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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:18 am    Post subject: Death Day 8 Reply with quote

Death Day 8

With a few selfish, and fake, sobs and sniffles, the girl starts riding. ^I know Bro's gonna be on me like there's no tomorrow, if I don't get moving...God I want a drink, but no more sleazes for me today...^ With a huge sigh, she takes off towards the collage. A good 2 mile ride, she lets her mind wander to all the things she'd like to do to that balloon guy if she ever got him alone. ^Castration is too good for him...Perhaps one of those Chinese tortures...paper cuts or water drips....^ She giggles darkly to herself at the vision of him writhing in pain. Her visions take her as far as the abandoned fair grounds.

She slows to look over the makeshift animal barns and bright shiny open music theater. ^Didn't we just have the Fun Run here the other day? I swear I could hear all those old songs from my house....The old cars were cool though. Heh, I can't believe I got to see an old paddy wagon passing through the alley^ She harrumphs, remembering how the fair itself has gotten smaller since it's no longer the “State Fair”. ^And now I need to save up a TON to get my own booth, Ugh....^ Her mind wanders over her booth ideas as she passes on to the highway itself when the sidewalk is replaces with front lawns. Looking ahead, she slows once again. ^Alright, 5 cars, and a red light.....4....3....2....1....NOW!^

Standing on her peddles, she kicks her bike into high gear. The way to the collage on this road requires going down the highway under a train bridge, giving only enough room for cars to pass under. The red light about a block past the far end is the only break in the traffic, even at this hour. As the last car passes, her legs bust into action. The downhill gives he a little leeway, but the sharp uphill on the other side can be deadly. ^Yes yes yes! I rule!^ The wind whistles through her hair, making her tear up. The rush is almost enough to make her risk going all the way to the next driveway, but headlights over the top of the hill brings her rational firmly back into place.

Throwing her right leg over the back tire so she's now standing on a single peddle, she squeezes her breaks gently, but in their brand new state, the bike come to a near halt in less than a second. Before the bike come s to a complete stop, she hops of on to the side of the road into the high grass, yanking her bike up behind her just in time to save it from being the new front grill of an SUV. ^Prick. Needs to look where he's going...^ After a couple minutes walking up the rest of the hill, she reaches the first driveway this side of the bridge. Hopping back onto her bike, she makes her way the rest of the way to the collage without much problem.

Dropping the bike outside the dorms, she takes her uninjured fist to her friend Pockey's outside door. When the girl opens up, she looks the intruder up and down before stating, “Well, you look like hell. Need a drink?”

The invader smiles. “You always know what I need, huh?” Pockey just rolls her eyes. The two girls spend the night ragging on guys in general, playing odd drinking games. When the sun finally spills through the slated shades of the dorm's windows, it finds the two robust girls sprawled out on the floor. ^Ugh....Sun sun, go away, I have got a hangover today, come again....never^ To pained in the head to come up with a better rhyme, the girl rolls over and inadvertently kicks her friend. The muffled objection to being poked in the head causes the girl to giggle. With a final push, she manages to rock herself to an all fours position. The throb in her hand makes her wince, reminding her to call her Bro later to assure she's alright.

Reaching out with a foot, she pokes her friend repeatedly until she wakes fully. “Come, my half dead friend, we must be again living for The Man demands it.” The quip pulls a laugh from Pockey's prone figure. ^Yes, it's all The Man's fault. If only woman ruled the earth, and we kept men as play things. We could trade them like Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic cards. Heheheh^ Sticking her tongue out at her own silent joke, she stumbles to the bathroom. Commandeering the shower first, when her friend comes in to use the facilities, Pockey makes sure to flush. The resounding yelp, followed by a sting of creative curses follow her out the door. ^Ugh, now I hurt in two places....can I be more of an idiot? I don't think so...Bro's gonna kill me^

With that last happy thought, she exits the shower, rubbing herself down before wrapping the towel around herself and exiting the small, crusty, ancient looking bathroom. Smacking Pockey one goo, she begins ruffling through the other girl's drawers, looking for something small enough for her. ^She has so got me beaten in the rack department, so non of these bras will work. Perhaps I can just wear my own, and use some smell good stuff. Bleh, I hate perfume, but I hate being without a bra more^ Picking out a loose black T with a pot leaf, and some dark slacks, she drops the towel and begins dressing. Sounds of Pockey singing in the shower bring a smile to the girl's lips. ^I must say, she can sing. Then again, the bathroom has great acoustics^

Scooting up to the door when she's fully clothed, she shouts though the wood, “Hey, I've got an early class today, I'll be heading out now! Later!” The muffled grunt of response makes the girl giggle. ^Good to know I'm not the only one feeling last night^ Heading out the door, she takes the shortcut through the school to get to her class on the other side rather than going around. Slipping into her seat, she waits for the teacher. The banter of the other students bounce off of her like rain on a freshly waxed car. ^I'm positive I'm the only person at this school who actually LIKES these classes...Cept maybe M. I should talk to him today. Let him break it to bro before I go home.....Or, I could avoid it all together, for today at least and stay at Pockey's again...^ The teacher comes in, calling attention with a quick shout of, “Pop Quiz”

While all the other students groan, the girl sits up straighter. ^I love these!^ Reaching back with her left hand, she pulls out her ever present emergency writing kit from her back pocket. As she goes to pull out a pencil, she lets out a gasp of pain. ^Oh, oh oh, this is not good!^ Having spent the whole morning favoring her right hand, she just now realizes that her fingers don't seem to want to move without excruciating pain throbbing from tips all the way up her arm. ^Garf dang it!^ Gritting her teeth, she makes it through the day, using her hand as little as possible. Forgetting all about M, she get's out of school around 4 PM and heads to Pockey's to get her bike. ^Ugh, what now? I feel like getting drink again, but this could be serious...and if Bro don't see me soon, he's going to go ape shit....^


Oh dear, she does seem to get hurt a lot....Well, time to deal! Now what!?

