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The Huntsman Ch. 3 POLL

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:10 pm    Post subject: The Huntsman Ch. 3 POLL Reply with quote

Chapter 1.

Click click.

The bolt slid forward, the round met the chamber.

The rifle was heavier in his hands than he ever thought possible. His mouth was cotton dry but his hands were damp with perspiration. Beads of sweat trickled down his brow even as his breath visibly clashed with the colder outside air to create a pale, ghostlike steam.

Another bullet zinged by, chipping the hunk of concrete he huddled behind. He was shaking. Something about that wasn't right.

Combat was nothing like what he'd been told. Every author in the world was a damn liar.'

It wasn't about blood and glory.

It was about piss and fear.

There was a momentary pause in the shooting and he took the chance to peek around the barricade.

Only one of the enemy remained. He fumbled and fussed with his weapon, oblivious to his surroundings in his frustration.

It must've jammed, Hans realized. This was his chance.

He attempted to dash around the side of his cover to the next obstacle about five feet away, edging toward the distant enemy, but his boot skidded on slick black ice and he fell. His fingers locked around the trigger and fired off a quick five round burst.

Three rounds punched holes in the tattered column next to the enemy trooper, one drilled straight into his throat, and the final one shattered the visor of his helmet, splattering brains in a fine pink mist behind him.

Hans grunted as he hit the pavement, his knee taking the brunt of the impact.

When he looked up and realized the sheer random chance of what he'd done, he realized what a lucky bastard he really was.

He climbed from his knees and limped over to what appeared to be the burned out shell of a troop transport. His right knee was bleeding pretty badly from a decent sized gash, scattering pink dit dots on the snow patch that he now crouched upon.

He reached inside one of the pockets of his recently acquired combat vest and withdrew a bottle of quick sealant. It was a resilient glue, used mostly for children's models and random house hold tasks, but as he'd discovered, it seals cuts pretty quickly too.

Hans rolled his pant leg up with one hand as he popped the cap from the narrow tube with other. Almost instantly, the heady odor drifted up to his nose and threatened to kill brain cells.

Once the clothing was out of the way, he gritted his teeth and squeezed the ragged flesh back together. He applied a generous amount of the sealant, hissing through his teeth as it burned like fire on the exposed tissue.

After a few seconds, the burn faded and he was able to release the torn flesh. While it wasn't quite good as new, it would have to do for the time being until he could clean and treat it properly.

He rolled the pant leg back down and returned to his feet. He gingerly applied weight to the sore leg and, clearing the area as best he could, hobbled to the spot where his enemy had fallen.

Hans realized how big the man had been and was glad that this had not come down to a melee. With a bit of help from the knife he packed in his boot, he might have been able to take him, but it was unlikely considering that this man had real combat training.

Hans was just a hunter. He had never spent a day of his life in boot camp. He'd never joined the Imperial Guard. He sure as hells wasn't a space marine.

He definitely never thought he'd put his rifle to use hunting men.

The rest of the galaxy seemed so far away, so distant and so unimportant. He hadn't cared less about the wars, or Chaos, or even the Emperor's aged old carcass less than three weeks ago...


Hans was a simple man. He lived in shack off an old dirt road about three days from nowhere. He hunted and trapped to make his living. During the festivals, he would journey to the capital city, Insifevren, to market his extra pelts and some jerky he'd made.

It was his life and he was happy with it. He was very much a man alone and he didn't need or want anyone except the lone wolf that dragged along by his side.

The animal was old and haggard. It had seen many better days. It lacked almost all its teeth and smelled horrible, but it was massive and its eyes still glinted with a steely resolve and wily intelligence that had surely led it to the head of its pack long ago, before the twilight of its life had set in.

For all its aches and pains, the wolf was like a curious mirror to Hans. Although he was young on the outside, he was aged within by hard living. Neither of them would tolerate much company other than the other one and this was perhaps the reason they got on so well.

Dark grey clouds hovered low above their heads and the young man prayed that they would be out of the city before the winter's first snow. He didn't have the coin to hole up here until the blizzard that was sure to come passed.

