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Chapter 12: Spirit Medicine

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:45 pm    Post subject: Chapter 12: Spirit Medicine Reply with quote

:biggrin: Pillbox - Chapter 12

Spirit Medicine

"Mack, I'd like you to meet Bill Belamy," Sternheim said with a toothy grin, "our resident RVA."

A thin, unassuming gentleman, with graying hair, but a decidedly youthful face, Bill looked more to be a businessman, in dress and carriage, than the agent he was stated to be. Considering his beige suit, he seemed a bit out of touch with modern culture, perhaps stuck in the early eighties, Regan era, perhaps. Still, he had a disarmingly friendly look in his eyes as he stretched out a thin hand to greet James Mack.

His hand felt like a toothpick in Mack's now enormous grip. Careful not to crush Bill's seemingly fragile bones, Mack let Mr. Belamy do the squeezing.

"I've been anxious to meet you, James," Bill said in a soft, warm voice. "But I must admit, I didn't think it would be so soon."

"RVA? What does that stand for?" rumbled Mack in deep baritone.

"Remote Viewing Agent," explained the General, "Bill, here, is a goddammed professional psychic! Army's been train'n 'em for years! They've helped us to find things conventional intelligence methods can't. Dammed helpful, they've been!"

Smiling, Bill continued, "General Sternheim requested me for this assignment."

"THAT's cuz yer the goddammed best there is, Belamy! I don't need those second rate bastards ya got down there helpin' to guide this program! Next thing you'd know, we'd be off chasing relics of Atlantis! Most of 'em can't remote view any further than their own backsides!"

"Yes, well, I do have to say that I have the utmost of respect for the vast majority of my peers, General, but I'm equally flattered that you regard my works in high esteem."

"High esteem? Yer dammed right! Mack, THIS, is the mug who found us the Tablets of Zu, hidden under Iraqi soil!"

"The tablets of Zu?"

"Mack, the Tablets of Zu are copies of the goddammed Tablets of Destiny, an overall compilation of the sciences of the Annunaki, translated into ancient Sumerian."

Bill broke his way into the explanation, "The Annunaki, of course, didn't explain everything they knew in the Tablets of Destiny, but they did explain a lot of things we're still today struggling to understand. The Tablets of Destiny were kept in a sacred chamber at the top of a great ziggurat, meant only for the eyes of the kings and queens of the cities, the Nefilim, sons and daughters from unions of Annunaki and Humans."

"OK, top secret info meant for the lords of the Sumerians, right? So what exactly were the Tablets of Zu?" asked Mack.

"Zu was a Goddammed traitor among the Annunaki, Mack. Having been given the honor of guarding the Tablets of Destiny, he stole the Tablets and used them to launch a rebellion against the Annunaki. Though they eventually brought the bastard down, he had made copies of select portions of the texts, and spread them to humans who'd joined a cult in his name."

"Yes, Zu is probably the source of many legends, Prometheus being one of them." continued Bill.

"So, its from these tablets that we've gotten all this new technology here, right?" clarified Mack.

"That and some other sources, yes. Yer Goddammed operation was almost entirely due to the medical information contained on those slabs, and Bill, here, found 'em for us."

"I'm sure there are other copies that have likely survived, but even in their own time, such things would have been hidden well. The cult of Zu was certainly a very secretive one, for fear of divine repercussions."

"So, Bill, you're a Remote Viewer? I've heard rumors of psychic programs but I've never really had any real contact with anyone who's been a part of them. What do you do exactly?"

"Well, I have been trained in techniques and methods that give me the capability of focusing my mind on things, places and events that are... well... remote. Simply put, I meditatively achieve visions and those visions are real. They can take me to anywhere in space and time. Let me tell you, there's a lot of things I've seen that I've been able to make no sense of at all. Once we've been trained in how to access the talent, we need to learn how to focus it, so we can 'search' for whatever we're looking for specifically."

"So anyone can learn how to do this?"

"Yes and no. Anyone can learn the basics of Remote Viewing, and anyone who really puts in a lot of effort can do it, but not everyone who learns how to Remote View can do it well. It seems there are some people who have the knack for it and others who don't."

"Is that what I'm going to be able to do when I take this?" Mack held up a tiny purple pill, glinting in the ghostly glow of the fluorescent lighting overhead.

"We have no Goddammed idea, Mack! We just figgered we should have Bill come down here and help ta guide ya through whatever happens. I tried to round up someone who had a bit more well-rounded psychic talents, but the dammed politicians said no one they knew was reliably qualified. I know they got guys in the CIA that coulda helped out better, but the goddammed bureaucrats funding our little operation seem to want to keep the CIA out of the loop here. So I was limited to what the Army could offer."

"I hope I can help you with whatever comes up, Sergeant, but I must admit, he's probably right that I'm a bit out of my league in psychic matters overall. But if viewing is your primary talent, I should be able to greatly help you to improve it, maybe even teach you how to do it without that pill there."

