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I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13: Angeline
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:32 pm    Post subject: I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13: Angeline Reply with quote

(This is an intro to the first chapter; I put that up in a week or so)

Introduction: Arron

Captain Margo nervously paced the floor of his tent, biting his nails and trying to convince himself he'd done the right thing. The rain drizzled in a complacent manner outside, and the fire dwindled, casting dreary shadows on the wall. Margo's men had been encamped around Taynor for three months, but there was no sign of weakening from within, and his men were growing disgruntled. Margo knew that the present war was necessary to protect Malya's interest, but to call the Ampera? Had it come to that? He had seen the looks on the faces of his troops when it was announced, bad enough that he had to ask for aid in the first place. But the Ampera were not trusted by anyone, even the Malya kingdom that claimed to give them refuge. Their power was awesome to behold, both of body and mind, the best of Margo's soldiers couldn’t have stood against the least of Ampera's students. They possessed a power unrivaled by any force on earth, and power corrupts, doesn't it? The sound of approaching steps broke in on Margo's brooding, and an instant later a youth appeared in his doorway, the signs of a hard journey on his person. The Teen began to bow and add the usual 'my Lord' and all the formalities, but Margo interrupted him.

"Don't bother with ceremony Karl, will the Ampera hear us?"

"Better Sir, they have sent aid back with me."

"Already? that is better then I hoped for, they usually deliberate much longer before meddling in political affairs."

"Well, apparently they seem to think they have some matters at stake in this war Sir, but I couldn’t make out what."

"Whatever their reasons we need them, were have they camped?"

"Um, well, they haven’t camped Sir, Their standing out side waiting to see you."

"Outside, all of them?"

"Yes, err, you see... there is only two of them Sir."

"What! We ask for help in the gravest battle we have seen, involving the very country that gave them asylum, and they send us two soldiers?!"

"I'm not sure they even are soldiers Sir, they don't look like It."

"Show them in Karl, I have a few things to say to them."

Karl obviously wanted to say more, but he checked himself, seeing that his Captain was angry, indeed, he had never seen him as angry, and turned on his heels in military fashion, exiting the makeshift command center. Margo Tried to calm himself, his timidity quite overpowered by his anger, it wouldn’t do to offend them until they explained themselves. A few seconds passed, and Karl entered again followed by a tall man in his fifties attired in traveler’s cloths, no sign of weaponry or anything militaristic about him. He smiled in a grandfatherly fashion and extended his hand in greeting.

"Caption Halford Margo? I'm pleased to meet you. I've heard many tales of you abilities and accomplishments, I am called Timothy."

Margo, completely thrown by the unimposing picture of this polite gentleman, barely remembered to take the man's hand in acceptance. He had built up such a picture in his head, of cloaked figures with grave, mysterious manners, whispering of dark things in ethereal voices. He was completely thrown by the common appearance of this man. Thrown, but not appeased. If anything his irritation increased by the man's behavior. The idea occurred to Margo that this man was meant as sort of a consular or diplomatic aid, and he did his best to receive him politely

"Ah, Timothy? Thank you Karl you can leave now, I admit I am somewhat baffled by your appearance, I had expected a more military response to our request."

Timothy raised his eyebrows slightly. "And that is what you have received; my companion and I are both soldiers."

Margo's patience was wearing thin. He had no idea what to expect from this man in front of him, and didn't know what to make of the present situation.

"If the Ampera sent only two to help us, why did they send anyone at all?"

"My companion and I will provide ample help." Timothy seemed to think this a perfectly satisfactory explanation, and waited for Margo to speak. Margo by this time was turning red in the face, and looked about the room with suspicion

"Where is this 'companion' of yours? I see only you."

Timothy smiled in a way Margo didn't like and stepped aside. "Captain Margo, meet my friend, Arron."

Margo gaped in shock at the sight before him, a sick feeling welling up in his stomach. It wasn't the steely gray eyes or iron will in them that took Margo's breath, it wasn't the defiance written in his face or determined set of his jaw. It was the fact that the person in front of him was a boy not more then ten years old.

"What does this mean?" Margo sputtered when he was able to speak. "You mean to tell me that a child is supposed to help us?!"

The boy took a step forward to meet this challenge, and Timothy hastily placed a hand on his shoulder

"Easy Arron, he meant no offence. Please Captain, he does not have the sweetest temper, and his help my be more then you know, we are using other methods then you are used to."

"And what do these 'methods' entail?"

Timothy shook his head and took a seat, Arron remained standing, staring at Margo with eerie calm. Margo eyed the boy, his astonishment still strong, and lowered himself likewise into a chair.

"You see Margo, the Ampera have decided that this is a mission of assassination, not brute force."

"But why the Boy?"

"I'll get to that, have a little patience. There are some things about your enemy that you do not even know, he isn't just a strong opponent seeking to grab land, it goes a little deeper then that. Your enemy, King Kazere, is an Ampera."

Margo had already known this, and was unfazed by it.

"Many heads of state are untrained Ampera, they are no serious threat without instruction, why should that fact be so grave?"

Timothy looked at Margo levelly before speaking again. "You don't understand, so is his wife."

Margo's eyes bulged as if they would pop out of their sockets; he jumped to his feet, realizing the weight of this revelation.

"His wife? But, it is strictly ..."

"I know, I know, we imposed the rule on ourselves long ago. It does not matter so much if an Ampera marries a normal person, a child produced from such a union would have only half his parents raw abilities and be at most a typical Ampera, but you well know that a child of two Ampera's would have both parents strength. From birth. I do not need to tell you the catastrophic potential for such a person in hood; they would be as high above us as we are of you, no offense of course."

Margo was angered by the calm manner Timothy related this, and sank back into his chair in despair.

"And has such a...being been born to them?"

"No, not yet, we don't think so." Came Timothy’s reply. Margo sighed with relief and set his jaw.

"Then we must act at once, I see now King Kazere means to establish an unconquerable dynasty, he means to solidify an iron grip on the world through his children. We must prevent such monsters from coming into the world." and he gave a little shudder

Timothy stood to his feet and placed his hand on Arron's shoulder, who had remain perfectly silent and composed throughout the whole discourse.

"That is where my companion comes in. I mean to lead an assault on the city instead of trying to starve them out, in the confusion of a sudden attack Arron will be able to infiltrate the Palace and eliminate the King and Queen."

Margo began to pace the floor again; he did not like this idea. He was unsure if a direct assault would be successful on so well equipped a city, and he most certainly didn't like the idea of surrendering command to this man. He caught sight of Arron out the corner of his eye and eyed him critically.

"Why have you chosen a ch...This particular person to carry out an assassination?"

A curious spark came into Timothy’s eyes. "Don't let his age fool you Captain; he is the best student I've seen in years. Amazing potential when he's grown. He may have the body of a child, but not the mind, I can assure of this."

The twinge of pride in Timothy’s voice made Margo suspect he had trained Arron himself.

"And when do you suppose to carry out this plan?"

"As soon as possible, now if the troops can be mobilized."

Margo sighed, unable to think of a better plan. "Very well, take the men you need and may Fate give you success."

"I don't believe in Fate." Said the boy. Margo started at his words; it was the first time the boy had spoken, and something in the flatness of his voice, made Margo shudder inwardly. Timothy seemed annoyed by Arron's phrase, and with a nod towards Margo took hold of the boy's arm and led him out of the tent.
Margo watched them go and sank back into his chair, wondering more then ever if he'd done the right thing.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent! A few minot niggles, but see if you can find them yourself(I'm lazy).
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fantastic start Geek Girl. Should have expected nothing less after Rite of Passage though.

I'll be watching for chapter one Very Happy
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey GG!! Nice start I have to say. I do, though, have a few questions. Aplogies if you plan to answer these in later episodes.

