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I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13: Angeline
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:32 pm    Post subject: I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13: Angeline Reply with quote

(This is an intro to the first chapter; I put that up in a week or so)

Introduction: Arron

Captain Margo nervously paced the floor of his tent, biting his nails and trying to convince himself he'd done the right thing. The rain drizzled in a complacent manner outside, and the fire dwindled, casting dreary shadows on the wall. Margo's men had been encamped around Taynor for three months, but there was no sign of weakening from within, and his men were growing disgruntled. Margo knew that the present war was necessary to protect Malya's interest, but to call the Ampera? Had it come to that? He had seen the looks on the faces of his troops when it was announced, bad enough that he had to ask for aid in the first place. But the Ampera were not trusted by anyone, even the Malya kingdom that claimed to give them refuge. Their power was awesome to behold, both of body and mind, the best of Margo's soldiers couldn’t have stood against the least of Ampera's students. They possessed a power unrivaled by any force on earth, and power corrupts, doesn't it? The sound of approaching steps broke in on Margo's brooding, and an instant later a youth appeared in his doorway, the signs of a hard journey on his person. The Teen began to bow and add the usual 'my Lord' and all the formalities, but Margo interrupted him.

"Don't bother with ceremony Karl, will the Ampera hear us?"

"Better Sir, they have sent aid back with me."

"Already? that is better then I hoped for, they usually deliberate much longer before meddling in political affairs."

"Well, apparently they seem to think they have some matters at stake in this war Sir, but I couldn’t make out what."

"Whatever their reasons we need them, were have they camped?"

"Um, well, they haven’t camped Sir, Their standing out side waiting to see you."

"Outside, all of them?"

"Yes, err, you see... there is only two of them Sir."

"What! We ask for help in the gravest battle we have seen, involving the very country that gave them asylum, and they send us two soldiers?!"

"I'm not sure they even are soldiers Sir, they don't look like It."

"Show them in Karl, I have a few things to say to them."

Karl obviously wanted to say more, but he checked himself, seeing that his Captain was angry, indeed, he had never seen him as angry, and turned on his heels in military fashion, exiting the makeshift command center. Margo Tried to calm himself, his timidity quite overpowered by his anger, it wouldn’t do to offend them until they explained themselves. A few seconds passed, and Karl entered again followed by a tall man in his fifties attired in traveler’s cloths, no sign of weaponry or anything militaristic about him. He smiled in a grandfatherly fashion and extended his hand in greeting.

"Caption Halford Margo? I'm pleased to meet you. I've heard many tales of you abilities and accomplishments, I am called Timothy."

Margo, completely thrown by the unimposing picture of this polite gentleman, barely remembered to take the man's hand in acceptance. He had built up such a picture in his head, of cloaked figures with grave, mysterious manners, whispering of dark things in ethereal voices. He was completely thrown by the common appearance of this man. Thrown, but not appeased. If anything his irritation increased by the man's behavior. The idea occurred to Margo that this man was meant as sort of a consular or diplomatic aid, and he did his best to receive him politely

"Ah, Timothy? Thank you Karl you can leave now, I admit I am somewhat baffled by your appearance, I had expected a more military response to our request."

Timothy raised his eyebrows slightly. "And that is what you have received; my companion and I are both soldiers."

Margo's patience was wearing thin. He had no idea what to expect from this man in front of him, and didn't know what to make of the present situation.

"If the Ampera sent only two to help us, why did they send anyone at all?"

"My companion and I will provide ample help." Timothy seemed to think this a perfectly satisfactory explanation, and waited for Margo to speak. Margo by this time was turning red in the face, and looked about the room with suspicion

"Where is this 'companion' of yours? I see only you."

Timothy smiled in a way Margo didn't like and stepped aside. "Captain Margo, meet my friend, Arron."

Margo gaped in shock at the sight before him, a sick feeling welling up in his stomach. It wasn't the steely gray eyes or iron will in them that took Margo's breath, it wasn't the defiance written in his face or determined set of his jaw. It was the fact that the person in front of him was a boy not more then ten years old.

"What does this mean?" Margo sputtered when he was able to speak. "You mean to tell me that a child is supposed to help us?!"

The boy took a step forward to meet this challenge, and Timothy hastily placed a hand on his shoulder

"Easy Arron, he meant no offence. Please Captain, he does not have the sweetest temper, and his help my be more then you know, we are using other methods then you are used to."

"And what do these 'methods' entail?"

Timothy shook his head and took a seat, Arron remained standing, staring at Margo with eerie calm. Margo eyed the boy, his astonishment still strong, and lowered himself likewise into a chair.

"You see Margo, the Ampera have decided that this is a mission of assassination, not brute force."

"But why the Boy?"

"I'll get to that, have a little patience. There are some things about your enemy that you do not even know, he isn't just a strong opponent seeking to grab land, it goes a little deeper then that. Your enemy, King Kazere, is an Ampera."

Margo had already known this, and was unfazed by it.

"Many heads of state are untrained Ampera, they are no serious threat without instruction, why should that fact be so grave?"

Timothy looked at Margo levelly before speaking again. "You don't understand, so is his wife."

Margo's eyes bulged as if they would pop out of their sockets; he jumped to his feet, realizing the weight of this revelation.

"His wife? But, it is strictly ..."

