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Travelers' Songs #5: Story Discontinued
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:06 pm    Post subject: Travelers' Songs #5: Story Discontinued Reply with quote

I know, I really shouldn't be starting a new SG...but I need a little new blood. Enjoy!

Travelers' Songs

Chapter One: Rebecca

Rebecca lived in the Rosethorn Inn, a modest little establishment on the outskirts of Withwillow village. She scrubbed counters, floors, tables, and chairs. Washed the pots and pans and polished the silverware. Her lithe form was as much a fixture of the place as the travlers sign above the door. She'd been there ever since she was found on the Inn doorstep thirteen years ago, a mere slip of a girl lost and alone. She wasn't allowed to serve the customers, she was far too shy and prone to attacks of nerves for that.

Instead, when the crowds came for meals, she was sent outside and helped the lads in the stables with the animals. Rebecca had a way with animals, everyone agreed on that. There wasn't a dog, horse, cow, or fowl that didn't worship the ground she walked on. It was a common practice in Withwillow to send for Rebecca during foaling or calving time, just to ensure health of both mother and child.

Today was no exception to the rule. As the customers came in, farmers from the fields, Rebecca went out to the stables. There she pulled an apple from her pocket and walked to the last stall in the right row. "Ajax." She whistled softly. "Ajax." A chestnut muzzle with a white snip poked over the door, the rest of the head following. "That's a good boy. How are we today?" The stallion took the apple gently from her hand, crunching into it with evident delight.

"How you do it I'll never know." Rebecca whirled around with a small squeek as Arnie, one of the stable lads, chuckled. "Didn't mean to frighten you Rebe."

Rebecca tucked an errant mahogany curl behind her ear and gave a weak smile. "It's alright Arnie. It's not your fault I'm so skittish." She turned back to the stallion who'd flicked his ears back at her distress. Reaching out she rubbed his velvety nose and murmured soothingly to him.

Arnie whistled. "That sure is somthing Rebe. Even old Rather can't handle Ajax like that. Farmer Wilget wants to sell him at the big fair in Ninivet next month but I don't think he's going to get a good price for a beast he can't control." Arnie looked at her with a glint in his eye. "Unless he takes you along with him to show Ajax off for the buyers. Wouldn't that be something?"

Rebecca looked at Arnie, her green-gold eyes wide in fright. "I'd die! All those people looking at me! I'd be a shivering wreck in the wagon bed, hardly something benifitial." She hugged herself and shivered. Scuffing her toes in the straw chaff on the stable floor she said in a low voice, "I'm worthless Arnie. I'll never do anything worth-while."

It was then that a commotion went up from the yard. Voices raised in excitment seeped in from outside along with the tinkling of bells. Tugged along by Arnie, Rebecca peered from one of the stable windows and saw the most amazing sight of her life.

A massive butterscotch stallion with bells on his tack and a mane and tail like creme silk was coming up the road. He gleamed with health, neck held in a noble arch, tail a banner in the mild spring breeze. On his back sat a figure in a well made travel cloak with a wide-brimmed travler's hat on it's head. As the stallion came to a halt in the Inn yard the figure slipped nimbly from it's back.

With a sweeping gesture the figure removed it's hat allowing a wealth of thick red curls to cascade down it's back and shoulders. Rebecca was a woman an Un-folk woman at that. She stood head and shoulders above the crowd her golden eyes swept the gathered people, a smile playing around the corners of her mouth. "I seek a night's lodging and stabling for my mount."

"At once m'lady." Rebecca had never seen Master Tavil so excited before...but then he'd never had an Un-folk staying in his Inn. Arnie brushed past her on his way to collect the lady's mount only to have her shake her head.

"Nay lad. You've none of the Talent. I'm afraid Savich wouldn't listen to you." Instead she walked with Arnie back to the stables. As they entered the door, Rebecca pressed herself back into the straw of the corner, hoping against hope she wouldn't be seen. She should have known better, the Un-folk were known for their sharper senses.

The lady led Savich into an empty stall then looked directly into Rebecca's corner. "You, lass. You've the Talent. Come help me." Rebecca, pinned by those golden eyes, couldn't do more than whimper. She was utterly terrified of this stranger, to terrified even to speak. The lady's brows tangled together. "Surely you're not fightened of me lass?"

Not even taking the time to latch the stall door, the lady walked over to where Rebecca huddled. Taking both sides of Rebecca's face in her hands, her long four-jointed fingers catching a firm hold, she stared into Rebecca's eyes. "What is your name?" The way she said it, almost sang it, left Rebecca no choice but to tell her. She felt she could tell anything to the woman with the star pupiled eyes.


"Rebecca, you may call me Anna. I'm you're friend Rebecca. I'm not going to hurt you." Rebecca felt the truth of the Anna's words. Slowly she began to take easier breaths, feel a little better. Anna's hands dropped away from the sides of her face, grasping her own hands instead. Slowly, the Un-folk woman pulled Rebecca to her feet and led her back to where the stallion, Savich, was waiting paitently.

"Will you take care of him for me? You'll find feed for him in the blue bags and his curry comb and hoof pick in the green one." Anna reached out and patted the stallion on his shoulder. "Be nice now." The stallion snorted and pushed Anna with his nose as if to say 'I will now go on'. With a laugh the Un-folk woman left the stables.

For a moment Rebecca stood, bemused, until the stallion whuffed at her. Then, following Anna's instructions, she took the feed from the blue bags and the grooming gear from the green bag. She slowly removed Savich's tack, listening as the bells jingled slightly, and hung it on the tack peg outside the stall. She then poured the his feed into his trough, laughing as he began to greedily munch it.

Taking up the brush she began to whistle softly as she groomed him. She felt at peace, happier than she ever had before. Oblivious to everything but the horse, Rebecca didn't notice how Arnie watched her with a slight frown on his face.

Anna stood outside the door to the stables and chewed her lip. She'd never encountered a Curse quite like the one that was wrapped around the young girl...Rebecca. She doubted she could simply break it, not with the materials she had on hand. She hadn't been expecting something like this, not in the heart of the Chial Kingdom.

Walking into the Inn she kept a smile on her face, her inner thoughts buried deep under the thin worries any Bard on a Journey might. The Master of the Inn was quickly at her arm. "Lady it is a privilage..." His words faultered as she smiled at him.

