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The Death of an Age, CHAPTER 27- ALL THINGS MUST END
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, then... We have a three way tie...


Well, I've got the next chapter of this brewing in my head, so I'm gonna give this just a little while longer till I write it, in hopes that I won't have to vote on my own story.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No option won, so... here's the new chapter...
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where? I can't see it? Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 18- Decimation

Vitellus twirled a lone flower in his fingers as he contemplated a matter that could shape the fate of his country, nay, not only that, but of his world.

A frail wind stirred at the petals, then, picking up, made his shoulder length hair flail about like a frantic child. Turning his head in curiosity, he began to survey the landscape, seeking perhaps a storm on the horizon.

His response was engendered in a mighty gust of brimstone tinged air that tore at his eyes with the roughness of a desert sandstorm.

Shouting a bit in surprise, he covered his eyes and once again, glanced skyward.

His gaze was just in time to catch the horrific sight of the moon, which, until a few seconds before had been sheet white, turn a bright crimson, drenching the land in a bloodlike haze.

Having finally been pushed too far, the brave knight screamed fell to the ground, his mind seemingly fractured beyond repair. Vitellus crawled, seeking shelter from the oncoming apocalypse beneath a rotten log, crying like an infant, as the sound of a thousand baying hellhounds drowned out even the thunderous beat of his own heart.

His prayers amounted to little, if not nothing, as his once noble steed was torn to shreds by the blood thirsty dogs of war within mere seconds.

Then, suddenly as it had begun, the terror subsided, the wolves were gone and he was alone.. Or so he thought.

As Vitellus poked his head from beneath the encampment, he was confronted by a thin black shape of a man, his face ever hidden behind the shroud of eternal night.

The warrior, not even thinking of his mighty sword at his side, began to retreat back into his hole and the safety he’d found within, when something within this stranger’s radiant green eyes captured him.

“Oh, the Gods…” The stunned soldier muttered.

Smiling, the Trickster countered, “Now, that title, I’d not give myself. I‘ve not the ego for it.”

The daemon reached down and offered a thin hand, continuing with a slight chuckle, “But, I suppose I could always be your Messiah.”

Anxious and frightened, the madman reached outward hesitantly.

“Take my hand and I’ll show you where to go,” The grinning apparition promised.

The two hands clasped and history was written, a prophecy long forgotten nearly fulfilled.


Wise men across the map had noticed the grim portent of the lunar shift, and knowing it to be a sign, scrambled like mice to assemble all the great volumes of the Arcanum Magicka, a treatise written many eons ago by a mad saint.

Forenius sat silent and brooding upon his great throne, anticipating nothing but the most dire of news from his astrologers and shamans when the most meaningful information he’d obtained thus far was brought to him from a most unexpected source.

Larson, gesturing one of his significantly flamboyant and over dramatized bows that always brought forth a polite amount of laughter from the ladies of the court, sprang up quickly and spoke plainly.

“My Lord, my friend. I know of this portent of which you worry,” He spat forth. Several of the elder magicians chattered, giggling like small girls at the presumptuousness of this half breed.

The King, always ready to heed to advice of his friend with an even heart, raised a mailed hand and the laughing mages were promptly ejected from the chamber by a rather sour faced guardsman wielding a wickedly sharp hooked bill.

“Speak on,” The sovereign requested.

The bounty killer closed his eyes, and breathing deep, assembled his words carefully.

“It, quite simply, is the herald of bad times,” The red cloaked rogue replied.

Leaning forward, his interest piqued, His Highness gestured for his companion to carry on.

“As you may, or may not know, my mother was a priestess of high regard amongst the elven people. It is the same amongst them as it is for you Hor‘ati,” Seeing that nearly none of those in his current company knew the meaning of the Elvish term, Larson coughed, “Short lives, quite literally.”

“Uh, knowledge of prophecy is a essential for any of the clerical occupation. Amongst her books and teachings were mentions of a day when the sun would sink as it did upon every other, but the moon, when risen, would be stained crimson with the blood of millions to be spilt. A war unlike any other would rage and consume all who fought in it, mind, body, and soul. A king…” Catching himself, he stopped, realizing the implication of his words.

The emperor rose, demanding, “A king? What of a king, my friend?”

Glancing about, Larson protested, “Perhaps not here, in this public forum, your Majesty.”

“No, here. I am the great ruler of my people and I’d have them know,” Forenius returned.

“A king would die to end it,” The half elf muttered.

Sitting back upon his seat as the whispers rippled throughout the room, the paladin asked, “And certainly, there would be more this tale of woe?” And then, more to himself, “Of course, there is always more, isn’t there?”

“Yes. It would be the darkest of times, the closing chapters, the death of an age, if you will.”

Looking up and slowly licking his lips, Forenius simply asked, “So, this is the end of the world, is it?”

Not missing a beat, Larson replied, “Yes, my lord.”