That and he didn't much like the looks that the "civilized" folks gave him as he shuffled by with his long barreled rifle slung across his back.

The weapon was rustic and weathered, an antique in its own right. Four generations of his family had used this weapon to take down game, ever since his great grandfather had been issued it during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. The stock was wood, a rarity in weapon construction in these resource starved times. The action was smoother than it had a right to be, given the weapon's age and the firepower still remained right where it had been when it had rolled off the assembly line.

Hans chewed his lip a bit as a cold breeze blew by. He could smell the dampness in the air. He had best do his business and leave as soon as possible. A storm was coming.

Little did he know that the storm would not be of ice and rain, but of steel and fire.


Hans sat the assault rifle down on a narrow ledge and hoped that no wind blew as he unslung the hunting rifle from his shoulder. He then relocated the smaller gun to a more practical location, where he could reach it from hiding if he must.

He squeezed in between two large chunks of debris and pulled his dark brown cloak over his head. The hunter was completely concealed in shadow. The world would not notice him until he was ready.

He peered through the scope with his ice blue eyes, focusing on the distant troop command post.

What he saw would alter the course of his life forever.
Eadgar's Saga Chapter 2 POLL

Abattoir Chapter 2!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it's good to be back and I hope you guys enjoy my foray into the realms of sci fi.

If you can't tell, I've been playing video games and reading a lot of the Warhammer books this past underway, so I decided to go with the 40 k world.

If you're not familiar with it, don't worry, I intend to be pretty friendly with the world intro, since I'm kind of fuzzy myself on some details. Confused

So... to the meat and potatoes of this conversation...

What does Hans see?
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Duke of the Mostly Dead

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote



well conventional storytelling would dictate that he sees some kinda traitor, a high-ranking leader form whatever sight he's fighting for helping them.

Or, he could see something otherworldy and alien totally SHRED the dudes he's looking at.

I think that would be pretty world-changing.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooh, well we already have a clue that a storm of steel and fire is coming, and how it comes about I think will be very much to do with the outcome of the DP. Very Happy

So I think it will be something that appears to be harmless - at least at first, but something that could lead him to a lot of trouble later on. I got two suggestions -

1. A child

2. A piece of paper fluttering in the wind, with a familiar logo on it.

Good to see you back, JackD! Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks. It's good to be back.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this. Can't wait to see where it goes.

As for the DP, I'd say it was a woman. Details, I'll leave to you.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooo, awesome!

I say he sees a gun. A HUGE-ASS gun. Like, one the size of a house.
It shoots thousands of tiny bullets at a nearly unimaginable speed.

Kind of weird, but all I got for now.

Can't wait to read more!
I've been pulled back from oblivion to lurk about the City once more. Though the music of the night always beckons...

Here's some stuff I started writing a long time ago. Orb. Nexus.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the awesome suggestions. I've just put up the poll.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 2.

Hans lay there for what seemed like days, but he knew for a fact is was only hours.

The wind blew, the cold bit, but he was sheltered, for the most part, by the crumbling building he had built his nest in.

He looked down the scope across the vast no man's land that the capital city had become in the weeks since the Chaos invasion.

Calmly, humming a slight tune to himself, he scanned the alleyways and the rooftops, seeking a worthy target.

Occasionally, a random animal would skitter across his past his sights. The furry creatures were not his target any more.

Every since the drop ships appeared from nowhere in the space above his homeland, he'd stalked bigger game...


It was quite possible that Hans had been one of the first to notice the massive ships that came screaming from the warp storm.

He had been walking along with the lonesome wolf by his side, absent-mindedly scratching its flea bitten ears. The old mongrel enjoyed the gesture, as evidenced by the slight wag of its ragged tail, but it gave a show of emitting a throaty growl as if it had a reputation to keep.

The towers, for lack of a better term, towered over his head. Hans was a tall man, but the six feet and a couple of random inches that varied depending on what boots he wore did nothing to promote him to the level of the majestic skyscrapers.

