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Venerable IFian

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10229 Fables

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The story so far: Robbie is a boy with an overactive imagination. He can talk to the ghost of his dead brother, but his parents are distressed when he reveals this fact to them. His brother's ghost, in order to console Robbie, offers to transport him to a different world where people will appreciate his imagination. Robbie wakes up in a different world, sure enough, but it isn't as wonderful as he expected. There is only barren terrain and faraway industrial towns. Then he notices a large figure approaching, which turns out to be a man he befriends, and who, in place of his name 'Citizen 103', he calls Jack. Robbie and Jack descend towards one of the towns, where they encounter a guard. Fortunately, they distract him and evade him, and then decide to visit Jack's farm...

Chapter 3

"Ok, Jack, let's go to your farm." Robbie consented.

They branched off from the main road, abandoning the weird cobblestones in front of them, and descended a low, sloping hill into a less frequented path. To the sides of the path, scrubby vegetation grew from dry clumps of earth; Robbie occasionally spied a squirrel scrambling from a hole in the ground and skittering away. The landscape reminded him of the mountains behind his own house in California, where he would often bike with his family. Robbie searched for a clump of oaks, reasoning that the squirrels must feed on acorns or nuts, but he was bewildered by the absence of any trees in the area. He wondered how the squirrels nourished themselves, and to his horror and astonishment, Robbie observed that one of the squirrels, jumping from its underground hole and zipping over the cracked earth, quickly ensnared a disoriented shrew with its sharp, uncanny claws and began to devour it in view of the frightened boy.

"Pretty scary critters, huh?" said Jack, concerned by Robbie's fright rather than by the squirrel's behavior, which he seemed to acknowledge without fluster.

"Yeah." acquiesced Robbie, dry-throated, as he latched his hand onto Jack's sack in order to be more proximate to the graceless man, who would presumably protect him from the rodent. "How come there's no trees around here?"

"I don't know Raw-bee. I think my granddaddy told me there used to be lots, but then they disappeared."

"They did?" asked Robbie, his jaw hanging open in disbelief, "Why?" Jack didn't answer, but the expression on his face indicated that he had no hypothesis as to why an entire valley of trees would vanish. However, the stalwart Jack soon lightened up as they came within range of his farm, who's previous unsightliness from afar was now magnified. The walls of the shack were comprised of an assortment of wooden planks, its windows were but an open hole covered with a plastic sheath, and the roof, including a sooty chimney, was made of sheets of tin; the farm was equivalent in size to three mid-sized swimming pools, and it encircled rows of fledging plants sprouting from the callous earth within its wired fence. Even so, the walls were sturdy and upright, the rooftop tin sheets tightly fitted, and the rows of plants tailored into straight lines which made best use of the small plot-land; furthermore, the proud glow on Jack's pastel-colored face would cause any compassionate soul to repudiate every offense directed upon the giant's petite hovel.

"What are those?" Robbie pointed at the saplings.

"Trees." responded Jack, pushing aside the unlocked door and carefully placing his sack upon an iron table. The single room also contained a bed of the same material and some pewter dishes set upon an old-fashioned stove, as well as a cardboard box huddled against a corner.

"You're growing trees?" Robbie echoed Robbie, as he stepped into the hovel, whose floor was strewn with rushes and herbs.

"Damn straight." answered Jack, and he reached within a box to pull out a pen and pink paper. "My granddaddy told me to grow trees before he died, so I asked if I could have a farm and grow plants. And they gave me this farm. But they said that if I was going to stop working in the factory, I'd have to carry a sack full of things from town to town." He extracted a folded page of pink paper from his pocket, similar to the one he had withdrawn from the box.

"What's that?" Robbie asked, knitting his brow. There was something discomforting about Jack's responsibilities. Robbie now returned to his first thought on having spotted Jack lumbering uphill, Why would he carry a sack around like that?

