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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I for one, do NOT believe that Stokov is the criminal. It would be entirely dissapointing if he is. Usually, stories like these always have one character that seems to be guilty but isn't. I think that's the case with Stokov as well.

But, sticking with this guy is the most logical and probably the only way to carry this forward.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What great responses! Thank you everybody, your compliments really help to grease these knucklebones, if you know what I mean. I'm also pleased to see our analyses are getting even more involved and informed. There is certainly plenty to discover. I can't wait to see how this storygame continues to unfold.

Crunchyfrog wrote:
Question - in the previous chapter, the air vents were very still, suggesting that the ventilation and heating had been shut down in this area. There was no mention of that in this chapter. What is the air supply like at the moment?

Yay questions! I'll add this question to the next chapter (Future Lebby take note!), but so you don't have to wait till then to find the answer, though the ventilation has seemingly stopped, the quality of the air seems perfectly fine. Stokov will claim that the ventilation is currently running at reduced capacity because it's in "emergency mode" (there's that keyword again... I better make a post in supplemental for it). Basically, because the system has been damaged in a critical area, ventilation is operating autonomously and using as little power as possible. If this is the case, ventilation will start again only when necessary. If not, it's going to get harder and harder to breathe over time (maybe hours, maybe even days, depending on how much oxygen is being used in a particular place). It will also get considerably colder, one way or the other, but especially if there is a total shutdown.

I'll be opening the poll tomorrow, as an effort to follow the bi-weekly schedule I raved about in the Open Forum. If anyone has any more suggestions, here's your last call.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:14 am    Post subject: Polled Polling Polls Poll Reply with quote

The poll is up!

I'll be weighing options 2 and 3 against 1, so don't worry about splitting your votes if you want to make sure the message isn't sent to the bridge. It is also safe to assume that John plans to interview Darla and have a look around the quarters regardless of which decision is made.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dammit, I like 'em all!

Mmmm. I'll need a little thinking time before pressing that vote button.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have no such compunction. Wink This one seems quite clear to me.

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not a real confusion I guess... An almost immediate vote.. just had to think between options 2 and 3. Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:01 am    Post subject: poll closed Reply with quote

The poll is closed and the results are below. The next chapter is under construction, slated for an interview with the widow, a quick search of the quarters, and inspection of the robot suspected of killing Victor Clemens... all while being held at gunpoint!

To snitch or not to snitch?
Send the message to the bridge, alerting them to the situation.
0% [ 0 ]
Don't send the message, and find a way for Stokov to inspect Camoubot 9.
100% [ 3 ]
Don't send the message, and convince Stokov to go with you to the morgue to look for more clues.
0% [ 0 ]

Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: PopeAlessandrosXVIII, Thunderbird, Vishal Muralidharan
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crunchy - you never did make up your mind eh?

And this is all that voted? Really? That confuses me... such a good sg!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:54 pm    Post subject: Chapter 7: Camoubots Reply with quote

Chapter 7: Camoubots
I wonder if Victor Clemens would laugh if he could see me now. I imagine it would amuse him, after all the times I came to straighten him out for fighting with his wife, to know that I was now the prisoner of his wife and her paranoid lover. Vladimir Stokov looks relaxed on the outside at least, but he’s not letting go of his gun. I could call for help with the simple press of a button, but instead I decide to ride this out and see where it takes me. I let him read the previous report:

REPORT 7: Camoubot 9

Stokov grunts. “I’m surprised he even knows how to remove the gun. Who taught him that?”

“I did, today,” I casually admit. “We checked all of the camoubots out to test their EA spread patterns.”

“All except 13.”

“Of course.”

“So you know how to remove the EA and fire it too. That’s interesting.”

“Why don’t we change the subject to something that doesn’t implicate me for murder?” I respond. “For instance, I noticed the ventilation stopped in the corridor. How long do we have before we suffocate?”

“The system is in emergency mode,” Stokov states impatiently. “It hasn’t shut off completely. We won’t run out of breathable air as long as nothing else goes wrong. Of course, the longer I’m away from my work, the worse it will get. You should remember this.”