The Lady had had enough. She, being not only the ruler of a country and a woman of noble birth, was the child of a god.

So, after much contemplation and waiting, she decided that the time had come for her to take considerable action to remedy this thorn in her side.

She had originally planned to make use of assassins, but, being strong minded and independent by nature, she realized that no simple henchman would be able to accomplish the assignment before him.

And, she knew as she always had, that the best jobs are the ones you do yourself.

This in mind, she carried herself haughtily through the fortress under the guise of official business, perhaps even discussion.

None of the simpletons that stood the watch would anticipate such a brazen attack in that time exactly between dusk and dawn, that magic hour when the eyelids suddenly heavy and the day draws close upon its end, nor could they know what awful tool of treachery lay tucked securely between her heavy breasts.

The three determining factors of all strategy lay in her favor… speed, surprise, and violence of action.

It was smiling, and knowing that nearly nothing could go against her that d’Grorathia creaked open the massive oak doors and crept along the silent halls with padded feet.

Finally, after nearly half of an hour of winding corridors, she neared her objective, his all too familiar odor registering with her cultured nostrils.

As her lithe form slid between the last set of obstructing entryways, she reached down her blouse and drew from it’s sheath a serrated blade coated with the tears of seraphim, as dark and cold as night itself.

Raising the dagger high, she prepared for the fatal plunge into her intended victim’s chest cavity.

The thrust fell straight and true, piercing his heart and splattering blood across her pale face while yet more seeped onto the floor.

Thinking quickly, she seized a goblet from across the room and ran back, the glass in hand.

She managed to obtain the last hearty cupful of the precious plasma before it was wasted upon the sewers and the pathetic creatures within.

Lifting the cup high, the Lady d’Grorathia toasted her fallen foe, “To you… Damek…”

She drank deeply, and, gasping, dropped the container, which shattered on contacted with the hard ground. The demigoddess trembled and shook, collapsing as pure power coursed through her like electricity in her veins.

Screaming, she writhed like a madwoman upon the stained stone even as, unseen in her peripheral vision, a lanky white hand snaked its way up from within its coffin, and fading eyes stared upon her in the moment of weakness.

Damek, barely clinging to life, snarled at the traitor and began to force his way up onto shaky feet as he stumbled toward his former ally.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There ya go.

So... in his last secongs of life, his blood and strength ebbing away... what does Damek do?
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter Jack!

Tough one. Try to kill her, whilst at the same time screaming for medical aid. Not that that is likely to help.


Perhaps he has some sort of emergency plan on standby. Like a magical incantation that, in times of dire emergency, transfers his entity into another body? That'd be kinda cool.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go into torpor, and sleep through a few centuries while everyone thinks you're dead.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He beats the $%$# out of her then dies...but maybe calls for medical attention afterwards.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Methinks damek should pull the dagger out of his chest and drink her blood. mybe that will help him recover a little bit. if that doesnt wor, atleast he'll have had a good last meal.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, friends, and I have brought forth for your enjoyment, a mighty poll upon which to vote.

Have fun.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 19- Destruction

Damek hissed, his now dry lips curling across his yellowed fangs. The enraged scream that worked its way up from deep within his ancient lungs gurgled out behind a flow of thick brothy black blood that issued from his gaping mouth. He lurched toward the flailing demigoddess as his red tinged eyes rolled deep back into his head.

Weakly, she made an attempt to fend him off, but at this transitional faze somewhere between life and death, she was lacking in the strength to knock back the ancient evil.

Shaking, he extended his long pale arms and wrapped his talon like fingers around her throat, intending to choke the life from her.

Her struggled gasps as his iron grip tightened brought a smile to his gruesome visage, black veins now visibly pulsing beneath nearly transparent skin.

Something in her eyes, something amiss clued him in on something not quite right behind him, however, as the desperation seemed to vanish almost instantly from her features.

He turned, but before he could complete the rotation, massive hands seized him and pulled him into the darkness.

Damek screamed as a gigantic black form hefted him high overhead and tossed him like a child’s plaything through the sheer stone wall of the mausoleum in a great cloud of dust and debris.

The vampire tumbled several times before coming to a stop against a large stone with a sickening thud.

Daylight cascaded across his weakened form, scorching him painfully as he shrieked, realizing that this was truly the end to his unholy existence, watching his extremities crumble into pale white ash before his very eyes.

The Lady d’Grorathia slowly pushed herself from the ground, gradually adjusting to the extraordinary new senses and perceptions that she’d recently acquired.

Looking outside into the terribly bright light, she first confirmed the demise of her hated foe. Then, smiling, she raised her green eyes to her savior and smiled.

“’Tis good to see you again, Jad,” She commented.


Larson looked at his friend, Forenius the King, emperor of the strongest land in the world.

“Are you serious?” He questioned, his head cocked to one side.

“Yes,” Forenius replied, stretching out the map on the table before him.