To Be A Knight
And my first Finished work Death Day

Last edited by PopeAlessandrosXVIII on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tikanni Corazon
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Head back to Pockey's house, but at least get a message to her bro, to say where she is. I want to hear a little more about Pockey and the friendship between the two girls.
.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another to get to later this evening as I have run out of time here...

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i'm with Tika. back to Pocky's but get bro a message for sure. =)
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree it would've been nice to see a little more of the relationship between them in that, though what you did show us was entertaining.

I'm starting to get a feel for her consistent injuries. Perhaps they are warning her of what is to come. But then, we'll see how that all plays out.

I think she just needs a drink at the moment and a good hand massage. Perhaps she should just go down to the bar and let them know what's happened to her (asking for some delay in starting her job perhaps) and get a drink.

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:31 am    Post subject: Polling Reply with quote

Now we are polling!!!! Please vote!!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:48 am    Post subject: Poll Reply with quote

Soooooooo, one vote, eh?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Popey, I'll give you one more day* to post another chapter, then it shall be moved to the area with all the slow stories I'm afraid.

*'Cos I'm kind like that.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think Pope's been having some logon trouble C'ren...

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Due to Pope's troubles, this story has been allowed a day's reprieve.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:07 pm    Post subject: Poll Results Reply with quote

How to deal tonight?
Spend night at Pockey's (Don't go to work)
25% [ 1 ]
Spend night at Pockey's (Do go to work)
0% [ 0 ]
Go to Bar and ask for a day to recover, stay for a drink
75% [ 3 ]

Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Andolyn, Chinaren, Thunderbird, Tikanni Corazon

*Bows low* Sooooo sorry! RL issues. I'll get on this right away!

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:31 am    Post subject: Death Day 7 Reply with quote

Death Day 7

Not wanting to impose on Pockey two nights in a row, when the girl reaches her bike, she takes off down the highway. ^Ugh. I hate my life...^ A twinge in her hand reminds her of something that stops her dead. ^I have work tonight^ There, on the side of a busy road, she begins banging her head on her handlebars. “” she says as a mantra, her head smacking the cool steel with each word. After a minute straight of self flagellation, she sits back up. Taking a deep breath, she starts off again. ^Maybe I can get a day leeway. Family emergency....No, I want to drink. I know!^ A wicked smile creeps slowly across her face, and her legs pump harder. Flying under the railroad bridge, she doesn't even stop to check for cars. Luckily, fate takes pity on the poor girl and none come as she speeds recklessly along.

Taking the back rout to the bar, she jets right past her home, hardly sparing it a glance. ^I'll prove I can do it. No matter what, I can be a contributing member of society. I'll prove them all wrong^ Her mind wanders over all the times she's been told to “Get a life”. Siblings, aunts, uncles, grand parents, all of them. The only people who've ever given her full confidence are her Bro, his boyfriend, and the few good friends she's managed to accumulate over the years. ^They just don't get it. I'm doing with my life what I need to reach my goal. So what if they think it's a waste! Bro supports me, so who else matters....But the extra money won't hurt^ With that thought, she pulls to a skidding halt behind her new work place.

The smell of the nearby dumpster as well as the accumulated filth around it doesn't even register in her haste. Locking her bike to a water pipe in the bushes against the back of the building, she slips around to the front of the brightly lit Pub. She has to remind herself to use her left hand as she reaches for the pull handle. Making her way past the drunks and other bar patrons, she weaves her way back to the manager's office. After a brief chat, she re-emerges with a smile. ^I rule. I am the best. All bow before me!^ Slipping into a bar stool, she watches the manager come out of the back. She feels a small tingle as well as a little pity as she watches him inform the current bartender of the situation. He hangs his head as the manager disappears off into his office. It takes a few minutes for him to take care of a few orders, but as soon as all orders are out, he stalks over to the girl with murder in his eyes.“So. He tells me you feel a little rusty and would like a night to observe before jumping right in, huh?” the young man says through gritted teeth.

Ducking her head in apology, she replies, “I'm real sorry. He set you on a double shift didn't he?”

He nods, turning to deal with a customer before looking back at her with a glare. “There's no way your feeling any rust. I read that app, you're more then ready, so what gives? You trying to...” His voice trails off as she lifts her hand and pulls up her sleeve a bit, revealing a nasty shade of purple gray blossoming around her wrist. His eyes widen, but before he can respond he has to go to the other side of the bar to fill an order. Pulling her sleeve back down, she watches with a smile as he puts on a big show with the bottles an tumblers for a group of twenty some girls. They giggle and laugh at the display, clapping when he finishes. Settling their drinks before the right girls, he takes a slight bow, a bright sparkling grin firmly in place, before wandering back over to the girl. His look of anger has been replaced with one of worry. “What happened, if you don't mind me asking.” He whispers, the venom in his voice replaced with a concerned whine.