Dons the infamous Star-Trek hat. Shocked

involving the very country that gave them asylum,

So, wouldn't there be Apera's already in the army, as citizens of the nation? More information as to this relationship would help, though perhaps this is planned for later episodes.

"I know, I know, we imposed the rule on ourselves long ago. It does not matter so much if an Ampera marries a normal person, a child produced from such a union would have only half his parents raw abilities and be at most a typical Ampera, but you well know that a child of two Ampera's would have both parents strength. From birth.

I am assuming an Ampera is a human with magical ablity of some sort. However, if their numbers are limited, as suggested by them having to seek refuge in the country, where do they come from?

You say that a Ampera who marries a 'norm' would have offspring with half strength, or weaker anyway. 2 Amps together is not allowed, as it would give rise to a 4 Amp kid.

If all Amps had kids with norms, then soon the Amp ability would be diminished to a great extent and fade away.

If some people are born with Ampy ability, as your story implies, then I would think untrained ones would marry all the time, and there would be 4 Amp and higher kids running around before you could say 'Easy labor'.

So where do the little Amps come from, and how does the power remain constant?

Come to think of it, were they refugees from their own country? In which case this not-marry another Amp doesn't make much sense.

Removes Star-Trek hat.

Sorry for the questions, these questions niggle at me when I read a story. I am sure you will think of a suitable background.

In the meantime, I will await patiently for the next chapter. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As for all your questions, they will be answered later on. To the Amperas and their power: The ability is not just magical, it's sort of strength of mind, willpower, intelligence, physical strength etc. fueled by something no one really understands (This is part of the story later on) they don't really know WHY certain people have this potential, they just do. It usually pops up arbitrarily with no aparent cause and doesn't have to be inherited. It can be though, and the reason two untrained Ampera can't marry is that while they themselves may not be a threat, their kid would have an exponential increase in their raw abilities that would be so strong it would come almost naturally without training. This will all be dealt with in detail in later chapters; I think this story may be longer than rite of passage when it's done.

The first chapter will consist mostly of the attack from the royal family's perspective, and Arron will begin his trend of breaking with certain expectations and hiding it.

Any other comments or suggestions?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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The Powers That Be
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this intro. The boy frightens me.

Just one complaint: the chapter is riddled with run-on sentences. You may want to take an editing pass through it.

I look forward to the next installment.
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The Meaning Of Fear
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Muaddib wrote:
Excellent! A few minot niggles, but see if you can find them yourself(I'm lazy).

You didn't need to tell us that, McDibsky! Very Happy

Very good start! I didn't notice anything wrong.

can't wait for the 1st chapter!

~holds breath~ Shocked
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Almost finished with the first chapter...
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

Whodunnit?On hold till further notice
I Don't Believe in Fate: Chapter 13 is now released
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay!! Can't wait to read it. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This sounds very cool... now I have to go read Rite of Passage... excuse me.
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter One: The Monster

Timothy had selected the men he needed for his plan, and after giving them strict instructions to report back one hour before dawn he dismissed them. Arron stood by his side, calm as ever, oblivious to the stares and whispers he and his friend were causing. When the last of the soldiers had trickled back to their tents Arron glanced around to make sure he and Timothy were alone before speaking:

“You’re angry with me, aren’t you?”

Timothy sighed deeply, sitting down on a nearby rock and surveyed the boy in front of him. He was small for his age, with fair hair and skin. Had he ever smiled an almost angelic picture of innocence would have masked the incredible power inside him. But it wasn’t so much Arron’s outward appearance that arrested attention. It was his eyes. Arron had eyes that made it unnecessary to speak often. They expressed a strange sadness that Timothy did not understand. They always had the appearance of just ceasing to cry; yet Timothy had never seen even the beginnings of a tear there. Arron’s eyes were also unnerving. There was strength in them, almost rebellious in nature that met every gaze as a challenge. The defiance in them made one think he would wrestle a grizzly bear and win if you dared him, just to prove he could. But the thing that was most unexpected was the incredible calm sunk in their gray depths. A quietness and self-possession that no danger however so dire, no battle however so gruesome, no terrible force of this world or the next, could unsettle for an instant. Timothy marveled: how did a child get such eyes? He unconsciously shook his head; unable to solve the mystery he had been a father to for five years.


“Huh? What Arron?”

“Are you angry with me?”

“No, I’m not angry. I just wish you would not be so unreasonable.”

“Because I don’t believe anything but our own will guides us?”

“Fate guides us all Arron, whether or not you wish to believe it.”

“I can never believe lives are shaped by anything but choice. Fate is merely a fools way of shirking responsibility for his own actions, or making his victories seem more important.”

“Whatever your notions are, you shouldn’t have contradicted the Captain like that. He was making an effort to show good faith and courtesy.”

“Good faith? Timothy, these people despise us, they wish we weren’t here. We shouldn’t be here. If Amperas are not permitted in the regular army, why should they have us at their beck and call the moment they’re in a jam?”

“We owe it to them Arron, The Malya kingdom gave our kind refuge when no one else would.”

“Refuge! Don’t make me laugh. Being allowed to live if you isolate yourself is not refuge.”

“It’s only natural if they fear us, they don’t understand our power or why we have it.”

“And neither do we for that matter Timothy, it’s not as if we’re hiding the truth from them. Not even we know why people from every race and walk of life are born with these abilities.”

“Fate will choose the best to serve her purpose.”

“Oh please don’t start that again, the men are coming back

* * *

It is a particularly useful ability of the Amperas to know when they are in the presence of another. There is a certain quality or air that they pick up immediately. And if you ever saw two pass each other in the street, even if they have never laid eyes on each other before, you would generally see both give a polite nod and smile like old friends past the necessity of stopping and speaking together. It was because of this that King Isaac Kazere knew that his general, Simon H. Moor, was standing outside his chamber doors. Few people knew that another Ampera beside the King and Queen dwelt in the palace; even Timothy’s superiors were in ignorance of it. Simon knew the value of keeping to the shadows; he had done much for his Lord and friend the King by shirking the limelight. He had often held back his brilliant military powers, knowing that a victory won to quickly or completely would cause notice and make him the subject of scrutiny. Indeed, it was not uncommon for him to allow his brilliance to be attributed to the King himself. Simon did this and other small acts of personal sacrifice to further the cause his King fought for. I would not go so far as to say he did these things out of any real regard or consideration for his friend, for nothing evil cares for anything above itself. It is more accurate to say he knew the King was useful to his own advancement, and how cooperation served his purpose more then a power struggle. When he stepped through the double doors, there was an amused smile dancing about his face.

“Sire, I have good news.”

“The enemy has withdrawn?”

“Better, they have begun a direct assault with a small portion of their numbers. This our chance to show them what they’re up against.”

“Ah! That is good news. It will break the dull monotony of these past few days and give us some sport.”

“Yes, but there are only a hundred or two. I hardly call that a challenge, Especially if that idiot Margo is still leading.”

The King began to reply, but his words died on his lips. An explosion, not as far off as it should have been, made the foundations of the palace shudder. The King and his general nearly toppled over from the shock alone.

“What?! Simon, how could they have made it this far so quickly? Two-thirds of your men are encamped around every gate and weak spot in the city.”

Simon narrowed his eyes; something was wrong, terribly wrong. He knew Margo’s capabilities, and this was beyond him. Some other force was at work here, something he hadn’t counted on. The doors swung open again on the heels of another tremor. A woman stumbled into the room, clutching her stomach that was swollen in the final stages of pregnancy. The King no sooner saw her then rushed to her side, helping her to a chair and attending her in what Simon thought an unnecessarily affectionate manner.

“Helen! You should be in your room relaxing, you’re in no condition to be running about the place while a battle is ragging.”

“I was worried about you Isaac, it sounds like the world is coming to an end out there.”