"I know, I know, we imposed the rule on ourselves long ago. It does not matter so much if an Ampera marries a normal person, a child produced from such a union would have only half his parents raw abilities and be at most a typical Ampera, but you well know that a child of two Ampera's would have both parents strength. From birth. I do not need to tell you the catastrophic potential for such a person in hood; they would be as high above us as we are of you, no offense of course."

Margo was angered by the calm manner Timothy related this, and sank back into his chair in despair.

"And has such a...being been born to them?"

"No, not yet, we don't think so." Came Timothy’s reply. Margo sighed with relief and set his jaw.

"Then we must act at once, I see now King Kazere means to establish an unconquerable dynasty, he means to solidify an iron grip on the world through his children. We must prevent such monsters from coming into the world." and he gave a little shudder

Timothy stood to his feet and placed his hand on Arron's shoulder, who had remain perfectly silent and composed throughout the whole discourse.

"That is where my companion comes in. I mean to lead an assault on the city instead of trying to starve them out, in the confusion of a sudden attack Arron will be able to infiltrate the Palace and eliminate the King and Queen."

Margo began to pace the floor again; he did not like this idea. He was unsure if a direct assault would be successful on so well equipped a city, and he most certainly didn't like the idea of surrendering command to this man. He caught sight of Arron out the corner of his eye and eyed him critically.

"Why have you chosen a ch...This particular person to carry out an assassination?"

A curious spark came into Timothy’s eyes. "Don't let his age fool you Captain; he is the best student I've seen in years. Amazing potential when he's grown. He may have the body of a child, but not the mind, I can assure of this."

The twinge of pride in Timothy’s voice made Margo suspect he had trained Arron himself.

"And when do you suppose to carry out this plan?"

"As soon as possible, now if the troops can be mobilized."

Margo sighed, unable to think of a better plan. "Very well, take the men you need and may Fate give you success."

"I don't believe in Fate." Said the boy. Margo started at his words; it was the first time the boy had spoken, and something in the flatness of his voice, made Margo shudder inwardly. Timothy seemed annoyed by Arron's phrase, and with a nod towards Margo took hold of the boy's arm and led him out of the tent.
Margo watched them go and sank back into his chair, wondering more then ever if he'd done the right thing.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent! A few minot niggles, but see if you can find them yourself(I'm lazy).
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fantastic start Geek Girl. Should have expected nothing less after Rite of Passage though.

I'll be watching for chapter one Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey GG!! Nice start I have to say. I do, though, have a few questions. Aplogies if you plan to answer these in later episodes.

Dons the infamous Star-Trek hat. Shocked

involving the very country that gave them asylum,

So, wouldn't there be Apera's already in the army, as citizens of the nation? More information as to this relationship would help, though perhaps this is planned for later episodes.

"I know, I know, we imposed the rule on ourselves long ago. It does not matter so much if an Ampera marries a normal person, a child produced from such a union would have only half his parents raw abilities and be at most a typical Ampera, but you well know that a child of two Ampera's would have both parents strength. From birth.

I am assuming an Ampera is a human with magical ablity of some sort. However, if their numbers are limited, as suggested by them having to seek refuge in the country, where do they come from?

You say that a Ampera who marries a 'norm' would have offspring with half strength, or weaker anyway. 2 Amps together is not allowed, as it would give rise to a 4 Amp kid.

If all Amps had kids with norms, then soon the Amp ability would be diminished to a great extent and fade away.

If some people are born with Ampy ability, as your story implies, then I would think untrained ones would marry all the time, and there would be 4 Amp and higher kids running around before you could say 'Easy labor'.

So where do the little Amps come from, and how does the power remain constant?

Come to think of it, were they refugees from their own country? In which case this not-marry another Amp doesn't make much sense.

Removes Star-Trek hat.

Sorry for the questions, these questions niggle at me when I read a story. I am sure you will think of a suitable background.

In the meantime, I will await patiently for the next chapter. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As for all your questions, they will be answered later on. To the Amperas and their power: The ability is not just magical, it's sort of strength of mind, willpower, intelligence, physical strength etc. fueled by something no one really understands (This is part of the story later on) they don't really know WHY certain people have this potential, they just do. It usually pops up arbitrarily with no aparent cause and doesn't have to be inherited. It can be though, and the reason two untrained Ampera can't marry is that while they themselves may not be a threat, their kid would have an exponential increase in their raw abilities that would be so strong it would come almost naturally without training. This will all be dealt with in detail in later chapters; I think this story may be longer than rite of passage when it's done.

The first chapter will consist mostly of the attack from the royal family's perspective, and Arron will begin his trend of breaking with certain expectations and hiding it.

Any other comments or suggestions?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this intro. The boy frightens me.

Just one complaint: the chapter is riddled with run-on sentences. You may want to take an editing pass through it.

I look forward to the next installment.
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Muaddib wrote:
Excellent! A few minot niggles, but see if you can find them yourself(I'm lazy).

You didn't need to tell us that, McDibsky! Very Happy

Very good start! I didn't notice anything wrong.

can't wait for the 1st chapter!

~holds breath~ Shocked
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Almost finished with the first chapter...
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay!! Can't wait to read it. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This sounds very cool... now I have to go read Rite of Passage... excuse me.
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter One: The Monster

Timothy had selected the men he needed for his plan, and after giving them strict instructions to report back one hour before dawn he dismissed them. Arron stood by his side, calm as ever, oblivious to the stares and whispers he and his friend were causing. When the last of the soldiers had trickled back to their tents Arron glanced around to make sure he and Timothy were alone before speaking:

“You’re angry with me, aren’t you?”