"Hmm... I'd think that even if this pill doesn't take me into a remote viewing, I'd like to learn how, to the best of my ability anyways."

"Well, from what the General has told me about your procedure, its quite possible that even if its not one of your innate talents, your mind has been greatly enhanced in its potential. I'd probably be able to take you as far as I can teach anyone."

"We'll have to set up some goddammed formal training for ya either way, Mack," Sternheim commented, "I'll toss my cookies in here as a show of approval! I think you need to be equipped with everything the dammed Army can offer ya. Nothing but the best! Why leave remote viewing out?"

"Indeed," considered Bill, "I would love to work with someone like yourself, Mack, someone who has been pushed past normal human limitations."

"But thats another goddammed day, Bill," quipped the General, "I'm gettin' a bit impatient to see what that little bastard's gonna do to his head! So, if you don't mind, Mack, I'm gonna leave ya with Bill here. I'll be with the others, observing from the command post. We'll be watching closely."

Nodding his head, Mack watched Sternheim turn to leave him in Bill's care. Mack was seated on a large, cushioned bed, in a room that reminded him almost entirely of a family doctor's office. It had all the things you would expect to find in such a room, provided you ignored the polished metallic walls, devoid of posters showing the insides of the throat, ear, and nose. But the countertop, the sink, the oxygen tanks, the various medical devices, all else was present.

Thankful that this bed seemed a bit more stable, Mack leaned back onto the cushion, elevated in a reclined position. He smiled at the miniature cameras in the top corners of the room, knowing that everyone he'd learned to rely on in this facility was watching from the screens those cameras fed.

Wires ran from nodes attached to his shaved head, devices to measure his brainwave activities. Of course, they would want to know as much about what his brain would actually be doing during his experience, as they would want to know what his capabilities were going to be.

Normally, Mack would have scoffed at the scientists for their intellectualizing little tasks, but in the last few hours, he had begun to develop a respect for them that he'd never felt before. Furthermore, he was actually beginning to feel some interest in their craft, an interest he'd always been completely void of. It was as if the procedure had awakened curiosities he'd never fostered.

The quest to understand the world and all its little nuances suddenly seemed fun! Shaking his head, Mack began to realize that he was never going to be the same guy he was just days before. The James he knew really had died in Iraq.

Staring at the ceiling, Mack asked, "What's it like?"

"Remote viewing?"

"Yeah, is it... pleasant?"

"Well, I suppose. It's like having a part of you, your subconscious perhaps, leave your body to search through the dream we call reality. You see things in your mind's eye. You scribble them down on paper and sometimes what you see makes sense. It feels a bit funny, like a part of you is distant, transmitting the messages back to you. Actually, its a little bit disconcerting at first. I can imagine whatever happens to you this first time will feel a bit... surreal at best."

Due to the soft, pondersome manner, which Bill used to communicate, Mack doubted the guy's masculinity. But, doubts aside, he had to admit that Bill seemed to be a trustworthy soul.

"Do you dream, Bill?"

"Dream? Don't we all dream?"

"Well... I mean, is it like dreaming?"

"No, not really. Maybe a bit like dreaming while awake. You close your eyes to see what you are viewing, but it’s not so unreal as a dream."

"How about when you're sleeping? Do you ever find yourself 'remote viewing' in your sleep?"

"Actually, yes. All the time, in fact. Unfortunately, waking up tends to cause memories of those dreams to fade rapidly."

"Have you ever seen horrible things when you dream? Things like..."

"Like what?"

"Like Dragons?"

"Dragons? Hmm... Why do you ask?"

"Just something I saw when I was undergoing my operation. I was... attacked... by something I can only describe as a Dragon. It was huge, covered the sky. It seems I'm always in the sky when I dream lately."

"Many dreams are just the mind trying to talk to itself in allegory. You're subconscious mind knows a lot more than your conscious mind, but words have a hard time really conveying the messages it tries to give, so it often uses images instead. Most of the time our dreams are just telling us how we feel. Perhaps you were just processing your experience of being attacked. The Dragon, in western culture, is often a symbol of the Devil. Our subconscious minds use these symbols when they speak with us."

"You heard about that huh?"

"James, a member of the complex was attacked by a demon. It's hard to keep that kind of thing a secret. I don't think the gossip will reach the outside world, but we're a pretty curious bunch down here."

"I see that."

"So, James, you've asked me a few questions. Now its my turn. Do you trust me?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. Some people are guarded around those they've just met. It's not so important as to why you wouldn't, so much as to establish that you do. If you don't trust me, you might not turn to me as a guide. Believe me, people can get lost inside their own minds when they begin to experience psychic phenomenon. My most important job here today is to make sure that doesn't happen to you."

"Ok, what does that mean exactly?"

