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Chapter 5.5- The Hangover

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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:03 pm    Post subject: Chapter 5.5- The Hangover Reply with quote

Hey Rune. Yes they do have medication for that...old school medication. Enjoy!

Chapter Five pt 2: The Hangover

The next morning found all six orphans rubbing their eyes and shuffling into the Galley...only to find Angelo already there. He was rummaging through cupboard after cupboard, movement making as little noise as possible. "Morning Angelo!" Saul said brightly. He was rewarded with a wince and a blurry glare.

"Not so loud mate." Angelo said in a pained whisper before returning to his search. A few moments later he let loose a soft 'ah-ha' and turned around with a new bottle in his hand. "I knew I had one left."

As he uncorked it Ambrois spoke up. "Hey, you'd better eat something first hadn't you?" Angelo winced again at the volume of the words even though Ambrois's voice was slightly lower than your average conversational tones.

"No mate. Never eat on a sober stomach." Slowly the slim man sat at the large galley table and quietly pulled the cork from the bottle. He was about to take a drink when Jasper slapped it from his hand, the sound of glass breaking filling the air as it landed against the wall. Angelo looked at the broken glass with horror on his face, eyes following the amber liquid as it ran down the walls and pooled on the floor. He bowed his head, his shaggy hair hiding his face from view. The other orphans exchanged 'oh shit' glances...Ambrois especially worried.

"Stupid asshole! If you weren't such an alcoholic you might be able to get it together more often! So far since I've known you I've yet to see you do anything worth all the tales people tell about you!" Jasper's voice was just under a shout, his tone harsh and angery...perhaps because one of his childhood heros wasn't living up to his expectations. "So far all I've seen is a drunken idiot going from blunder to blunder and just barely managing to keep his skin on his back. If you'd put down the bottle long enough to open your eyes...."

Jasper's words were suddenly cut off as he found himself staring down the barrel of a very large gun. The bore alone was the size of his eye and staring into it was like looking into the heart of oblivion. There was the sound of a hammer being cocked and if the gun had a safety it wasn't visible. The slim man's finger twitched on the trigger and his voice was colder than the winds of hell when he finally spoke. "You wouldn't like me me."

Angelo's eyes were cold and hard and the shift in personality wasn't just visible there. It was in the way he held his wings, the way his muscles quivered under his coat, everything about him had suddenly changed from drunken and eccentric to malicious and deadly. There wasn't a person in the room who couldn't believe Angelo had earned his reputation and the fact that this Arcex was one of the most reknown pirates alive was hammered into their very souls.

Saul took tiny steps forward, a bottle he'd found somewhere in his hands. "Here." He thrust it forward. Angelo's grip on his gun didn't waver and neither did his gaze. Without seeming to move a muscle, his free hand plucked the bottle from the youth's grip. He popped the cork with his thumb and took a long draw. Almost instantly the gun was gone and Angelo was hunched over the table, bottle between his hands, hazy expression back in his eyes.

Jasper was quivering, furious rage boiling in his eyes. Jade slowly slipped up beside him, her hand coming to rest on his arm. He quickly shrugged her off like a hot coal. Easy Jasper. Let him have his liquor. I'd rather have him happily drunk anway...I didn't like what I saw just now.

He's a danger to us all. I don't care if he did know our father, and I'm liking knowing who our father was less and less by the moment. He's outta control Jade...I can't just stand by and let him put you in danger.

Jade's put her hand back on her brother's arm and tightened her grip, trying to will the clenched muscles to relax. He got me out of danger Jasp. He saved me, us. What would have happened if he hadn't let you on this ship? Where would we be now...or in two weeks when the sickness had us retching up our guts and convulsing? Be reasonable. Jasper was having none of it.

No Jade. This guy is past any prime he was ever in. He needs to be dropped off somewhere with a crate of booze and never thought of again. And if I'm the only one who sees that, so be it. I'm not just going to stand by and let us be subject to his whims any longer. Jasper suddenly moved forward and put his hand over the mouth of the bottle.

Angelo looked up at him, mild annoyance on his face. "Didn't we just go through this mate? Don't make me warn you again."

Jasper looked down at him cooly. "You've got a problem Angelo and until you get past it you're in no position to be captain of this ship. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step down." The ship suddenly lurched, throwing the orphans to the floor as the lights went out for a moment.