“Fine, then let’s wrap this up as quickly as possible. Where should I have Slaughter deliver the camoubot for your inspection?”

“The nearest repair station will be fine. It will have everything I need and no one will think to find us there.”

I set everything up with my deputy, James Slaughter, to get Camoubot 9 delivered with all its parts. I tell him to interview the four passengers too and I hope for the best.

REPORT 8: Interrogation of Abe Marlin, Philip Costa, Adolf Polski, and Theo Bramm

Finally, it’s time to have a few words with the ‘bereaved’ Darla Clemens. Stokov respects my request for privacy, but not before handing her the gun to keep me in line. He waits in the corridor.

INTERVIEW 5: Darla Clemens

I didn’t get much from Darla, but the interview reminds me to search the place, particularly the locked room that was converted to a workshop. I ask Stokov to come back in to help open the door. Meanwhile I search through the mess, not sure exactly what I’m looking for, and not feeling particularly surprised when I find nothing interesting except the key to the door that Stokov already opened the hard way.

The workshop, on the other hand, is a lot more … interesting. I walk into the room full of all kinds of electronics, and a worktable with tools in disarray, but the first question that strikes me I have to say out loud.

“What is a camoubot doing in Victor Clemens’ workshop?” I ask. Stokov grins like a crisp hundred dollar bill. The camoubot looks like a truck hit it, but there’s no mistaking what it is. “What are you smiling at?”

“We finally found it,” Stokov says. He shows me the serial number. It’s Camoubot 13. Furthermore, it still has its EA. Stokov detaches it and abruptly fires a round into the wall. “Still good.”

“As if one wasn’t enough.”

“You can never have too many guns,” Stokov responds as he puts the EA under his belt.

“All right, let’s take it with us. You can inspect both of the camoubots at the repair station.”

We call in another robot to carry Camoubot 13. I’m also allowed to call Cdr. Jacob Hawkins on the bridge to tell him Stokov didn’t show up so I was continuing my search elsewhere and I would be in contact. I also mention that I was sending robots in for repair. He acknowledges my report and tells me that the security task force would be using robots as well for an inward radial search and that trams are disabled to prevent Stokov from moving around too quickly. Knowing their search pattern certainly helps, but we’ll have a harder time avoiding trouble later. Soon the autopsy report arrives, but I’m too busy trying to avoid any attention to examine it.

REPORT 9: Alien creature autopsy

Traveling through the corridors on foot instead of by tram makes the journey longer, but we manage to avoid being seen by anyone. By 0100, we’re there. The repair station is cold and lifeless. A feeble breath issues from the ventilation system and a few tracks have disturbed the accumulated layers of dust. Although it appears desolate, the station is fully stocked with everything needed for a team of twelve mechanics to work overtime. In all of the years following its construction, it probably hasn’t been used even once.

Stokov turns the lights on, already perfectly comfortable in dusty old rooms. Camoubot 9 is shut down and waiting for us. A recently deposited bag on a nearby table has the word ‘EVIDENCE’ printed on it. I’m the first to notice it, and I manage to stuff it in my pocket while Stokov is collecting tools. Darla may have noticed, but she doesn’t appear suspicious. With all his gear ready, Stokov gets to work, first on Camoubot 9, and then on Camoubot 13. While he works on the camoubots, I work on a secure computer, and I explain to him what I find in the automated reports from the Camoubots.

REPORT A10: Camoubot 9 and 13 inspection by Stokov

REPORT 1: Merged automated reports from camoubots

REPORT A11: Latest camoubot automated reports

Stokov looks angry now that he’s had a chance to consider what we know about the Camoubots. He takes my communicator and starts sending a typed message.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m sending an urgent message to Lieutenant Commander Terrence Bluth. I’m asking him to meet here.”

“Don’t you have enough hostages?” I ask.

“Like guns, in a situation like this, you can never have too many hostages.”

Stokov has both EA’s in his belt as he types, and though I also have a few more questions for good old Terrence, I’m not sure it’s worth putting his life in danger to ask them…

DP: How does John handle the situation with Stokov?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well... all I can say is... this is the first SG where I find it takes three or four read throughs, one with a notepad at the ready, to get the fullest out of it.