She rolls her eyes. Leaning in she says in a conspiratorial whisper, “Just some prick at the park touching something he shouldn't have. I don't think he'll be showing his pretty face in public for a while.” She lets out a small evil chuckle at the bug eyed look on the tenders face. After a few stunned seconds, he busts into an honest smile.

“Remind me not to ~ever piss you off, ok?” She just smiles and nod in reply.

For some time after the little chat, she just watches the man work. ^Like a good girl^. A few of the waitresses stop by from time to time, trying to start a conversation with the girl. She simply nods and smiles until they take the hint. ^Not here to make friends ladies. Just here to work. But...^ She watches as the manager emerges once again,t his time to tell everyone he's off for the night. As soon as he slips out the front door, she punches a fist into the air. ^But not tonight!^ Waving for the tender, she grins to herself. ^Time for some self medicating^ She order several drinks, and when he gives her a look, she just points at where the manager vanished. Shaking his head, he begins mixing her orders. “Don't bother with the show. I'm good.” He nods and hands her the first drink.

Several drinks, and many hours later, she stumbles out of the bar. ^2 am, and where to go?^ She checks her phone. ^Ugh. 20 missed calls...I knew he'd lose it^ She shakes her head, a feeling of guilt rising in her throat. She wanders around behind the bar and looks at her bike. “I am SO not safe to drive.” She mutter, giggling at her own joke. Turning instead to the road leading home, she begins walking. After a few blocks, she spots someone on a collision course with her. They meet at a corner, and she realizes that it's a man, and by the smell of him, just as drunk as she is. Watching him stumble past, her eyes widen. Reaching out, she grabs the back of his coat just in time to pull him back up on the curb as a florescent green hot-rod flies past. ^Well, that was close. And this is a drunken fool^ She help him to his feet, and he thanks her profusely. Concerned about reading of his spattered corpse on the back streets of this little town, she offers to walk him home. A small grunt and an arm over her shoulder is the only reply she gets.

It takes about 15 minutes to walk the man home, passing the street leading to her own house along the way. Helping him inside, she spots something that completely grabs her full attention. In his small 20ft by 15ft apartment, a full wall sees to be dedicated to games. She bounces around, look at one after another. The man, regaining some lucidity, strikes up a conversation with her as she asks what game after game is like. After some time of nonsensical game babble, she turns to find him standing in the middle of the living room. His shirt and shoes have miraculously vanished, leaving him in just a pair of ragged jeans. ^When did that happen?^ she wonders vaguely. A feeling of unease slips into her stomach, but she pays it no heed. Looking around at the messy floor, she says, “You really should get your girlfriend to pick this place up for you. I can barely see the floor. Heh, it reminds me of my big sis's house.” She watches as he visibly flinches at her words.

With a cough, he sits down on a couch half buried in clothes and says softy, “My wife and I are separated. We're having some difficulties...” Staring at the girl, she watches his eye rove over her body. It finally clicks as to why she feels uneasy.

^OK! I am the biggest moron ever! How the hell am I getting out of this one?!^ Taking a deep breath, she begins talking. Her words are low and gentle. Using everything she knows about love and the heart, she tries to help him understand the problems with his wife, and how to fix them. After a few minutes of heart felt conversation, he begins to cry. ^Awwwww, I can't resist a crying man^ Sitting down on the couch beside him, she hold his shaking shoulders as he cries. “Don't worry. I know you can do this. Just try to remember, marriage is a partnership. It doesn't work if you both don't work at it. You married her for a reason. Try to remember that reason, and I know you'll get back together!” He nods a few times, wiping his face dry. He stands and heads towards what she surmises is the kitchen.

When he returns, he's wearing a shirt again. ^Thank God^ He offers her a beer. “No thanks. I don't do beer.” He shrugs and pops one of the cans in his hands. Looking around, she feels reality settling back into place. ^Ok...I follow help a drunk guy home, spend time in his house, and I didn't get raped. I think I'd better stop tempting fate for tonight. Standing, she bow slightly. “Thanks for the video game suggestions. I'll be sure to check some of those out! Now, I need to get back home before my brother kills me!”

The man sets down his beer and walks over. Without warning he pulls the short girl into a tight hug. “Thank you. So much. I'll...I'll call her today. I still love her so much. You're right, I can't let it end this way.” She slowly reaches up and returns the hug gently.

With a final pat on the back, she heads out of the small apartment Outside she realizes how stuffy his home was. ^Well, moron I may be, but too, am I a truly nice person! At my own peril, I helped a stranger. Yet again,^ “I RULE!” The last two words, she shouts to the night. Feeling a strange form of terror and exhilaration, she glances around. ^Well, at least I'm sober now. Nothing like virginity in danger to get yer head on straight in a jiffy^ Looking towards the east, she realizes it's “Later” than she thought. The light pink hues of the rising sun work to slowly easy away the uneasy feeling that had been fluctuating inside of her. ^I hate pink...^ Walking to the nearest tree, she bends over. ^Time for some early morning prayer^

With that last thought, she empties the contents of her stomach on to the grassy boulevard with an almighty hurl. After some time spent coughing and sputtering to try and get all the vomit and bile out of her throat and nose, she stands once again. Looking back to the rising sun, she wipes away the tears the burn of puking had brought to her eyes, and wonders what the hell else can happen to make this day worse.