Random birds flittered back and forth between outcroppings, chirping somewhere high up but the chill winds of winter carried away their calls into the grey sky.

The canvas bag of tradeable goods bit into the hunter's shoulder as he wasn't used to that weight at all. The rifle, however didn't bother him.

The rifle was his life. He'd been fascinated by it ever since he was but a child. He had groped at the barrel with grubby hands only to have them smacked by his father. The weapon and he had a certain bond, a respect that had begun in that moment of indignation.

His father had sat the gun and the oily rags he'd been cleaning with it, pulled the boy up onto his lap, and said, "Hansi, some day, this gun will be yours. And you will do great things with it. Someday, it will be as much an extension of you as your own arm. Someday, looking through that scope will be as if you're looking through your own eye.

'But, my son, that day is not today."

And then he sat the boy down, picked up his tools and continued to disassemble and clean the weapon. The boy was left to sit and watch, wonder in his eyes as his father's nimble fingers carried out the nimble dance they'd learned from his father, who had learned it from his father who had learned it from the Imperial Guard.

His father drew in a breath, leaned back heavily in his chair with a sharp creak and whispered, "You know, my boy, this thing wasn't always used for hunting..."

How strange it was that history often found a way to repeat itself.


Hans's moment of recollection was interrupted by a scream, shrill and loud. He wanted to leap up, but held his composure.

A motion to the far left of his peripheral vision caught his eye. The rifle's barrel moved with his eye, the motion fluid and flawless.

A lone figure tripped and stumbled from a narrow doorway, obviously wounded.

It was a woman, he saw. There was no hiding curves like hers, even from this distance. He was sure that somewhere under the grime and dirt, that she was quite beautiful. Her amber locks fell far below the center of her back and tumbled in the whispering wind.

She screamed again, pure terror wrapping around her heart with icy fingers. As she turned, he could tell that she held something in her arms but he was unsure as of just what the hell it was.

He gritted his teeth as he saw emerge from the door behind her two of the Chaos scum.

They were ugly brutes, hunched and twisted. One was missing an eye and the other barely resembled a man covered as he was by sores and lesions. The thinner of the two, One Eye, as Hans immediately christened the bastard in his head, was whispering something to the lady as he made threatening motions with a wickedly curved dagger in his talon like hand.

The other one, the big one that nearly filled the doorway they had come from, laughed. It was a stupid expression and did him no favors.

Hans used the hollow point in his rifle to remove it.

His head exploded in a rain of grey matter, puss, and gore.

The woman screamed.

Instead of being stunned by the first casualty like most of his victims usually were, One Eye shouted and made a blind leap at the woman.

His dagger sliced upwards through the air in a vicious arc, and instead of dodging, or moving, or even raising the bundle to shield herself, she turned her back to him and took the brunt of the blade square between her shoulders.

A split second later, another shot echoed deeply across the empty streets and One Eye's cranium disintegrated but Hans knew it was too late for the mysterious lady.

The huntsman waited a few minutes, ensuring the area was clear before emerging from his hiding place and replacing the rifle on his back. He carefully picked his way across the road, leading his way with the snub nosed assault rifle he'd acquired a few days before.

It felt like an eternity before he reached the two soldiers and the female.

He scoured the bodies of the men first, careful to look for traps and hidden loot. The big guy had had a las rifle.

He had no use for it. He couldn't clean it. He couldn't reload the casings. Hell, he probably wouldn't even know how to load it.

Hans had no delusions, he was a hunter, not a soldier.

It just so happened his prey was no longer edible... at least according to his standards.

But the Chaos scum... He had heard stories, stories that he never cared to repeat.

Once he finally made his way to the woman, the first thing that leapt to his attention was the way in which she was curled about her precious bundle.

Even in her last seconds of life, she strove to protect whatever this thing was.

Hans nearly leapt out of his skin when the bloodstained wrappings moved. He tripped over One Eye and fumbled, bringing the assault rifle to bear on the foreign object.