"How would you like your payment? I'm more than willing to sing for my supper." As she said this she pulled her medallion, a simple one of wood and horn on a leather thong, from under her tunic. The Master's eyes went wide.

"Ah, there hasn't been a Bard in these parts since my Grandfather's youth. I'd be more than honored to trade services for songs." A shadow fell over them causing Anna to turn...and come face to face with evil.

The woman standing behind Anna was a head shorter and endowed with far more fat and curves...luckily having more curves than fat. She was beautiful in a cold way, her sharp eyes assessing Anna quickly. If she hadn't been ready for it Anna might have missed the light touch at the edges of her mind as the woman tried to read her. Finding only surface thoughts of a night's lodging and what Anna should sing, she retreated.

"So Tavil, you've brought a Bard to the Inn. I hope you've not let her bespell you into letting her go without giving us good gold for our hard work. Songs are all well and fine but they won't feed anyone come winter."

Anna didn't need to read the woman to know what she was thinking. She was worried that Anna might let a little Bardic magic loose during her preformance...and that would do this Witch's plans no good would it.

Tavil hemmed and hawwed a bit. "But Elsie, sweetums...a Bard." Yet he got no where with his wife's frosty visage. Indeed she only grew cooler.

Anna bit her lip again. She didn't mind spending coin for her meal but she'd be damned if she left without doing something to help the poor girl in the stables,...yet what?


Hope you liked.

[Edit] Have added a few clues as to the difference of apperance between the Un-folk and humans and Rebecca's origins at the Inn. More forthcoming next time.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:19 am; edited 12 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

She needs to stay if she leaves she might never come back. Besides theres always... ways around jealous wives...
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, a new Rai one. Very Happy


Squeaks, not sqeeks.

It was then that everything changed.
This doesn't seem to fit in with the story as told. It's like a kind of author's comment.

privilage privilege

Okay, that aside, I like the story so far! Very Happy Nicely done indeed.

DP: I think it's easy here. She just smiles and offers to pay in coin, try to put the witch off her guard. Brush the issue aside.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sure your going to reveal the proportions of this curse to us later on but it would be helpful to know what's so bad about having a way with animals, but that isn't it. It'll be revealed later on I hope.

I suggest what everyone is thinking, flirt, pay and sing anyways. In the middle of a tankard, have Ann climb on the chair and launch into a deep melody full of magic.

The Witch cannot doing anything in front of people unless she wants everyone's anger on her, including her husbands. Ann should make sure she is in everyone's good graces before starting to rebel.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For all those who are more than a bit confused, Anna's whole role in this tale and the effects of the Curse will be revealed in the next chapter...

I'm playing this one by ear so you'll have to bear with me...

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BTW Rai. 'Traveler' is wrong in your title. Just thought I should point that out. Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would say to ignore the woman's complaining but yet, pay for the drink later.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This has a good start Rai, but not an excellent one.

I have seen you give good starts, great starts, and excellent starts, and this one...well, it is merely good.

Not to be offensive but this really wasn't quite up to your usual par. Now I have seen you turn around merely good intros into great stories before, and I have no doubt you will do so again, so I will keep an eye on this one when I can spare it.

I would have really loved to seen some more describition in this introduction. The introduction left with a lot of questions and none of them answered.

1.) Who is Rebecca? Is she the inn keepers daughter? Was she adopted? Where did she come from? Who did she come from? Does she know where she comes from?

Your intro gives Rebecca little introduction and abouselty no background that I can tell, she seems begins old enough to work in a inn with a mysterious gift for animals. Which brings me to my next question....

2. How old is Rebecca anyway? The story might drastically change if Rebeccas is but a mere shivery 12 year old with a 'curse' that you have yet to reveal the nature of. A Rebecca in teenage years would make her fears unusual, and as a young lady stranger still, or is she a woman of twenty or thirty? Age does not make a person, but it certainly helps us 'catorgize' characters into different age slots.

3. Who is Arnie? I know that Arnie is probably a minor character on the large scale of things, but he is introduced without so much a hint, as a mere name with only the vague inkling that he is a person familar to Rebekah.

I would have at least like a describiton, such as Barkeeper's Son, StableBoy, only with maybe a rough picture of who this Arnie is and what he looks like. Not much, but just enough so that we, the audience, can connect Rebekah to Arnie.

For that matter, you could have done better on all your describitions....

4. What is an un-folk? I recieved the impression that they are simlar to the fairy folk but this is unclear, and needs to be made clear if you wish to continue with this character?

5. What is Rebecca's curse? Is the fact that she has an natural ability with animals, or is the fact that she is a shivery welp in front of human beings?

What caused Rebecca's curse, or will this be made clearer later?
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good, good...I've got you all wondering and asking questions. To answer a few of your questions Din...

1. Rebecca is an orphan taken in by the staff of the Inn. (thought I mentioned this but must have edited it out by accident)

2. Rebecca is somewhere between 16-17.(exact age isn't known because exact birthdate isn't known)

3. Arnie is a stableboy who Rebecca usually helps out.

4. Un-folk are deeply connected to the land, specifically the elemental forces of nature. More on them, and a good description, will be provided in the next chapter.

5. All pertinant info on Rebecca's Curse will be released in the next chapter.

Now that that's taken care of fear not, descriptions are forthcoming this chapter was just to set the scene and make you think...

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh Good, hopefully there be some mystical intrusions of some sort. Hurry with the next chapter Rai, use those wings your so proud of.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First poll is up...who'll get first vote...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I shortened the poll in order to post this chappy. Enjoy!

Chapter Two: Night of the Witch

Anna shook her head gently and laid an easy hand on the Master's shoulder. "It's alright sir, the Lady has a point. I'll gladly pay coin for my meal." Smiling she looked around at the Inn's interior. Beautiful wood, darkened by years of smoke, carved in the likenesses of climbing rosevines. Tables both round and square dotted the floor, serviceable chairs surrounding them. A few patrons, the braver ones, had wandered in and were taking up places obviously familiar to them.

"Well, I can at least show you your room m'lady..." The Master was interrupted by the Witch.

"No dear, you've things to attend to. I'll show our esteemed guest her room." She gave her hapless husband a look that brooked no argument and shooed him away. Anna watched him go, striving to keep a bemused expression on her face while she simmered with rage on the inside. No doubt the Witch was going to try something on her, away from the prying eyes of her customers and employees. "After you m'lady." She ushured Anna infront of her and the Bard steeled herself for any unseen attack.