Timothy sighed deeply, sitting down on a nearby rock and surveyed the boy in front of him. He was small for his age, with fair hair and skin. Had he ever smiled an almost angelic picture of innocence would have masked the incredible power inside him. But it wasn’t so much Arron’s outward appearance that arrested attention. It was his eyes. Arron had eyes that made it unnecessary to speak often. They expressed a strange sadness that Timothy did not understand. They always had the appearance of just ceasing to cry; yet Timothy had never seen even the beginnings of a tear there. Arron’s eyes were also unnerving. There was strength in them, almost rebellious in nature that met every gaze as a challenge. The defiance in them made one think he would wrestle a grizzly bear and win if you dared him, just to prove he could. But the thing that was most unexpected was the incredible calm sunk in their gray depths. A quietness and self-possession that no danger however so dire, no battle however so gruesome, no terrible force of this world or the next, could unsettle for an instant. Timothy marveled: how did a child get such eyes? He unconsciously shook his head; unable to solve the mystery he had been a father to for five years.


“Huh? What Arron?”

“Are you angry with me?”

“No, I’m not angry. I just wish you would not be so unreasonable.”

“Because I don’t believe anything but our own will guides us?”

“Fate guides us all Arron, whether or not you wish to believe it.”

“I can never believe lives are shaped by anything but choice. Fate is merely a fools way of shirking responsibility for his own actions, or making his victories seem more important.”

“Whatever your notions are, you shouldn’t have contradicted the Captain like that. He was making an effort to show good faith and courtesy.”

“Good faith? Timothy, these people despise us, they wish we weren’t here. We shouldn’t be here. If Amperas are not permitted in the regular army, why should they have us at their beck and call the moment they’re in a jam?”

“We owe it to them Arron, The Malya kingdom gave our kind refuge when no one else would.”

“Refuge! Don’t make me laugh. Being allowed to live if you isolate yourself is not refuge.”

“It’s only natural if they fear us, they don’t understand our power or why we have it.”

“And neither do we for that matter Timothy, it’s not as if we’re hiding the truth from them. Not even we know why people from every race and walk of life are born with these abilities.”

“Fate will choose the best to serve her purpose.”

“Oh please don’t start that again, the men are coming back

* * *

It is a particularly useful ability of the Amperas to know when they are in the presence of another. There is a certain quality or air that they pick up immediately. And if you ever saw two pass each other in the street, even if they have never laid eyes on each other before, you would generally see both give a polite nod and smile like old friends past the necessity of stopping and speaking together. It was because of this that King Isaac Kazere knew that his general, Simon H. Moor, was standing outside his chamber doors. Few people knew that another Ampera beside the King and Queen dwelt in the palace; even Timothy’s superiors were in ignorance of it. Simon knew the value of keeping to the shadows; he had done much for his Lord and friend the King by shirking the limelight. He had often held back his brilliant military powers, knowing that a victory won to quickly or completely would cause notice and make him the subject of scrutiny. Indeed, it was not uncommon for him to allow his brilliance to be attributed to the King himself. Simon did this and other small acts of personal sacrifice to further the cause his King fought for. I would not go so far as to say he did these things out of any real regard or consideration for his friend, for nothing evil cares for anything above itself. It is more accurate to say he knew the King was useful to his own advancement, and how cooperation served his purpose more then a power struggle. When he stepped through the double doors, there was an amused smile dancing about his face.

“Sire, I have good news.”

“The enemy has withdrawn?”

“Better, they have begun a direct assault with a small portion of their numbers. This our chance to show them what they’re up against.”

“Ah! That is good news. It will break the dull monotony of these past few days and give us some sport.”

“Yes, but there are only a hundred or two. I hardly call that a challenge, Especially if that idiot Margo is still leading.”

The King began to reply, but his words died on his lips. An explosion, not as far off as it should have been, made the foundations of the palace shudder. The King and his general nearly toppled over from the shock alone.

“What?! Simon, how could they have made it this far so quickly? Two-thirds of your men are encamped around every gate and weak spot in the city.”

Simon narrowed his eyes; something was wrong, terribly wrong. He knew Margo’s capabilities, and this was beyond him. Some other force was at work here, something he hadn’t counted on. The doors swung open again on the heels of another tremor. A woman stumbled into the room, clutching her stomach that was swollen in the final stages of pregnancy. The King no sooner saw her then rushed to her side, helping her to a chair and attending her in what Simon thought an unnecessarily affectionate manner.

“Helen! You should be in your room relaxing, you’re in no condition to be running about the place while a battle is ragging.”

“I was worried about you Isaac, it sounds like the world is coming to an end out there.”

The two carried on in this way, Helen professing her need to know her husband was unharmed, and the King insisting he was not important enough for her to trouble herself about. Simon watched in irritation, these two had become increasingly annoying over the past few months. Finally he dismissed himself, realizing his personal presence was required by his troops. The minutes dragged on into hours. King and Queen waited in apprehension. The clamor outside increased and drew nearer, killing any thoughts of sport or amusement at the enemy’s expense. Slowly, the day began to dawn, spilling its golden-red light through the stained glass. For the third time an explosion, larger and nearer then the first two, shook the palace walls like an earthquake. There was a horrible crashing sound, and a thousand noises of violence and death rung through the early morning. A soldier, tattered and bleeding, burst in on his rulers in the grips of panic.