"It means that if you start hearing me calling out for you to come back to me, you'd best start heading back."

"Hmm... well, sure. Without knowing what I'll be experiencing, I imagine that's probably good advice."

A long pause ensued. The clock ticked on the wall. Mack studied the little purple capsule, turning it around and around in his fingers.

Taking a deep breath, Mack finally said, "Well, are we ready?"

Bill solemnly replied, "Ready when you are."


"Its not like I don't know who you are,” Brenda shouted into the vortex. "I may have rejected my sheltered little upbringing, but for all their shortfalls, my parents taught me a thing or two about you!"

"Oh?" the seductive voice returned, setting her body to vibrate as if it were a struck tuning 'y', "And what did they say about me, Brenda?"

"Nothing I believed, until now! I may have recently lived a tortured, shady life, but I can't agree to give you my soul at any price. Yes, I want my brother back, and you're absolutely right that I'd love to have power over men! But you! You are nothing but a liar! The Lord of Liars! I don't believe you! You're just like almost every other man I've known, just trying to manipulate me to get your own way!"

"Yes, I admit, that I have my own agenda, but Brenda, what I'm offering you is as good as free!" Every time he spoke, she felt an increasing sense of vertigo, a spinning deep within her, causing her breath to catch in her throat.

"What do you mean, free? My soul isn't cheap you know! I'd say its all I can really even call my own!" Brenda felt small and weak, a touch hopeless and alone, at the mousy sound of her voice amidst the swirling chaos.

"Your soul is already as good as mine, Brenda. God has turned away from you. He abandoned you to be used and abused by the cold, cruel world he created for us all, while he sits up in his throne in the sky, laughing, LAUGHING at your fate!" Upon putting emphasis on "laughing", a burst of flames lurched from the glowing blue eyes before her, to swirl around into the vortex.

"LIES! Lies, lies, lies, lies, LIES!" Brenda screamed defiantly.

"If I lie, Brenda, why has he allowed such suffering to come to you? You turned to me afterwards. You've been following my guidance. Haven't you felt more powerful, more alive, more aware ever since? You've been wiser, haven't you Brenda? Life has been FUN, has it not? You already let go of all of your pitiful 'morals' and realized that the world will not honor its bargain, that living right doesn't mean life will treat you right. The world is unfair, Brenda. The lies are not from my lips, but from the lips of a God of hollow promises."

Brenda, trying desperately to sort through all the images of her life, flashing through her mind's eye, making all its most sordid details clear to her, choked back tears, unable to speak.

"My bargains, on the other hand, are deals I make sure to see through to the end."

"NOT my soul!" Brenda sobbed.

"Really? Souls aren't the only bargaining chips I care to use of course. I admit that there are some things I would be very happy to have you do for me, none of which involve giving me your soul."

"You'll twist any deal we make!" she accused.

"If you're so worried about it, then be very clear. I will live up to our bargain to the letter of the agreement. You've never dealt with a more honest business partner, Brenda."

"I've got some ideas of my own, things I could bear to sacrifice in exchange for what you are offering. But, I don't want to give more than what is necessary. What requests would you make of me?" Brenda bricked away her feelings into a distant room within, and turned to her steely determined side for the bargaining.

"To be honest, Brenda, your soul is the least of what I would request of you. Once you don't have it to lose, you can do anything without reproach. But if you are unwilling to part with your worthless spark of divinity, I must ask you to achieve what I would have had you do anyhow, something I think you may want to do all on your own, without my prodding." The vortex calmed some, the roaring settling to a dull hum, but still the luminous blue eyes before her steadily held her gaze.

"Ok, what then?" Brenda asked, even more calmly now.

"I want you to kill the men who raped you. I want you to have your revenge on them. They are worthless men who deserve the eternity of torment they are destined for. I'd just prefer it to begin a bit sooner than they expect. But I would ask you to do this for yourself, Brenda. Unlike your 'God' I do care about you. I think it would help you to feel some justice in your life, justice at your own hands. I have more requests, but this would be a must."

"Oh, I see," Brenda replied cynically, "you can't get me to hand over my soul, so you'll have me condemn it for you, that way you get it either way! Cunning..."

"You still place too much importance on your soul Brenda. Its not yours that I ask for, but theirs. Without them, I cannot empower your transformation. I will add this to the deal... I will not collect your soul, ever. But to add that, I must ask of you a further favor, the one which would take you into close contact with your brother..."

"What's that?"

"Nothing dark and evil, I'm afraid. Much more mundane. Just a bit of cloak and dagger work, that’s all. A favor I'll call upon once you've completed your... tasks. A job you’ll be more than capable of with the strengths I plan to give you. Now... what was it that you wanted to offer me?"