“But no one from this side has been there in years, almost a century,” The half elf protested.

“Yes, my friend, but your mother came from the opposite way. She was born there and made the journey here. You have their blood in your veins,” The paladin countered.

“But she was an exiled elf. She was no longer wanted. What kind of welcome and I to expect? The half blood bastard of a reject?”

“Well, the elfish touch to your features makes you a lot less likely to be killed like damn near every other adventurer that has attempted to establish contact with them over the past 95 years,” The king returned.
The bounty hunter had to admit that the lord had him on that one. He couldn’t fault the knight’s logic.

Sighing in defeat, he shrugged and asked, “Can you at least give me men?”

A rare smile tugged at the corners of Forenius’s haggard mouth, his rugged features twisting into a short laugh.

“Of course. The whole point of this mission is for you to make it back. It’d be no use for you to die on the way,” The ruler explained.

He turned and donned his cape once again, slinging it over his pauldrons and fastening it to his armored breast. As he exited the chamber, the crusader called over his shoulder, “You shall have an escort of five, the bravest and most worthy you can find, yours to choose. Speak of this to no one and leave in the night.”


The next morning, Forenius stood aloof, high atop a balcony as his troops assembled beneath him, beginning the march to the capital city, which he fully intended to reclaim. For far too long, the battle had raged on, small skirmishes between local peasant folk and the remaining military units and the monstrous legions that had, using a magical portal that Forenius himself had discovered, breached the mighty walls.

From his gathered intelligence, the king was able to ascertain that this was by no means the full brunt of the army. Instead, it seemed to be more of a threat to morale, a maneuver designed to break the will of the people.

The plan had backfired drastically, and they rallied in turn, inspired by the example of their great leader.

As valiant as their struggle was however, he knew that no guerilla force could last long, fighting from house to house with pitchforks and sledgehammers against the might of the savage troll mercenaries and the vicious ghouls that ravaged their lands.

And so, the grand army of Forenius the First marched to the eternal city and pitched camp outside it, preparing siege engines and ballistas to retake their own walls.

Unwilling to slaughter his own, the paladin has messages fired over the thick walls attached to arrows, warning all people still loyal to the empire to evacuate the area for the first two days.

On the third day, his troops growing impatient, the king prepared to join battle, when, suddenly, an idea came upon him as he watched small birds take flight from the rooftops in the early hours.

He dispatched men to capture these sparrows, while the main force was to bombard the walls, but advance no further.

Many senior advisors were confused by this move, but all was explained later, at dusk, when the avians were released to fly to their lofty homes, just now with burning embers in tow, tied to their feet.

As night set upon the waiting army, fires could be seen, starting then spreading, eventually engulfing the whole metropolis.

At the height of the inferno, catapults loaded with flaming barrels of pitch were launched high into the sky, accompanied by a hornet’s swarm of arrows, each streaking across the sky in vibrant flame orange as well.

It was nearly midnight when the charge was sounded and the ladders and towers were brought up and the walls were scaled. The fighting was extremely brutal, blood seeming almost to rain from the skies themselves as cornered trolls fought viciously, snarling like wolves to the last, never a one surrendering and ghouls gnawed and clawed at the assembled bodyguards, reformed bandits, and conscripts.

By dawn, with the exception of a few remote corners, King Forenius the First had reclaimed his capital, the smoldering ruin that it now was. A battered army, bandaged and bruised awaited him, noticing how he personally rushed to the forefront of the fight, taking most of the risk for himself and how he visited the most grievously wounded, granting them absolution and forgiveness in the next life as he heard their confessions as a man of the faith.

As word spread, his army began to grow and he became known as a man of the people.

Valonia lurched again, heaving into the chamber pot. She was obviously very sick, sick with worry, sick with frustration, and also sick as in physically ill.

Larson had left several days ago, vanishing like a thief in the night, without so much as a word. Not even a goodbye or farewell, not even a kiss.

Shaking, the girl attempted to stow the putrid smelling container beneath her bed as she heard footsteps approaching.

As they drew closer, she sighed with relief as she recognized the awkward shuffle of her childhood nanny, here to check up on her as the old lady had so many times in the past.

She couldn’t worry the aging sister. Quickly, she attempted to stow anything that told of her sickness, and then, merely seconds before the door creaked open, she leapt back into bed.

The elderly woman’s voice crackled to her, calling, “Are ye alright my dear? Usually by this time, you’re up and about.”

Valonia forced a yawn and attempted to look tired. It didn’t take much effort. She’d not slept well without Larson’s arms wrapped about her these past nights.

Waddling on over, the wrinkled grandmother took a seat at the edge of the bed and laid a calloused hand upon the noble lady’s blanketed knee.

“Well, bein’ lazy gets you nowhere. Up and about…” She smiled, toothlessly as she motioned for her former ward to rise.