This is really excellent, Lebby! Flawless in its writing, really, and flat out one of the best mystery webs I've ever encountered. There's a lot to closely examine here. I can see why Stokov is so interested in Bluth, however. So far, a lot of evidence is pointing to him being responsible. Another reference seemed to indicate a possible conspiracy between Bluth and Slaughter and a motive may have had something to do with the victim's tampering with the camobots - though why that wouldn't have been made more open information to the investigator here is what makes it such a strange assertion.

I have a lot more details to take a look at before coming up with another master theory. My previous one seems to have been proven wrong so far. A big answer to a big question would be what on the ship may show sign of having been responsible for the damage to camobot 13? I have to go back and try to figure out when it went and disappeared again... In this chapter, I believe you've put so much in here to give us a skeleton of the answer but its going to take going through just about everything we've learned so far to come up with the picture I think.

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Thunderbird, you're too kind. I hope your research goes well.

I was planning on putting up the poll on Tuesday, but it looks like I ought to wait a few more days to see if I get some more input. Maybe 2 weeks isn't enough time between chapters, at least when there is as much material of this.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I keep looking but its not shouting out at me. I have to study the fine details, times of events and such.

But for simplicity's sake, the answer to the DP is an easy one. Press Stokov to explain his thinking on why he wishes to have a conversation with Bluth, adding some of his own observations of the implications that Bluth may be in on things to prompt Stokov to open up. We're going to want Bluth here as well. At the moment, Stokov is doing our job for us and doing it quite well. But he may end up taking this too far. Impress on Stokov that we understand his situation and, like he, we only seek to unravel the truth and get to those who are really responsible. We need him to let us go so we can treat him more like a partner in the investigation rather than a suspect. But yeah, agreed that we need to speak with Bluth - now!

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Like Thunderbird said, the DP is a simple one. I wouldn't be suprised if its the only suggestion.

But, the chapter was fascinating! For the first time in this story, I enjoyed the links, because everything was going the way I expected. I do need some more time and evidence to (hopefully) pull the answer out.

That said, I haven't yet gone through all my notes. The fact that Tbird couldn't get anything is quite.... demoralizing (Razz) but hopefully, I might get something.

Still, terrific writing Lebby! As far as mystery stories go, this one is definitely one of my favourites!

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its not that I've found 'nothing'. I just haven't found the big key point that crystalizes it all yet. I'm not ready to share my conclusions so far as it were. I will continue to study the details, however, for I sense there is much more to grasp than what I have so far.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:19 am    Post subject: Well now... Reply with quote

Well, if no one else is going to be violent and unreasonable, I guess I'll have to do it! *Evil grin*

Grab the gun! At least one, and get it against Mr.Captor's head! We need to turn this situation around. I agree with needing to talk to the guy, Bluth, but we need some leverage with Stokov. *Shifty eyes* I say, grab the gun, let him know we mean to find out who/what's behind all this, then....Slip the gun into yer own belt. Kinda like a posturing thing. "I am here, I am not helpless, let's figure this out together." Y'know? Grrrr.....I just don't like being a hostage here....Psycologicly, it's a male dominence issue. By sheathing the threat right after making it, it creates a sense of respect for the other person, so this set of actions is highly condusive to gaining allies from enemies.

Thanks for another great chapter Lebrenth-chan! *Waits eagerly for the next one*

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't read it yet - but I will do tomorrow evening. It sounds pretty lame saying this, it being a short chapter but I wouldn't do it justice without the time taken to do the in-depth research.

Not that I'm complaining. I really feel as if I'm 'playing' this storygame. Thumbs Up
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No worries Crunchy! I'm just glad you're around, and I'm particularly glad that you feel like you're really playing this storygame, as that has always been the main objective in IF.

I'm also glad we now have a few poll suggestions. We're working with "Let Stokov call Bluth in" and "Try to grab a pistol from Stokov's belt." I want to emphasize the "try" on that last one, as there is no guarantee he will succeed. Just because I'm invested in the story too doesn't mean I won't do something drastic if that is the most logical result. I'm not saying that we shouldn't take risks, I'm just hoping we don't get the main character killed. I hate it when that happens.