The little purple capsule dissolved in his mouth easily enough, without a discomforting flavor. Tasting much like some sort of mild mouthwash, it burned a bit as it slid down through the winding passageways into his stomach. Using his newfound ability to detect the activities within his body, Mack traced the pill as it dissolved and spread throughout his blood stream, absorbed straight through the lining of his stomach like alcohol.

As the contents of the pill dispersed throughout his body, pumping through his veins, he felt a tingling sensation wherever the chemical mixture met cells. He felt the forerunners of the concoction stretch out through capillaries into his brain, being adopted into the nervous system, altering his mental chemistry. Once it finally reached a space, just beneath his forehead, a hidden place that seemed suspended away from the rest of the mind, a light began to fill his eyes. The whole room seemed suddenly much brighter, but the light seemed to slightly strobe a bit at the edge of his vision, pulsing meaningfully.

The next thing to strike him was the scents in the room. Previously, he noted the environment was eucalyptically cleansed, sterile. But now, he could smell every distinct odor in the room. Some were pleasant, others not so much. Curious, he spent a few moments exploring the room with his nose, while remaining still, sniffing at the air like a dog. Chemicals, body scents… he could even scent the cologne the General had been wearing, still faintly hanging in the air. His ears were heightened too. The buzzing of the light overhead nearly became deafening for a moment; the silence was screaming at him.

Then, without warning, from somewhere deep in his groin, there began to emerge a low-pitched vibration. Following a sudden urge to sit up, the vibrations spread out through his legs, to channel an electric energy into the floor beneath him. Just below his navel, right at the beltline, another tone sung out, just a bit higher pitched than the one below. Looking down, he saw a red light, which seemed to glow from inside his body, emanating from the source of the first low-pitched hum.

Another light began to glow outwards, from within, this one from the origin of the second tone. Its rich orange light seemed to spill through his skin, out onto the room. Looking at Bill who was seated next to the bed, he immediately realized, due to the lack of response from the man, that he was the only one here witnessing the lights.

Yet another vibration began, yet another octave above the one below it. This one, centered in his torso, where his solar plexus would be, began to radiate a golden yellow, joining the other lights in a display that brought flames to mind. Mack began to feel a rising energy within that could hardly be contained, a mounting excitement spreading throughout him. His breath began to deepen and his heart raced.

As he exhaled perhaps the deepest breath of his life, he saw his breath, glowing in the air before him, a billowing green, not a sickly green, but a sparkling green, a green filled with the sensation of life. Looking downward, he heard yet another octave higher centered in the middle of his chest, accompanied by a healthy green luminescence. Witnessing this, he suddenly felt much more at peace.

A moan escaped his lips. These sensations were sexual, wild, passionate, and euphoric! He'd never felt so alive in his life! Just hours before he'd thought he'd felt the peak of health, but this was showing him a new pinnacle!

As his moan tapered off, he realized its pitch was exactly the next octave up from the previous one. His throat vibrated with joy, radiating a brilliant blue light that, in his breath, mixed with the green to create a complex harmony from which language would seem natural to emerge.

Around this time, he began to notice that there seemed to be a serpentine current stretching upwards from the red light, weaving its way through the other lights as if it were a snake curling through trees planted within him. As it progressed, his body shook and squirmed wherever the ‘head’ of the current touched.

A fiery sensation, radiating heat, accompanied the current on its slow slither up his spine, spiraling up through him, pushing sweat out of his skin, cleansing him, and purifying his body. Although it was somewhat painful, the energy he felt, and the euphoria of these lights kept him at peace while he twitched and writhed around.

Reaching his forehead, the energy activated yet another tone, again another octave upwards. Mack screamed as the current found much resistance in this area. It felt as if some long dormant part of him were being pried awake, something that had not lived in a very long time was having the breath of life thrust into its lungs. It felt as if needles were jabbing him in the center of his forehead.

Then suddenly, the pain went away, leaving a slight tingling sensation. Realizing he'd had his eyes closed and his face tense, he slowly opened them to witness a brilliant indigo light beaming from a third ocular point, directly in the center of his forehead! It was as if a third eye had suddenly opened and was assisting him in looking around the room.

Glancing at Bill, he saw a concerned look in the man's face. But that wasn't all he saw. While the tones sung musically in his ears, he took a moment to capture the essence of what he was seeing!

Bill, too, was lit by seven lights, red through purple, starting at the base of his torso, stretching upwards through to the crown of his head. Mack could see these lights, like little stars, glowing from within Bill, as if he was somewhat transparent enough to show them clearly. They were spinning, but not quickly. Some seemed to rotate in a wobblingly unbalanced axis, while others seemed to be... healthier, like the indigo star in his forehead.

Glancing at the top star, the one on Bills crown that was shining with a white-purple luminescence, Mack realized he would soon be hearing a seventh tone. Sure enough, another song began, the highest pitch of all seven, it melded perfectly into a harmony that brought tears to Mack's eyes, tears of happiness and joy. The current continued through him forcing the warm liquid through his eyes, cleansing him even deeper.