The two carried on in this way, Helen professing her need to know her husband was unharmed, and the King insisting he was not important enough for her to trouble herself about. Simon watched in irritation, these two had become increasingly annoying over the past few months. Finally he dismissed himself, realizing his personal presence was required by his troops. The minutes dragged on into hours. King and Queen waited in apprehension. The clamor outside increased and drew nearer, killing any thoughts of sport or amusement at the enemy’s expense. Slowly, the day began to dawn, spilling its golden-red light through the stained glass. For the third time an explosion, larger and nearer then the first two, shook the palace walls like an earthquake. There was a horrible crashing sound, and a thousand noises of violence and death rung through the early morning. A soldier, tattered and bleeding, burst in on his rulers in the grips of panic.

“Sire! The enemy is outside the very gates of the palace. My General sent me to see you and the Queen safely escorted out of the city.”

To the King’s credit, he was no coward or fool. The moment he saw the youth rushing in he had guessed what was happening, and had already the makings of a plan in his mind.
“Take the Queen alone ahead of me by way of the passages in the dungeons and try to get to the docks. You will be less conspicuous without me. As soon as you are able you are to sail with the Queen, Do not wait for me or the general under any circumstances. We will follow after the final outcome of this battle is certain.


“No need for tears Helen. Regardless of how this battle ends I give you my word of honor: I will join you not one day after you reach safety.”

With that the king tore himself from his wife’s side and left the room. Helen watched her husband go with tears streaming freely down her face. With an effort she regained her composure and nodded shortly to the young soldier in front off her. The man took her arm to support her, for she was not very strong these days, and escorted her down the hall. The palace was nearly completely dark in spite of the rising morning, and the Queen’s heart gave a little start every time they rounded a corner, fully expect something terrible to leap out of the blackness. Her face twisted in pain, causing her to halt in the middle of a stair way and lean against the wall for support.

“Are you alright Your Majesty?”

“Yes, I’m fine, I’m…”

The Queen didn’t finish her sentence, but fell to her knees clutching her stomach, and let out an ear-piercing shriek.

* * *

Arron lifted himself silently through a small window on the ground floor. It had been ticklish business avoiding the uproar around the palace, and the increasing light made him nervous. Cautiously, he crept along the side of the wall, keeping to the shadows and ducking out of sight when he heard footsteps. The sounds of the battle outside began to wan. Arron knew that the numbers on both sides must be diminishing. He felt a twinge of pity for the men Timothy was leading; they were giving their lives for a diversion. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway, forgetting caution and his musings. There was an Ampera nearby, how had he not noticed before? He flattened himself against the wall and listened for any sounds of movement: There was dead silence. After a moment he continued, drawing closer and closer to his mark. He paused outside a small door at the foot of a winding staircase and his heart began to pound. What he was after was in that room. Arron placed his hand on the door handle and slowly began to turn it.

Nothing within stirred. He pushed the door open and ducked behind a tapestry hanging on the wall, but his caution was needless. Except for a small candle on a table the room was dark and he had gone unnoticed. As he examined the room he thought for a moment he must have been mistaken, then he saw it. A figure was lying on a couch, perfectly still and quiet. Arron crept slowly closer, careful not to make a sound lest his target wake up. With his hand on his knife he peered at the person and saw that it was a woman. She was dead.

He stepped back confused, the woman’s attire left him no doubt that it was the Queen, but if she was dead were was the adversary whose power he had felt? Could the King also be hiding somewhere in this room? He stepped back, scanning the darkness for any sign of danger and tripped over something, falling backwards. A little embarrassed, he jumped back to his feet and grabbed the candle off the table, brining it closer to the offending object. It was a man, collapsed from exhaustion and the signs of a battle on his person. Something on him moved, and Arron sprang back, expecting some trick. A soft gurgling noise came from the object. He drew back again and leaned over to examine closely the thing the soldier held, and nearly fell over for the second time. In the soldier’s arms was a beautiful baby girl, blue eyes wide open and staring right back at this strange thing over her. Arron’s grip on his knife tightened, the mystery becoming clear. The Queen had died in childbirth, this child in front of him was precisely what he was supposed to prevent. The baby looked at him in infantile wonder and cooed. Then Arron did something not even Timothy had ever seen him do: He smiled.

“You don’t look like a monster to me.”

Arron did not believe in Fate, and while the debate still rages today among the wise whether or not he was right, one thing is certain. With that single smile the destiny of a world was sealed. Arron thought quickly: He could sense no other source of power in the palace. The King was either fleeing or dead like his wife. In any case the threat was passed and his job was done. He scooped the baby up in his arms and made for the spot he had come through. When he finally climbed out of his window, the city was in uproar. Buildings burning, threatening to spread their blaze over the whole city. Peasants and soldiers alike were flying for their lives, and Arron found no difficulty in going unnoticed by the frantic crowds.

He reached the city gates, now reduced to a pile of rubble, and saw Timothy standing apart from his remaining men, anxiously searching for any sign of his charge. At this sight Arron hesitated, he hadn’t thought of how he would explain the baby to his mentor. If he told him the truth, he had not doubt how he would react. But to lie to the man who raised him? It went against all his principals. Besides, he would in all likelihood see right through it. It would be obvious that this baby was an Ampera. Timothy had begun to call for him, growing increasingly disturbed. Standing hidden in the shadow of a toppled house Arron wrestled with himself. He had never lied in his life.

What does Arron do?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

Whodunnit?On hold till further notice
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Last edited by Geek_girl72 on Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:20 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nicely written GG. Very Happy

Need a couple of spaces between paragraphs here and there, but nothing major.

DP. Well, as you say, he hasn't lied before, plus Tim would detect the baby's power. Would they kill the baby? I don't know what the exact rules are in these circumstances.

If he feels they would kill her, maybe find someone to give the baby to. Otherwise hand it over perhaps. Confused
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't written a whole lot about Timothy yet. He did raise Arron sort of and had an infuence over the way he thinks. Maybe he would feel sorry for the baby too? I can see three major directions the story could take from here, so this choice is one of the most important ones.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since the Amperas have a law against these super Ampera children then he can't tell Timothy the truth unless he's sure Timothy is willing to break that law.

He could tell Timothy that he found the baby on his way back, it's parents killed in the battle. Then, sensing it was an Ampera he thought he should take care of it. Of course there might be suspicion if they capture that unconscious soldier who delivered the baby Smile
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to see a chapter up finally, GG.

A very crucial DP. We don't really know that much about Tim or Arron's personalities. But since Arron has never lied, I don't see him starting to do it now. I think he should just make mention of the baby, and see where it goes from there.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, good idea, anyone else with a suggestion?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I'm trying to put the poll up but it isn't working...
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only moderators can put up polls in this section - send me a PM with the options in and I'll sort you out.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This story looks very promising, Geek Girl. Hope I'm not too late to put my oar in for Chapter 1 DP.

I agree with Ravenwing that Arron won't lie, it seems foreign to his nature. He should just say that he is taking the child under his protection, and let Timothy waste his time nodding sagely and pondering how or why Fate has brought the child under the protection of his student. Wink

Arron has this hinted-at stubborn ability to get what he wants without ever needing to lie, so I think this will turn out fine.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've put the poll up, just PM me when you want it taken down once more.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you lordofthenight, I think it should run for about four days.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Geek-girl,

I've been persuaded, and easily so, to catch up with your writing, and have now read this one. Very Happy

I've voted for tell the truth, because frankly, cold as it is, I think this baby needs to die. That was the mission, and he has failed. He should now report back truthfully.

Good story, keep it coming.

Happy Writing Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I voted for truth. Timothy would find out anyway, since Amperas can sense each other and i don't doubt that Timothy would sense the baby.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted for truth-telling as well. Smee said it all, really. Arron needs to decide which side he's on, and at the moment, that's the same side as Timothy.