"It's alright beautiful." Angelo's voice was calm and the lights came back on at once to reveal him standing with his arms folded, wings mantled like a screaming hawk. He looked coldly at Jasper again, a smile twitching his lips. "It's just a case of teenage rebellion."

He slowly walked over to where Jasper sprawled, reached down, and heaved the young man to his feet. "Well then, if it's a duel you want, it's a duel you get. Come on." He started off down the passage without letting go of Jasper. The young man was dragged along, all his strength useless against the slim man's steel grip.

Angelo went right to the Captain's Cabin, the door falling open before him. Tossing Jasper to the floor he walked up to one of the walls and snapped his fingers. The wall folding in and out revealing the slim man's personal armory. An amazing variety of swords and handguns hung there, two vacant spots glaring. With a flourish the slim man cross drew not only his first massive handgun, but a second matching one, and placed them in the empty slots.

He looked back at Jasper and grinned savagely just as the others filtered into the room. "Pick your weapon mate."

Jasper stared in awe at the arsenal before him, some of the weaponry was so archaic looking that if it didn't have handgrips he wouldn't have known one end from the other. And several he had no idea how to use. The orphans had limited knowledge of combat. The orphanage was required by law to teach those above a certain age self defense, but that was only unarmed self defense.

What they knew of actual combat had been gleaned from Yunni and others in dim taverns where has-been pirates were willing to relive their glory days for those willing to listen. Jasper, avid student he had been, was still little more than a novice. He had the innate instincts for fighting dirty but when it came to disciplin and skill...he was screwed.

Yet one of the blades on the wall called to him. Reaching up he took down an elegant cutless with a grip that seemed to have been made for his hand. Angelo raised an eyebrow and muttered something that only Donovan's sharp ears picked out. "Like Father like son...I wonder..."

Still the slim man wasn't hesitant as he reached up for a massive sword on the top rack of the display. It was huge, a two handed bastard, with lines of crystal veining the metal. The thing must have weighed a ton but Angelo swung it up onto his shoulders like it was nothing. He looked at Jasper and inclined his head toward the crowded doorway. "Shall we?"

The orphans hustled out of the room and up onto the deck, Jasper and Angelo following close behind. Slowly the spaced themselves on the deck. The slim man's gaze was hard, Jasper's was angery as they faced off against each other. Then Jasper leaped forward...and hit the deck hard on his back as Angelo's shoulder slammed into him. The elegant cutless went flying and Jasper felt the heavy weight of Angelo's sword tip resting on his Adam's apple.

"Now I'm not exactly drunk at the moment mate and I'm not exactly sober. Had I been either this might have gone differently. Now you've got a choice ahead of you. You can shut up and be part of this crew...or I can let The Muse live up to her name. Promises to your father be damned."

For a moment Jasper considered utter defiance, spitting into the slim man's face or something else rebellious and utterly foolish. But some part of him pointed out with dry reason that if he died, Jade would most likely follow him. So instead he averted his eyes and swollowed his pride. "I yeild."

Angelo pulled back the point of his sword and drew back enough for Jasper to stand. He accepted the bottle from Saul, who'd brought it along just in case, took a long pull, then walked over to where the cutless lay on the deck. Using his foot he flipped it up into his free hand, then hurled it in Jasper's direction. Somehow the youth managed to pluck it ackwardly out of the air. He looked at Angelo as the slim man returned to his battle ready position.

"No, you don't yeild. I can tell that just from the way you said it. Your opinon hasn't changed one damn bit. So come on, take another shot. I've got nothing but time mate and you've got nowhere to go."

Jasper's fury burned within him and his grip clenched tighter on the sword. He wanted nothing more than to show Angelo that he was wrong, that Jasper wasn't just some half-assed punk. The trouble was, that rational little voice in the back of his head was telling him he was just that. It was replaying the events of the past two days for him, pointing out with flawless clarity that he'd been acting like an ass. But it was too late to say sorry.

As the tension mounted Jasper realized it was a do or die moment. Across the way from him Angelo was watching the young man's eternal struggle with mild amusement. Red had been the same wall, all hellfire and pride without much planning to back it up. Angelo could only hope to smarted this boy up faster than he had his father. Knowledge hadn't come to Red until it was too late.