She herded Anna up the stairs, with their centers worn by many years of footfalls landing on them, and into a charming hallway. Aming her at one room, the Witch jostled her in then slammed the door. Locking it with a savage twist she turned to face Anna, all pretense of humanity forgotten. Her long black locks, tipped in icey white, writhed like snakes in a wind of pure power. Her skin was as hard as marble, drawn tight across her underlying bones.

Her eyes were sunken in their dark sockets, burning with an ebony malice. She'd lost her curves for the skeletal look of a Hag, her skin like a canvass across an easle of bone. Her fingernails had become thick and almost talon-like. A grusome beauty was about her, a dark allure that reached out with snaring tendrils for Anna. "Now I've got two of you in my grasp."

Shaking her flaming curls backward to reveal pointed ears, Anna undid the tie at her throat and let her cape fall to the floor, thus freeing her silken wings. Her slight glamours faded and with them much of her humanity. She towered above the Hag, her long limbs graceful and supple, her compact torso lithe and fit. Her long fingers flexed and her star pupils swirled in her golden eyes, blue flecks whirling in their depths. It was their long bones that gave the Un-folk their seemingly fragile apperance. People assumed that if you had wings and long limbs that you broke more easily...and they assumed wrong.

Her skin was the color of porcelin, painted with the soft pastel's of a summer dawn. Fire seemed to dance in her veins, every inch of her bearing screamed Nobility. If she was going to deal with a Hag, a Hag drawing power off of another Un-folk, she wasn't going to mess around with niceties. She reached out a hand to the fire that crackled in the fireplace and was rewarded with a tendril of flame leaping to her palm. "She won't be yours long Hag, not if I've anything to say about it."

The Hag laughed, a soft very non-cackle, and tapped her fingertips togther. "Ah, a faer maid. I've never drank the blood of one of the Burning Folk. I wonder how your power tastes?"

Anna tossed the fire from one hand to another, a song rising in her throat. "Are you sure you want to do this Hag? Even if you win you'll be exposed?"

"I can always go somewhere else? I'll blast their minds with rot and leave them as little more than drooling hulks. With two of your breed at my back I'll be able to spare the power." She smiled revealing pointed canines. "When I was stuck here, bound in stone by the last fool Bard to pass, I wasn't pleased. But that all changed when my stone was broken...and then the girl was left on the doorstep of the Inn. That was a day to remember fondly." She shook her black mane. "Now you come...the Fates are kind to me."

Anna began to sing, a gentle song that started low and soft before quickly working into an intense and haunting melody. A song without words that any mortal, or the Hag, could understand, it danced outward from her without her seeming effort. The fires began to leap and dance, seeking freedom from their hearths. The flames in Anna's hands quickly coated her body, setting hair and wings alight.

Blazing like the avatar of elemental fire she was Anna chose her route. She couldn't break the Curse but she could certainly break this Hag. Taking a deep breath she pushed her song out to new octaves feeling it expand beyond the limitations of mere sound. She didn't expect this to work so far from Cloudcroft but...

It came, an answering ripple of magic, surging through her and into the room. It strengthened her spell and brought her Wards to life. The Hag recoiled against the door, arms sheilding her eyes against the brilliance of the Masterwork Bardic runes that now glowed on Anna's skin. Through gritted teeth she hissed in surprise. "A High"

"None had traveled this route in a long time. Did you really think you'd been forgotten? I came to renew your is my own shame I did not think that you might be free." The echo in her soul was growing stronger as her sister homed to her, their souls twinning back together...just as they'd done in the womb. "I'll have the child back Hag. She's not yours to keep."

As her eyes adjusted to the light of the Wards the Hag lowered her arms and began her own harsh counter chant. Darkness began to press at the edges of Anna's light, the floor around them trembling as the inn shook. "Would you like to taste the girl's power? She's quite strong, even untrained. Possibly the strongest gian maid in a century."

Anna laughed. "Earth? You seek to combat Fire with Earth? Even were she strong, she'd need training to smother me. Training she has not and you, foul creature, could never possess!" It was then that Anna realized the Hag's true intent. The Hag didn't plan on winning, she planned on draining the girl against have Anna ultimately kill her.

Reaching deep she sent to her sister, along connections forged of the soul. She needed help, physical help. She needed the curse-breaking items.

In the stables, Rebecca had been sitting on a hay bale, staring at the beautiful stallion when she'd felt the pain. It had started between her eyes, a dull ache, that quickly became a sharp stabbing. It's intensity doubled her over, making her gasp and struggle for even shallow breaths. In his stall at the end of the asile, Ajax began to bugle and thud against the stall door while Savich turned and gazed toward the wall in the direction of the Inn. A golden shimmer gathered about him.

Rolled into a fetal ball in the straw, Rebecca's world began to shrink as she felt the energy go out of her. It was as if all the life were being sucked right out of her and that felt like all her veins were being peeled free of her flesh while her skin was flayed off. She needed to move, to get away. Some instinct pulled her in the direction of the woods behind the inn...woods just outside the back door of the stables.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and she felt Ajax's soft muzzle bump her. Another muzzle, that of Savich, joined him and the two stallions nudged her to her feet between them. With her arms over their backs, the drug her to the door, kicking it open before them. They drug her into the woods, out into the leaves and the mosses at the base of these ancient oaks. She felt strength there, and peace, if only she knew how to reach for it.

Burying her face in it she cried bitterly, the pain surging again. She brought a hand to her face to clear the dirt from her eyes and gasped, in shock this time. Her fingers had grown longer, an extra joint added onto them. Indeed her arms seemed longer as well...what was happening to her? Another spasm gripped her and, as she recovered with a shaking gasp, she heard a cry from behind her.

"I knew it! I knew you were Un-folk." She felt rough hands grip her shoulders and she was harshly flipped over onto her back, something delicate getting caught and pinned underneith her, causing even more pain. "I bet it hurts having your wing twisted like that..." She gasped peering through the pain haze to make out the face of her attacker.


The stable lad laughed, points of black light dancing in his hollow eyes. "Oh she's been a right bitch keeping you all to herself like that. Her very own Un-folk slave...It's something of legend. All of us want one, an elemental battery we can drain instead of our own power reserves." He licked his lips and she saw pointed teeth.