That doesn't mean he won't fight to protect the baby he's grown so fond of though. Just means he won't lie about it Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Phew. Back from typing my new chapter for my story off the top of my head....

Telling the truth is important... If you don't it makes you feel guiltyish

Just like me not telling this girl in my class that i like her to death....*sigh*
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cold as it is, I think this baby needs to die.

Who says the baby would die? Bear in mind that this doesn't have to be a live'die problem, it could have consequences that aren't obvious.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the truth won the poll. I'll get started on the second chapter right away.

I'll try to have it up in four days or less.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did I just miss a poll? Sad *tear tear* Oh well. I am done moping. I hope to see that chapter in a few days. Very Happy
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Truthseeker (Completed SGOTM)

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 2: The Fugitive

Timothy sighed with relief as he saw Arron emerge from the smoky haze chocking the morning light. The assault had gone better than he had hoped, but the fear of harm coming to his student had cast a shadow over his victory. As he watched Arron approach, holding some bundle under his cloak, he felt a surge of pride. Here was the boy he had taken in what seemed only a few days ago, and now he emerged from this tremendous clamor of a fallen kingdom, calm as ever and without a scratch. Timothy thought about the day he had found Arron, or more accurately, when Arron had found him. He had just stepped outside his door one day to see him standing there with an expression more grave and serious than one usually finds on a child of five. He recalled their conversation at that moment with as much confusion as it had caused him back then.

“Are you Timothy?”


“Timothy Gregson?”

“Yes, are you lost child?”

“No. My name is Arron, I’m an Ampera like you. Will you take me to Officer Harris?”

Each refuge of Amperas had a representative from the government that examined each person the Ampera wished to take in. Since the widespread mistrust of them gave rise to thoughts of rebellions lead by these creatures, the officer in each town put the subject in question through a series of questions with yes or no answers before placing them in the Ampera’s hands. This process had been done so many times that it had become more of a ceremony, like graduation, that teens and young adults went through. They were usually ’presented’ by a family member or close friend, but Arron broke with tradition both in asking a complete stranger to escort him and how he answered the questions.

“What is your name?”


“Your full name please.”

“I’m just Arron.”

“…Um, then who are your parents?”

“I have none.”

“An orphan then? Hmm. Are you loyal to Malya, your place of respite?”

“If it stays that way.”

“Well! Ahem, anyway: Do you swear obedience to the king and your instructors, should you be accepted?”


“I beg your pardon?”

“I do not swear anything. When I say yes I mean yes, and when I say no I mean no.”

The questions continued in this way for about an hour, Arron surprising both the officer and Timothy with his maturity and intelligence. It was true that Ampera’s tended to be further along mentally then ordinary children their age, but Arron spoke and behaved like an adult. At the age of five he seemed to grasp better the meaning and ramifications of his presentation then the adolescents who usually went through it. In the end Officer Harris accepted him, thinking that he must be a tremendous asset as an adult if properly guided. He was not proved wrong. Timothy, who had to solve every mystery he came across, managed to get himself placed as his primary instructor, and was amazed with him. Arron knew things about Timothy that he shouldn’t. Not shameful things he wished to hide, but events that had taken place before Arron could have been born. He knew that he had been married (to an ordinary woman, of course) and that he had lost her and their newborn daughter to the same illness. He knew that his best student, a man named Mathew, had been nearly a son to him after Mathew’s own parents had rejected him. He knew that this one also Timothy had lost in the end of Jarell’s rebellion fifteen years ago. Even now that Arron had studied under him for five years, Timothy still was mystified by him. But that hadn’t stirred in him the caution it had in others of the Ampera, and Timothy passed over many of his peculiar ways perhaps easier than others would have.

“Arron! There you are, I was beginning to worry.”

“There was no need, I just took a longer way back to avoid being seen.”

“Were you successful?”

“Yes. The Queen is dead, and while I did not see the king personally, there was no other Ampera in the area. He is either dead or flown.”

“Then we may report a job finished to Margo. I cannot say how-”

“Timothy, wait, there is something I need to tell you.”

“Is something wrong?”

“That depends on your point of view, but come away from the rest of the men first. This is not for them.”

Timothy followed Arron a little way into the wood surrounding the camp, not knowing what to expect. Arron had always been full of surprises. Unfortunately, this time the surprise was not a welcome one. Timothy listened like one in a dream as Arron told him quickly and calmly what had happened in the palace, and pulled back his cloak to show him the evidence of it.


“I took her out of the palace, the whole place was soon to catch fire.”

“Arron, do you have any idea what you are doing? That child is far to dangerous to spare, surely you must see that!”


“Why? Think about what she would be capable of! No one should be trusted with that power.”

“Let me guess: Power corrupts, right? We have power, are we corrupt?”


“I’m sick of the philosophy of helplessness you and the other Ampera spew. You spout catch-phrases about power, destiny, suffering, weakness, as if evil were the only thing real.”


“You think because you’ve spent your whole life afraid of yourselves it makes you wise, when all you are is hypocritical cowards!”

“Arron! Please, do not force me to act on the law we’re supposed to protect!”

The two stood, faces flushed and muscles tense. Both had nearly reached shouting towards the end of their argument, and the sound of footsteps and confused voices could be heard in the distance. Timothy looked at Arron and saw that same defiance and iron will that had so often had served his purpose. He had always felt that there was something volatile about the boy, and cursed himself for ignoring it. Now, when it really mattered, Arron was pitted against him. His throat tightened as he realized what this meant, but forced himself to take the reasonable view. Sometimes Fate was cruel.

“I do not wish to lose you as well Arron, but if you will not see reason-”

A fire sprang up in Arron’s cold gray eyes. He took a step forward and glared his teacher right in the face.

“You’ll what? Kill me? Try it.”

“Arron, why are you determined to give your life for that thing in your arms?”

“Because she has done nothing save be born, and you would rather have the blood of an innocent child on your hands than take a risk.”

“It is a risk we do not have the right to take. If she went bad, and given her parents that’s a likely possibility, she could not be stopped.”

“They stopped Jarell.”

“But at what cost? How many innocent people suffered and died because of one person?”

“So now you’re worried about innocent lives? You are a hypocrite, and no better then narrow-minded fools who look at us as abominations.”

“You will not rescind your decision?”


“Then I am truly very sorry, I have no other choice.”

Timothy drew his sword and lunged at his student, meaning to kill him as quickly and painlessly as possible. It seemed to him that everything was moving in slow motion, and the short distance between him and Arron was like a mile. But even in the face of death, Arron showed not the slightest fear, and stared at his teacher with the same imperturbable calm he was famous for. As the point of the blade drew close to its mark, Timothy closed his eyes, unable to watch what he was about to do. But A clanging noise and the jarring sensation of his blade being stopped forced his eyes open again. Arron had in the split second that should not have been sufficient for reaction, drawn his knife and thrust it upward and to the side while dropping to one knee. This knocked the point off its course, and left Arron in an advantageous position. He could easily have slashed Timothy’s legs before he could bring his Weapon back in line. But instead he leapt sideways while violently shoving his opponent’s blade in the opposite direction, causing Timothy to turn slightly in the direction his sword was moving and leave his back open. Before Timothy could recover control, Arron quick as lightning raised his knife and struck his friend with the hilt, in the part of the neck that meets the base of the head. Timothy crumpled to the ground, rendered unconscious by the blow. Arron stood over the motionless body and closed his eyes, letting out a weary sigh. He sheathed his knife and held the baby closer to keep her warm. The sun was beginning to peak over the hills and not much time was left for an escape. Arron looked down at the tiny life sleeping peacefully, and in spite of himself a shadow of his smile form before returned. For a second time he addressed the child as if she could understand him:

“I think I’m going to call you Jovie.”

And with that he tuned his back towards the camp and the sounds of anxious voices, striking out on his own without so much as looking back.