Suddenly, her nose twitched, sniffing at the air, almost like a dog as the nursemaid caught the scent of something odd. She sat back down and turned to Valonia.

The midwife grasped the younger woman’s chin and pulled her face close to her own.

“Yer sick, aren’t ye, child?”

Lowering her eyes a bit, the brunette replied, “Yes.”

“Good ye didn’t try to lie ta me about it. I can smell it on yer breath,” The lady explained, as slowly, a stunning realization dawned upon her and her features began to go slack with shock.

“Oh, no. Can’t be…” She muttered as she forced herself up from the bed and pulled her shawl close around her, almost as if she were physically cold.

Genuinely concerned now, the princess asked, “What? What is it?”

“I don’t know nothin’, so just be leavin’ me be,” The graying woman protested as she made her exit on creaky knees.

But she could go no further when a sob came from behind her, the sound nearly breaking her heart as the child she loved as her own began to cry.

“Wh- What’s wrong with me? Why am I like this? What happened to me?” Valonia asked, sinking to the floor, where her tears began to flow even more freely.

Turning, the antiquated nanny made her way to her charge and held her close as she had long ago, when the girl had first fallen off her horse. The aged lady ran a long finger through her adopted daughter’s soft brown hair, and sighed, replying, “There’s nothing wrong with ye, dear.”

Quieting down a bit, Valonia sniffed and responded with, “What?”

Looking down into the floorboards and grimacing for a second almost as if the coming words brought her great pain, the nurse said, “I don’t know a gentler way to put this other than… Well, dearie, you’re with child.”
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok... at this point, Valonia has several options.

I'd like to see some discussion on what those are and what she does.

Good luck and enjoy.
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The Meaning Of Fear
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


am is the correct word in this case, if my mind has not deserted me yet again.

Awesome chapter Jack, I seriously do not know how you do it. Very Happy

...Interesting idea, Valonia pregnant. Would the child have any of the kick-ass vampire powers Larson is supposed to have?

Wait till Forenius hears about this. Wink
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok... I'm putting the poll up here in a second.

The options for Valonia are as follows...

Tell Forenius?

Flee the country?

Kill herself?

Vote away, my friends.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Jack, I missed the chapter for some reason. Caught up now, but too late for discussion.

I voted for her to come clean. Tell all. I mean, what's the worst he could do? Shocked Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 20- Dogs of War

Taking a deep breath, Valonia did her best to still her shaking hands, attempting to appear calm in the face of the imminent outburst.

He small porcelain hand contacted cold brass for but a second as she lightly opened the heavy door with a slight squeak of a protest issuing forth from rusted hinges. Forenius, anticipating attack, spun about, his hand already upon the hilt of the long sword at his side.

His demeanor relaxed, however, when he met the eyes of his twin sister. He stepped closer, and looking deeper into those deep brown eyes, he said, “Something is wrong.”

Not able to hold her façade any longer, the princess crumbled and began to cry, her beautiful young face ravaged by wild sobs and uncontrollable tears. She began to lean upon her brother, as she always had, since childhood.

He ran a calloused hand through her silken hair as he asked, gently, “What is this thing that troubles you?”

The noblewoman looked up at the paladin with eyes dripping with hot tears and whispered, “I have dishonored you, brother.”

A small smile played across his chapped lips as he replied, “Surely, sister. I doubt you have it in your purest of hearts to do such evil.”

The slight grin crept away as she whispered in a voice so low that it was barely audible above the crackling fire, “I am pregnant.”

The swallow that followed echoed louder than the whisper, as Forenius attempted to force back his own dark infuriation that even now beat upon the gates of his mind like an angry invader. Composing himself for what little time he had left before the inevitable outburst, he spoke rather gruffly, “Go, and give me time to think upon this.”


Vitellus cracked his neck once to the left, and once again to the right, his eyes rolling back in pleasure and relief as he did so. Large wooden doors swung open before him, cascading light into the corridor, which unto this point had been black as pitch. One booted foot trod forward, followed by the next, crossing the threshold and carrying him toward his destination. Mounted animal heads from a thousand generations of champion hunters hung suspended from the walls above, snarling ferociously in their last, horrifying moments.

As he rounded the corner, he came upon Forenius, his childhood friend, his king… his enemy. A hand instinctively came to rest upon the hilt of his gladius, but relaxed as soon as he noticed the manner in which the paladin turned to greet him.

The emperor wore nothing more than a simple robe, which shimmered in hues of red and orange in the dim light cast by the smoldering torches. It was obvious that the order had been passed down as to not disturb him and it had been followed religiously.

He quickly half bowed, bending at the waist and, not waiting to be acknowledged, rose to his lord’s face. He wrapped to hands about Forenius’s head and grasped his face.

“My King, speak not. I am here to save you,” Vitellus spoke with the edge of urgency cutting through his voice.