"These papers, I've gotta fill'em out every time I come to town with my bag. They have to sign the papers and then they let me work on my farm. That's why I had to come back to the farm, so I could get another paper of-" Jack explained.

"But who's 'they'?" Robbie interrupted, baffled.

"The factory supervisors, silly." Jack stopped and pondered. "You're not from around here. Then where you from?"

"California." said Robbie, eliciting a dumb stare from Jack, "Never mind. What do we do now?"

"We go to the factory." said Jack, and Robbie groaned; his legs were tired. "Well, I've got a way we could get there faster, but I'm not supposed to-"

"Yes! I mean, c'mon, let's use it." pleaded Robbie, resting upon the firm bed to emphasize his weariness.

"Well, ok." relented Jack. He picked up his sack and led Robbie around the outside of the hovel, halting as he approached a stack of planks leaning against the shack. he pushed them aside with his big hands, revealing to Robbie the object that they concealed. It was an antiquated moped, little more than a bicycle with a motor attached. A washed out design of red and yellow flames caressed the moped's frame.

"It was my granddaddy's." said Jack, grinning, "Damn straight."

The moped sailed through the flatland, kicking up a trail of dust clouds, like a water-skier spraying water as he is tugged by a motor boat; at times it seemed to Robbie as though they hit a bump or a ridge and flew straight into the air, soaring into the sky and then floating down until the wheels collided violently against the ground, momentarily jolting them. Fortunately, Jack had a firm grip with his right hand on the moped, and Robbie, hair flying back and wind in his eyes, was clinging tightly to Jack's leather jacket. As impossible as one might deem it, Jack was driving with only one arm while enveloping his sack with the other. He was clearly experienced with his vehicle.

The ride stopped short of the town's entrance, as the protruding cobble stones proved too much of an obstacle for the moped. Robbie leaped from the vehicle onto the cobble stones and massaged his stiffened muscles as the exhilaration diminished. Jack parked the moped in the middle of the street without bothering to chain it anywhere. Robbie, already exploring the new environment, didn't notice Jack's lack of concern that the vehicle might be stolen, and they began walking towards the factory.

The town was as quiet as on their previous approximation; the factory, its emission towers like the turrets of a castle, was flanked on all sides by the medieval houses, and promised to be the town's nucleus of activity. The factory was a feudal manor around which the urban area flourished. How's that possible? The old houses had to be here first!, thought Robbie. Then he noticed that the steeple was directly opposite of the factory; a parallel tower. Perhaps the town had grown out of the steeple's bosom, but because of the factory's parallel position, the usurper paraded as the town's origin.

Whilst they advanced, the houses became more antique. Most houses began displaying latticed fenestral windows and Robbie even caught sight of some cruck-framed houses- a tree trunk split in two, selected because of its bent shape, ran from the corners of the house to the peak of roof, forming together an upside down U which supported the facade of the edifice. Robbie and Jack also passed through an abandoned marketplace, although the remains of food scattered throughout the street suggested that it wasn't always deserted.

As they drew nearer to the factory Jack seemed to grow more morose, nearly returning to the sullen state he was swathed in when Robbie first met him. Unexplainably, Robbie felt the impulse to ask Jack a question.

"Jack, how did your grandpaw die? I mean-" but Robbie never finished his question, because at that moment, the doors of the factory became visible behind a decrepit house. At the same time, an old woman appeared from an alleyway between houses and strode in front of them.

"Identify yourselves." she petitioned coldly. She had a curious gait; she shuffled her feet in small, gliding steps. She wore a blue skirt to her knees, and nylon stockings to her shoes. An open blue jacket, which covered a milky blouse, matched with her skirt and provided her an appearance of respectability. Her dyed blonde hair was cut short around her nape, and her steel blue eyes were like twin icebergs. Old age had rounded what was once a delicate nose, her neck, too, must have thickened, and her shoulders were almost unnoticeably hunched; still, she carried herself with composure, and her demeanor of rectitude did not conceal a last-gasp air of youthful vigor. Only a twitch in the corner of her mouth, which would occasionally transform into a smirk or a smile would betray her complete self-possession.