* * *

King Kazeer screamed in dispair, drawing his sword and running through the weather beaten soldier that had brought him the news. He watched him, eyes glazed and veins popping out on his neck, as the poor man gurgled pitifully and wilted. He let the bloodstained weapon clatter to the ground next to the body and fell against the rail of his ship, wishing to heaven that he also had died. Simon cast his gaze towards the ship captain and nodded to him. They had to sail now while the winds were with them and the confusion in the city hid their flight. He watched as his friend slowly sunk to his knees with his head in his hands, gasping as if someone had struck him in the stomach.

“I…I promised her. I swore my word of honor…and now they’re gone, both of them…and I never even got to see…to hold my own…”

Simon motioned for the others to clear off, not wanting them to see their leader like this. He was embarrassed enough himself by the display, but bit his tongue and helped his friend up.

“I don’t know what to say my friend, we were so close, and to see all our planning and hard work come to nothing, it isn’t right. But don’t lose hope yet, it still may be possible that we can recover and carry on if-”

The King shoved Simon away and glared at him, breathing hard and fighting to contain himself. When he spoke it was only slightly calmer then his first reaction.

“Don’t talk to me of plans and recovery! You haven’t lost your family.”

The king turned and stalked off towards his cabin to brood in private, and a change came over his face. With the fury and grief coming to life in him another part of him was dying. His face grew paler then it usually was, and an eerie silence fell over his mind. He was not beaten, he had merely lost the upper hand for the time being. Even if it took twenty years he would come back and the whole world would feel the penalty for the tremendous wrong they had inflicted on him. It was more then ambition that drove him now, this interrupted conflict became the revenge that consumed him, the personal insult that pushed him onward. Oh no, he wasn’t beaten, he would return someday and finish what he started. Simon said nothing after the King’s outburst, but watched him go with a puzzled expression. There were times when he just didn’t understand his friend.

* * *

Timothy awoke with his head throbbing. He gradually realized that someone was speaking to him, and Margo’s face peered at him through the haze, surrounded by several others, all moving their lips at once in an incoherent stream of sound. Timothy slowly sat up and shook himself, trying to force himself back into the conscious world. Margo said something to the effect of giving the dazed man some space, and the crowd trickled out begrudgingly.


“Oh good, you’re talking. Some of the men found you in the woods with a bump the size of an egg on the back of your head and brought you back here to the tent. The whole camp wants to know what happened.”

“Ha…how long have I been out?”

“Just about an hour or so, assuming you received that knock shortly before you were found. I’m afraid they can’t locate that strange boy you brought with you, what did you call him? Arnold? Arnom? I can’t remember. He must have lived up to your speech about him though.”

At these words the events of the morning came flooding back to Timothy like a tidal-wave. He sprang from his resting place, thinking nothing but that immediate action needed to be taken.


“What? What’s the matter? You look like a man brought back from the dead.”

“Arron is…missing, I have to get back to my superiors immediately so we can do something.”

“I could organize a search party with the men here, it would make more sense than wasting time traveling.”

“No, there are certain procedures my people have to follow in these cases. Arron is not an ordinary child and could be difficult to find.”

“You talk as if he ran away.”

“No…No he did not run away exactly, I’m not sure what happened to him. I must leave at once.”

Timothy took his leave of the confused Margo. He did not like lying to him, but the events of that day had to be kept secret. If word got out to the King or the general population that a rogue Ampera was on the loose it would bode ill for all of them. He had to keep it quiet. They would find Arron and deal with him themselves.

* * *

The day had passed quickly and the sun was already beginning to set as Arron approached the few buildings on the outskirts of Carlton’s port. The port itself was not very large, it was just one of the insignificant stops off the main trade routes lines. But a ship or two happened to be docking for repairs and supplies at the moment, so a greater crowd than usual bustled about the docks and the dingy Inn proclaiming ‘The White Shark’ on a splintered wooden sign. Arron curled his lip at the sounds of revelry and clanking glasses and started to turn away. Then he caught sight of a something that must have once been a barn behind the Inn, the smell of barnyard life trailed from it. He paused for a moment and glanced at the Baby girl. She needed to be fed and if a cow was in that pile of rotten wood they might have some milk. Cautiously he made his way to the kitchen door in the back, stepping over many broken bottles strewn about the little-used entrance and knocked. At first he thought the loud music (very badly played) and carousing had drowned out his attempts at attention. He was just raising his fist to try again when the door swung open, revealing a scrawny teen in a dirty white apron with a bored expression on his face.

“Hey Mags, it’s some little whelp with a baby. Looks a wee bit pale like he aint had nothing to eat.”

The teen mumbled more than called back into the Inn. He was incessantly chewing something, looking straight at Arron but still avoiding taking any notice of him. There was an unintelligible answer from back inside followed by light footsteps, and into the light of the doorway stepped dress past its prime filled by a woman in the middle of hers. She pursed her lips like one used to being hassled, and observed the pair with her head cocked to one side.

“Ah, just so long as it aint that scar-faced chap always lurking about. Ya lose you ma kiddy?”

“No, I don’t have any parents. I’m sort of a refugee.”

“Oh really? No one taking care of you? In that case come on in and I’ll get you something. I may even be able to put something together for you’re little friend there, your brother? Sister?”

“No, I found her. Her name is Jovie.”

“Hmm, Jovie? That’s a name ya don’t hear every day.”

Maggie Philips was not the sort to be easily surprised or ask too many questions. She knew exactly how to manage her little world at The White Shark and that was good enough for her, nothing else was worth the trouble of notice. A few minutes scrounging found an old bottle suitable for Jovie, and Maggie didn’t at all mind taking a moment away from the drunks and sailors to feed the pretty little child. Arron sat quietly on a stool eating the over-cooked substance furnished to him, all the while keeping one protective eye on the bar maid and Jovie. A sudden commotion from the front entrance brought the complacent teenager, who apparently was named Pete, up to the counter worked into an atypical mild irritation.

“Mags, that chap is back again.”

“The one with the scar?”

“Naw, the one ya had ta throw outa here a couple weeks ago.”

“Him? He’s worse than shark-bait face!”

Maggie thrust Jovie back into Arron’s arms and stalked up to the man arguing with the doorman. He was tall and well built, with dark hair and eyes, and dressed in tattered sailor‘s clothes. Arron saw from his features that he must be from Nadoria, the country separated from Malya by a ten-mile stretch of ocean. Nadoria was not known as the most civilized land, and its citizens had a reputation of unpleasantness. The man left off his dispute and grinned at Maggie in a familiar way that would have angered the most callous of bar maids.

“Maggie! you’re even prettier than I recall, I-”

He stopped short, ignoring the torrent of angry words flowing from the fair Maggie. He glanced about the room with an expression bordering on nervousness. His gaze landed on where Arron sat and a light went out of his eyes. His smile faded from his lips and was replaced by apprehension. Arron did not change his expression, but returned the man’s stare without a flinch. The man brought his attention back to the ruffled bar maid and forced a smile.

“Hey now my girl, is that a way to treat a paying customer?”

“Don’t give me that Nate, you tried to get off without paying for three rounds of rum last time. You think I’m running a charity here or something? Come back when ya gotta bit of coin in your pockets.”

“Ah, but I do my dear little lady, see for yourself.”

He pulled a fat purse closed with a string out of a bag slung over his shoulder and waved it under Maggie’s nose. Ever the cautious business woman, she cast a suspicious glance at Nate’s face and pulled the top open with her dainty fingers. Her eyes bulged wide and a wide smile brightened up her expression.

“Hey Pete! You get this gentleman anything he wants, ya hear?”

The happy woman went about her way, fluttering over to each call of: “Maggie! More ale!” and flirting or arguing with her customers as needed. The man named Nate sat down on the stool next to Arron, watching him and the baby with a troubled expression. Pete went to get him his drink and Arron spoke in a low voice without looking him in the face.

