwarf info.

Great new chapter btw

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice writing!

I say South. Carry on the journey they started.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I'll put up the poll now and leave it for about a week as there are really the four options's really hard trying to find dp points atm...then again which way they go now will have a reasonably large effect on the rest of the sg, so it certainly isn't an unimportant dp.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Someone's got two Norths again.....
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In the poll you mean...? That's because they are both North (ish)...I had following the parents north and Kostenton/dwarven lands both as north in the chapter - which had to be changed...but the dwarven lands and Kostenton City both lie North.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i definately think south because that is where his mother went.
even though it would be a good idea to go north to find out about the dwarf, what if he isn't welcome in the dwarf city?
there is no point in going back to kostenson because they don't have anything that they want to tell the mayor
there doesn't seem to be anything east worth going to, though exploring does sound quite fun!
the moutains to the west seem quite good, but i think they'll be quite dangerous, and what motive would they have for going there?
definately south. even though his companions might not understand his reason forgoing south, that is a risk he should take in order to find out something about his mother.
joy Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, the poll looks fairly decided, I'll probably release a new Chapter in around 18 hrs time.

I thought people might go South, but thought I'd check as there is no going back now, Elvendor's route has been set and his route to a large degree chosen for a while - for better or worse as the situations unfold along it. Therefore the choice of where he was to go was of paramount importance to what happens and who he meets on his journey/when he meets them.
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