Robbie was perturbed because she reminded him of his old math teacher, but Jack was completely paralyzed.

"Citizen #2..." he whispered, barely audible. Nonetheless, Robbie was becoming accustomed to guards like pinch-nosed Thomas, and his answer was resolute, even defiant.

"I'm Robbie and that's Jack. Who are you?" The woman remained unmoved, and her eyes barely shifted from Robbie to Jack's bowed head. Despite that, she raised her eyebrows into what could be interpreted as an expression of recognition.
"Citizen #103," she turned towards Jack, "Please report to supervisor D. You, boy," she said, directing her intimidating stare towards Robbie, "you'll follow me if you know what's good for you." She began shuffling towards a factory wall and tugged on what transpired to be a secret door before disappearing behind it. Jack nodded his head and beckoned for Robbie to follow her. He looked scared. Robbie hesitated, but his friend insisted, almost pushing him towards the door, which was yet ajar.

"You have to go with her, Raw-bee. You have to."

"Fine. But where are you going?" Robbie asked, uneasy.

"Uh, don't worry about it, Raw-bee, I'll see you around later." Jack averted his eyes and walked off.

Somewhat fearful, Robbie opened the door and stepped into a small corridor from which a long, rectangular staircase commenced. He could hear the steps of the ascending woman far above. Drawing in a deep breath and forsaking all fears, he began racing up the stairs, two or three at a time, continually swinging on the handrail and propelling himself into the next flight. He stopped for a gasp of air on the fifth floor, finally exhausted by his game. But he caught sight of the woman waiting for him on the next flight, next to another door, and he quickly recovered, climbing anew until he reached her. Robbie glared at her, sweat beginning to form upon his forehead.

She knocked on the door as Robbie wiped his sweat with his forearm, and a voice answered from inside. The door creaked open. The woman nudged Robbie through the threshold and closed the door behind him.

Inside, a man wearing a white trilby hat over a ponytail, a matching white tie and a black shirt was staring at Robbie eagerly from across his desk. The room was covered in tapestries and all sorts of strange, ancient-looking objects, including a Mesopotamian-like statue acting as a lamp. The man's desk was surrounded by a semi-circle of television monitors, filled with surveillance images. The man was handsome and smiling.

"Robbie!" he cried genially, "I'm pleased to meet you, pal. I'm Bill- or as the call me around here, Citizen #1." He extended his hand. Robbie staggered forward, his legs wobbling from his recent physical effort, and held Bill's hand, who responded with a cordial handshake.

"How'd you know my name?" asked Robbie, sitting down in an armchair of Persian design offered to him by Bill.

"Robbie, you're a very special boy. How couldn't I have noticed you?" smiled Bill. He pointed at his surveillance monitors meaningfully.

"Me?" Robbie's curiosity was piqued, "How could I ever be special?" Bill chuckled. He stood from his revolving leather chair and lay his hand on Robbie's shoulder paternally.

"Robbie, you have the power of imagination. You can create anything you ever wished for within your mind." Robbie gawped at him, incredulous.

"Sure I can." the boy snorted.

Bill pointed at his desk. "Close you eyes, Robbie. Relax. Let your imagination take hold. Good, now imagine there's a bird on my desk. Ready? Now open your eyes."

There was nothing on his desk. But to Robbie's astonishment, a small blue jay flew in through one of the room's shaded windows and landed on the desk.

"Are you serious?" he cried, "No way!" He jumped from his seat and his eyes crinkled with happiness as the bird flew onto his hand. "How did that happened?"

Bill leaned down and draped his arm around Robbie's shoulders. "Well, it's not easy to explain, Robbie. But if you'd really like to find out, I know of a couple of places where we could find answers. There's the museum, the steeple, the factory workrooms, or one of the other towns. Take your pick."