By the way, I was perusing the supplemental info, and I noticed a typo. It's fixed now, but I thought I would mention it just to be thorough. Darla Clemens is 5'2" not 4'2".

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

He's typing a message into a communicator? Weapons are in his belt?

What are you waiting for? Punch his lights out and neutralise him NOW!

There's much to investigate and we can't do that while Stokov keeps the upper hand.

Stokov is still a suspect in my book. Bluth and Slaughter may well be too. Mindy Summers is mixed up in this, and possibly Darla as well.

I think the questions to be asked of Bluth are quite obvious!

Slaughter manages the firing ranges, where people use EA weapons. I think it would be a very good idea to find out a little bit about who frequents these firing ranges. It would eliminate a lot of folk on the ship.

Look at that Alien autopsy report - and interview the four prisoners. Tell them they're not being held for killing the alien, but question them about Victor. They could well have seen him in his last moments.

Everybody's fingerprints have been on Camoubot 13 by now, I guess. But I think once we discover how it came to be in Victor's workshop, a lot more light will be thrown on the subject.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:34 am    Post subject: Handsome Prints Reply with quote

Crunchyfrog wrote:
Everybody's fingerprints have been on Camoubot 13 by now, I guess. But I think once we discover how it came to be in Victor's workshop, a lot more light will be thrown on the subject.

No need to guess, I can have John check both camoubots and both EA's for prints, if you like. John Dunaway and James Slaughter were wearing gloves while handling Camoubot 9 and its EA, so they didn't spoil the evidence at all. However, Stokov did lay his bare hands on both camoubots and Camoubot 13's EA, but not Camoubot 9's EA. That EA was removed and put in an evidence bag, so it hasn't been spoiled at all (to our knowledge). It should also not be too surprising if Victor Clemens' fingerprints are on Camoubot 13 and its EA, as it was in his workshop, but John took special notice that Darla did not touch Camoubot 13 since its discovery.

If possible, I'll put fingerprinting in the next chapter (it may be a bumpy ride, so we'll see). I'll add "Try to knock him out" to the poll options alongside "Try to take his gun" since the actions have substantial differences. I'll post the poll tomorrow to give everyone just a little more time to consider. The post will probably last a little longer than a week, but we're still trying to keep this quick! Let me know if I'm going too fast; the once-a-month formula was at least comfortable, if not ideal.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:58 pm    Post subject: Poll notification Reply with quote

Poll's up! Get it while it's hot!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:37 pm    Post subject: Poll Choise Reply with quote

*Insert evil laugh here* I'm winning! I may be the only one who's voted thus far, but who cares! I'm winning! *Giggles* Sorry, I'm on a bit of a work high. The IFQ is comming along nicely, and it makes me happy!I like the violent choises(I know I can't spell that word). Still makes me sad that my "Resoning with Stokov" didn't get worked in there. Razz Well, we'll see how this goes!

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Poll Choise Reply with quote

PopeAlessandrosXVIII wrote:
Still makes me sad that my "Resoning with Stokov" didn't get worked in there.

I wouldn't say that. Whether we are totally cooperative or if we manage to get our hands on one of his guns, we're still trying to reason with him. We'll probably be reasoning with him still if he's arrested, too. It's all about where John stands when he starts asking Stokov to continue helping with the investigation.
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:17 am    Post subject: Poke Reply with quote

*Poke* *Poke* *Poke* Ok, I've lost, is voting done fer nows? is there being some last minute voting to let me pull out ahead? Razz Kidding. Let the good times roll!....Hmmm...I've been using that word a lot latly...Rooooolllll, Rooollliiin'. Heheheheh*Giggles at self* God I'm out of it.......Much luv guys and gals!

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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:18 am    Post subject: poll closing Reply with quote

Sorry Pope, it looks like you lost this poll too! I just closed the poll so I can start working on the next chapter. With the new ad out, I want to give new readers something to start with, and it's been about enough time. Good luck on the next one!