A questioning look played across the warrior’s face, but disappeared as a howl shattered the fragile silence across the fog draped lands, echoed by a legion more, almost like a war cry that begins with but one man and ripples throughout the whole army like lightning.


The Trickster, Lord of the Great Hunt, leaned back and sucked in a deep breath of the moist night air. His divine lips tingled slightly as they made contact with the frost tinged mouthpiece of the great curved horn that summoned forth the dogs of war. His lungs filled with air, swelling, until it felt they were near burst.

Then he blew mightily, and the deep throaty bass of the instrument rang out across the moors, giving life to what was moments ago harmless shadows. They twisted and writhed grossly with a snapping of bones and melding of flesh, transforming into the hellhounds of legend, so feared by students of lore.


Forenius, clad now in the hastily donned Lorcia Segmentum of a simple centurion, burst out the gate, flogging his white mare as her hooves pounded ferociously upon the hard beaten road. Vitellus was not far behind, upon his own painted steed and the elite bodyguard following.

They drew up in a small clearing, the ruby moon shining high overhead, staring down at them like the giant red eye of an ancient wyrm.

Forenius reigned up his steed and brought it in close to Vitellus, and asked, his breath quite visible on the midnight air, “And what is this I hear of assassins, of those in my own kingdom that would bring me to death?”

“Well, to tell you the…” Vitellus went to respond, but was cut off abruptly as a gigantic hellhound leapt from within the trees and fell upon one of the royal guard, spewing blood in all directions as it slashed with razor sharp talons and tore at his flesh with great fangs the size of daggers. The man had no time to even mutter a syllable of a scream, but this mattered not, for his brothers in arms next to him shouted loudly enough to compensate for his lack of vocalization.

The hyena like beast hunched over its fallen prey, covered in crimson, eyes glowing with immortal hatred as its back arched and its black lips snarled back over its shining maw.

Several more appeared from the thick mist as the warriors reached for their swords, nearly panicked to the point of routing.

Forenius, having seen worse horrors in his day drew his sword and commanded, “Upon them, men! Attack!”

Screaming as they spurred their mounts, the knights surged toward their foes, blades swinging in high silver arches.

Steel clashed with necroplasmic flesh and brimstone tinged the air as heavily as the scent of the blood of the fallen. The loyal soldiers made for a good fight, battling hard and cutting down many of their foes, but it was all too apparent that these were much more than ordinary dogs of war as more continued to materialize from within the fog and charge forward.

The Emperor, knowing that this battle against countless legions was hopeless, began to search for an alternate method of victory.

And then, to his attention came a figure in the darkest of cloaks mounted upon a steed seemingly crafted from the shadows themselves high atop a near hill. This stranger thrust and pointed about with a gigantic scimitar, very obviously directing the movements of the unholy horde with the weapon.

Vitellus, noticing this observation, rode to his lord and asked panting, during a slight lull in the fighting, “Does your majesty wish for me to pursue this knave and eliminate him in your name?”

Something within Forenius noticed something most familiar about this lone specter and desired to wage the battle himself, but another part knew that his presence would further boost the morale of his guard. As he looked at Vitellus, he considered another option. Perhaps the men would do just as well commanded by their general…
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, folks new chapter.

What will Forenius do?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lovely writing Jack!

Send forth Vittles to attack this mysterious figure, whilst the rest of the gang distract the dark dogs of war.

Mmm. Maybe send one or two men with him, as fodder.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aha! Our first response.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

~Takes a bow~
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No - hunt him down yourself, while letting Vitellus take command of the army.

It is his job afterall, and there's no way Vits will be able to take on the leader of the horde.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome chappy jack. Very Happy

I agrre with Lordy.

BTW, have i been away for a month yet?
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great stuff all around im loving it. i think that Vetillus should be set on the pursuit with a few men loyal to him. Usually im a fan of getting things done yourself but got a bad feeling no idea why....
cant wait to hear more
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, this is tough...

Will their be more action hunting the thing or staying behind? That's the real qeustion.

Let vittles die. I hate him anyway.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chase after the thing. Bound to be a blood bath somehow. Meheheheh.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If it's bound to be a blood bath, let vittles die!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you all for the lovely comments and complements.

I am quite happy that once again my epic has a fan base.

The poll is up now. Enjoy your voting and discussion, my friends.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 21- Demise

Forenius hacked downwards, severing cartilage and bone, blood spraying up and spattering across his face as the unfortunate hellhound whimpered beneath the mighty blow.

From beneath the crimson mask, he turned to Vitellus and spoke, “Go and challenge the bastard…”

Vitellus nodded, accepting the order as he readied his weapon for the uphill charge.

As he turned, Forenius continued, “But take with you Bracchus and Celius to guard your rear.”

The king observed as the cool demeanor of his confidant dropped for but a second, and some odd, unknown reaction shined in his blue eyes. It was gone, passing quickly as a noon shadow as the general resumed his previous attitude and the men at arms drew up beside him.