“Sire! The enemy is outside the very gates of the palace. My General sent me to see you and the Queen safely escorted out of the city.”

To the King’s credit, he was no coward or fool. The moment he saw the youth rushing in he had guessed what was happening, and had already the makings of a plan in his mind.
“Take the Queen alone ahead of me by way of the passages in the dungeons and try to get to the docks. You will be less conspicuous without me. As soon as you are able you are to sail with the Queen, Do not wait for me or the general under any circumstances. We will follow after the final outcome of this battle is certain.


“No need for tears Helen. Regardless of how this battle ends I give you my word of honor: I will join you not one day after you reach safety.”

With that the king tore himself from his wife’s side and left the room. Helen watched her husband go with tears streaming freely down her face. With an effort she regained her composure and nodded shortly to the young soldier in front off her. The man took her arm to support her, for she was not very strong these days, and escorted her down the hall. The palace was nearly completely dark in spite of the rising morning, and the Queen’s heart gave a little start every time they rounded a corner, fully expect something terrible to leap out of the blackness. Her face twisted in pain, causing her to halt in the middle of a stair way and lean against the wall for support.

“Are you alright Your Majesty?”

“Yes, I’m fine, I’m…”

The Queen didn’t finish her sentence, but fell to her knees clutching her stomach, and let out an ear-piercing shriek.

* * *

Arron lifted himself silently through a small window on the ground floor. It had been ticklish business avoiding the uproar around the palace, and the increasing light made him nervous. Cautiously, he crept along the side of the wall, keeping to the shadows and ducking out of sight when he heard footsteps. The sounds of the battle outside began to wan. Arron knew that the numbers on both sides must be diminishing. He felt a twinge of pity for the men Timothy was leading; they were giving their lives for a diversion. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway, forgetting caution and his musings. There was an Ampera nearby, how had he not noticed before? He flattened himself against the wall and listened for any sounds of movement: There was dead silence. After a moment he continued, drawing closer and closer to his mark. He paused outside a small door at the foot of a winding staircase and his heart began to pound. What he was after was in that room. Arron placed his hand on the door handle and slowly began to turn it.

Nothing within stirred. He pushed the door open and ducked behind a tapestry hanging on the wall, but his caution was needless. Except for a small candle on a table the room was dark and he had gone unnoticed. As he examined the room he thought for a moment he must have been mistaken, then he saw it. A figure was lying on a couch, perfectly still and quiet. Arron crept slowly closer, careful not to make a sound lest his target wake up. With his hand on his knife he peered at the person and saw that it was a woman. She was dead.

He stepped back confused, the woman’s attire left him no doubt that it was the Queen, but if she was dead were was the adversary whose power he had felt? Could the King also be hiding somewhere in this room? He stepped back, scanning the darkness for any sign of danger and tripped over something, falling backwards. A little embarrassed, he jumped back to his feet and grabbed the candle off the table, brining it closer to the offending object. It was a man, collapsed from exhaustion and the signs of a battle on his person. Something on him moved, and Arron sprang back, expecting some trick. A soft gurgling noise came from the object. He drew back again and leaned over to examine closely the thing the soldier held, and nearly fell over for the second time. In the soldier’s arms was a beautiful baby girl, blue eyes wide open and staring right back at this strange thing over her. Arron’s grip on his knife tightened, the mystery becoming clear. The Queen had died in childbirth, this child in front of him was precisely what he was supposed to prevent. The baby looked at him in infantile wonder and cooed. Then Arron did something not even Timothy had ever seen him do: He smiled.

“You don’t look like a monster to me.”

Arron did not believe in Fate, and while the debate still rages today among the wise whether or not he was right, one thing is certain. With that single smile the destiny of a world was sealed. Arron thought quickly: He could sense no other source of power in the palace. The King was either fleeing or dead like his wife. In any case the threat was passed and his job was done. He scooped the baby up in his arms and made for the spot he had come through. When he finally climbed out of his window, the city was in uproar. Buildings burning, threatening to spread their blaze over the whole city. Peasants and soldiers alike were flying for their lives, and Arron found no difficulty in going unnoticed by the frantic crowds.

He reached the city gates, now reduced to a pile of rubble, and saw Timothy standing apart from his remaining men, anxiously searching for any sign of his charge. At this sight Arron hesitated, he hadn’t thought of how he would explain the baby to his mentor. If he told him the truth, he had not doubt how he would react. But to lie to the man who raised him? It went against all his principals. Besides, he would in all likelihood see right through it. It would be obvious that this baby was an Ampera. Timothy had begun to call for him, growing increasingly disturbed. Standing hidden in the shadow of a toppled house Arron wrestled with himself. He had never lied in his life.

What does Arron do?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

Whodunnit?On hold till further notice
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Last edited by Geek_girl72 on Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:20 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nicely written GG. Very Happy

Need a couple of spaces between paragraphs here and there, but nothing major.

DP. Well, as you say, he hasn't lied before, plus Tim would detect the baby's power. Would they kill the baby? I don't know what the exact rules are in these circumstances.