Well well, she's definitely not the smartest person in the world, but she did a good deed. I hope it works out for them! *Just a note, this really happened to Sis. She doesn’t remember most of the convo, which is why it's left to the imagination here.* The DP here is, what to do now? Head home? Head straight to school? Pick up her bike first? Spend today in bed? Any other ideas?

And just a side note, what should she tell her dear Bro about why she's been away for over a day? I'll compile suggestions for this one, to make an interesting excuse. Razz

*Bows* Thanks for your patience!

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I remember an encounter like that I had myself once. She must've felt pretty stupid too but it was neat getting to innocently get to know a very nice total stranger like that.

I say we should just tell him the truth. Honesty is usually the best policy. So what if he flips out. What's he gonna do 'bout it?

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:21 pm    Post subject: Post Reply with quote

Soooo, your suggestion is to go home now and talk to Bro?

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah... I took the dp to be the sidenote. sorry.

Yeah, its time to go get some sleep.

CHAPTER 25: Near-Light Speed (NEW CHAPTER! (12/4/2011))
Zephyrrr! And...
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Though TBs suggestion is most certainly the most sensible, I have a feeling that this girl isn't really thinking completely rationally at this point (and hasn't been for a while). If she's worried about her bro finding out, close as they are, she's probably not going to want to willingly tell him. I say she gives Pockey a call first, tell her what happened and beg her for an alibi, and then go home. Tells her bro she's been at Pockey's all night, and leave it at that.

I would have said it might be in her current state of mind to want to stay out longer, but my clean-freak nature when it comes to bathing and wearing the same clothes for more than a day won't let me put that as a suggestion. *giggles* So yeah, I say she goes home with the story about staying at Pockey's, and preferably has a bath and get changed.
.... there is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham....
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, 1887

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

and I didn't get raped.

I often have this problem.

I'd spend a day in bed after that, it's the sensible thing to do, and say you were at a friends house.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i'm with Tika.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:30 am    Post subject: Polling Reply with quote

Polling polling polling!!!!!!!!!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:52 am    Post subject: Poll Results Reply with quote

Sober Day After Decission
Go home now, tell the truth
0% [ 0 ]
Go home now, use Pockey as an alibi
66% [ 2 ]
Go home now, spend day in bed, say she was at a freind's house
33% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: Andolyn, Chinaren, Thunderbird

I'll be working on this todays! Hope you enjoy!

To Be A Knight
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:50 am    Post subject: Death Day 6 Reply with quote

Death Day 6

Wiping away the last remnants of puke and tears, the girl turns her back to the sun and begins wandering towards her home. ^Better check in. Bro'll kill me if he doesn't see me soon...^ After ten minutes of shuffling and stumbling, the girl eventually reaches her front stoop. Using all four limbs, she crawls to the top to the porch. Still off balanced, she wobbles to her feet. As her hand reaches out for the golden door handle of the glass front door, said door flies open. The girl swallows, her heart thudding loudly in her chest. Tattered sneakers lead to blue sweatpants, followed by a black t-shirt with the Hogwarts crest on the front. When her eyes finally meet the gaze of the one wearing the fashion reject nightmare, her head has retracted so far into her neck she's surprised she can still see him over the multiple chins the action creates. “Um, hi Bro....” She mumbles patheticly.

The look on the albino's face leave no question as to how worried he's been these past few days. His hand whips out and she flinches as she finds herself drawn into a bone crushing hug. The girl relaxes slightly in her dear twin's embrace as he steps back, pulling her inside behind him. As soon as he's kicked the door close, he pushes her out to arm's length and quickly looks her over. Confirming no major injuries, he reaches up then brings his fist down to rap her sharply on her crown. ^OK, I deserved that one^ She yelps slightly at the sudden sharp pain radiating around the area struck. Reaching up, she hold the spot as her beloved brother busts out into a long string of over protective worries and heart breaking fantasies.

When he finishes, he pulls her in for another hug and kisses the place he'd hit. “And lastly, please don't forget your phone again, alright Sis?” She simply nods, bringing her arms up to wrap around his slender form.

When he finally lets her go, she kisses him and wanders off to the bathroom for a shower. ^Well, at the very least, he didn't ask what I'd been up to^ After a few seconds under the spray, she hears the curtain move behind her. A light smile comes to her lips. ^Guess injury inspection isn't over yet^ Turning to face her ghostly brother, she hold out her damaged wrist for assessment. She relaxes as the scorching water burns all the accumulated filth from the bar, the stranger's house, and vomiting from her slowly reddening flesh. He brother's fingers are cool against the swollen wound.

“Looks alright. A cold pack on it today should have it functional in no time.” He looks up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Not often do I see signs of you punching anything. Care to tell me what happened?” He inquires. She smiles in return, a rather wicked grin indeed.

“Oh, no real reason. Just some sleazoid that needed to be taken off the list of hot and put down for a while.” Her brother just shakes his head. Her hair now thoroughly soaked, she turns around an wags it at him. With a chuckle, he reaches past her for the shampoo.