Together, the three began to hack their bloody trail up the mound, cleaving through the howling mass of fang and claw, bits of fur, bone, and organ tossing about in their wake like some sort of macabre confetti.


Forenius and the remaining knights, being only fifteen in number, tore viciously into their foes, but gradually gave ground to the superior numbers.

The supernatural beasts seemed not beset by weariness nor poor morale, nor even a dwindling of reinforcements, as no matter the number that fell, yet more would always emerge from the fog, barking and snarling, eager for the fight.

Twisting in the saddle after having just slain another hound, the emperor attempted to view those sent to dispatch the assassin. It was during this time, that as he attempted to search within the infinite tangle of arms, legs, hooves, and flashing steel that he let down his guard just long enough to be knocked from the saddle by a staggering wolf, teetering and reeling from the lance buried deep in its bleeding side.

As he tumbled, his sword flung from his hand and was lost somewhere within the throng of drooling enemies.

Shaking himself, the warrior reached down to his belt and drew forth the Thunderer.


The Trickster smiled slowly, a crooked smile etching its way across his gaunt face like a crack in a pane of glass. He had a slight pause in his arrogance as he saw that with his servant, two foolhardy men at arms pressed upon him. Whilst the gusto and eagerness of the commander was but a farce, he knew these others to truly be dedicated to taking his head.

He stroked his beard, then slowly extended a crooked finger, long and lean, obviously the digit of a bard, much more well suited to the instruments of courtly culture than the tools of war. His eyes rolled back into his skull and he began to spout forth a sinful ballad, conjuring a spell he remembered from days long past, when he too walked as man, merely flesh and blood.

As the extended verse drew to a close, nearing its foul completion, he was interrupted by a great flash of lightning from on high and the sharp crack of thunder.

The dogs yelped and screamed, almost sounding like the tortured moans of the damned. His eyes returned to their rightful direction, the godling glared down from his perch to survey the carnage unfolding.

Hardly could he believe himself to see Forenius, screaming louder than even the thunder’s rumble as he twirled above his head a massive warhammer, smashing and crushing all who crossed him. Seemingly at his direction, lighting struck within the forces opposing him, the stench of burning hair laying even more thickly upon the landscape than the fog which surrounded them.

The Trickster, reigning his nearly panicked steed under control, extended his scimitar, fully intending to summon forth yet another wave of his minions to end the life of this impetuous soul who would oppose the will of his mighty father. Raising the curled horn to his lips with the other hand, he drew back a prodigious breath…

And let loose a mighty scream, shrieking like a banshee as a potently enchanted falcatta, generations older than it’s wielder, sliced cleanly through his outthrust arm, severing it at the elbow and spurting black blood in a thick jet. Yanking back in surprise, the specter fell backwards and slammed hard upon the unforgiving ground, tossing up a cloud of dust as he attempted to roll away from the downward slash sure to follow.


Vitellus could not allow this thing to happen. His savior was about to be slain before his eyes and all because of his lack of haste in reaching to hills peak. Bracchus had beaten him and, having done such, had pursued his goal of slaying the dark stranger.

Reaching about the side of his mount, the traitor drew his javelin and, aiming carefully, tossed the spear. The projectile hissed, spiraling through the air, until finally, with a sickening thud, it landed center of the soldier’s chest, sliding between the plates of his armor and skewering his proud heart upon the metal spearhead.

His face contorted in silent surprise, the centurion slumped back into his saddle and groaned slightly as his mount, thoroughly spooked, galloped away, the unfortunately loyal legionary still astride its back.

Celius spied this from a few feet away, and filled with loathing and anger, his whole world blotted out in a black rage, he surged forward, bastard sword held high and kite shield flung rather uselessly across his back.

He gained in speed, approaching the treacherous one, who’s back was turned as he trotted toward his apparent master.

Vitellus turned, perhaps sensing something, or perhaps just hearing the horse’s hammering hooves as the gap closed, and this saved him, if just temporarily. What was intended to be a killing blow fell short of its mark, killing his horse instantly and mortally wounding the nobleman. As he and his beast fell, the veteran was able to make with a vicious backlash of his own blade, cutting the legionary’s throat and ending his life as well.

Together, the pair, the general and his painted horse, careened over the steep hillside and rolled upon the jagged rocks the whole way down. Unable to free himself, Vitellus was helpless as, at the conclusion of this painful journey, his heavily armored steed landed heavily upon his legs, crushing them beneath its cumbersome weight.


Tails suddenly tucking between their legs, the squealing dogs, almost as one, turned to flee. They routed, and were slaughtered by the bushel as they attempted to escape the fury of the vengeful king and his honor guard.

As the last remnants of the horde vanished into the endless mist, Forenius called for his riders to halt their pursuit. Something had caused this sudden alteration in attitude, this breaking of the enemy force’s back as it were.

