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Player of Fates

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:43 pm    Post subject: The Business Reply with quote

Log 1

The doors were a little lopsided. That's the first thing that Maxwell noticed. They were slightly to the right and the frames bent to match the position. It had been done purposely.

Frowning, the tall twenty something year old took a step forward. And waited. Nothing came out to greet him and he took another look around. A tall depressing building that had the color of prison walls. No windows which to speak of. Just a row of stairs leading to the lop sided entrance.


"Wow," Maxwell muttered to himself. "You've really hit rock bottom."

Taking a deep breath and fixing the frown, he pushed open the glass door that wasn't see through and stepped inside a dank cold lobby that smelled like suffering. The young man almost gagged and lurched back outside but a sudden shove threw him forward.

He was sent stumbling into the black and white tiled lobby. His breath was squeezed out of him and he started to gag as the stench and atmosphere overwhelmed him. Depressing thoughts spiraled towards him and filled his head.

"I have to get out," he wheezed.

"It will only take a moment," said a dry voice that hinted of Samuel Adams. How that's possible is something you will never understand.

"What?" Maxwell gasped.

"The air. It's polluted. So many poor souls have walked in here. Can't recall any walking out though."

Maxwell strained his tensed neck to see who was talking. It was a unbelievably tall man dressed in a gray suit. He was questionably thin and his suit was pressed tightly against his body. His chimney legs seemed to be straining to hold his frame. A pale face that was wrinkled with age scrunched up in a horrible smile and a long hooked nose sloped downwards to greet the panicking visitor.

"My name is Lost."

"Lost?" The young man blinked as his body suddenly recovered. He felt like he was outside again, unfortunately it only felt like that. A deep feeling in the pit of his stomach told him he would never witness the world outside again.

"I like it. Don't you?"

"Well...yes." Best to play it safe. "My name is-"

"Maxwell, yes I know." Lost coughed and his whole frame trembled under the mighty gusts. "Your resume compelled us quite so. You're here for the...uh...job?"

"Yes," answered Maxwell.

Lost checked his nails and looked around. "How do you like it so far?"

Maxwell checked around the room. It was a normal office lobby, resembling a dentists waiting room. Everything had the obvious lack of any color. The walls were a dirty white and the furniture was a drab stone color.

Even the pictures were black and white. And interesting pictures they were. One depicted a man's testicles and intestines being ripped out by a laughing toddler.

"To be frank, it's depressing."

The man smiled. "Good! You know what you will you'll be doing, I hope?"


Lost frowned. "They always send the blank ones. Alright. "He let out a deep sigh. "Time for a tour."

I have no idea where I'm going with this. Should be fun!

Pretty Thing
Vampires just got a whole lot Hotter

The Business
The fine print can kill you.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a great start!

"It will only take a moment..."

That's a loaded statement, that is. Very Happy

The deliberately lopsided door is a nice touch. Where could he be? What could have shoved him back in through the door? I really like the imagery on this one too.

*waits for more*

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Player of Fates

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Log 2 (warning some foul language)

The halls stank. That's the first thing Maxwell noticed. As the pair walked down the narrow hallway his nose tapped his brain and told it something new.

"This place smells familiar..."

"Does it now?" asked Lost with a bit of humor in his voice. He let his fingers trail on the blank white walls and stopped, allowing his dress shoes to slightly sink into the black carpet.

" smells like..."

"Your Aunt Diana's funeral?"

"What? No...wait..." Maxwell frowned and then his green eyes widened. "Yes! What the hell!?"

"You're a special case. Now, if you please, walk with me."

Maxwell folded his arms and steeled his legs. "I don't think so. This place is freaky. What's my job supposed to be?"

Lost smiled his horrible smile.


George tucked his car keys into his pocket and blew nicotine through his nose. His fingers arched then released as he flicked the spent cigarette to the wet ground. The sky rumbled and threatened the stocky man with rain.

"Fuck you," he muttered.

George was a janitor. A very grumpy one at that. Who is happy being a janitor? The wizened old man examined the building before him. It was old and worn out. The paint washed off and dried only to reveal depressing gray stone and colored steel.

Something was off though....


"Please, right this way."

Maxwell opened his mouth to tell Lost where to shove it. Then something warm and rather arousing wrapped around his waist and something large and comfortable pressed into his back.

"I would be very happy if you would just follow my employer," whispered a voice that aroused and fulfilled very perverse and sex filled fantasy that Maxwell had hidden in his mind.