As soon as the shower is over, the girl whips out the hair dryer and tries to coax her tall brother into a seated position on the plush seat of the toilet. “There's no way you're making it to work on time if I don't use this, so stop whining and be a good boy.” With a final whimper, he slides on the the padded plastic seat. The girl flinches as she exerts the pressure necessary to slide op the button on the ancient hair drying device. It take well over 20 minutes to get through the mass of hair attached to her brother's head. Once finished, she giggles at the new fluffy nature of the bundle of white. Giving his sis a kiss in thanks, he runs down stairs to get dressed. After putting the device away, she follows suit. She gets downstairs just in time for a kiss good-bye and to wave him out of the yard.

Getting dressed in her purple and gray sweat suit, she picks up her phone and calls up her god brother to ask for a ride. With a reluctant sigh he agrees. “Thanks a million! Be right over.” Snatching up her bag, she dials a new number as she heads out the back door.. “Hey, um, Pockey? If anyone asks, I was at yer place all last night, ok? Yeh yeh, I know, but I don't want my bro knowing that I wandered into a strange man's house while being totally wasted....Yeh, I did, but, later. I'll tell you after chemistry, alright? Ok, byes.” Snapping her phone shut, she slips into her god brother's already running car beside said person. He raises an eyebrow at her. “Heheh, I'll tell you later, let's be off!” He just shrugs and shift into drive. After a 10 minute ride spent singing the various awesome oldies blaring out of the radio, they pull up outside the crowded collage.

The day runs smoothly, Pockey laughing her ass off at the pure idiocy the girl showed the previous night. A quick stop at the nurse’s office at lunch yields an ice pack and wrap for her wrist. As soon as classes are over, she waves bye to Pockey and ops on her bike. Jetting home, she makes a quick costume change into a white button-up collared shirt and black khakis and men's dress shoes. ^Anime costume change, ha!^ A ten minute bike ride later gets her to work, ready and rarin' to go. The guy behind the bar grins and hands over his black vest and punches out with a halfhearted 'Good luck' tosses over his shoulder as he bolts out of the door. She chuckles at his speedy exit. ^Heh heh, youshi! Time for work!^ Rolling up her sleeves, she begins her show.

***Some hours later***

As soon as she gets out of the stench infested pub, the girl takes a header into the nearest poll. Banging her head repeatedly until she feels better about the new levels of idiocy and lewdness she'd witnessed that night then had ever imagined was possible in the human race before this point in time, she finally steps back, a light pink mark on her forehead. ^Now I remember why I can count my friends on one hand. While none of them have my book smarts, at least they know better then to drink from the beer that they've just ashed into....^ Moving behind the bar to retrieve her mode of transportation, she stops just around the corner. Strange sounds and voices seem to be coming from the back alley. ^Sounds like....2-3 guys, and a girl...and it don't sound to friendly^

Peeking around the edge of the building, she confirms 2 men, a teen boy, and a girl, also in her late teens. The two older guys, around twenty two, twenty three, have a hold of the girls hands. The one standing directly behind her has one hand over her mouth. Tears glint on the girls cheeks in the bright moonlight as she thrashes against the men. The teen has a knife in one hand, while the other is settled on his belt buckle. ^Now if this ain't the shits^ The girl can feel herself growling, her anger rising like hot bile in her throat. Biting a lip to avoid making noise she fingers her phone lightly. ^The damn beeps, so loud at night^ Her mind flicks to the crowbar she keeps on her bike in case of such things happening to her. ^Crack a skull, who cares!? They deserve it!^ The teen takes a step towards the captured girl, and the observer tenses, ready to act.


Oh dear dear, a real stresser this one!. How to deal with this!? It's up to you. . . . .

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ooooh... yes. Quite tense all of a sudden. If she can, sneaking up behind with a crowbar sure could help. But first, back up, turn OFF all sound on the phone and send a text to bro with the location she's at adding "Come NOW"

I enjoyed this chapter greatly Pope!

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:58 am    Post subject: Thank You Reply with quote

Thanks. You'd be amazed at hoe she jerryrigged that crowbar to her bike so it's "easly accessable" for all occassions. But, that's our family for ya. =^.^=

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:53 pm    Post subject: Post Reply with quote

I'ma leave this up until I get at least one more suggestion.....Then polling!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:29 pm    Post subject: Death Day 5 Reply with quote

Death Day 5

In a flash, the girl takes several steps back, whipping out her phone and switching over to mute. ^God damn beeping to turn of the sound!^ As fast as her fingers will let her, she dials out -Ernie's Pub, Come NOW!- before slipping the phone back into her pocket. While her short message heads to space to be relayed to her dear brother, she sneaks back to the edge of the back wall. As soon as she peeks around the corner, she's met by sweaty man chest covered only in part by a blue button up shirt. With barely a second thought, she keeps walking and runs right into him. They both stumble backwards slightly, and she squeaks out an, “Excuse me, I didn't see you there!” Still a bit off kilter, the blue clad man just stares as she walks over to her bike and starts unlocking it. “Gotta get home before hubby worries!” With her left ear, she hears the girl trying to scream even louder for help, but without even a glance in her direction, the girl hops on her bike and takes off around the opposite side of the pub.