He shrugged. "I always did want to be more than a mere stable lad. I always listened to those old tales...the ones that spoke of how witches rewarded those who did them services. So I found the stone she was bound to and I set the Hag free." He licked his lips again, shivering. "She's been a harsh mistress but fair. I always wondered why she kept spells on you, and why she never tired as quickly as I did. Amazing how dense I've been..."

He looked toward the Inn. "And now she's got that realize she's going to burn you out trying to fight that Bard. That's one tough Faer Maid up there...lot's of power...She's just going to hurl your power at the Bard until you collapse. Of course the Bard's going to catch on and when she does..." The pain suddenly stopped. "She'll stop fighting."

Rebecca got to her feet slowly, keeping an eye on Arnie while looking for the horses. She didn't see them at first and when she finally did she gasped. Both were rooted to the spot, their legs sunk in mire up to their bellies. She felt Ajax's fear, Savich's disgust, and the pain of the land at the defiling magics that had been worked upon it.

"It's not easy to Mire two Mounts you realize. Indeed I probably couldn't do it were it not for the fact that the big guy there is more concerned with his mistress than with you. And Ajax of course knows as little as you do."

Rebecca's head was spinning and she sat down heavily. "What...what's been done to me?"

"Simple really. The Hag's got some kind of Spirit Curse on you. It's worked in real deep, hooked into your life and your power. I don't think it can be broken except by either your death or the Hag's and she's too crafty to die." Arnie walked up to her and reached out a hand. "Although you're such a morsel...I wonder if I couldn't snap you up myself."

He reached out to her, his hands suddenly feeling wrong. All around her the sense of the forest thudded into her mind. It pressed against her and whispered it's offer of aid. Rebecca closed her eyes, trying to escape the aftereffects of the Hag's ill use and the feeling of Arnie's vile magic and touch. She expanded beyond herself, brushing against both Ajax then Savich.

As she brushed Savich's mind she suddenly connected to someone else..."Anna?"

"Girl? How...nevermind. Where are you?"

"The woods behind the Inn but..."

"Listen and listen quickly! I'm stalling but that's not going to work much longer. If we strike the Hag from both sides of the Curse at once we've a shot at weakening it...and destroying her."

"How Anna! How!"

"Reach for the Land! Sing for it!" Suddenly the sense of Anna was gone as Arnie cut her off.

"Non of that! We don't need you and the Bard plotting." He smiled and held her wrists tighter. "Now, I've an offer for you. I know how to undermine the Hag's Curse...she's left a flaw in it. That Bard can't exploit it because she's not on of Us...but I can. All I want from you is a little blood and your cooperation." He pulled free a small knife, used for pairing hooves. "What do you say?"

Alright folks, a new decision! Should Rebecca attempt to connect with the land, though it might kill her? Or should she side with Arnie and hope that the Bard can deal with him later?

What do you think?
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, she'll just get in too deep if she sides with him! Go for the land says I.

Good chapter Rai, very tense! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, good read, Rai. Must be hard keeping so many SGs up at the same time. Very Happy

Don't give blood to the Witch's boy! Mad Sing to the land, and while you're at it, kick the b*****d in the balls if you can.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go with the witch boy of course - he's never done anything to harm her, and came out cleanly with the offer.

If he had some devious intentions, he would have tried to get her blood and cooperation some other way.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great beginning, Rai. You've got me hooked (again).

Don't trust Arnie and his vile magic. Go with your birthright, the earth and the forest, which is trying to help. Sing and the knowledge will come to you! The horses, too, may be able to add their power, even mired as they are. They know you.

Grammar point: I think dragged is the past tense of drag - "drug" sounds odd.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*sighs in content and stretches her fingers leisurly* Better. Much Better.

As for the DP, I agree with Mother Goose and Chinaren.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*flutters own wings defensively* Go for the Earth, the Earth will protect her own.. and cut his tongue out for good measure later.

Nice work Kalanna. I am impressed, but when am I not by your work? Wink

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lordofthenight wrote:
Go with the witch boy of course - he's never done anything to harm her, and came out cleanly with the offer.

If he had some devious intentions, he would have tried to get her blood and cooperation some other way.

Hmmm, somehow, i knew you were going to say go with the boy...

It's just a gut feeling... And the fact that you are you....
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

See...see...I had a plan. I'm gald you're all liking this and I'll leave the discussion open for another day. Tomorrow the poll goes up. I hope to move this one along quickly.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright the poll is up...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woot go sing!!!
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Humm, poll went for an extra day but that's okay. New chappy will be up tomorrow.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well...this may be the last chappy I post today but I posted it here! Enjoy!

Chapter Three: Songs and Singers

Rebecca looked into Arnie's dark eyes, felt his filthy touch, and watched the knife glitter in the moonlight that broke through the shifting leaves of the oaks. "Well? Hurry up and agree wench!" He shook her roughly and brought tears to her eyes. This wasn't the same Arnie she'd shared laughter and hay wars with, this was something dark and wrong...and she didn't want to be bound to him for even the shortest of times.

Opening her mouth she began to sing, a song without words or even a real tune. It was just notes, whatever next came out of her mouth, without any decisive thought behind them. She didn't choose to sing these notes, they chose to be sung and each came from her throat with more force, growing in both volume and power. Tears continued to stream down her face and she felt first one blow, then another as Arnie struck her across her face.

She knew he was yelling at her but she couldn't hear his words over the power of the song. That song pulled at her, she seemed to have always known it, and it flowed through her. She felt the bonds of the Curse now, a cage of swords that cut into her, drawing blood that wasn't physical from wounds on her very soul. Yet still she sang, even as the pain began again when the Hag tried to punish her, to break her song.

But all around her the woods were beginning to respond, the earth itself was beginning to aid her...

Back in the top of the Inn the Hag screamed in frustration. "You!" She pointed a gnarled finger at Anna, who folded flaming arms across her bosom and smiled a glittering smile. Her light flared even brighter, causing the Hag to shriek again and curse. "You've done something to the girl!"

"She's only realizing her birthright, surely you knew it would happen some day...or did you think you'd be able to convince her she was only human forever?" Anna laughed at the thought. "Someday she'd have struggled...what would you have done then."

The Hag snarled at her, sharp teeth gleaming in the light of the leaping fires. "Mark my words Faer maid, you'll both be mine before the night's out!" Yet even as the Hag spoke the fires roared in their hearths and Anna's eyes glowed. Her sister was near now, very near. She sang a few notes which quickly blossomed into fires themselves, merging with that which raged on the hearth and causing it to twist and turn, leaping even higher.