Wet lips nipped his reddening ears and the arms cinched tighter, almost lovingly. "For me? Please?"

'You bastard! How could you deny her?' was the thought that slammed into Maxwell's head repeatedly. It was a hit and run, except it kept coming back.

"Well?" asked Lost.


"You're such a sweetheart," giggled the voice. The arms withdrew but not without a suggestive linger on Maxwell's warm crotch.


Someone had opened the doors! George hurried forward, spouting more swear words as he advanced step by hurried step. "Fucking good for nothing kids! Always running around and shitting all over. Inside is probably covered by spray paint!"

The short old man climbed the steps with clinging huffs and stopped short. His wrench dropped to the floor from nerveless hands as he stared at the crumpled body lying just inside the lobby. The opened glass door creaked ominously.


Maxwell turned around to view the temptress but no one was there. He frowned. Was it a trick? His fingers hesitantly touched the side of his ear and came away with lipstick on the nails. had been real.

"Well made the Anabel a promise. Shall we go? You'll enjoy you're new job. It's quite fulfilling."

"How fulfilling," asked Maxwell.


Pretty Thing
Vampires just got a whole lot Hotter

The Business
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm liking this so far Plates! Good work!
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Love it Plates!
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Really good story. I want to know more.
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Player of Fates

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The next log will be a bit delayed, folk. My deepest insincere sincere.

Pretty Thing
Vampires just got a whole lot Hotter

The Business
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Player of Fates

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


It was covered in blood. That was the first thing that Max noticed as he stepped inside the elevator. It had been located at the end of the hall and made a stark difference with the walls as its obsidian black doors opened. To reveal a interior named carnage.

"Holy shit!" Max breathed as he took a step back. A steely hand pressed into his spine to prevent another lurch back.

"Please, proceed into the elevator," said Lost in his hushed voice.

"Do you see that!" screamed Max. "It's covered in blood."

"Yes..." mumbled the old man as he pushed his acquaintance forward. "It was quite necessary at the time."

"I'm not stepping into that," Max said in a low voice. "I'm not."

"I think you will. You must learn to adapt, Maxwell. Adapt into...uncomfortable surroundings."

With a final shove, Max was pushed into the blood elevator and quickly followed by Lost. Before the young man could rush out, the black doors shut, concealing the hall from view and shutting out Max's coveted escape.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god." Max started to tremble and shake all over as his ankles felt the warm and thick liquid that seemed to rise with every lurch upwards in the elevator.

A hand grabbed his shoulder in a vice like grip. "Steel yourself, my friend," hissed Lost. "This is only the beginning."

"This is crazy! Your a psycho!"

Lost huffed. "I tend to disagree, Maxwell. I'm quite sane. Saner than you think."

"The insane think their sane!" cried the young man as he smashed his fist against the door. There was a sharp snapping sound and Max reared back with a wild pain filled scream.

Lost sucked on a tooth. "Looks like it hurt."

"Yes, it did," Max hissed. He held up and examined his burning hand. His middle finger seemed to lean to the left quite unnaturally. "Oh god, I broke my fingers!"

"Finger," corrected Lost.

"Whatever! It's still broken," sulked Max. He held up his hand again. "I doesn't hurt though."

"I would hope not," sniffed Lost. "It would be quite unprofessional if you could feel that slow creeping bastard called Pain. His hands are much to busy already."

"You talk like pain's a person."

"Yes..." Lost smiled. "Personification then."

There was a dinging sound and the blood splashed as the elevator jolted to a stop. As the doors opened, the scarlet river spilled out onto the marble floor of a great room that was absolutely bare.

The red river expanded into an ocean of crimson as it slid along its new smooth ocean floor. It touched no carpet or furniture because of the lack of them. It was just a great expansion of white with no decorations at all on the huge walls. The only thing was a set of grand stairs.

"Amazing," whispered Max as he stepped forward.

"Not bothered by the blood anymore I see," chuckled Lost. "Good."

Pretty Thing
Vampires just got a whole lot Hotter

The Business
The fine print can kill you.

Last edited by Player of Fates on Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just got round to catching up with this one. Yeargh! Very Happy I wonder what this business is all about...

Hoping to see more soon!

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice one Plates!
Neil Hartley Books.
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Player of Fates

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry for the delaying of Logs on this story people. I'm currently working on a new linear called Rest When Your Dead, I'm trying out a new style of writing so its taking a while, but this has not been completely forgotten.

Pretty Thing
Vampires just got a whole lot Hotter

The Business
The fine print can kill you.
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