As the current rubbed up against Mack's crown 'star', it rose from behind him, like a cobra, rising from the earth to threaten a strike, but holding itself stately, like the cobras poised above the heads of Pharaoh sarcophagi. The singing tones within him were bringing a vibratory sensation that made the world around him seem to fade away.

"What's happening, Mack?!?" Bills voice echoed through the surreal air in the room, reaching Mack as if it were coming from a shouted distance.

"This is incredible," Mack heard himself say, as if in a whisper, a profound, cosmic voice.

Taking a moment to explain the sensations, Bill listened intently, and then replied, "What you are experiencing is known to Hindu mystics as a Kundalini uprising. If you don't reach out to the current which comes from above," he patted the top of his head, "and call the serpent from there to entwine with the other, and stretch itself downward, you could end up floating away into other dimensions... lets not have that today shall we?"

Nodding his head, not quite understanding the instructions, Mack reached his arm above him.

"No, no, not like that," quipped Bill, "with you mind... call it out!"

"How?" Mack asked, but before Bill could reply, Mack was focusing on the bright light above him. Closing his eyes, he saw, in his mind's eye, a blossoming lotus over his head. The lotus contained hundreds, thousands, millions of petals, each one comprehendible by Mack as he viewed the scene. Something about the pill seemed to allow him to accept more data input at once than he'd ever been able to grasp before. He felt as if he could watch about five thousand television channels at once and have a handle on all of them.

He mentally called out to the lotus, and much as Bill had claimed, another current seemed to appear from above him, coursing down through his body, making a spiral loop which opposed the course of the first serpent, a pattern which distinctly reminded Mack of the DNA images he'd seen before.

As the current slid through him, much less painfully reaching the red light at his groin, he began to feel much more balanced, grounded.

Opening his eyes yet again, he realized the tones had become a background, the lights blended together to create a white illumination over everything he looked at.

"Do I... do I have an eye right here?" Mack asked, pointing to his forehead.

Seeing a burst of orange and yellow lights flashing forward from the stars within Bill, Mack watched in wonder as Bill replied, "No, but it doesn't surprise me that you asked. It feels like its really there, like its really open, does it?"

"Yes," Mack said, feeling like he was speaking in an echo chamber, his breath sounding like it was coming out into a resonate tube.

"Wow... I can only imagine..." replied Bill. "What are you seeing?"

"You... you and I have seven lights within us... like... stars..."

"You're seeing our chakras!" Bill said in wonderful amazement.

"What are... chak... chakras?" Mack said, chewing on the words, as they were strange in his mouth.

"The energy centers of life! I'll explain more later, and perhaps we'll make heads and tails of your experience, but for now, I'd like to run a few tests since you seem to have adjusted. Is that alright?"

"Yes, Bill, that will be fine." Mack was taking his time with every word, every thought. Things felt so surreal and it was so impossible to tell what should be and what shouldn't. Feeling as if the ground floor of reality had just fallen out beneath him, he was steadying his thoughts, which wanted to run around wildly out of control with questions. Nothing seemed to make any sense.

"Ok, then, close your eyes."

Closing his eyes, he seemed to be surrounded by whirling energies, not the black void he was at all used to when drifting off to sleep or shutting out the world outside.

"Now look down at yourself keeping your eyes closed."

Mack leaned his head downward. The stars were even more visible with his eyes shut than with them open!

"You might be able to see strings stretching outward from your chest."

"Yes, I see them," Mack replied, almost monotone, still echoing in his mind.

"Wow..." said Bill.


"You didn't say that out loud!"

Mack's eyes snapped open in alarm. Looking at Bill he asked, "I didn't?"

"Not then either, my friend. But I'm hearing you loud and clear. Are you hearing me?" Mack abstractedly realized that Bills lips weren't moving as he spoke.

Smiling broadly, Mack replied through equally sealed lips, "Roger that, over."

The room filled with glowing green and yellow lights as they erupted into laughter.

Looking back down at his chest, even with his eyes open, Mack could now see the strings, little ephemeral strands stretching forward from the green star, out into a hazy distance.

"What are they?" Mack asked, again, not bothering with the inconvenience of voice.

"Those," Bill said speaking aloud, "are your ties to the people you know. If you focus closely enough, you might find that you are connected to everyone, even those you don't know, but the ones you do shine brighter with the emotions you have for them." Mack realized, as if it were communicated wordlessly, effortlessly, that the reason Bill spoke aloud was to help those observing from the other rooms to understand what was happening.

Gazing at the strands, he seemed to immediately know whom each of them represented. He even found the one stretching from him to his newfound friend, Bill. Noticing warmth growing in that strand he smiled, knowing that sharing this experience together would affect them both for the rest of their lives.