To the emperor, this meant but one thing… His general Vitellus had succeeded upon his mission.

Smiling and victorious, the battered monarch hung the hammer back from its home upon his belt and began the long walk up the red stained mound, seeking his childhood friend.

Crystalline, nearly frozen blades of grass cracked sharply beneath his feet as Forenius picked his way amongst the dead, finally mounting the summit and gazing down upon the shallow gully below. The way down was scattered with an assuredly deadly assortment of large rocks, jutting from the earth much like crude tombstones.

A small gasp, followed by a visible exhalation of hot breath in the form of a miniature cloud, escaped the knight’s lips as he noticed, sprawled in a grotesque manner beneath a familiar painted horse, a figure at the ridge’s bottom.

His mobility hindered by his chest piece, Forenius carelessly tossed it aside in a strange echo of times past upon yet another deserted battlefield. Cutting his hands in several places and gathering multiple bruises, the warrior rushed to aid his fallen comrade.

He was greatly pleased and his relief was spelled clearly across his stained face as Forenius noticed the slightest of motion in Vitellus as his broad chest heaved weakly.

The soldier drew closer, noticing that the fallen one spoke something, ever so softly. He kneeled close beside, crouching to hear these final words.

The whistling wind stole them from him, however, and he gently scooped the upper part of the strategist and held him close.

And then, so clearly, the madman whispered, “I die for my master.”

Before the words had time to truly register or even the chill had worked its snaking path down his spine, Forenius felt the well sharpened dagger slide smoothly between his unguarded ribs and up inside his torso.

Coughing blood and stammering in speechless surprise, Forenius slumped limply against the slaughtered mare, still embracing his traitorous vassal even as his life’s blood slowly bled out onto the already soaked moor.


The Lady d’Grorathia wrapped her robes tightly around herself and flung open the doors, a slight gust of cold wind stirring her flame red hair and making the candles flicker dramatically as the imposing figure of the thing that was once Jad-Bal-Rhun menacingly cracked his muscled neck.

Midnight couriers rarely brought good tidings. More than likely, it would be his mission to dispose of he that was foolish enough to displease the vampire mistress.

As she searched the shadows for whosoever was impetuous to knock upon her door and disturb the time of her feeding, the impatience soon faded away as her jade eyes glanced upon a figure she’d not seen helpless in quite some time.

The Trickster, messenger of her father, the god of war, pestilence, famine, and murder, leaned weakly against her doorjamb, grasping at the stump of one arm with his remaining fist in an obviously futile attempt to forestall the inevitable eventuality of bleeding out.

Sighing almost as if the thought of asking for aid cut him more deeply than any cutlass, the flushed hellspawn spake slowly, “I come to you for quarter, asking for aid in my hour of need. Will you help me… sister?”
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok. New Chapter.

Hope you all enjoy it. I look forward to seeing your discussion.

This Dp is...

Does The Lady assist her estranged brother?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter as usual Jack. As for The Lady, I say she should assist her brother to the fullest.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps some questioning as to who did this first. But inevitably she will help him, so thinks I.

A suitably bloody episode Jack! Bigg
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I concur with the sentiment that she should help him! Amazing as usual
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

She doesn't lose anything by doing so. And for all she knows, it could be a trick - he might merely be testing her willingness to aid him.

So help him.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fairly cut and dry DP. HAve fun with the poll.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, im the only one who voted no. Shocked

Simply amazing, as always, jack. Very Happy A bit of a suprise there, killing off "Vittles", as Masterweaver says. Very Happy
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted Yes, awesome story Jack.
I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, Shogun. I hate that it's been so long since I've been able to post on it, but 18 hour workdays kind of kill out all your time. Hopefully, I'll get a break soon and I can make some progress.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I wanted to put out at least one more chapter before I went out to sea and it looks like I'm getting my wish. I hope you all enjoy it, discuss it, and have me some good ideas for a poll. Maybe, if we're lucky, I can even get it posted before when I have to leave.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 22- Duty and Honor

Leaning against the doorjamb, wind tinged with sleet and the sweet and sour odor of divine blood, The Trickster made his best effort to control his breathing, to slow his racing heart and stare his sister down.

The Lady, smiling with feigned innocence, barred the way into her makeshift abode, a rather luxrious plantation home seized from some noble family or another as her mighty army had been slowly forced back from the capital by the ferocious counterattack launched by Forenius the First.

She leaned in a bit, her smooth breath becoming visible in the night air and she asked, with more than a hint of mockery in her voice, "But, Oh Dear Brother, What could've done this to you? What misfortune has befallen my mighty sibling and forced him to my doorstep?"

A slight chill worked its way up the messenger's spine as his demigod senses began to key in upon slight variations upon his sister's demeanor, body language, and appearance. Something had changed here since last he'd seen her. Something dark had taken place.