As soon as she's out of sight, the now even more pissed of girl throws her leg over her seat while still moving and pulls to a stop just out front. Pulling her 3 foot crowbar from the piping on her bike where she'd rigged some really tough wire to hold it, she heads straight back the way she came. When she spots the four again, the girl is now being pinned to the ground by the knees of the two older ones, while mister blue shirt is fiddling with his pants on his feet. ^Oh, no fucking way you piece of dropout trash!^ Her vision goes red. Only taking a vague observation of the knife in the boy's pocket, she charges. Covering the 15 feet between them in a few long strides, she brings the crowbar down on the standing one's shoulder with a sickening crunch. He falls to his knees and cries out with a not so masculine scream. Stepping past him, she swings the heavy hunk of metal around in a half circle and catches the guy kneeling on the right in the side of the head. He goes down like a rock. ^Another one bites the dust!^ As she pulls back to swing at the last guy, the girl on the ground suddenly breaks free and scrabbles to her feet.

Unable to complete her swing, the rescuer falls back, but not fast enough. ^Ah flaming donkey balls^ The one who's escaped getting his skull caved in, steps forward and snatches the bar away from the girl. With a roar of fury, he chucks the metal device away towards the center of the empty lot where it clatters to a stop next to a garbage dumpster. The girl now screaming her head off like a cat on fire is running pell-mell down the alley, but the girl has little time to note this fact. Dodging backwards she manages to avoid being grabbed but number three, but her stomach hits the floor as she feels warm body behind her. Before she can move, a thick arm wraps around her neck. ^Man I wish I had some upper body strength right about now!^ Thrashing and pulling, she manages to kick the on holding her in the shin, but he keeps his grip tight. Pulling and tugging, she begins feeling a little light headed as he squeezes down tighter. Number three walks towards her, his fists balled up, ready to pummel her senseless, but a faint tingle in her stomach makes her smile at him. ^You are so fucked^

The man pauses at the sight of her smile, but it's too late. Like a ghost, a pale white figure whips out from behind the dumpster, snatching up the crowbar as it goes. At the scraping sound the bar makes at it clears the asphalt, the man whips around just in time to catch said object upside the head. He stumbles slightly, then trips of a pile of boards and pipes set out in the alley for pick-up, and falls hard into a heap. The one holding the girl drops her quickly as the new assailant turns blood red eyes upon him. He stumbles away, clutching his shoulder. With a loud clang, the bar falls to the ground as the girl rushes into her brother's arms. ^I knew he'd come on time^ She holds him close, letting her mind regain it's function as the blood returns to her head. After a long moment, he pushes her back and gives her a light kiss.

“You have GOT to stop getting yourself into these situations my dear Sister.” He chides, still too happy that she's alright to be seriously angry. She shrugs.

“Unavoidable when I keep running into butt munches who are not into the word 'no'.” She stretches, the sound of sirens on the horizon making her a little jumpy. “See, there was this girl, she was being attacked, and y'know how I am. I have that silly knight in shinning armor complex. So, It just couldn't stand!” She smiles sweetly at him, his stern look softening slightly. “And, um, would it help to tell you that I work here now?” He raises a questioning eyebrow.

“You work in a back alley?” He says, failing to stifle a grin. She makes a play swing at him which he dodges easily.

“No you baka(idiot), I work at Ernie's! All those stories from Grandma Sandy are paying off! I got the job in one interview. It's great. And, since I work behind the bar, ass-grab is at a minimum!” She scratches the back of her head with one hand. “I didn't plan on telling you like this, but I guess it's as good a time as any.” He just smiles wider and brings her in for another hug. A few seconds later, she realizes that the sirens are just over a block away. Not wanting to deal with the police just this second, the girl scoops up her crowbar and straddles her bike. As soon as she feels the feel of warm hands on her shoulders, she takes off down the alley. A quick left sends her through someone's backyard, and on to a street with not a cop car in sight. A quick jaunt brings the twins to their home in no time. After several assurances that she has no injuries, the girl swiftly changes into her night gear and curls up on the futon and without a sound, she drifts off to sleep.


The next morning is spent like every average morning. Up, shower, dressed, and out the door to school, with a few bouts of sibling fights mixed in. The wind in her hair, the girl leaves with enough time to take the back route. ^Even though technically, this sends me through a different township, it's still less stressful^ The six bars along the way look rather abandoned at this time, giving her some quick giggles over the ghost town feeling. In no time, she reaches the collage, pulling her bike up to the rack and chaining it in place. ^No more vanish-a-bike^ Classes run smoothly, and right around time to head home, the local D&D(Dungeons and Dragons) groups comes up to her. ^Ok, these geekazoides don't look nervous^ Sarcasm is thick in her thoughts. The tallest one, ^I hate tall people^ a senior, walks forward and smiles.

“Hey, um, we were wondering. We heard from a friend of yours, you DM. And, um, well it's ok if you don't wanna DM, but we think it'd be great if you could at least come check out a session. Maybe take over some times?” His raspy voice smooths out as he speaks, giving the impression of an unused crank slowly being brought back to life by a well muscled man.

She almost blows them off immediately, but then her DM heart calls to her. ^Maybe just to watch. I haven't DMd in a while...But these guys look like they don't need much on the way of that....I wouldn't mind rolling a character right now....It's been so long....And there's not MUUUUCH homework today. But Bro....^


Well, I know this one's an odd one, but the choice is mainly, should she go, and if yes, what roll should she play at the D&D session. Those of you who have NO idea what D&D is, I'll do my best for a quick explanation. It's like a video game, played with die and paper, where the “Computer Program” that forms the game, is actually a person known as the DM, or Dungeon Master. Mostly is swords, magic, dragons, and other such settings. It's really fun! Rescuing damsels, clearing castles out for rich people so that there is no more goblin infestation, retrieving rare objects for wizards...Fun stuffs. So what's the ideas?