“Don’t worry, I will not tell them.”

“Tell ‘em what?”

“That you’re an Ampera.”

“Shh! What you trying to do kid?”

“We aren’t in Nadoria sir, Ampera’s can breath freely here. For the most part.”

“Some of my shipmates are in here, if they found out…”

“I’m not the sort to bear tales. I have reason to be cautious myself.”

“Really? What a kid like you do? Kill someone?”


Nate did a double-take in Arron’s direction. There was something odd about this boy. He wasn’t sure if he should take him seriously. There was something unusual in his eyes. He got the sensation of looking off the edge of a very high cliff.

“Is there a point to this discussion, you want something, or do you get kicks out of being spooky?”

“I do want something: I want you to sneak me on your ship.”


“Circumstances compel me to seek immediate means of departure. I have no means of repaying you, or reason to think you will help me, save that we are both Ampera and both know what it is to watch over your shoulder. Plus it would be a comfort to know one of my own kind is around. Will you help me?”

Nate looked at the boy with the lovely little girl and a smile broke out over his face.

“You know sonny? You got a point there. I can’t remember the last time I came across someone who asked for a straight favor without eyeing my wallet. True, you’re a bit of an odd one, but I’m not so sure that’s a strike against you. You got yourself a deal. There’s just one thing first: I don’t do nothing without weighing the pros and cons. I’ll be taking a big risk, so you have to prove yourself an asset first.”

Arron simply arched his eyebrows and waited for the terms.

What does Nate ask?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very cool chapter, interesting decision point. I can't seem to think of any suggestions yet but I'll try.

I'm sorry to say that I actually laughed when the king let out a good old darth vader quality "NOOOOOOO" when he learned his wife and kid were dead Smile
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The Powers That Be
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I lost track of this one; I'm glad I found it again.

No brilliant ideas right now - I assume the sailor knows what their kind are capable of, so a show of Ampera power is probably not really called for. I'll think on it some more.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well-written chapter, Geek-Girl. Cool

A test, hmm? Well, if, as Powers pointed out, he doesn't actually need a demonstration of Ampera talent, then perhaps he's testing ability to co-operate or follow orders. He doesn't want to transport some snotty little princeling to a place where he can't get rid of him, after all.

Something as simple as 'go see to my horse' (if he had a horse) or 'entertain us with a song/story etc' *blinks at the idea of solemn little Arron going into full entertainment mode*

If we want demonstrations of power though... maybe 'make sure I don't have to pay for my drink tonight' or 'find something I lost here a while back' or 'there's another Ampera that I'm interested in and he's hiding himself from me. Let's locate him together.'

Nothing brilliant there, but I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, so I kept it general Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter GG. A couple of tyos here and there, but nothing major.

Mmm. How about a general question, such as: 'Show me how you can be of use." He is bound to need a job on a ship when he is found out.

I think this one is about ready for promotion, what say the Mods here?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woo! Awesome!

I managed to find a little error though.


Should be tidal.

You should get this story promoted, it's really good...
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:
I think this one is about ready for promotion, what say the Mods here?

I've already spoken to GG about getting this moved up, and am just waiting on confirmation.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the idea of finding someone, it could be a good lead into Nate's character. Or perhaps something about keeping his secret from his shipmates/captain?

I'll work on the typos when I get a chance, thanks for pointing them out.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm going to approach this from a different point of view. Nate doesn't want parlour tricks, he wants to know for sure that the kid wont be a liability.

He should ask exactly how Arron intends to keep himself and the baby out of trouble once they are aboard ship, how he will ensure that the newborn baby wont die at sea from disease or malnutrition, and so forth.

When/if Arron addresses these concerns in a sensible and intelligent manner, I'm sure Nate will be both highly impressed and convinced that Arron will be a useful ally in the future.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I F5 Duke.
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good idea, I didn't think about that. Any final ideas before the poll goes up?
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Request for promotion - Moderated.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I'll let the poll run for about five days, and get the third chapter up ASAP.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted and winning! Since I am the only person to vote so far, 100% for saying how he will survive on ship doesn't really mean much.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks like I broke a tie.Very Happy[/color]
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the practical request of showing he can make it through ship life won. I'm finished with Rite of Passage now, so I'll have more time to work on this. I'll get chapter three up as soon as I can and hopefully it will still hold your interest.

Argo: As for the Darth-Vader cry, I haven’t seen ROTS yet, so I claim full exoneration from plagiarism.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Geek Girl, I didn't mean to insinuate plagiarism Smile

Throughout history, characters in movies have been yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOO" at the camera for extended periods. However, that Darth Vader scene was so horrible it became hilarious. So now it comes to mind every time someone yells "NO" in the time-honored tradition of people who have lost their loved ones.

In any case if you haven't seen "revenge of the sith" I wholeheartedly recommend that you never ever do! It's garbage.

Sorry that was all rather off-topic...
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know what you mean. Looking back over it now it seems a little out of place, but I wanted to show a difference in agenda for Simon and Isaac and couldn't find a less melodramatic and prosaic way of executing it. Oh well, no more extended screams in future death scenes, I promise.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I regret that is going to take me a few more days to get the third chapter up and my first chapter for 'The Zealot' One of my younger siblings shut off my computer before I saved my work and I lost most of it.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 3: Conversation in ‘The White Shark’

Nate stared into Arron’s unblinking eyes and nodded shortly, as if some inner debate had been settled. The noise of clinking glasses and tipsy conversation easily covered the sailor’s low tones.

“Tell me how exactly you plan to get along once you’re on my ship? You’ll have to contend with all kinds of weather, stay hidden from the crew, feed yourself and your little friend without being noticed, and keep the captain from knowing about you. That won’t be easy; he’s got a funny way of knowing things.”

What would have been a smile on any other boy stole across Arron’s face. He leaned forward and answered without taking one moment for consideration.

“That’s it? I was expecting something grandiose. There is nothing simpler in the world. The channel is only ten miles across and the nearest real port is only two days away. Even if you do not stop there I could take one of the lifeboats and reach the shore with no great difficulty. So I need food and to stay hidden for no more than 48 hours. The food I can get from Maggie, she won’t think it strange that a wandering refugee asks for something to take with him. I am small enough that hiding places will be no problem.”

“But you haven’t said anything about the captain. He’s the one you’ll really have to worry about. Something’s not quite right about him, and he’s the last man I’d want to irritate.”

“Sir, I may be young, but if you knew what my occupation in this country has been these past five years you would perhaps give me that honored title.”

Nate narrowed his eyes and observed Arron with uncertainty. Either the kid was an excellent bluff, or something much more than a child of his age should be. He liked the boy, despite an air of repressed explosiveness that hung about him. Even so, he felt the need to understand what exactly he had thrown his lot in with.

“Out of curiosity, what is your classification? If you don’t mind my asking.”

The Ampera consisted of two different classes and developed their skills on a five tiered progression of skill, the first being beginners without a classification and the fifth the highest level of accomplishment and esteem in their respective category. The two classes were those with physical power or mental power. The first tended to be fighters, possessing super human strength or resilience. The second class was more rare, and often able to possess what would be called magic. This area was broader than the physical class and had many sub-categories to it. Ampera in this division tended to be incredibly intelligent and strong-willed, and some could even see past the physical world to a certain extent. Ranging from strategists to prophets, these Ampera were all the more valuable because of their smaller numbers. But there was a downside to it as well. The second class of Ampera, especially those who possessed second-sighted tendencies, found their power much harder to develop and control. Some who had rushed into their training had temporarily lost their connection to reality, or their sanity altogether. For this reason there was a smaller ratio of beginners to experts in this class than the physical class. The training of these people was handled with much more care and the students were taught to be somewhat timid with their abilities.