A doorway formed in the fire, a ring that rippled and circled faster and faster. Slowly the scene in the center began to change, becoming less the heart of a fire and more a room in far off Cloudcroft. A flaming figure dominated the image, growing ever closer as the doorway grew ever larger to accomidate it. The Hag, seeing the approaching figure, was stunned.

"But how! I chose this place because it was too far off for such spells as this! There's no way you could have reached home Faer maid! High Bard or no!" Anna could spare no breath to taunt the witch, the song required all of her attention and, had the Hag only known it, simply touching her would have broken it. But the Hag, most of her power still turned inward and to the Curse with Rebecca, could do no more than begin a hasty Trap Spell.

As Anna's voice gained new hights, a second voice could be heard harmonizing with hers, pitch perfect. Slowly the second voice grew stronger and the figure grew firmer. As the two voices blended as a second un-folk stepped out of the doorway in the flames, her hands joining with Anna's as it faded behind them. She turned blue-green eyes on the Hag, a savage smile on a face that looked identical to Anna's.

"'re the Twins..." Anna and her sister nodded, slowly moving apart from each other with syncronized movements. Slowly the newcomer withdrew a pair of daggers, polished mirror bright. Watered steel set with a fire-eyed opal, bound with sacred leather and chased with wind-silver, these were the sisters' curse-breakers. Holes were positioned in the handle and on the blade, these weapons could be played like flutes.

The new-comer handed one to Anna, holding one herself. "Remember, the head and the heart Anna. The head and the heart."

Anna nodded. "I know Katie, I know..." With that the sisters moved forward as one. One voice, one heart, one soul, one powerful song...

Back in the woods Rebecca felt the power come through the pain, surging against the bonds the Hag's Curse placed upon her. When the Hag drew her power, she sent the fresh green power of the Earth at her, envisioning new grass and green leaves and all the new life of spring.

Striking with all the power of a slumbering mountain, ignoring the pain of her physical body for the freedom of her soul, she forced all the power she could draw at the Hag. And was rewarded as a scream echoed around her, breaking through her song. Her Curse tightened briefly, trying to drag her into death along with the Hag. As her lungs sized up she could hear Arnie screaming and dimly see the light as the Rosethorn Inn burned.

Then, suddenly, her mouth was pried open and Arnie's furious eyes filled her vision. A sharp pain sliced through her mouth, cutting off her song instantly. There was a glitter as the bloody knife was pulled back, something red in Arnie's other hand. He was smiling darkly as he leaned down next to her. "You'll come crawling to me for your voice back. Then, then you'll be willing to deal with me Rebecca..."

Her eyes slipped closed as her blood began to run down her throat, his laughter echoing in her ears...

Anna and Katie strode from the smoldering ruins side by side, their movements in tune with each other. Now that the fires had faded differences could be seen between them. Anna was fire through and through, from her flaming scarlet hair and glowing golden skin, to her green-gold eyes with their blue flecks and her almost dancing movement. Katie, however, had paler skin and hair of a darker, purpler red. Her eyes were blue-green, with golden flecks, and she had a much more liquid movement. A strange combination of water and fire, two elements that should never have gone together.

Anna's travler's garb had returned, her cloak had been collected from the charred floor of the Inn. Katie was wearing a gown made of layer upon layer of silk, floating and formal, that rippled with every movement and shimmered in the moonlight. "I feel bad about burning the Inn Katie, I really do."

"It had to be done Anna. The head, the heart, the burn the body with a handful of salt to prevent the Hag's return. You know the drill." Anna sighed next to her sister, and changed the subject.

"So how did you hear me Katie? Surely I was too far away..."

"Singer Ulonna's child was born earlier this evening. The First Songs were sung for the child...otherwise I wouldn't have heard you at all. And next time please don't ask me to bring anything...I'm beat." Anna looped an arm around her sister's shoulders and laughed as Katie made a mock motion of faint. "Still...where is the girl?"

Anna, with a puzzled look on her face, whistled for Savich and was rewarded by the stallion's bugle. "This way, and quickly!" The two faer maids stumbled through the forest that had suddenly become eldrich and wild, a result of Rebecca's song. They exchanged glances, Rebecca was powerful indeed if she could cause this. No wonder the Hag had bound her up in a Curse.

Savich was bugling frantically as the entered a clearing after burning a hole in the branches that had woven into a wall around it. In the center of the clearing Savich was standing over a slim figure, Ajax leaning glassy eyed against him. Running over to where Savich was standing, Anna bent down...and nearly gagged.

"What?" Katie walked over to where her sister knelt and looked at the girl. Instantly she saw what was the matter...the girls' tounge had been cut out, blood was coursing down her chin. "Oh damn." Singing quickly she heated a single finger and pressed it to the stump of the tounge, caturizing it quickly to prevent the girl from dying.

They looked at each other, each wondering who could have stolen the girl's voice. "We can't just leave it, do you realize the destructive power that person has if we let them keep it?"

Katie nodded at Anna, her attention focused on the girl. "But she needs better healers than you or I. We need to get her back to Cloudcroft."

"You didn't even bring your Mount Katie! It'll take us forever! Unless you want to try singing for Father and Mother...with the pair of us we should reach easily."

Katie shook her head. "I'm not kidding about being exhausted. That last transport spell took it out of me. At this point, lighting a candel is a challenge!"

The sisters glared at each other for a moment before returning their attention to Rebecca. What were they going to do?

Well, what will happen? What are they going to do with Rebecca, what might Arnie do with Rebecca's voice? It's all up to you...

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Omg! The stupid B*****d!!!!!!!! Cut her toungue out... Harsh...

Erm, anyways, nice chapter, Rai.

Maybe Arnie should try and use it to create some monster out the the earth? An earth golem, maybe?
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, he's going to sell it to the highest bidder of course.

Just kidding.... maybe. Obviously, as you hinted earlier, it's his bargaining chip. Maybe he'll cut it up into tiny pieces and leave them in order to bait the twins and Rebecca to come to him?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote interesting condrum indeed.

Let's see *rubs hands togther in her concertration* We need a solution that will A.) Capture Arnie who stole Rebecca's tongue and prevent him from doing anything with it, and B.) Get Rebeccas to a healer and pronto....

My only suggestion would have the Twins split up.