If he feels they would kill her, maybe find someone to give the baby to. Otherwise hand it over perhaps. Confused
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't written a whole lot about Timothy yet. He did raise Arron sort of and had an infuence over the way he thinks. Maybe he would feel sorry for the baby too? I can see three major directions the story could take from here, so this choice is one of the most important ones.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since the Amperas have a law against these super Ampera children then he can't tell Timothy the truth unless he's sure Timothy is willing to break that law.

He could tell Timothy that he found the baby on his way back, it's parents killed in the battle. Then, sensing it was an Ampera he thought he should take care of it. Of course there might be suspicion if they capture that unconscious soldier who delivered the baby Smile
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to see a chapter up finally, GG.

A very crucial DP. We don't really know that much about Tim or Arron's personalities. But since Arron has never lied, I don't see him starting to do it now. I think he should just make mention of the baby, and see where it goes from there.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, good idea, anyone else with a suggestion?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I'm trying to put the poll up but it isn't working...
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only moderators can put up polls in this section - send me a PM with the options in and I'll sort you out.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This story looks very promising, Geek Girl. Hope I'm not too late to put my oar in for Chapter 1 DP.

I agree with Ravenwing that Arron won't lie, it seems foreign to his nature. He should just say that he is taking the child under his protection, and let Timothy waste his time nodding sagely and pondering how or why Fate has brought the child under the protection of his student. Wink

Arron has this hinted-at stubborn ability to get what he wants without ever needing to lie, so I think this will turn out fine.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've put the poll up, just PM me when you want it taken down once more.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you lordofthenight, I think it should run for about four days.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Geek-girl,

I've been persuaded, and easily so, to catch up with your writing, and have now read this one. Very Happy

I've voted for tell the truth, because frankly, cold as it is, I think this baby needs to die. That was the mission, and he has failed. He should now report back truthfully.

Good story, keep it coming.

Happy Writing Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I voted for truth. Timothy would find out anyway, since Amperas can sense each other and i don't doubt that Timothy would sense the baby.
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Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted for truth-telling as well. Smee said it all, really. Arron needs to decide which side he's on, and at the moment, that's the same side as Timothy.

That doesn't mean he won't fight to protect the baby he's grown so fond of though. Just means he won't lie about it Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Phew. Back from typing my new chapter for my story off the top of my head....

Telling the truth is important... If you don't it makes you feel guiltyish

Just like me not telling this girl in my class that i like her to death....*sigh*
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cold as it is, I think this baby needs to die.

Who says the baby would die? Bear in mind that this doesn't have to be a live'die problem, it could have consequences that aren't obvious.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the truth won the poll. I'll get started on the second chapter right away.

I'll try to have it up in four days or less.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did I just miss a poll? Sad *tear tear* Oh well. I am done moping. I hope to see that chapter in a few days. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 2: The Fugitive

Timothy sighed with relief as he saw Arron emerge from the smoky haze chocking the morning light. The assault had gone better than he had hoped, but the fear of harm coming to his student had cast a shadow over his victory. As he watched Arron approach, holding some bundle under his cloak, he felt a surge of pride. Here was the boy he had taken in what seemed only a few days ago, and now he emerged from this tremendous clamor of a fallen kingdom, calm as ever and without a scratch. Timothy thought about the day he had found Arron, or more accurately, when Arron had found him. He had just stepped outside his door one day to see him standing there with an expression more grave and serious than one usually finds on a child of five. He recalled their conversation at that moment with as much confusion as it had caused him back then.

“Are you Timothy?”


“Timothy Gregson?”

“Yes, are you lost child?”

“No. My name is Arron, I’m an Ampera like you. Will you take me to Officer Harris?”

Each refuge of Amperas had a representative from the government that examined each person the Ampera wished to take in. Since the widespread mistrust of them gave rise to thoughts of rebellions lead by these creatures, the officer in each town put the subject in question through a series of questions with yes or no answers before placing them in the Ampera’s hands. This process had been done so many times that it had become more of a ceremony, like graduation, that teens and young adults went through. They were usually ’presented’ by a family member or close friend, but Arron broke with tradition both in asking a complete stranger to escort him and how he answered the questions.

“What is your name?”


“Your full name please.”

“I’m just Arron.”

“…Um, then who are your parents?”

“I have none.”

“An orphan then? Hmm. Are you loyal to Malya, your place of respite?”

“If it stays that way.”

“Well! Ahem, anyway: Do you swear obedience to the king and your instructors, should you be accepted?”


“I beg your pardon?”

“I do not swear anything. When I say yes I mean yes, and when I say no I mean no.”

The questions continued in this way for about an hour, Arron surprising both the officer and Timothy with his maturity and intelligence. It was true that Ampera’s tended to be further along mentally then ordinary children their age, but Arron spoke and behaved like an adult. At the age of five he seemed to grasp better the meaning and ramifications of his presentation then the adolescents who usually went through it. In the end Officer Harris accepted him, thinking that he must be a tremendous asset as an adult if properly guided. He was not proved wrong. Timothy, who had to solve every mystery he came across, managed to get himself placed as his primary instructor, and was amazed with him. Arron knew things about Timothy that he shouldn’t. Not shameful things he wished to hide, but events that had taken place before Arron could have been born. He knew that he had been married (to an ordinary woman, of course) and that he had lost her and their newborn daughter to the same illness. He knew that his best student, a man named Mathew, had been nearly a son to him after Mathew’s own parents had rejected him. He knew that this one also Timothy had lost in the end of Jarell’s rebellion fifteen years ago. Even now that Arron had studied under him for five years, Timothy still was mystified by him. But that hadn’t stirred in him the caution it had in others of the Ampera, and Timothy passed over many of his peculiar ways perhaps easier than others would have.