Cautiously, he edged his way over to the writhing mass and used the weapon's barrel to peel back the wrappings.

He found himself staring down into a pair of ice blue eyes strikingly similar to his own staring back up at him.

The baby boy puckered for a second and blinked comically at the sudden change in lighting. He reached up with fat fingers and poked the intruding muzzle of the weapon.

And he giggled.

Of all the possible reactions in the world, this man child giggled.

In response, Hans laughed. He knew of nothing else he could do.

He sat down, right there in the middle of the street and laughed with the child.


Hans shuffled a bit with the unfamiliar weight on his back. This child would take some getting used to.

Luckily, the bigger of the two Chaos fanatics had had a suitable back pack. The child fit in it perfectly upright and he seemed quite content to peek out at the world from the sniper's back as he made his way back to his lair for the night.


Jormandur sniffed at the air for a bit.

Other than the smell of spilled blood that had long since run cold, he caught a whiff of something truly special.

The lanky man knelt down and scrounged for a second. His fingers found the dagger that One Eye had been carrying.

It's blade was black and shimmered purple in the failing light. Across the hilt were etched cryptic runes.

"Pff." He hissed and tossed the trinket aside. It smelt of the warp, but it was not even a drop of water in the sea of Chaos that he sensed in this place.

No. No. This was something unique. This wasn't the warp pure. It was... filtered, muted. It was much much more akin to... to...

He smiled a wicked smile with his fanged teeth as the perfect phrase came to mind.

Untapped potential.

But what so ever could it be? What could it...

His thoughts screeched to a premature halt as he noticed the bundled rags, stained with the blood of the mother.

Jormandur clambered to his feet and opened himself to the winds.

Yes. Yes. The child had been here.

They could call him a madman, a fool, a lunatic, but that changed nothing.

Only he knew what was so special about this one child...
Eadgar's Saga Chapter 2 POLL

Abattoir Chapter 2!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not bad, Jack. I found one contradiction, though.

For all its aches and pains, the wolf was like a curious mirror to Hans. Although he was young on the outside, he was aged within by hard living.

Here you say the wolf was young on the outside (physically, I interpret), but in a sentence before you describe the wolf as "old and haggard".

Other than that it's a pretty cool tale. Im guessing that for the DP we have to decide what is special about the child. I would say that this child is the chosen one to end the war (whichever war that is, hopefully one that has been going on for a long time without any resolution in sight).
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You would be correct on the DP.

It is to decide what is so special about this child.

And you are correct on the war. It is never ending.

Thank you very much.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooooh. Interesting... a special child, eh?

I think I'll just F5 D on the Dp for the moment.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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Duke of the Mostly Dead

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

perhaps he's totally deluded in thinking something is special about this child?

Perhaps the child is just a child, and some subrace has assigned it an almost messianistic status.

Maybe the untapped potential he smelled was our dear hunter Hans.

Or perhaps the child is indeed special, being the first interracial child.

That might be it as well.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The poll is up.

Thanks for the great options. I'm already looking forward to where this will go.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thisss Ssstorygame isss worthy of Sssskiffyville.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 3-

Jormandur leapt from one rooftop, landed with a roll upon the next, and sprang to his feet.

He straightened out his dark robes and cracked his neck. He flexed a bit, stepped back to the ledge and ran toward the next ledge.

The chaos fanatic could see the next building he had to land upon. It would be impossible for a normal man but he was no normal man. He was a chosen one of his gods.

He took to the air, the flowing folds of his tattered cloak trailing behind him like the wings of a great bird.

Jormandur landed hard on the other side of the chasm and fell to his knees with a thud. He had barely made that one.

He licked his sharpened fangs and shrugged. Practice made perfect and he was sure there'd be more than enough practice coming soon.

If this child was the rallying point that he suspected it to be, the weaklings of the Imperium wouldn't give it up lightly.

His lords may have laughed at him and the orders of Chaos marines may have treated his fascination with the scents he caught on the wind of chaos, but he had led them to victory more than once.