I say that Anna takes her horse and travels as fast as the horse can run to either a nearby healer or to Cloudcraft. Given the choice I say that a nearby un-kind healer would be the best choice, I mean there's gotta be somebody, doesn't there?

Or perhaps there's a more earthly solution to Rebecca's problems, given the earth's response to Rebecca's Voice can the earth itself heal her? It's just a wild suggestion, but its worth a shot.

If the twins split, Anna's twin (not sure of name), can hunt down Arnie and regain Rebecca's tongue. If there is some way Rebecca can be placed in the care of the Earth itself as maybe a temporary solution under the guardianship of the horses, well then both twins can hunt down Arnie and defeat him with whatever 'fire-power' they have left.

As for what Arnie can do with Rebecca's tongue, how about a more mythical suggestion? *smiles and breaks out a large volume of myths*

Often in myths, the tongue represents the voice. And whoever has the tongue of a person cannot only control that voice, but place the cut off tongue in their own mouths to gain the exact voice (and therefore whatever power lies behind the voice) of the orginall user.

With Rebecca's tongue, Arnie holds all the power of her voice. All Rebecca's Magic so to speak. The power wouldn't be so powerful as it would have been in Rebecca, but still with Rebecca's tongue, Arnie could have up to 95% control over Rebecca's magic since the unkind's magic seems to lay in music and thus the tongue.

Pretty power, and pretty classic. And I like classic.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I knew I couldn't be the only student of classic mythos around here, well done Din. That was exactly where I was headed with that, that's why the twins Anna and Katie, were so worried about the loss of Rebecca's tounge.

Still, good suggestions all, keep 'em coming...

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And there's a poll...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, I'm pretty sure it's time for something new around here. Enjoy!

Chapter Four: Foul Deeds

Arnie had stumbled off into the night, his bloody prize clutched tight in his hands. The hurt look on her face brought a smile to his lips, to think the wench had actually trusted him. It was funny, downright hilarious. Still, he had much to accomplish this night if he wanted to achive his goals. "If this girl was powerful enough for the Hag I'm sure her powers will look good on me."

But there were ingridiants to gather, gravedust and the flesh of a hanged man, certain plants that grew only where the darkest tread. They were all around, the Hag's garden flourished in unexpected places, but with those flaming faer maids around he'd have to move carefully, creeping from location to location in order to keep them from finding him. was worth it.

The twins looked at each other. "We've no choice Katie, we must get that tounge back...and the girl to safety in Cloudcroft. We'll have to split up." Katie nodded at her sister as Anna paced around the girl. "I'm already rigged out for traveling in the feild so I'll search for the tounge..."

"No. You need to take Savich and Ajax and get the girl back as quickly as possible. When you return to Cloudcroft, strap my gear to Ephinia and send her to find me...if the fool mare isn't already on her way." For a moment the twins stared each other down before their attention was drawn by a small moan that escaped Rebecca. Kaite looked back up at her sister. "Please...if you hurry there might be a chance to regrow her tounge."

Anna humphed. "At what cost? The girl's powers would never be more than a fraction of their original strength...some pretender would lay claim to the lion's share."

"Only until the girl and tounge were played against each other...the power knows it's rightful mistress. It won't let itself be used against her."

"That doesn't save anyone else it might be turned upon! Some devil is out there with access to the abilities of a powerful Gian. There hasn't been a rogue Earth Warden since..."

"I know...since Cenni Rockblight." The twins grew silent, each absorbed in the details of that long ago Un-folk who'd gone dark. He'd very nearly destroyed the world with his mad dreams, indeed defeating him had broken the back of the Un-folk magic. Only the Fire line, the Bards and Spellsingers, had survived with any intensity.

Suddenly, a horrible realization dawned on the twins. " don't think..." Katie hushed her sister.

"We can only hope not. It's something we'll have to bring to the Council's attention. All the more reason for you to get the girl home swiftly." Katie walked over, party dress shimmering in the light. Slipping the girl's arm over her shoulders, Kaite hoisted the limp body upright while Anna led Ajax over.

Between the two of them they managed to get the girl on the stallion, lashed tightly to his back. Anna gave Katie what she could of her supplies, including different clothes. Still, even with Anna's borrowed gear, Kaite was woefully unprepared for a journey of any kind. Having only a week of food, a cup for drinking, a small waterskin, and her Curse-breaker, she looked like the next strong foe might topple her.

But of the two, Kaite was the more flexible. If anyone could rise to the challenge of survival against a savage foe, she could. Besides, this was the heartland of the Chial Kingdom...a Bard could make an easy way with nothing more than a song and a smile.

As Anna mounted Savich and prepared to go, the twins exchanged a last hand-clasp. "Remember Anna, send Ephilia with my gear. I feel naked without Truthsinger."

"I promise Kaite...I'll send the mare and come after as quickly as I can." With that they released hands and Anna settled back in her saddle. A song came forth from her lips, weaving in and out and rising high. Savich stamped his hooves, Ajax joining in, snorting and whuffing in a strange equine counterpoint. Slowly, shimmering and ghostly at first but quickly firming to flesh, wings unfurled from the steeds shoulders.

For a moment they just stood there, glowing in the faint moonlight, then Savich reared and leapt skyward. Ajax followed a moment later, pounding his wings to keep up the swift gain in altitude. While Katie watched, they winged their way into the night and were gone. "Songspeed sister....songspeed."

Everything was ready, the componants prepared, the words said, the ritual nearly complete. Raising the hoof knife to his mouth, Rebecca's blood still clotted on the blade, Arnie closed his eyes before plunging it in and slicing his own tounge clear. He quickly threw it on the dull grey flames of the fire burning before him, watching as they flaired breifly black, then turned a sullen, polluted green. Slowly, with a bone needled threaded with his own hair, Arnie stitched Rebecca's tounge into place.

"Let the spell be done!" Power lashed out and Arnie was shocked for an instant. He was speaking with Rebecca's voice! Then he was overwhelmed by the sudden opening of his senses and the twisting grip of the spell. He must not have done it right he thought as he lost conciousness.

He came awake as dawn pried at his eyes. Slowly he pushed himself off of his leaf-litter bed, scowling around in search of the remains of the fire. There were none, not even ashes. "They must have scattered on the night wind." He put a hand to his lips, still shocked to hear that silvery girl's voice coming from himself. He was even more surprised to feel a different face than his own.