I apologize for another DP which is much too familiar to the last one. I'm trying to build the story up so that there will soon be more meaningful DPs. Thanks for bearing with me.

Don't forget to add this story to your favorites or nominate it for SGotM. Wink Thank you to those who do.

Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think he should find out at a library or a museum. Or why not find a parchment lying around or something. I can't think of some place they can look. So he. Great story very clean.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think he'd go for the steeple. He seems fascinated with it.

Good writing D.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I f5 JD. Lets go to the steeple, meet a priest, and add some sick, demented, twisted prophecy of a boy with imagination saving the world Smile
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
I don't know, it's just the way I am.


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Hallowed IFian

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69488 Fables

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aye, a nice chapter and I f5 the others. Steeple.

Just one thing. How did he get into town this time without encountering the guard again? Mmm?
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Venerable IFian

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10229 Fables

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps this time they were expecting him, and allowed him to arrive unhindered.
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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7892 Fables

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could be worse...

At least they've not taken him to the Neverland ranch yet...

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Abattoir Chapter 2!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*face-palm* Only you Jack...
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1803 Fables

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just make sure he's not like Walt Disney. That Jew hating bastard...

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally caught up!

Oh they definitely want the boy for something. Citizen #1 obviously rules the place otherwise he wouldn't be #1. The guards will listen to him.

To the museum! What creepy, macabre artifacts might be lurking in there unfound, one might wonder.

I like the 1 para synopsis at the beginning of each chapter. Might nick that idea. *ahem*

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yep, he's going to the steeple. And I think he's going to ask all kinds of questions of Citizens 1 and 2, since they seem like more intelligent people, and dismiss Jack's fear of them because he seems, well, ignorant.

My questions about the story: So at the steeple, is there info about why the architectural timeline is backward? And how come Bill came with his own name already? And what nefarious purposes could a little boy's imagination be put to? And one more thing - the "imagine a bird on my desk" sounds like it could have been a trick. Bill/#1 could have had a trained bird to fly in. To test if it was a trick, Robbie should have imagined one of those carnivorous squirrels instead.

Carnivorous squirrels, by the way, are freakin' creepy. Smile
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Venerable IFian

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10229 Fables

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 3 Polling

This week I am in the midst of Final Exams, which is why I have not been able to write another chapter. Christmas break begins this friday, though, so I will be able to begin writing again on that date. Meanwhile, I will await the poll results.

Aponi- Your questions once again raise good points, and help me, the writer, acquire orientation as to how the reader is thinking. I will try to answer all of your questions in the next chapter, although one of them will not be revealed until later on. If I don't outright answer the questions, however, I will drop clues.

C-frog- Of course you are welcome to plagiarize my ideas. Wink

Everyobody else, thank-you for reading! I appreciate your moral support, even when you have nothing special to comment . Very Happy

Also, this is the last time I will ask for your support in SgotM. Please? Smile
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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Venerable IFian

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10229 Fables

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is Closed.

Poll results:

Does Robbie accept Bill's help?
No, he attempts to run away. (If you vote this, please specify how)
0% [ 0 ]
Yes. He chooses the factory workroom.
16% [ 1 ]
Yes. He chooses another town.
0% [ 0 ]
Yes. He chooses the museum.
33% [ 2 ]
Yes. He chooses the steeple.
50% [ 3 ]

The Steeple wins. Finals finished today, so I will write the next chapter as soon as I figure out what and how I want to write it. Smile
Chapter 5: The Rendezvous
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9744 Fables

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All caught up!

And yes the steeple will more than likely be where he heads off to. Along with the sick priest asking "Come into the confession box, little boy. god will forgive you there if you do just as I say.." Shocked

Btw, I like the carnivorous squirrels.. they were cute. Especially with blood dripping off claws and everything.


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