Attempting to connect with the people who watched from the cameras, he was distracted by one strand in particular, one which glowed very brightly, but with an aching light, a light of sorrow. The strand was tugging at him, vibrating with alarm, fear. Instantly he knew who it was... Brenda.

Mack began to feel a bit of panic. Immediately taking note, Bill asked, "What... what is it?"

"My sister... she's in trouble!" Concerned tears began to spill down Mack's face.

"Ok, maintain your emotional balance! Its very easy in this state to become out of control, which could damage you severely."

"What do I do?" he asked, unable to contain his worry.

"Alright, well, you can visit her, see what she's going through, but thats about it, OK?"

"HOW!" Mack demanded.

"You should be able to grab the strand, since you know exactly what you're touching right now. Pull it up to your forhead and look down the inside of it. They're like tubes. You can see and experience through those people, but if they reject you, you'll get spit out of the tube."

Not pausing to reply, Mack hurriedly reached out to grasp the string, suprised that he could actually 'touch' it. His heart burned, feeling the emotions streaming through the cord, emotions of hopelessness, despair, loss, frustration, and... determination? What was she going through? he wondered.

Pulling the string up to his forehead, he found he could indeed 'enter' the tube with his consciousness... his mind left his body, speeding off down the channel, a winding twisting corridor, giving Mack the impression of traveling at light speed through a wormhole, much like his recent experience from within the Mobile Headquarters, but more vulnerable a sensation without the vehicle surrounding him. Outside the tube he saw lights and blurred objects whirring by, but his concern for his sister drove him to maintain focus on the path ahead.


Brenda, lost in the gaze before her, suddenly felt a tug at her chest. The sensation was much like what she felt hours earlier, when mourning for her brother's passing... could it be? Yes... she was suddenly sure that the one before her was telling the truth. Her brother must be alive!

"Ahhhhh... James is worried about you, my sweet Brenda. But you'll never see him unless we come to an agreement." In the back of his mind, the Morning Lord realized that something must be done to make sure Mack didn't reach her. He hadn't figured on this, on Mack achieving these kinds of skills so quickly. The man must be in some sort of meditative state, he mused. Let's send a distraction shall we? Splitting off a portion of his mind into a separate ego, he instructed the fraction of himself to respond to this rude intrusion.

Brenda felt the tugging cease, and deep within, she knew she’d need to get this bargain sealed.


Spinning down the tube, suddenly Mack was yanked back to his body, painfully! Opening his eyes, the world was spinning. How did he end up on the floor behind the bed?!? Nevertheless, the hard metallic floor lay beneath him and he had a terrible headache. In sudden fear, he realized that the Yellow star at his solar plexus was shining brightly in alarm, the golden energy filling him... Adrenalin, he mused.

But why? A horrible stench, the smell of rotting flesh and bestial musk, assailed his super-sensitive nostrils. Scrambling to his feet, he immediately saw the source of his troubles. The hulking menace was cloaked in flames, and darkness, absorbing the radiant lights pouring out from within Mack and Bill, who was shudderingly huddled in the corner of the room, quivering in terror.

Mack couldn't fault poor Bill, for the creature before him was enough to cause his own legs to falter a bit. In response, the red star within Mack seemed to grow brighter, absorbing the excess energies and channeling them down into the floor beneath, allowing Mack to focus in the height of adrenalin.

Flames poured forth from the pores of the creature's skin. Scaled, bat-like wings stretched out from behind the beast's monstrous humanoid torso. Coarse black fur, somehow surviving the conflagration, thickly covered the creature's upper back, culminating in a mane of sorts, which stretched up over the demon's head, parting only for the beast's face and horns, those of a monstrous bull, its eyes glowing in crimson hatred! Minotaur, Mack realized.

If Mack had thought himself to be large and muscular, this creature still managed to put him to shame. It's barbaric might rippled under its hide, making Mack look like a schoolboy in comparison. Behind it, a lizardly tail whipped about, providing the beast what must have been amazing balance, not to mention the option for a secondary weapon.

But the creature didn't seem to intend to use its tail for combat. For that, a large, bloody, steel axe, the width of which must have been nearly a whole yard, was garnished with clear intent.

Despite the inferno jetting forth, providing the minotaur with a searing wreath of protection, an aura of darkness surrounded it, draining all light which deigned to grace it's dark hide.

Mack saw no stars, no chakras, in the creature, but did see what must have been seven tiny vortexes where those stars would be otherwise; seven little black holes where approaching light twirled into and vanished, never to be seen again. The darkest of these was the one in the minotaur's chest, where too many soul strands to count were being sucked into the emptiness within. Mack had the fleeting thought that his current state of mind was perhaps the worst possible way to witness this beast.

Stomping a few steps forward on hoofed feet under thickly endowed legs, the minotaur pushed its massive body through the metal doorway, the silvery metal bending away as if it were paper! Roaring in a deafeningly malicious rage, the beast blocked all hope of escape.