Gone was the strong paternal jaw of his father, gone the soft stubble of his first beard. Gone his thin lips and strong nose. He looked down at himself and nearly screamed. His body wasn't that of the youth he'd was that of a fetching maid. "No, no, no, NO!!! This wasn't supposed to happen! Just her voice, not her form! Just her power, not her flesh!"

Yet, as he found a pool of brackish water around the roots of an old oak, he realized he hadn't stolen Rebecca's body. The flesh was his own, the figure his own...his female own. He sat back against the tree, hitching up breeches that were now wholly unsuitable. "Well this is an unexpected development. Or maybe not considering I've only ever seen Hag's of great power, never Warlocks."

He looked around, inspired by the sudden urge to test his newfound power. "Perhaps I shall create an Earth Golem and have it do my bidding? Or call forth a Hydra of the Deep Earth. One of the great Cavern Worms? I'm sure I could manage all that and more, easily even." Yet he discarded the ideas as soon as they came to him. Sing so much as one silver note and those flaming wenches would be all over him. He knew there were two, he'd sensed them when the Hag had met her firey demise.

One had been bad enough. He looked at his form again. "If they were anything but Fire I could fool them." It was true. Earth was the body, the flesh and the strength. Water was the mind, the thought, the will. Wind was the breath, the words, the emotion. Fire was the spirit, the soul, the heart. The faer maids would see through him in an instant, they'd know him for who he truely was.

"But only fire. Earth will sense my rot, Water my stagnation, Wind my staleness...but none will know for sure. Only Fire, those blighted Bards and their warrior ways, they'll know."

He tapped a dainty finger against the back of his other hand, biting his lip slightly. One thing was for sure...he needed to get out of here...

Katie had searched the surrounding countryside all that night and into the next day. She'd found nothing, only a passing whisper in a pool of black water that something evil had paused and gazed upon it's reflection within it. But the pool was very small, very sleepy, and very much of earth as of water. It could not answer all Katie's questions, whether because of her lack of Earth understanding or because it was spiting the Fire within her, she could not tell.

Still, she had enough woodscraft to tell someone had passed through these woods, enough skill to follow the trail all the way to the road. She looked right and left, crossing the road and looking at the leaves on the other side, just to make sure her quarry had actually taken the road. "Could be playing fox with the road for a bit then take off again."

Had she been able to sing Earth she would have been able to track the man across the ends of Chial and beyond. An idea struck suddenly...Earth was strong with Water and Fire, strong with Water because without Water life could not be had...strong with Fire because without fire life could not be consumed. Alone, Earth would listen to neither of these elements...but Katie possessed the ability to sing both. Long ago she'd gained the Trust of Water...something only one Faer had done before her.

Perhaps, using both her Powers, she could speak to the Earth. She could beseech it's aid. Afterall, Earth had the most to lose and the most to gain by Rebecca's powers being restored. Perhaps she could bargain with this most stubborn and eldrich of powers? Or perhapse, she could track the theif another way. Surely there would be other puddles...or maybe she could speak with the clouds high above, to the water within them? If she did that though she'd be dealing with Wind and wind had no reason to aid her...

What will Katie do?

Well? Hope you liked...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very differnet from your usual Rai but just as terrific. Excellent work as always Dragoness.

*considers the DP* Hmmm...let's see...I say that Katie attempt to speak to earth.

It seems the most reasonable option since Earth would have reason to speak to her.

And perhaps, just perhaps Earth will be furious over the fact that something of its own was stolen and the more the willing to help Katie who is seeking to restore to earth its own.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think she should ask for help from Wind.... I really don't think Katie has the time to reason with Earth at the moment.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I say talk to the Earth.

'nuff said...
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice, very nice. Sorry I missed the last chapter somehow.

However, how about the tongue stealer has bitten off more than he can chew? Maybe he's turning into Rebecca and she will try and force her mind into his?

I say Katie should try and get the earth to help her. After all, it seemed to be helping Reb when she was singing. Maybe its a friend of hers...
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

C'ren, weren't you listening? Shocked Reb is a Un-folk with the power to control Earth!

BTW, it's pretty funny how he turned into a chick. Chin's idea is a good one, but I'm sure someone else can think of something...

*Waits a while*

Man! Do you people need MORE coffee?
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Meaning Of Fear wrote:
C'ren, weren't you listening? Shocked Reb is a Un-folk with the power to control Earth!

I know, that's why I said it would be interested in her.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

very nice kalanna! no idea for an original suggestion, so i guess that i have to say sing to earth and hope that it understands the need to assist, however, it can't act against Arnie, because he could control it? possibly turn it against katie. anyways, there you go. my two cents.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey this poll's up.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm voting for Earth, a big strong brown thing Earth is, has a bit of a temper to and very stubborn. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right now that I've tested your paitence. Enjoy!

Chapter Five: Land's Heart Undersea

Katie knew her duty, knew what she must do. With a sigh she walked back into the eldrich woods, wandering until she'd found trees no man, nor Un-folk, had ever touched. Seating herself on the ground she took out her Curse-breaker. Cutting off a long hank of her hair, she spat on it. Uttering a few silver notes she commanded the hair to burn without being consumed.

Then, summoning her courage, she spoke three words. "I envoke thee." With that she laid her token at the base of the trees. For a moment nothing happened and Kaite wondered if she'd offended something instead of her actual intentions. Then the ground undulated under her and her token was pulled into the earth by the grasses that swayed gently to those motions.

In momets a green vapor, remniscent of a young shoot, curled up from the ground. It quickly thickened, twisting and turning each way, becoming less a shoot and more a vine. The vine toughened, became a rope of green stone, veined with a darker green. Slowly the Earth spirit, it's spines and protrusions much like leaves on trees or veins of ore in the heart of a mountain.

It looked at her out of eyes as dark as night and she could feel it's dual nature beating at her. It was fertility and the ripe fullness of the autumn harvests and summer sun. It was decay and the bitter reality of drougt and flood and chill winter wind. Those eyes regarded her carefully, weighing and mesuring her in the balance.

Finally it spoke in a sibiliant whisper like leafing trees and deep stones. "Child of fire, dear to water...why do you seek me?"

"I ask your aid. A child of your power has been greatly wounded and her power has been stolen by one unworthy to weild it, I fear." The Earth spirit twisted around her, bidding her rise and she did so. It twined around her, encircling her, examining her from every angle.