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hahaha on the DP! How could one say no? There was once a time when I wouldn't have been able to resist no matter what my responsibilities may have been that may be more important.

That said, only those groups you 'jive' with are the ones that are really fun to play with. So go, check out how they play, generate a halfling rogue for a lighthearted step into their world and see how it goes. Call bro to let him know where you are and why. He might appreciate that.

At the scraping sound the bar makes at it clears the asphalt, the man whips around just in time to catch said object upside the head.

Lked the fight scene but you might wanna re-evaluate everything about this sentance.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hahaha on the DP! How could one say no? There was once a time when I wouldn't have been able to resist no matter what my responsibilities may have been that may be more important.

OMG, so F5 that.

I have to say yes, why the hell not too.

Slight niggle time:

The girl now screaming her head off like a cat on fire is running pell-mell down the alley, but the girl has little time to note this fact

You need to try and use more varied descriptions for your 'girls' and the like. Comes over as a bit confusing this one.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:48 am    Post subject: Polling Reply with quote

We is now polling! Need ssome votes before Chinren yells at me! Happy voteing!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:59 am    Post subject: Re: Polling Reply with quote

PopeAlessandrosXVIII wrote:
We is now polling! Need ssome votes before Chinren yells at me! Happy voteing!

~prepares to yell~ Wink

And voted.

And winning.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:31 am    Post subject: Poll Results Reply with quote

D&D Anyone?
Go with, make a character and join
100% [ 2 ]
Go with, just sit back and watch
0% [ 0 ]

Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Chinaren, Thunderbird

Will get right on this!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:08 am    Post subject: Death Day 4 Reply with quote

Death Day 4

Bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet for several seconds, he heart continues to sing to her. After several head bobbles, she finally nods. The boy nearly collapses in relief, letting out a breath she hadn't noticed him holding. ^Boys are so weird. You'd think he'd ask me out on a date, or to go sky diving together.^ She spots several of the guys behind him giving each other high fives. She coughs lightly, getting their attention. “I need to run home and grab my gear. Where is this being held?” As if anticipating her request, the tall one whips out a piece of paper and hands it over to her. Glancing at the address, she nods again. “Alright, I'll be over in about an hour, be ready.” The geeks nod and cluckle various affirmations before she whips around and stalks off towards her bike. ^Okay, I'll need my dice, my character sheets, a players handbook, and just in case, pencils and scratch paper. Never know what these guys are thinking when it comes to gaming....^

Fifteen minutes later she pulls up behind her house. Spotting her bro's bike against the fence, she begins formulating a plan to get out of the house unscathed. ^Y'know, I think I'll tell the truth for one. Might help my odds. Damn karma^ Trotting down the steps into the basement, she hears the click clack of her brother typing the second she opens the door. He only pauses a moment when he hears the creak before starting right back at attacking the keyboard. Slipping past, she does her best not to disturb him. Dropping off her school stuff on one of the several dressers littering the basement. Re packing her bag with the appropriate supplies, she hesitates upon the last item. Her die box, the one she shares with her Bro, sits on a shelf on the edge of his vision. For a split second she actually contemplates leave them behind and just using the nerds', but then her stubborn side kicks in.

Sneaking forward, she slowly scoops up the holding device and tucks it in her bag. Passing behind the couch, she mutters, “Going out. Be back later” She tries to dart past the seated man, but just as she pulls even with him, his voice stops her dead.

“I hope your not planing on getting into more trouble tonight. My nerves can't take this.” His fingers are still flying over the keys, his voice soft but sincerely troubled.

Taking a deep breath, she leans in between the dangling cloths so she can give her brother a nice solid hug. “The only danger I'm going to be in tonight is being geeked to death.” She whispers. He finally stops typing to look at her, eyebrow raised. She giggles. “I'm going to check out the collage D&D club. Se how much the new versions have warped their minds, y'know?” With a small harrumph, he pulls her in for another tight hug before waving her off on her way. As soon as she's out of eye sight, she does a little victory dance. ^Score one for honesty!^ Patting Ruby one the head a few times, she jets past the dog into the outside world. Hopping on her wheels, she pulls out the paper to re-check the address. ^Yay, south side.....Drug and ho central. Meh^ Tucking it back in her pocket, she takes off out of the dirt driveway.

Passing the second sports field, the high schooll, and crossing Ludington, she's nowofficiallyy onsouthh side. Not far by distance standards, but worlds apart as far as class and homes go. North side, filled with out homes and wold flowers, looks almost rustic in comparison to the crack houses and well maintained lawns of south side. ^Two kinds of people on south side, addicts and drunks. Only difference? The drunks have nicer houses and lawns^ A quick jaunt down 2nd to 8th, and she arrives outside the right place. It's eggshell white siding and 2 inch even lawn tells her what this kid's parents do on their nights off. Finding a nearby lamp post to chain her bike to, she saunters up to the front door. Ringing twice, she shuffles around on the plush red 'Welcome' mat while she scopes out the area. When the door swings open, the tall one from earlier is standing there, a huge grin on his face. With a wave, she slips inside.