He was not wrong. Laugh all they may, but this tiny infant had the power to be their savior.

His dark gods spoke to him. They promised great things. They told him things they told no other man.

They told him that this infant was the First of One.

Jormandur sniffed at the air again. They were near.


The old catacombs gave Hans the creeps, no matter how many times he went down there.

They were damp and rotten. Drips of water made nearly silent splashed in unknown puddles and sometimes he could hear the throaty roar of a mighty underground river.

Spiders climbed about and built webs wherever they could and rats scurried about, squeaking and carrying out whatever disgusting deed they had set for themselves.

Occasionally, he would hear something bigger moving about, but he never saw whatever it was and was glad for it.

The stories he had read as a child told him about the sort of things that had happened in this place before the Imperium had come to this world but they never went into much detail.

He imagined that was more a mercy to young minds than anything. At least it kept them from nightmares. Not many things warranted an exterminatus.

The baby stirred in its pack on his back as it kicked in its sleep. The little lad didn't have much trouble sleeping here, though. He had nodded off not long after entering the subterranean nightmare world.

Perhaps it was just the dark and the thicker air. An escape from the wind had done them both some good.

Hans wrapped his fingers tightly around the pistol grip of the assault rifle he carried as a back up weapon. It was nice to have feeling in them again.

He rounded a couple of corners and came to a worn, rotten wooden door. It was still shut.

He picked up a strategically placed hunk of driftwood from an enclave next to him and prodded the murky puddle directly in front of the lair.

The trap snapped shut and the metal teeth sheared straight through the thick appendage with a sharp crack that bounded off the walls. It was easily more than enough to take a man's leg. After all, it was designed with much bigger game in mind.

The hunter stepped cautiously over the snare and the infant began to stir, obviously disturbed by the sudden noise.

He opened the door with a creak and entered his makeshift home.


Jormandur snarled and spat. This prey was harder to track than he would have thought.

Most of the Imperials on this petty world were not well trained enough to even hide their tracks, not even the joke of a guard unit that they had had.

No. This one was smart, but it wasn't a military smart.

This was a cunning born of the woods. Of nature.

He was not up against a soldier.

His prey was a hunter.

But what would a hunter do in a time of war? He pondered.

The mental image of the two soldiers with the blown apart craniums suddenly churned up through the fog of his memory.

That had been a high caliber rifle. Damn!

He ducked behind an overturned transport, suddenly feeling imaginary sights on the back of his skull.

The fanatic couldn't believe he'd been so careless. His mind had been so overwhelmed with the discovery of the savior that he had completely overlooked the mangled corpses.

He knew what a hunter would do in a time of war.

He'd keep doing the thing he had done before the war...

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, the new chapter is up and the DP is as follows:

Jormandur obviously cannot proceed the way he has been. Now that he knows the nature of his quarry, he must devise a new tactic.

Any suggestions?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now that's a perspective change on the DP. Hmm, well, a new strategy would be to call for reinforcements?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well, normally i'd recommend calling in an air strike, but that isn't helpful for two reasons.

1: that would kill the savior.
2: he has no proof that the sniper is aware of his location.

So as long as he isn't seen by our hero, Jormandur should remain fine.

So i would continue forward, attempting to minimize the time that i was visible.

By the way, what exactly are Jormandur's capabilities? And what weapons does he carry? It's hard to plan out a strategy without some idea of what your tools can do.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jormandur sniffed at the air again. They were near.

This is a capability we know of - he is able to track the infant by scent. It is probably an instinct. He has no choice but to follow the infant, and by doing that he'll get to know more about Hans.

I say he continues tracking Hans alone, and we may get to learn more about Jormandur's nature and capabilities as they come up against one another.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good point, Crunchy. Once the smell becomes powerful, Jormandur can approach cautiously.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The poll is about to be up.

Have fun voting.
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What shall Jormandur do?
Fall back and try to get help.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Advance more cautiously once he gets closer.
 100%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Crunchyfrog, DeadManWalking

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