"I sense great power within you...and another?"

"My sister...we are twins. Even now as I ask you for your aid she returns your wounded child to Cloudcroft in hopes of healing her." The tendrils and vines of the Earth spirit were winding around her now, sliding under clothing to cover as much skin as possible. Testing her as if to feel the truth of her words.

"Why...why would you both aid this child of mine? I sense great risks were involved and greater risks will be involved. I sense...purpose and...destiny."

It suddenly constricted tight around her, vines crawing into ears and eyes and nose and mouth. She could barely see as the head of the Earth spirit reared back and opened wide it's mouth. Rows of ivory fangs gleamed, emerald venom dripping down them. "Are you sure you want this child of fire, dear to water? The burden of Earth has killed many before you."

Katie stared into the mezmerizing eyes of the Earth spirit, her gaze unflinching and unafraid. The barest hint of a smile curved the fanged mouth, approval danced in it's wide eyes. Then, with the force of a rockslide, it delivered it's strike. It's fangs sank deep and the gift of the earth forced it's way into her veins.

"You must understand child of fire, dear to water, that what I give you I give in part to your sister. You both aid me, you both will need my aid. But in doing this, I have drained myself...I am much diminished. The powers you have are the last great powers I have to give. I give you the power of the deep earth, where fire melts stone. I give you the power of the ocean beds, the deep undersea earth no mortal may tread."

Kaite jerked, feeling agoney as power spilled out of her and into Anna. Silently she sent her sister her apologies. It would not be easy to take in the Earth by proxy. Yet the Earth bit down harder, it's words booming in her head. "And I give you this. Should ever you find cause to seek the aid of the fickle element, I give you the high mountain peaks where the wind whistles...

With that last pulse of power it pulled back, lower Kaite gently to the ground. She stared up at it, her heart struggling to beat as her body changed to suit the earth power that it now housed. "Why? Why would you give me that? You and Air have never agreed upon anything...yet it's almost as if you're giving me approval to seek Air out."

The Earth spirit gazed upon her sadly. "I have restored much of what was taken from you during your time of sickness. Your sight is better, your hearing sharper, your nose keener, your flesh...more malliable. I've restored your grounding in this world and you are barren no more. I do all this because in you I have finally sensed what the others have been saying. The Mages must return. Must return before Rockblight wakes again..."

With those words the Earth spirit vainished, taking Katie's conciousness with it.

Anna was leaning low ove Savich's neck when it felt like she was struck in the stomach. Her veins burned as green power forced it's way into her and carved a space for itself from her burning soul. The fire within her grumbled slightly but backed off to make way for it's new companion.

Anna's head swam and she fumbled at the straps that would secure her to Savich's saddle. She managed to get a few of them done before she passed out in the cold air.

Arnie smiled as he surveyed the scene around him. These pesants were far too trusting. He felt odd in a skirt, although the leggins under it helped. The blouse was also new to him, and the chest band, but he needed them now. She needed them now.

She wiped off the hoof knife, tucking it into a pocket in her skirt. She stuck the large hunting knife she'd found in the sash around her waist. It was too bad Arnie had never learned to use the bow...the pesants had one of those too. She wiped some blood off her hands abscently.

Shutting the door of the pesants' hut that had become a charnel house, she frowned slightly. There was a little blood on the door frame but with luck it would go unnoticed for some time. She checked the bundle of food again before heading for the lean-to attached to the house. There she found the boney old nag and some old blankets to use as a saddle.

With a sigh she heaved herself onto the nag's back and started off down the track to the nearest town. She immidiantly found something better about being was a lot more comfortable to ride a horse with a boney back. She grinned savagely, she could sell this thing at the nearest market and pocket the coins. Not bad for an easy day's work.

Idly Arnie wondered why those flaming Un-folk hadn't found her already. Could she really have outpaced them that fast? No, they were probably all wrapped up saving Rebecca, useless thing she was now without her tounge. But then those who served Good were always more wrapped up in life, love, and loss than those who served Darkness.

She laughed a deep throaty laugh Rebecca had never uttered. The laugh of a witch. "Oh but I'm going to have fun. One village at a time until my powers are so great, not even the Spellsingers themselves will dare leave Cloudcroft for fear of destruction."

Rebecca slowly came away, the muscles of her jaw and mouth on fire. She needed water, her mouth and throat were dry to the point she tasted her own blood. Suddenly it came back to her and she tried to move her tounge in her mouth, hoping it was some evil dream. But there was no tounge, only a stump that felt like someone had stuck a hot coal on it.

She looked around, nearly crying out in shock when she realized she was flying. But she had no voice and could not get more than a whisper past her cracked lips. She was tied securely to Ajax's saddle and wasn't going anywhere so she grew a little more bold. Next to her the bard, Anna, was stretched out across the neck of her stallion. Something glimmering in Rebecca's sight and she blinked several times.

Suddenly Anna was illuminated, golden red flames dancing all over her. A web of emerald vines seemed to be growing out of her as well, relatively new-rooted by the look of it. What is this? Rebecca thought. Am I seeing things?

She couldn't puzzle it out save that despite the loss of her tounge, not all of her powers had deserted her. Just because she couldn't sing didn't mean she couldn't see, and hear, and feel, and smell. She just couldn't sing for her power...which meant there went being a bard. "Maybe they'll let me stay anyway? I mean, I could have been a bard. Right?"

Far away in a glade ringed by ancient oaks, Katie came awake with a new vitality flowing through her body. She stood and looked at her skin. It had been the color of creme mixed generously with honey...a pale buff golden color. Now gentle green highlights danced through it, not too obvious but there if you looked.

The long curls of hair that fell over her shoulders were still red/purple...but now were also a dark auburn as if molasses brown had been mixed into it. The copper highlights and purple lowlights sparkled through it beautifully. Everything about her had changed, from the way she moved to the way she thought. Her liquid grace now had a stability that suggested she would never falter, her thoughts branched out quickly now, twining topics together in new ways.

"Amazing...I shall strive to be worthy of your trust Ancient Earth." There were new and terrible powers at her command and Katie felt as if she could track that filthy power theif to the ends of Beyond. But she'd lost ground on him now and needed to catch up. Ancient legends flew through her head of Earth Wardens who could shift their shapes or take one step that measured several leagues.

There were many ways to cover the ground...which would she choose?

How will Katie catch up?

There you are folks. Hope you liked!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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