The others are already there, including 3 new people. ^So now we have six boys and three girls, including me. Fun stuffs. Those girls don't look like they have the slightest idea of what's going on...How fun!^ The tall one introduces himself as well as the other gamers. She nods at each of them, their names slipping right out of her head as soon as she hears them. ^I'll remember their character's names. That's good enough^ Turning to the tall guy she asks, “So where is this set? Pre-made, or one of your creation?”

He laughs slightly, “Um, pre-made. I haven’t quite gotten the hang of making these up yet. Oh, it's Glantri by the way.” He points at the set box sitting on the table. Her brother has the same one at home.

Nodding, she sits down at an empty chair. Pulling out her gear, she watches as the rest of the guys “help” the girls roll their characters. ^Glantri huh? Wiz would be good. Might as well fit in. Them wizards hate non wiz.....^ Rolling up her stats, she draws up a 16 int half elf mage with a sling staff and expensive robes. As she jotting down her secondary skills she notices that the others are barely on to getting their stats in place. ^Either I spend too much time making characters and have gotten real good at it, or these guys are total n00bs^ With a sigh, she finishes up her character, and decides to give him a back story while she waits for the others to finish. After another half an hour, they finally get their characters all put together. Looking down at her paper she can't help but grin at the 3 page back story she wrote up.

The session begins kinda jerkily, the girls having a hard time understanding the visualizing aspect of the game, but it smooths out as the characters meet. Her own character is a resident of Glantri, and works at a books store. The first job is a simple one, but takes the entire session to complete, and by the time they are finished, the girl has come to her decision on the group.

Waving goodbye to the retreating vehicles, she begins unchaining her bike. ^Okaaaaay. No WAY am I ever doing that again. Incompetent, argumentative, and the smell....What gamer in their right mind ARGUES with the DM? Rule number one of Dungeons and Dragons: DM is God^ Sliding on to her seat, she decides that this town needs a better example of a D&D club. ^I guess I just have to start my own! V2 only, and I know just the people to help me start^ She whistles to herself as she trundles on home. Halfway there, she begins singing the song “I just had sex”. ^The shear honesty and straightforward nature of the song makes the less than poetic lyric tolerable. And the tune is nice too!^ Arriving home around 3 AM, she parks her bike and sneaks inside. All the lights are off, meaning her brother is already in bed. As she passes the desk, she snatches up the headlamp she keeps above the keyboard and wanders over to where she dumped her books.

Grabbing up the ones she needs, she makes her way over to the table and plops down. It takes less then an hour to complete her work. Detaching the lamp from the front of her shirt, she switches it off before wandering over to her dresser. After a quick change, she heads over to the futon and crawls under the covers. After a few seconds, a warm arm wraps around her middle and she's pulled backwards. Snuggling in against her brother, she swiftly nods off into dream land.


After a restful night of odd dreams, the girl wakes to the sound of the pipes over the computer rattling loudly. ^Really need to get that looked at^ Standing, she wanders over to her dresser. ^No shower today...I'm clean....^ The late night takes it's toll on her mind as she slips into her clothes for the day. Wiping a brush through her hair, she stumbles upstairs. He laziness extends to breakfast, and so after fixing up her brother's lunch, she wanders into the bathroom for her morning ritual. “ I'ma heading out early today. I'll have breakfast on the way. You'll have to fend for yourself this morning.” she calls through the curtain to the pale figure within.

The figure laughs. “That bad huh?” This one question is enough to send her on a long tirade about the abysmal way V3+ D&D has destroyed what it means to be DM. As soon as she's done, she goes over to the curtain, pulling it back just far enough to get a good-bye kiss from her nude brother. “Don't take it so hard. Sometimes evolving goes backwards you know.”

“Yeh yeh.” She mutters, heading out towards the upstairs back door. Sparing only a glace towards her step sister's boyfriend parked in his usual place in front of his computer in the back room, she tromps out the back door. ^Let's see...Breakfast. Wendys, Burger King, McDonald, Just Burgers, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Arby's, Subway, and Tacobell are all on the way...^


Have fun.....It's all I can say....Depending on where she ends up, we have different happenings.... *Evil Grin*

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:05 am    Post subject: Suggestion Reply with quote

I need some suggestions here pople! Not a hard one this time.....

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I just caught up here. I enjoyed the chapter (but I'm a fan of 3.5 myself - still... I can understand the sentiment as 4 just seems wretched to me and I know a lot of guys who never moved past 2 and really do understand their arguments. It took me building a massive database to support the 3.5 dm complexity for me to enjoy running it really but now that I HAVE that I do like a lot about it over 2. Meh... but yeah, I do see how it seems in many ways to be heading backwards. There were so many v4 changes I could not tolerate at all...)and, as you can see, I could relate to a lot of what was said. My group never had any qualms with arguing with the DM, that's for sure... but we did have dang good sessions as well.

Anyhow, I say she heads on over to Subway. Why? Why not?

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't played D&D (it was AD&D back then) since college, so I dread to think what they've done with it over that time.

Anyway, breakfast? Macs.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Pope...

You have one day to post another chapter or it shall be moved to the snailstory area.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:20 pm    Post subject: Polling Reply with quote

Polling, let's see some voting!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Polling Reply with quote

PopeAlessandrosXVIII wrote:
Polling, let's see some voting!!!

Lol, you posted that at the same time as my slow warning!

Anyway, voted and winning!
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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