I'm going to try to post the new chapter today, but this SG takes a lot more work than my usual ones, so it may not be out until tomorrow.

Things to look forward to:
Terrence Bluth makes a confession
Vladimir Stokov loses his temper
Rogue robot encountered

Previous Poll:
John's move while Stokov is all thumbs?
Let Stokov contact Bluth.
50% [ 2 ]
Try to take a gun from Stokov's belt.
25% [ 1 ]
Try to knock out Stokov.
25% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Crunchyfrog, PopeAlessandrosXVIII, Thunderbird, Vishal Muralidharan

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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now that promises to be a good chapter!
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Will catch up in some time! Im sorry if I was missed Razz
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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

warriorofdoom wrote:
Will catch up in some time! Im sorry if I was missed Razz

Definitely missed! Sorry I closed the poll already, but I'll get out a new chapter soon!
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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:49 pm    Post subject: Chapter 8: More Power Reply with quote

Chapter 8: More Power

It might be a simulated night, but the fatigue is real. This day has chewed on me enough without another confrontation, but it’s not ready to spit me out yet. Lt. Vladimir Stokov sends his urgent message to Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth, luring him into a trap, and I bide my time. Truthfully, I want to see Bluth too, and the idea of blasting through all the red tape with an EA gun has a certain appeal. I’ll let Stokov get the answers. He doesn’t have a lot to lose right now, which makes him very persuasive. Anyway, it will be nice to have him pointing his gun at someone else for a while.

Bluth responds quickly with a simple message explaining he’ll come as quickly as he can.

“What will you do?” I ask Stokov.

“He will answer for what he has done,” Stokov replies gravely.

“How will he do that? You seem pretty certain he’s guilty of something, why don’t you enlighten me?”

“Is it not obvious to you? He was in control of the robots when the robots attacked. Who else could have ordered them to do what they did?”

“But why would he do it?”

Stokov doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter. The answers will come, even if he has to take them by force. I decide that I may as well take a nap while waiting, and hope that my mind at rest can make more sense of these things. I lay on a work table with my head resting on a small empty box and for a few minutes, I find a little peace.

My unfolding dreams are quickly wrapped up again as the door opens. Bluth enters urgently and his mouth drops open when he sees Stokov with his gun. I get up quickly and get ready… I’m still not sure what Stokov plans to do.

“You look tired,” Stokov says.

“Welcome to the party,” I say, putting myself between Stokov and Bluth as I guide him to a stool to sit on.

“What is this?” Bluth asks. He does look tired, and worse. The lines of worry have already worn deep grooves on his face, he’s been like this for a while, but now his skin is stretched with alarm. He’s terrified.

“It’s all right, Stokov wants to ask you some questions. He’s in charge here, you know, isn’t that right Stokov?”

“Why did you kill Victor Clemens?” Stokov demands, his patience already strained.

“Hold on, we haven’t started recording yet.”

“Why record? It is obvious who killed Victor, all I want to know is why before I kill him.”

“Stokov, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. We don’t have to become murders to make sure he’s brought to justice,” I say. Apparently I’m the ‘good cop’ now; it is unfamiliar to me but I’ll try anything once. The problem is I don’t think Stokov is just playing his part. “Anyway, look at how you’re scaring him. Let’s start with easier questions.”

“I didn’t kill Victor!” Bluth blurts out. “Listen to me, Stokov. Forget about all of this, forget Victor ever existed. We need your help to get the ship out of Emergency Mode.”

“Do not try to distract me. Emergency Mode is perfectly safe,” Stokov says.

“No it’s not!” Bluth replies, trying to stay calm. “The whole ship became active all at once. All of the parts of the ship that have been dormant for years are coming back online and they’re not ready. We’re having power failures all over the place, and we’ve been lucky so far, but it could get serious.”

“The ship will be fine. You are the one in danger, and if you think you can trick me long enough to escape, you are mistaken.”

“You moron, your carelessness has put us all in danger!”

“Calm down, Terrence,” I say assertively over my shoulder, while preparing to push Stokov back.