“Arron! There you are, I was beginning to worry.”

“There was no need, I just took a longer way back to avoid being seen.”

“Were you successful?”

“Yes. The Queen is dead, and while I did not see the king personally, there was no other Ampera in the area. He is either dead or flown.”

“Then we may report a job finished to Margo. I cannot say how-”

“Timothy, wait, there is something I need to tell you.”

“Is something wrong?”

“That depends on your point of view, but come away from the rest of the men first. This is not for them.”

Timothy followed Arron a little way into the wood surrounding the camp, not knowing what to expect. Arron had always been full of surprises. Unfortunately, this time the surprise was not a welcome one. Timothy listened like one in a dream as Arron told him quickly and calmly what had happened in the palace, and pulled back his cloak to show him the evidence of it.


“I took her out of the palace, the whole place was soon to catch fire.”

“Arron, do you have any idea what you are doing? That child is far to dangerous to spare, surely you must see that!”


“Why? Think about what she would be capable of! No one should be trusted with that power.”

“Let me guess: Power corrupts, right? We have power, are we corrupt?”


“I’m sick of the philosophy of helplessness you and the other Ampera spew. You spout catch-phrases about power, destiny, suffering, weakness, as if evil were the only thing real.”


“You think because you’ve spent your whole life afraid of yourselves it makes you wise, when all you are is hypocritical cowards!”

“Arron! Please, do not force me to act on the law we’re supposed to protect!”

The two stood, faces flushed and muscles tense. Both had nearly reached shouting towards the end of their argument, and the sound of footsteps and confused voices could be heard in the distance. Timothy looked at Arron and saw that same defiance and iron will that had so often had served his purpose. He had always felt that there was something volatile about the boy, and cursed himself for ignoring it. Now, when it really mattered, Arron was pitted against him. His throat tightened as he realized what this meant, but forced himself to take the reasonable view. Sometimes Fate was cruel.

“I do not wish to lose you as well Arron, but if you will not see reason-”

A fire sprang up in Arron’s cold gray eyes. He took a step forward and glared his teacher right in the face.

“You’ll what? Kill me? Try it.”

“Arron, why are you determined to give your life for that thing in your arms?”

“Because she has done nothing save be born, and you would rather have the blood of an innocent child on your hands than take a risk.”

“It is a risk we do not have the right to take. If she went bad, and given her parents that’s a likely possibility, she could not be stopped.”

“They stopped Jarell.”

“But at what cost? How many innocent people suffered and died because of one person?”

“So now you’re worried about innocent lives? You are a hypocrite, and no better then narrow-minded fools who look at us as abominations.”

“You will not rescind your decision?”


“Then I am truly very sorry, I have no other choice.”

Timothy drew his sword and lunged at his student, meaning to kill him as quickly and painlessly as possible. It seemed to him that everything was moving in slow motion, and the short distance between him and Arron was like a mile. But even in the face of death, Arron showed not the slightest fear, and stared at his teacher with the same imperturbable calm he was famous for. As the point of the blade drew close to its mark, Timothy closed his eyes, unable to watch what he was about to do. But A clanging noise and the jarring sensation of his blade being stopped forced his eyes open again. Arron had in the split second that should not have been sufficient for reaction, drawn his knife and thrust it upward and to the side while dropping to one knee. This knocked the point off its course, and left Arron in an advantageous position. He could easily have slashed Timothy’s legs before he could bring his Weapon back in line. But instead he leapt sideways while violently shoving his opponent’s blade in the opposite direction, causing Timothy to turn slightly in the direction his sword was moving and leave his back open. Before Timothy could recover control, Arron quick as lightning raised his knife and struck his friend with the hilt, in the part of the neck that meets the base of the head. Timothy crumpled to the ground, rendered unconscious by the blow. Arron stood over the motionless body and closed his eyes, letting out a weary sigh. He sheathed his knife and held the baby closer to keep her warm. The sun was beginning to peak over the hills and not much time was left for an escape. Arron looked down at the tiny life sleeping peacefully, and in spite of himself a shadow of his smile form before returned. For a second time he addressed the child as if she could understand him:

“I think I’m going to call you Jovie.”

And with that he tuned his back towards the camp and the sounds of anxious voices, striking out on his own without so much as looking back.

* * *

King Kazeer screamed in dispair, drawing his sword and running through the weather beaten soldier that had brought him the news. He watched him, eyes glazed and veins popping out on his neck, as the poor man gurgled pitifully and wilted. He let the bloodstained weapon clatter to the ground next to the body and fell against the rail of his ship, wishing to heaven that he also had died. Simon cast his gaze towards the ship captain and nodded to him. They had to sail now while the winds were with them and the confusion in the city hid their flight. He watched as his friend slowly sunk to his knees with his head in his hands, gasping as if someone had struck him in the stomach.

“I…I promised her. I swore my word of honor…and now they’re gone, both of them…and I never even got to see…to hold my own…”

Simon motioned for the others to clear off, not wanting them to see their leader like this. He was embarrassed enough himself by the display, but bit his tongue and helped his friend up.