Nevertheless, he straightened his aching spine and spake, "I engaged the usurper Forenius and his bodyguard in battle, utilizing the hounds of the Great Hunt."

A small, almost unnoticable spark lit off somewhere behind her eyes at the mention of these legendary beasts. The Lady gestured for him to continue on.

"Many were slain. And it seemed as if we'd lose the day, but once again, my cleverness..."

Slighty coughing, she muttered, "Cowardice," beneath her breath.

Not put aback, not even noticing the jab nor even the pain of his own severed arm at the moment, the shrouded man continued his tale, "We overcame, even at high cost. The king now lies dead upon the field, nothing more than a cold corpse."

At this, d'Grorathia's delicate eyebrows shot up and her crimson lips tightened into a thin line. She flicked her ruby hair over her shoulder and asked, "You know that this man was special to me."

A curious look from the Trickster followed, his mind inquiring.

Stammering to recover, she corrected, "Special to my plans. He had a purpose. Who shall fill that now?"

A slight chuckle and a head shake as the injured one stepped a bit closer.

"I assure you. There shall be another," He whispered, as much to mock her infatuation with the late hero as to foretell those things which he'd foreseen.

She stepped aside and he entered. They had a great many things to speak about and what good would he be if he bled to death on her doorstep?


Anaxandrias removed his bronze helm, and panicked, began to turn this way and that, surveying the battlefield for his liege. He owed this king his life as this man had taken him as a personal guard when he was nothing more than a footsoldier. Promoted from peonage, he'd become well known, if not a bit resented for his courage and skill at arms.

As he held the black crested helm to his side, he crouched as low as possible for the constraints of his breastplate. Through the mist that covered the blood soaked ground like a thin veil, he saw a familiar tread. A bootprint that led elsewhere.

He followed, picking up the pace as he noticed the emperor's discarded breastplate.

The ledge came upon him quicker than he would've liked due to the gathering fog and, teetering a bit, he caught his balance. Far below, he could see the silouettes of mangled figures.

The warrior muttered a prayer and began to climb his way down.

At the bottom, he saw three bodies entangled in a frozen embrace.

One was a great warhorse.

The other was the general Vitellus.

And lastly, he beheld Forenius, still wrapped in the arms of his childhood friend, a dagger protruding from his ribs.

"Oh dear Gods, no..." The hoplite spat as he scrambled to his leader's side.

Gingerly, he pried the nearly frozen bodies apart. The shock, the betrayal upon the hero's face were still apparent in this moment, even after he'd passed. His mouth gaped wide, his features twisted, and his eyes squinted in pain and rage.

There could be no doubt. The king was dead. The guard had failed in their duties.

At this point, there was but one course to be taken.

Screaming at the world in his hatred, Anaxandrias unsteathed his sword and with one swift blow, decapitated Vitellus's traitorious corpse. Hoisting the head by it's flowing locks, he spat in the face of the fool and snarled.

As he considered what could be done, his eyes gradualy worked from the face of his previously hidden foe to the form of his valiant king.

He knew what had to be done.


The other guards, what remained of them, at least, awaited him, beaten and bloody atop the crest. He climbed up to meet them, the head of Vitellus fastened to his belt, dragging the body of his lord behind him via a rope bound from his waist to the corpse's feet.

The sadness of his comrades was clear to see as they beheld the cold dead form of their leader. Several knealt to mourn, overcome by grief.

Anaxandrias spat and snarled, "Stand up, or you are no better than wailing women."

Angry eyes cast upon him, the soldier continued to speak, "We have failed our king in life. Let us not fail him in death."

More than a bit confused, one knight asked, "But what do you mean by that, mercenary?"

Reaching around behind him, the armored man removed the Scepter of Devine Right, the object which kings were required by law to carry upon their persons at all times.

A gasp issued forth from the assembled elite and questions were spat out faster than any man could answer.

Anaxandrias waited for them to quiet down a bit, and then spun his tale.

"When I came upon him, our king was but a shadow of himself, the life clearly fading and not much left to live. Shaking hands, he reached up and grabbed me and pleaded that I carry on his war. That we drive out these invaders and crush them to the last man. But I asked, 'How will the men know to believe me, lord?'

He smiled, pulled me a bit closer and whispered as the last bit of his life faded, 'With this I name you, regent, Anaxandrias. Do me proud. Save my people.'

When I looked down, he'd thrust the Scepter into my hand, and as his body was racked with pain on last time, he passed."

Confronted by this mandate and seeming proof, the cavaliers had no choice but to accept the tale laid out before them. Taking a knee, they presented their arms to the Regent Anaxandrias, who contemplated, even now, his next move.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote





Any ideas for what Anaxandrias does next, his first official act as regent?

Sidenote- And for those of you who are wondering, no, I've not forgotten about Larson. He's just busy elsewhere, which will be covered in an upcoming chapter.
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