“No, let him speak! This man has a lot to say about the morons on this ship, let him say so!”

“You’re the one who wanted Victor dead! But I know—,” Bluth says, but he doesn’t get to finish before Stokov knocks me back. I collide with Bluth and we both hit the ground. I feel very light on my feet as I stand up again and put myself between Stokov and Bluth. Stokov pistol whips me, but I stand my ground and grapple with him.

“Get out of my way, Dunaway!”

“No, Vladimir, I can’t do that. This isn’t just for him, this is for you!”

“I’m going to kill that smug bastard!”

I slam Stokov’s gut and it causes him to stumble. I take a moment to see Bluth, how he has retreated to the wall, cringing on the ground in terror.

“Damn it, Stokov, he’s ready to talk. Aren’t you, Bluth?” I yell.

“Yes! Yes! For God’s sake I’ll tell you everything!”

“All right?” I ask Stokov.

“If he says just one lie…” Stokov warns, holding up the EA.

“He won’t, now stand down!” I yell again. Stokov finds it difficult to cool off, but he lowers the gun. Darla cringes like a frightened statue only a few yards away. Bluth shields his face with his hands. “All right…. Thanks for getting him warmed up for me, Stokov. I’ll take it from here. And we are recording everything.”

I pick up the knocked over stool and plant it in front of Bluth. I let him tremble on the ground for the interview. Knowing his life depends on his truthfulness, I choose my words carefully. His only slight chance of surviving the next few minutes will depend on convincing Stokov that he isn’t a murderer.

INTERVIEW 6: Second Interview of Lt. Cdr. Terrence Bluth

By his own admission, Bluth is guilty of several serious crimes, but he’s still not willing to admit to murder. Stokov didn’t lose his temper again through the interview, but he’s not satisfied when I clamp the handcuffs on Bluth’s wrists.

“I warned you what I would do if you lied,” Stokov says.

“He’s not going anywhere, Stokov, leave him alone!” I say.

“He thinks that story will be enough to keep him alive. He thinks he is clever to admit so much,” Stokov says.

“Vladimir, please,” Darla says. Stokov softens enough to reason with, but it’s clear he wants to keep things on his own terms.

“Please,” Bluth begs, “just check the system database. It will tell you the ship’s power is failing. We don’t have time for these games. Take me to jail and get yourselves to work!”

“I’ll check for you,” I say to Stokov, and I don’t wait for his permission to do so. He still hasn’t considered just how easy it is to send messages through secure terminals. I guess he just trusts me to make the same decision as before. But I do pull up the alerts on the system database.

REPORT A12: System Alerts, 9/29

“Stokov, you need to see these,” I say.

“The ship will be fine for a few hours. Trust me, I know her,” Stokov says.

“What about the rogue?”

“I’ll leave that to you,” Stokov decides. “Listen to me: if I shoot a murderer, it is not murder, it is justice. If Bluth is telling the truth, there is proof. Find me proof that Bluth is not a murderer and he will not die. I have a new hostage, lieutenant, so I’m going to let you go. Find proof and I will let Bluth go too. I’m trusting you, but if anyone tries to take him by force, I will kill him.

“And,” Stokov continues, “if I find out you were involved in this murder, John… I will kill you too.”

DP: What does John do next?
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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stick with our Trigger-happy lunatic I guess. Stokov is starting to piss me off, but I see no other option.

I don't think he'd let us get away as well. Sticking with our main suspects is probably our best hope. Bluth's confession adds a new dimension to this, if you will, and the story is just getting better every time.

We need to somehow talk with Bluth, without Stokov suspecting that we were in it with Bluth. Stokov seems a bit jumpy now.

We really need to find out what was 'for the captain's eyes only'. He could lie here, but unless we can force open and look at his message, we have no choice but to believe him.

Generally speaking though, I believe that this DP is more.... sort of vague than the others.

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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nice delivery of John's strategic approach to controlling Stokov without outright TAKING control. He so cleverly manipulated Stokov that I was left shaking my head in wonderment at how masterfully you have just endeared our main character to your audience. Seriously cool handling of this tense situation - far beyond the usual skill attributable to law enforcement officers. He handled this like a Tai-Chi master!