Mack couldn't tell how the beast arrived, but the door lying next to him in a shattered heap of scrap metal explained in no uncertain terms how Mack had been thrown from the bed. Knowing that the others were watching, he also realized that help would be on the way... survival in the mean time would be the problem.

Taking stock of the situation, he realized there were many items of interest in the room, medical equipment, the bed, which unfortunately seemed latched to the floor, some hypodermic needles nearby on the counter, a tin garbage can, and... his Pillbox! It was still strapped to the belt he’d been given to accompany the camo pants they’d found for him.

Perhaps now would be the time to try another color...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow. Over six thousand words. This one'll take a while...
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm guessing that might could come in handy here. Or possibly armour and just try and stall.

Still, I think he'd be tempted to down the might, and try to take on the minatour, as opposed to letting someone else rescue him once again - he's meant to be a super-soldier afterall.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought he still had the power of that purple pill in Him.

Wouldn't taking another pill in rapid succession poison him, or worse still, kill him?

If he wouldn't be poisoned then take the invisibility one.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, then, to clarify... yes, the purple pill is still largely in effect so it could be possible to make that work to our favor. Also, two pills at once is the limit, but shouldn't harm him. The black pill does not provide invisibility, but rather a rapidly adaptive camoflage like a chameleon... I think the demon's got a good visual lock on Mack at the moment, and we're talking about pretty cramped space...

Also, if you want to fight him head on, I'd like to get some combat strategies...
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, as I told you via msn, take the might pill, rip the bed from its boltings, and use it as a battering ram.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Well, then It's all out Might, I guess.

Take out some large piece of metal equipment, preferably a pole or maybe a chunk of the wall if he can manage it. Then pound the stupid Mino with all he's got.

Might not win overall, but probably will buy him some time.

Or maybe use Berserk. RAAARRGGGH! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well-written chapter here, Rav. I am glad I caught up to it, otherwise I would have to be reading a lot. Actually I have a lot to catch up to. LOL.

Okay, I lost track of which pill is which color and all. But I am in agreement with Feary. Swallow the strength pill, and lets get this fight on.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Weee, a long one.

Well if he is going to pill up, he may as well do it, but do it now. Otherwise I think the grab something heavy approach is best. The creature has a large axe as well, one mustn't forget.

Another nice chapter Rav.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Come on Berserk!

Or maybe stuff the contents of the pillbox down that creature's throat? Surely he'd die of poisoning.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But what are we going to dump down that creature's throat? Moreover, we need to get close to him to even do that without being killed in the process. We went through life and death once already.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Take the sheild thing or tough skin or whtever pill and get close it, then shove some invisbility/camoflage pills down it's slimy throat.

Or you could just dump all the pills. I'm sure the results would be dramatic... Instant meltdown, perhaps? :biggrin:
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see much need for going beyond the obvious here. Take the strength pill, don't try to kill the beast by yourself, just enrage it, keep its attention on you, not Bill.

I don't see a need to play superhero when backup is on the way. All we're trying to do is stay alive until then. Having said that, I don't see a reason not to strike if we see an open weakness that we can exploit. Just don't make them have to revive you again, it can get boring twice in one day Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh, but which strength pill should we choose to eat?

Berserk for absoulte superhuman, heck, supergod strength, or might for a bit strength boost and (I think) a little quicker, and more accurate.

Too bad mack didn't bother to go have a look at all the neat new gadgets he could have... then he could grab a gun, shove it down the minos throat and say "kiss my ass" b4 killing it.... Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good split narrative there. Very good read. Tense. Surprised

Fighting this demon looks like its going to prove rather difficult, so just taking it head on doesn't sound like the best of plans. There's no guarantee that the might pill would even make him stronger than it.

Maybe he can do someting with its chakra, or lack of chakra thereof. Can he attempt to manipulate it, maybe 'banish' it. Perhaps sealing off all those sucky vortexes would do something. Its worth a try.

Maybe eat the armor pill as well, so he has a better chance of fending it off while attempting to chakratise it. :biggrin:

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wait a sec! Where it's chakra should be are vortexes.

Chakra means life energy right? So does that mean the demon guy's not actually alive? Or maybe It's something that craves life energy/chakra of others?

Strange... perhaps we could use this to our advantage.

Maybe just chuck bill at it, and while it's distracted do and beat it up.*

*Sorry, bad joke
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If he takes the Orange one, he'll just get in a battle of really strong and armed with at best a fire extinguisher or bed, vs really strong and armed with an axe and a vicious tail. The odds are way against him, even if he is a bit stronger than the minotaur.

Also, he can't afford to let the creature get even 1 good hit on him! The thing can tear through metal like tissue paper, so I don't think hardening his skin with the Yellow pill would do anything except make it take 2 or 3 hits to chop him in half instead of just one.