Suddenly the breaking point was reached...something had to give.

What happens next?

There you are! The start of a smackdown. What will these two do next? Is there a disaster brewing, or is it high time some sense was knocked into several heads? You tell me.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cobalt AND Jade talk sense into him. This situation is a delicate matter. And Donovan, Saul and Ambrois keep Jasper from doing anything stupid by physically restraining him....

I think three is more than enough to hold Jasper back while the girls are working in unison to get some sense in him.

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They fight until angelo is finally satisfied with jasper's abilities and allows him to live, altho the question of authority won't come up again for a long time.
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
I don't know, it's just the way I am.


without the threat of death,
there is no reason to live at all

marilyn manson
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The Meaning Of Fear
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say Angelo suddenly appears behind Jasper, moving so quickly they can't see it (4th hokage style)!


That was stupid, wasn't it?

Take 2: Angelo interupts Jasper's internal struggle with the story of his father...
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What the heck Lily? You do realize Jaspers a guy, right? The situation is far from delicate and talking is the last way to really resolve the situation definitively. Soothed emotions and healthy doses of sensible words won't change the feelings, won't impart anything concrete for Jasper to work from OR Angelo to trust...neither character will ever be able to know anything for sure if only words are exchanged. If the two fight- I mean really go at it- a definitive pecking order can be established with no further need for the issue to come up again. Everyone will know their place. The stronger guy is the one you ultimately have to follow and until Jasper, in his nonsensical emo-state has physical proof of who is the better, he's not gonna make the logical transitions needed to let the issue go.

We're talking about a fight between guys and one who is totally out of control with his emotions...sitting down and talking is um....Guys settle things better by releasing some aggression. Physical-final proof is a thousand times better than leaving things unknown, uncertain and always possibilities.

Talking sense into the emo kid isn't gonna work. He's got to deal with it on his own and the way a guy best deals with emotions is through physical action (usually)-sorry ladies.

Here's to a smack down.

Sorry I had to go against the grain of your suggestion so much but I hate Jasper for one, two it's actually a non-guy thing to do in such a situation when you've got a prick like Jasper who really thinks or feels the way he does-violence is the answer then.

Three- the kid NEEDS a beating in the worst kind of way. For my sake if not his.

Angelo shouldn't give a rats hind quarters about Jaspers abilities either. The simple fact is that Jasper is a mule. That's got to be beaten out of him. Jasper realizes it but if somethings got to give then I say he acts in his typical stupid fashion and Angelo just beats him so bad he never, ever wants to go into a situation again without using his head first.

That sort of beating carries with it a lifelong finality that I am sure Angelo would like, because Red didn't get it soon enough. In real life I have found those sorts of beatings prevented me from ever having to fight other people- reputation and rumor worked wonders on otherwise really stupid people who didn't like me. They always wanted to talk or be sneaky..but never fight.

Fear can go a long way for self control. And that's exactly what Jasper needs. Control and fear.

Please- bring on the violence. (ie, Angelo chucks his sword and just beats and pummels) Pirate
Just another statistic now. I'd always hoped you could be more. Haven't seen you in years. Now, only in my tears- Unseen and restless.
People come and go. But hope, they'll never know- that I had for you and have still for those whom we held close.

I'll see you in my thoughts and dreams.
Try not worry for you- unseen. A child I knew you then- Now amongst the dead spirits of men.

Live on little boy.
My hopeless joy.
I'll hang on if you linger.

Rest your spirit with me.
One friend down. Goodbye Christian.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Neil Hartley Books.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Six against one, but wait until he's really drunk.

It will probably have dire consequences for them all, but it should be highly entertaining.

And Jasper is being a bit of a prick - his friends should be able to coerce him into trying a slightly more strategic approach...

(btw - swollowed should be swallowed, yeild should be yield. Wink )
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, Jasper is acting like an idiot and needs to learn a lesson. Angelo is in control and able to teach it to him for his own good. He's right, he probably was not convinced by one fall, but after a few more he should get some sense and calm down.

What would they do if they did successfully mutiny, unlikely as that is? They don't know how the ship works - it's probably tuned in to Angelo's DNA!
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very Happy MG...some times you're a genius but shhhh. So far you're the only one picking up on the ship's behaviour.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay even though I've pretty much figured how this poll will go vote anyway! I like surprises!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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