And while that was a very 'appropriate' way to handle Bluth, I think we need his help to stabilize the ship more than we need to arrest him. I suspected he wasn't telling us everything, and about to the extent he hadn't. He HAD to have had more knowledge of what had taken place in the garden that night.

Anyhow, we have a problem from inside the grid. And I think I know who to point at... but he's frozen solid (at least until Emergency Mode thaws him out, which I suspect is a big part of the overall goal of the real perp here.)

It'll take a bit of review to figure out who would be behind that. Another master theory begins to form but I need to review the data once more. This time, at least, I don't think the devil will be so much in the details of times of events but in the relationships onboard the ship.

But immediately, I say he needs to visit the cryochambers... NOW! At the same time, he needs to send a detail of HUMANS, (NOT robots), to track down our rogue robot and shut him down before he causes more damage!

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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:05 am    Post subject: Problems and DP's Reply with quote

Vishal Muralidharan wrote:
Generally speaking though, I believe that this DP is more.... sort of vague than the others.

Rather than "vague" let me call it "open". You might say the DP is Where would John be able to do the most good? Would it be with trying to find proof that Bluth is innocent (whether he is or not) to save his life? Would it be to lead a raid to capture Stokov? Tracking down the rogue robot? Finding out where the heck the alien came from? Figuring out how to get access to the Captain's files? Helping the crew fix the ship and get it out of Emergency Mode?

There are a lot of different things John could do and even more different ways he could do them. I don't want to make you pick from just two or three options. I would like to see you think up some creative ways to handle these serious and complex problems. There are several solutions available to you with the knowledge you have already, and several choices you could make which could help you find more solutions.

Let me help by outlining the problems (that we know about):
    Victor Clemens' death is still unexplained
    John has been ordered to arrest Stokov
    Stokov has Bluth as a hostage
    The ship's internal sensors have been badly damaged
    The ship is in Emergency Mode which may result in power and life support failure
    The camoubots' recorded data are encrypted
    One of the automated reports involving Victor Clemens is classified "Captain's Eyes Only" (and the Captain isn't onboard)
    The passengers and crew are feeling very paranoid and violent
    John is effectively unarmed
    There is a rogue robot onboard shooting robots and rerouting power
    John is getting tired from lack of sleep (and he hasn't eaten either)

... Seriously, there are a lot of problems to resolve here. Choose one, find a solution, then argue why everyone should vote for your solution.

He handled this like a Tai-Chi master!

Thanks Thunderbird! I'm very pleased that you were impressed by John's way of handling Stokov and getting information from Bluth. This time the DP option that was voted on worked out pretty well. Nonetheless, John (and the whole ship) is in a tight spot. I'll add 'Go to Cryochambers immediately' to the list of DP options. If John isn't personally handling the rogue, we'll fit the suggestion into the chapter that humans be sent. It will be a suggestion John gives to the Commander. Any other options you would like to suggest?
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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Rogue robot should be taken care of first.

Apart from the obvious danger of harm to other robots and humans, it is possible that it damages evidence in the process. Get other ROBOTS to handle this situation. I don't think humans would be of much use, they could easily be shot down by EA's.

But if we do send robots, what can we do if all robots start going on a rampage. Is there anyway to "lock" the robots so that they receive orders only from a certain person directly? This would mean that robots wouldn't take orders from other robots, but only from a trusted source.

As for John, Stokov and Bluth, sheesh! We need to convince Stokov (or Darla, who is the only person that Stokov is listning to) that we're on the same side. Then find a perfect time to get the EA, and ask questions. Force him to help the emergency situation, which apparently only he can do. Arresting Stokov comes later.

Seek permission from the captain to view the automated report, (though I doubt if this'l work) and then view the damned thing Razz

That's all, I guess.
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:58 am    Post subject: Rogue Reply with quote

warriorofdoom wrote:
Get other ROBOTS to handle this situation. I don't think humans would be of much use, they could easily be shot down by EA's.