So for me it's Red all the way! A bit stronger is good, but what he really needs from it against an opponent like this is blinding speed and accuracy.

Then he can grab a weapon and hit the thing repeatedly in vital places without getting hurt himself. I suggest that he should empty some of the syringes deep into the thing's eye sockets. I suspect at least some of them are tranquilisers designed for someone Mack's size who is going out of control with his new psychic powers, and if not, the thing will still have needles where its eyes used to be. I'd like to see a blind minotaur hit him while he's bouncing off the walls and rolling around like a circus acrobat or Capoeira expert.

If the thing does become less dangerous, he should take its axe off it and chop it into meaty squishy bits, but otherwise he should just survive until backup comes.

Summary: Red pill, syringes in the eyes, then take it from there.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well put Duke, you have swayed me. If messing with the chakras/vortexes isn't an option, then I'm going for Duke's suggestion. :biggrin:
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually it is an option... I'd love to hear ideas that you may have as to what Mack might thoerize he could do with the psychic stuff, concepts about how he might try to go about it...

Also, another clarification:

Red Pill: Berserk, (mostly speed, and accuracy, nearly maximum human level of adrenalyn)

Orange Pill: Might, (doesn't influence speed nor accuracy, but greatly heightens strength... how much is as of yet unknown)

Two weapons Mack has available that haven't been clearly mentioned:

The watch - he still wears this potential explosive device

The oxygen tanks in the corner - I think someone took note of this but I hadn't made it real clear, was mentioned in the first part of the chapter when describing the room.

OK, great feedback! Smile Thanks!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooo, entice it towards the oxygen tanks, jump on them, get it to follow you, and then drop the watch with the fuse set among them and run far. Very far. And hopefully, kablooeyness will ensue! :biggrin:
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a hard time envisioning Mack fiddling with his brand-new, still-unfamiliar watch with the beast right in front of him. I like the red pill + syringe idea. Hmm. Nope, I can't think of anything better right now.

Or he could let his serpent go and float off into another dimension. That would be interesting.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The chakra idea has some appeal, but I don't know if it's a good idea to send a new friend as a distraction. Using the syringes after consuming the red pill seems to be a better idea to use at the moment. Shady said. This is about distracting the beast away from Bill. We don't need to play a hero her.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:06 pm    Post subject: good story Reply with quote

i really liked it
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks for joinin' us Nate!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oxygen tanks....hmm....tee hee....good thing i play with those once in a while, otherwise i won't have any ideas.

Use the red pill and syringes idea then shove/throw the oxygen tanks at it, throw the explosive watch, and run as if your life depended on it. (which it does)
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

red pill red pill! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, polls up for the next 2 days... the first option got screwed up somehow... if that's your selection, it doesn't matter to me which one you pick, the first or the second.

I tried to put a poll together that was reflective of all the ideas that have been expressed, but some of the details of some ideas weren't separated out. I'll keep the suggestions in mind.

Happy voting!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL. I said throw Bill at it as a joke, but you took it seriously. ROFL. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted for manipulating chakric energies, as though it may be a tad dangerous experimenting with something he doesn't truly understand, I think the things Bill told him coupled with his pragmatic mind will give him a grip on things and help his use it to has advantage. It'll also be useful practice for any time in the future where he might have to use something other than his immense strength. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh well, I voted for the all out strength, battering ram tactic.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing This is the first time I have ever created a tie with people who voted for exactly the same thing as I did!
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This poll came out really strange because I hit stop while it was loading... wanted to go back and make an adjustment but the way I did it created an odd bug... the first selection seems to mirror itself. Curiouser and Curiouser.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, if you look only eight people have voted, yet it thinks 12 has. The first and second options are clearly mirroring themselves, a vote for one will transfer itself to the other as well.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmmm you know about Kundalini too huh? Nice chapter though.
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Mack VS the Minotaur
Take the Red (berserk) Pill, arm yourself with syringes.
 33%  [ 4 ]
Take the Red (berserk) Pill, arm yourself with syringes.
 33%  [ 4 ]
Take the Red (berserk) Pill, arm yourself with syringes then try to blow up the Minotaur with the o2 tanks, detonating the watch.
 8%  [ 1 ]
Try to shove pills down the creature's throat to overdose it.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Don't worry about taking pills, just fight the creature.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Throw Bill at the Minotaur to distract it.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Try to banish the Minotaur by attempting to manipulate chakric energies.
 8%  [ 1 ]
Release the downward serpent energy and let the upwards current provide an escape into another dimmension.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Take the Orange Pill, uproot the very heavy bed, and use it as a battering ram!
 8%  [ 1 ]
Take the Yellow (armor) Pill, use stall tactics on the beast.
 8%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 12
Who Voted: Chinaren, DukeReg, LordoftheNight, Shady Stoat, Smee, Solomon Birch, The Meaning Of Fear, The Powers That Be

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