“I don’t know what to say my friend, we were so close, and to see all our planning and hard work come to nothing, it isn’t right. But don’t lose hope yet, it still may be possible that we can recover and carry on if-”

The King shoved Simon away and glared at him, breathing hard and fighting to contain himself. When he spoke it was only slightly calmer then his first reaction.

“Don’t talk to me of plans and recovery! You haven’t lost your family.”

The king turned and stalked off towards his cabin to brood in private, and a change came over his face. With the fury and grief coming to life in him another part of him was dying. His face grew paler then it usually was, and an eerie silence fell over his mind. He was not beaten, he had merely lost the upper hand for the time being. Even if it took twenty years he would come back and the whole world would feel the penalty for the tremendous wrong they had inflicted on him. It was more then ambition that drove him now, this interrupted conflict became the revenge that consumed him, the personal insult that pushed him onward. Oh no, he wasn’t beaten, he would return someday and finish what he started. Simon said nothing after the King’s outburst, but watched him go with a puzzled expression. There were times when he just didn’t understand his friend.

* * *

Timothy awoke with his head throbbing. He gradually realized that someone was speaking to him, and Margo’s face peered at him through the haze, surrounded by several others, all moving their lips at once in an incoherent stream of sound. Timothy slowly sat up and shook himself, trying to force himself back into the conscious world. Margo said something to the effect of giving the dazed man some space, and the crowd trickled out begrudgingly.


“Oh good, you’re talking. Some of the men found you in the woods with a bump the size of an egg on the back of your head and brought you back here to the tent. The whole camp wants to know what happened.”

“Ha…how long have I been out?”

“Just about an hour or so, assuming you received that knock shortly before you were found. I’m afraid they can’t locate that strange boy you brought with you, what did you call him? Arnold? Arnom? I can’t remember. He must have lived up to your speech about him though.”

At these words the events of the morning came flooding back to Timothy like a tidal-wave. He sprang from his resting place, thinking nothing but that immediate action needed to be taken.


“What? What’s the matter? You look like a man brought back from the dead.”

“Arron is…missing, I have to get back to my superiors immediately so we can do something.”

“I could organize a search party with the men here, it would make more sense than wasting time traveling.”

“No, there are certain procedures my people have to follow in these cases. Arron is not an ordinary child and could be difficult to find.”

“You talk as if he ran away.”

“No…No he did not run away exactly, I’m not sure what happened to him. I must leave at once.”

Timothy took his leave of the confused Margo. He did not like lying to him, but the events of that day had to be kept secret. If word got out to the King or the general population that a rogue Ampera was on the loose it would bode ill for all of them. He had to keep it quiet. They would find Arron and deal with him themselves.

* * *

The day had passed quickly and the sun was already beginning to set as Arron approached the few buildings on the outskirts of Carlton’s port. The port itself was not very large, it was just one of the insignificant stops off the main trade routes lines. But a ship or two happened to be docking for repairs and supplies at the moment, so a greater crowd than usual bustled about the docks and the dingy Inn proclaiming ‘The White Shark’ on a splintered wooden sign. Arron curled his lip at the sounds of revelry and clanking glasses and started to turn away. Then he caught sight of a something that must have once been a barn behind the Inn, the smell of barnyard life trailed from it. He paused for a moment and glanced at the Baby girl. She needed to be fed and if a cow was in that pile of rotten wood they might have some milk. Cautiously he made his way to the kitchen door in the back, stepping over many broken bottles strewn about the little-used entrance and knocked. At first he thought the loud music (very badly played) and carousing had drowned out his attempts at attention. He was just raising his fist to try again when the door swung open, revealing a scrawny teen in a dirty white apron with a bored expression on his face.

“Hey Mags, it’s some little whelp with a baby. Looks a wee bit pale like he aint had nothing to eat.”

The teen mumbled more than called back into the Inn. He was incessantly chewing something, looking straight at Arron but still avoiding taking any notice of him. There was an unintelligible answer from back inside followed by light footsteps, and into the light of the doorway stepped dress past its prime filled by a woman in the middle of hers. She pursed her lips like one used to being hassled, and observed the pair with her head cocked to one side.

“Ah, just so long as it aint that scar-faced chap always lurking about. Ya lose you ma kiddy?”

“No, I don’t have any parents. I’m sort of a refugee.”

“Oh really? No one taking care of you? In that case come on in and I’ll get you something. I may even be able to put something together for you’re little friend there, your brother? Sister?”

“No, I found her. Her name is Jovie.”

“Hmm, Jovie? That’s a name ya don’t hear every day.”

Maggie Philips was not the sort to be easily surprised or ask too many questions. She knew exactly how to manage her little world at The White Shark and that was good enough for her, nothing else was worth the trouble of notice. A few minutes scrounging found an old bottle suitable for Jovie, and Maggie didn’t at all mind taking a moment away from the drunks and sailors to feed the pretty little child. Arron sat quietly on a stool eating the over-cooked substance furnished to him, all the while keeping one protective eye on the bar maid and Jovie. A sudden commotion from the front entrance brought the complacent teenager, who apparently was named Pete, up to the counter worked into an atypical mild irritation.

“Mags, that chap is back again.”

“The one with the scar?”

“Naw, the one ya had ta throw outa here a couple weeks ago.”

“Him? He’s worse than shark-bait face!”