“I do not mind answering at all: I have no classification yet.”

“Ah, than you are still in the first tier.”

“No, third.”

Nate nearly fell out of his seat. It was true that most Ampera had a small amount of power in their opposite class, but to come so far and be equally strong in both was unheard of. The second thing that was highly unusual was Arron’s age. Most students didn’t even begin training until they were in their teens. If Arron was speaking the truth, he was years, almost decades, ahead of where he should be.

“But that can’t be possible. Most Third level Ampera are used for-“

“I’m an assassin.”

Something about the flat way Arron spoke the words caused a swell of pity to rise up inside Nate and soften his face. He looked sadly at Arron and shook his head.

“How could the Ampera allow one so young to be exposed to such a life? To steal a person’s childhood…”

Something flickered in Arron’s eyes almost to quickly to note any change. He studied his boots for a moment then spoke quietly.

“Believe me sir, the Ampera stole nothing. My childhood was over long before I came to them.”

Nate began to form a reply but was interrupted by the door of the Inn swinging open with a bang and revealing the figure of a man who crossed the threshold with the air of a pallbearer. Silence descended on the inhabitants of the bar, all conversation and laughter ceasing abruptly. As the man walked slowly into the room Maggie spilled the contents of her pitcher all over the floor and swallowed hard. She turned her back on the person with an effort and tried not to shake as she sopped up the mess with her apron. The man made for the darkest table the inn had to offer and passed briefly through the glow of a candle. Arron saw in that second the cause for the silence. It was not a face one saw every day, though the bar patrons seemed to recognize it well enough. It was a face completely blank of any emotion, with two empty eyes that seemed to be staring off into another world. But most unsettling was the left side of his face, which was a mass of horrible scars that made it look caved-in. He sat down without speaking to anyone or seeming to notice the silent crowd. As if the concealing shadows of the person’s chosen spot had released some restraint, the people of the bar slowly began to speak again and continue their interrupted revelry, and Maggie breathed a bit easier. Arron turned towards his companion and inquired softly who this strange man was. Nate shuddered and answered scarce above a whisper:

“That’s Eric C. Millstone, my captain.”

* * *

“And then I came here directly, the whole thing happened not 15 hours ago.”

Timothy finished his tale in front of the small group of his superiors, and awaited their judgment with the patience of a loyal student. The first to speak up was Shannon, a short woman with watery eyes and graying hair. She was the newest addition to the circle of fifth ranked Ampera, and was anxious to show them they were her betters no longer.

“This is the gravest news we have received in 20 years, if the king were to find out we would surely be blamed for it.”

A grunt emanated from the far corner of the room. Everyone turned his or her gaze to its source, a heavy man whose nose always seemed to be turned upwards a bit more than was becoming.

“What do you mean we? I for one had nothing to do with the boy’s instruction. Gregson was his primary, and-”

“Now, just hold on a moment there Mark.”

Another voice interrupted. It belonged to a man with dull brown eyes and a misshapen chin. He seemed never to say anything unless it was in the middle of someone else’s sentence, and had a rather deeper voice than one would have expected to come from one so frail-looking.

“Timothy is not to blame at all, it was Ann who recommended Arron’s going on this mission in the first place.”

The lady apparently called Ann looked sharply at the brown-eyed man and put up her hands.

“But that’s not fair Cyril, you all had to approve it before it was allowed.”

This started a burst of heated discussion from everyone at once and for a few minutes Timothy stood before the semi-circle completely forgotten. The argument continued until an old man who had remained quiet until now closed his eyes and shouted in a booming voice:

“Silence, all of you!”

Immediately the chatter ceased and the whole group looked at the speaker in half-ashamed meekness. The man, who looked more like a brick wall than a person, still had some black hair that hadn’t grayed and sitting down his head was higher than Timothy’s. For a moment he just sat there, eyes closed and mouth tight as if trying to beat back anger. At length he breathed deeply, opened his eyes, and turned their blue light round at his companions.

“Arguing about who is to blame for this will do nothing but waste time, and time is the one thing that may save us and Arron. Gregson, do not let yourself feel guilty about this, you did your duty, and that is all that could be asked of you.”

Timothy sighed sadly and gazed at the floor.

“ With all due respect Sir, I’m not sure that’s true.”

The group looked at the dejected man in surprise and more than a little confusion. The man addressed as Sir furrowed his brow and spoke gravely.

“You do not mean to imply any negligence on your own part?”

“No Sir, that’s not what I mean. I was just thinking of something Arron used to say. Something about duty not always being enough and no honor in only doing what was demanded. I did everything I was supposed to in his teaching and on this mission, but looking back I should have done more than simply what was required of me.”

“That does sound like him, he was always saying odd things like that. Come now Gregson, don’t despair yet, it still may be possible to find Arron and bring him back.”

At this Mark jerked his head upward and spoke up in a high, almost whining voice, displaying his astonishment.

“You don’t mean that you’d actually accept a traitor back among us? After disobeying orders, aiding an enemy of the crown, attacking his guardian, fleeing from the authorities…”

The glare in the man’s blue eyes silenced Mark’s tirade.

“You seem to forget Mark: Arron is a child. A powerful and strange one yes, but a child nonetheless. He could not be expected to understand such a difficult aspect of the loyalty we owe to the King and this land. Sparing that baby may have been an act of disobedience, but it was also one of mercy, and when we find him I for one do not intend to punish him to severely.”

Timothy knitted his brows and opened his mouth to say something, but glancing around at the group in front of him seemed to think better of it and remained silent. The old man caught this, cleared his throat, and addressed his peers.

“It is useless to continue this conversation, the best thing to do now is to begin the search. Each of you pick a handful of students whose discretion can be trusted, and make sure they are at Arron’s level, we don’t want anyone getting hurt is he resists. Have them here as soon as possible, that is all.”

The four scampered off to obey this request and soon Timothy was alone with the old man. He rose from his chair and approached Timothy in a more relaxed air than he had previously possessed.

“Now my friend, what is it you wouldn’t say in front of them?”

“It’s not that I don’s trust them Andrew, but they are already so set against Arron…”

“I know. The others can be a little… over zealous sometimes, but they do mean well.”

“What I have to say you may not like, do I have permission to speak freely?”

“Of course, you need to ask?”

“Call off the search, Arron is lost to us as surely as if he were dead.”

“Timothy, with our people scouring the country he couldn’t hide for long, and every thing will be done to bring him to his senses once we have him.”

“You don’t understand, Arron has practically been my son for the past five years. I know him through and through. I don’t know why he decided to sacrifice his future here for that monstrosity, but he has, and he will die before he gives it up. I’m not so sure that the other students could take him even if they do find him.”

“But out numbered and without allies…”

“You talk as if he were an ordinary boy, we both know he isn’t. It’s not just his power Andrew, or even his personality. There’s something about him, something…that shouldn’t be. I can’t give it a name but it’s there, and I’m not certain it’s good.”

* * *

Eric Millstone sat, shrouded in shadows, and letting his gaze wander about the room. He hardly ever ordered a drink or food, and never spoke to anyone, but whenever he felt a fit coming on he sought out crowds to drive it away. The presence of others around him provided a check to his thoughts, it was easier to divert them from dangerous courses with noise and activity to distract them. It had taken years for him to regain any kind of control, and it had come at a price. At first he had simply locked himself up, but the isolation only aggravated the situation. He had not been strong enough to overcome the fear and panic, and had eventually forced himself into a deep apathy. If he did not care whether or not his life continued, the threat of it ending was more bearable, and the threat presented itself in many surprising forms: The face of a stranger, an unexpected noise, the shadows dancing on the wall of his cabin, even a chance word dropped by a friend, and the whole spiral of suspicion and fear began. Was that them outside the door? Are they in this room? Is he really one of them in disguise? It must be them this time, come to get the one they missed.

