Traditional Roleplaying

From IFki

The traditional roleplaying section is a place of much randomness where many short stories are written. It is watched over by a sadistic gunaholic and an insane mage. To date, not one person has argued with either of them and lived.

They do not need to moderate much, as randomness is in fact encouraged, as long as you don't haul off and break whatever rules have been laid down for the particular story you are partaking in. In which case, you are fried, shot, and served as a BBQ dish.

Few have gone in and returned alive, and what they do return to tell is immediatly discounted as insane ramblings. Tales of demons, shadows, and evil powers gathering are most certainly not true, and are dismissed as the effects of people partaking in raw idearium instead of refined idearium, a very deadly habit, very easily broken by a gunshot to the head.

All in all, you really should pay a vist. In full body armor.

And don't pay any attention to the screaming lunatic down the street yelling about how he was transformed into a demon just by drinking Vanilla Coke. It's just not tr--I SWEAR! I WAS FORCE FED TWO ****ING LITERS OF THE CRAP! OH MY GOD! THE PAIN! aAAAAAAAHAHHHAHAHAAAAAAAAHAHA!!!

Well, thank you. That was live news coverage from Idea Master News Inc., your number one source of news from topics nobody's ever heard of or wants to hear of, and co-sponsor of MAGE MOUNTAIN.