Maggie thrust Jovie back into Arron’s arms and stalked up to the man arguing with the doorman. He was tall and well built, with dark hair and eyes, and dressed in tattered sailor‘s clothes. Arron saw from his features that he must be from Nadoria, the country separated from Malya by a ten-mile stretch of ocean. Nadoria was not known as the most civilized land, and its citizens had a reputation of unpleasantness. The man left off his dispute and grinned at Maggie in a familiar way that would have angered the most callous of bar maids.

“Maggie! you’re even prettier than I recall, I-”

He stopped short, ignoring the torrent of angry words flowing from the fair Maggie. He glanced about the room with an expression bordering on nervousness. His gaze landed on where Arron sat and a light went out of his eyes. His smile faded from his lips and was replaced by apprehension. Arron did not change his expression, but returned the man’s stare without a flinch. The man brought his attention back to the ruffled bar maid and forced a smile.

“Hey now my girl, is that a way to treat a paying customer?”

“Don’t give me that Nate, you tried to get off without paying for three rounds of rum last time. You think I’m running a charity here or something? Come back when ya gotta bit of coin in your pockets.”

“Ah, but I do my dear little lady, see for yourself.”

He pulled a fat purse closed with a string out of a bag slung over his shoulder and waved it under Maggie’s nose. Ever the cautious business woman, she cast a suspicious glance at Nate’s face and pulled the top open with her dainty fingers. Her eyes bulged wide and a wide smile brightened up her expression.

“Hey Pete! You get this gentleman anything he wants, ya hear?”

The happy woman went about her way, fluttering over to each call of: “Maggie! More ale!” and flirting or arguing with her customers as needed. The man named Nate sat down on the stool next to Arron, watching him and the baby with a troubled expression. Pete went to get him his drink and Arron spoke in a low voice without looking him in the face.

“Don’t worry, I will not tell them.”

“Tell ‘em what?”

“That you’re an Ampera.”

“Shh! What you trying to do kid?”

“We aren’t in Nadoria sir, Ampera’s can breath freely here. For the most part.”

“Some of my shipmates are in here, if they found out…”

“I’m not the sort to bear tales. I have reason to be cautious myself.”

“Really? What a kid like you do? Kill someone?”


Nate did a double-take in Arron’s direction. There was something odd about this boy. He wasn’t sure if he should take him seriously. There was something unusual in his eyes. He got the sensation of looking off the edge of a very high cliff.

“Is there a point to this discussion, you want something, or do you get kicks out of being spooky?”

“I do want something: I want you to sneak me on your ship.”


“Circumstances compel me to seek immediate means of departure. I have no means of repaying you, or reason to think you will help me, save that we are both Ampera and both know what it is to watch over your shoulder. Plus it would be a comfort to know one of my own kind is around. Will you help me?”

Nate looked at the boy with the lovely little girl and a smile broke out over his face.

“You know sonny? You got a point there. I can’t remember the last time I came across someone who asked for a straight favor without eyeing my wallet. True, you’re a bit of an odd one, but I’m not so sure that’s a strike against you. You got yourself a deal. There’s just one thing first: I don’t do nothing without weighing the pros and cons. I’ll be taking a big risk, so you have to prove yourself an asset first.”

Arron simply arched his eyebrows and waited for the terms.

What does Nate ask?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very cool chapter, interesting decision point. I can't seem to think of any suggestions yet but I'll try.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I lost track of this one; I'm glad I found it again.

No brilliant ideas right now - I assume the sailor knows what their kind are capable of, so a show of Ampera power is probably not really called for. I'll think on it some more.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well-written chapter, Geek-Girl. Cool

A test, hmm? Well, if, as Powers pointed out, he doesn't actually need a demonstration of Ampera talent, then perhaps he's testing ability to co-operate or follow orders. He doesn't want to transport some snotty little princeling to a place where he can't get rid of him, after all.

Something as simple as 'go see to my horse' (if he had a horse) or 'entertain us with a song/story etc' *blinks at the idea of solemn little Arron going into full entertainment mode*

If we want demonstrations of power though... maybe 'make sure I don't have to pay for my drink tonight' or 'find something I lost here a while back' or 'there's another Ampera that I'm interested in and he's hiding himself from me. Let's locate him together.'

Nothing brilliant there, but I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, so I kept it general Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter GG. A couple of tyos here and there, but nothing major.

Mmm. How about a general question, such as: 'Show me how you can be of use." He is bound to need a job on a ship when he is found out.

I think this one is about ready for promotion, what say the Mods here?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woo! Awesome!

I managed to find a little error though.


Should be tidal.

You should get this story promoted, it's really good...
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
I think this one is about ready for promotion, what say the Mods here?

I've already spoken to GG about getting this moved up, and am just waiting on confirmation.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the idea of finding someone, it could be a good lead into Nate's character. Or perhaps something about keeping his secret from his shipmates/captain?

I'll work on the typos when I get a chance, thanks for pointing them out.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm going to approach this from a different point of view. Nate doesn't want parlour tricks, he wants to know for sure that the kid wont be a liability.

He should ask exactly how Arron intends to keep himself and the baby out of trouble once they are aboard ship, how he will ensure that the newborn baby wont die at sea from disease or malnutrition, and so forth.

When/if Arron addresses these concerns in a sensible and intelligent manner, I'm sure Nate will be both highly impressed and convinced that Arron will be a useful ally in the future.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I F5 Duke.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good idea, I didn't think about that. Any final ideas before the poll goes up?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Request for promotion - Moderated.
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