But if we do send robots, what can we do if all robots start going on a rampage. Is there anyway to "lock" the robots so that they receive orders only from a certain person directly? This would mean that robots wouldn't take orders from other robots, but only from a trusted source.

Looks like I should split this suggestion into "Send humans to deal with the rogue robot" and "Use robots to deal with the rogue robot". As far as locking down the robots so only trusted sources can control them, they are already locked so only special clearance officers (the senior officers) can order them or can authorize someone to order them. There isn't a way to lock them any further. However, the commanding officer of the ship can revoke special clearance, which has already been done with Stokov. Stokov is already unable to give orders to robots. Robots can also be totally shut down, in which case it requires a manual reboot to start up again. This would quickly and effectively stop any rampaging robots that are taking orders. The rogue will not respond to orders, so this tactic will not work on it.

warriorofdoom wrote:
Seek permission from the captain to view the automated report, (though I doubt if this'l work) and then view the damned thing Razz

The Captain can't give permission remotely. He needs to be onboard at a secure computer.

warriorofdoom wrote:
As for John, Stokov and Bluth, sheesh! We need to convince Stokov (or Darla, who is the only person that Stokov is listning to) that we're on the same side. Then find a perfect time to get the EA, and ask questions. Force him to help the emergency situation, which apparently only he can do. Arresting Stokov comes later.

Stokov is being particularly difficult right now. If you want to persuade him or threaten him, you'll need a specific strategy... which you gave by saying to persuade Darla, who is more receptive and has a way with Stokov. Remember, however, that she does not want Stokov to get arrested, so any argument will need to deal with that problem. I'll add "Persuade Darla to get Stokov to be more cooperative".
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:44 am    Post subject: I Think...... Reply with quote

*Bows* Sorry this took me so long to read *Cries* RL sux some times....

Well played on the reaoning front. I like the the visual of the grown man cowering in a corner. Much along my taste buds tingle at the thought.....*Snaps back from la la land* Oh! and I like Stokov. Trust the man and do as you're told! Find some proof, trash the bot, and get the guy!!!.....Ignore that last one.....

*Bounces* Keep'em comin' Lebrenth-chan!

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go and interview the four guys who were apprehended with the alien's body. They will either back up Bluth's story or prove it wrong.

Go and see the guy in stasis - he'll shed some light on the emergency mode status, being the designer of the ship and all.

And Stokov's unreasonable behaviour means that he's eather flipped, or he's hiding something. What are we doing with Camoubot 13 at the moment? That still needs to be checked out. And double check Camoubot 9's reports against Bluth's confession.
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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:09 am    Post subject: new poll Reply with quote

Nice to see you back, Crunchy!
Crunchyfrog wrote:
And Stokov's unreasonable behaviour means that he's eather flipped, or he's hiding something. What are we doing with Camoubot 13 at the moment? That still needs to be checked out. And double check Camoubot 9's reports against Bluth's confession.

Camoubot 13 has been checked out and REPORT A10 details Stokov's findings. At the moment, it's just sitting on a work table. Camoubot 9's automated reports are listed in REPORT A11 (the ones we have access to at least).

I'll add interrogating the four passengers to the poll... which I think I will post right now.

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tough poll... something needs done about all of the above. I selected one but I'd also want to address a few via some radioed in assistance - particularly where that rogue robot is concerned.

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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Damn, I missed a detail on A10. If there's been repair to Camobot 13's gun arm, does that mean that its EA gun is functional? Can its spread pattern be tested? I know we've already identified Camobot 9's gun as being responsible for killing Clemens. But it would be useful to know.

Anyway. About to vote now. Smile
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:56 am    Post subject: Three ways Reply with quote

Crunchyfrog wrote:
Damn, I missed a detail on A10. If there's been repair to Camobot 13's gun arm, does that mean that its EA gun is functional? Can its spread pattern be tested? I know we've already identified Camobot 9's gun as being responsible for killing Clemens. But it would be useful to know.

Yes, the EA is functional. It's been tested by Stokov. We'll get the spread pattern for it in the next chapter.

Looks like a three way tie! That's exciting.

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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tie Broken.. For now! Sorry I missed the poll so long..!

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