He had to force himself into a middle ground of indifference to life or death; it was the only thing that kept him from constantly searching for enemies and danger out of the corners of his eyes, the only thing that gave him any semblance of rest. It didn’t always work though; sometimes he had to seek other means of keeping his head from fantastic fears and elaborate plots. Here at the Inn he felt safe. The worst thing that ever happened here was indigestion. They had never gone inside the Inn, which was the only reason he was alive. As he glanced from face to familiar face, his gaze came to rest on the form of a young boy, holding a baby in his arms and staring him straight in the eye. Millstone flinched. For a moment he had the curious sensation of looking into a mirror.

Arron turned back towards Nate and lowered his voice:

“What time is your ship leaving?”

“Tomorrow at noon if all goes well.”

“What is the name of it?”

“The ‘Kraken’”

“That gives me plenty of time to be ready, look for me in the cargo hold an hour before you sail.”

“But what if someone sees you sneaking aboard?”

“They won’t.”

Maggie approached the pair of conspirators, arms full of empty glasses, and eyed Nate warily.

“Arron, would you mind stepping into the kitchen with me for a moment?”

Nate rolled his eyes and picked up his drink. Arron slipped off his stool without comment and followed the young Innkeeper. As the kitchen door swung closed, Maggie let a sigh escape her lips. She sat her burden down on the nearest counter and faced Arron with tender concern etched on her face.

“Listen boy, I know you just met me and I aint your Ma, but you should be more careful who you warm up to in a place like this, didn’t anyone teach you not to talk to strangers?”

Arron pushed down the irritation caused by Maggie’s condescending tone. He knew she meant well, and figured he owed her for helping him out.

“He did not seem dangerous to me.”

“People are not always what they appear to be, the sooner you learn that the better. I’ve seen all types come through my door and I know most of those fellows in there better than they know themselves. Nate is not a good sort; in fact he’s bad news to anyone within a hundred feet of him. You’d do well to steer clear of him.”

Arron didn’t answer, and Maggie, hearing her customers begin to clamor again, grabbed another pitcher full of some intoxicating substance and head for the door. She eyed Nate again as she passed his stool as if warning him. She had taken a liking to the little boy and his companion, and believed him far to innocent to benefit from the likes of Nathaniel Barrow. She walked a bit quicker past Captain Millstone’s table, relieved he hadn’t called for anything. In her best moments Maggie did feel a bit sorry for him, after all, his very face was evidence that his life had not been a happy one. But there was a look in his eyes that filled her with horror. Not fear that he would harm her or commit some desperate act, but that there was something missing from him, something that left him less of a human being. The sound of hoof beats drew her attention. There was a muffled commotion of dismounting and conversation with the doorman, than three persons marched through the front as if they owned the place. Maggie had never seen these people before, and couldn’t say she liked the look of them. The three men had a sort of pinched expression as if entering such a place were beneath them. They all were tall and well built, and Maggie saw the telltale ripples and bulges under their cloaks that bespoke of multiple weapons. They glanced around the room for a moment, than fell to earnest whispers. At last they strode up to Maggie with forced politeness, and one with a cleft in his chin deigned to speak to her.

“Pardon me miss, but where might we find the master of this establishment?”

“You’re look’n right at her.”

The cleft-chinned man arched his eyebrows in surprise.

“You? Isn’t this a bit of rough work for a lady?”

“Now who said I was that?”

Maggie did not do her character justice with this statement, as nearly every man in the bar would have told the casual inquirer in frustration. But she liked making these unpleasant persons uncomfortable, and the way they blushed was particularly satisfying.

“Ahem, well…We are searching for a certain person, and have reason to believe he may have passed this way.”

“I’ve had a lot come through here today, who you looking for?”

The man glanced about him and lowered his voice.

“He’s a dangerous fugitive, an Ampera.”

Maggie’s eyes widened and she stepped back. She cast a gaze around the familiar faces of her patrons and bit her lip. She felt a twinge of guilt for toying with her guests.

“By all means, just tell me his name and I’ll do anything I can.”

Who do they ask for?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very cool chapter, I love the character of the captain, very intriguing.

Strange decision point... let's see, they could be looking for the captain, add some truth to his paranoia. However if he was ampera, Arron should have noticed that already. It's to early for anyone to be after Arron, but maybe they're after Nate. Maggie might actually turn Nate in since she dosn't seems to like him. Then of course Arron will have to help Nate escape (although it seems Arron really dosn't need his help to get on a boat).
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter GG. It's good that you have given us more of an idea of Ampera hierarchy.

Remember to break up your huge paragraphs.

This decision point is interesting. I don't think it can be the captain, because Arron would have known. And Nate seems to keep himself to himself and stay out of the way of Ampera attention. I don't think it would be coincidence after the Ampera leader ordered that Arron be found, that people come looking for a dangerous Ampera fugitive.

They will ask for Arron, by description before name probably.

You don't ask for what the response is, but I will suggest anyway. Since they don't have any way of knowing for sure he is in this particular establishment, if Maggie chooses to palm them off by saying she's never seen him, they will probably just leave to search elsewhere. Maggie might not even believe the dangerous-Ampera-criminal-who-happens-to-be-just-a-child explanation. She probably thinks there is some other reason.

Just a thought for if they do ask after Arron.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good ideas, I'm still debating how big a part Maggie or the captain might play in the rest of the story. Its true Arron doesn't seem to need Nate's help, but he realizes the value of having an accomplice if the crew starts to get suspicious. Also, it was a good way to find out about the crew and captain, now he knows what to be careful off. I guess that these people could be looking for a third party Arron hasn't encountered yet, that could take the story in a whole new direction.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am liking this story more and more GG. Nice work with the new characters. Liked the Captain, there is a story there, and I enjoyed the bit of politics within the Ampera.

The DP is possibly a little weak, but I forgive you for that, Wink it isn't easy to do a good DP every time.

They could be looking for the boy, which was my first thought, Nate as well for something 'bad' he has done, or maybe the Captain. However I that doesn't feel right. Of course, it could be another Ampy altogether, but that strikes me as a bit too much of a co-incidence.

I say Nate, just to see what you come up with. Very Happy

Look forward to more.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have decided to award you my HOT NEW SGame award GG!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it should be Nate as well. He's the most likely to lead the plot in good direction from here... although perhaps not in a way we expect Very Happy

Love the new chapter, GG. Good stuff Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Geekgirl,

Good couple of chapters, I'm enjoying this story.

I agree with what has been said so far - a new character would be too convenient, and by the reaction of the ampera council renegades just aren't that common to have a third. Arron did have 15 hours head start, it can't be him just yet. Nate it must be.

I look forward to the next chapter,

Happy Writing Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think they ask for somebody else, but I don't think there is somebody else. I think our Ampera can't have failed to notice the newcomers, and probably have some ability to manipulate what they say in order to protect Arron and/or Nate. However, the fact that one or both of them are being hunted may have an impact on what happens next between them.

Ok, so much for the DP. On the chapter: overall, I liked it a lot, especially the new character of Millstone. The multiple POV shifts are a bit dizzying - I haven't decided if I like them or not. The one thing I definitely didn't like was that big clunky expository paragraph about the Ampera rankings. I feel there must be a more organic way to get that across.

Looking forward to more!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought that part was a bit clunky too; I'll probably change it later on. One thing I didn't think of right away but might work for a third person choice: Arron didn't and Nate didn't notice more Ampera when these people entered, they could be lying, trying to find someone who really isn't an Ampera by creating panic.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just waiting on a tie breaker...
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Consider it broken. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry I haven't been here for a while, I've had the worst wek of my life(don't even ask, you wouldn't believe it!) but I'm back now and the chapter should show up in about three days or less.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, sorry I've been gone so long. Personal problems afore mentioned escalated and kept me occupied until now. I've returned to planet earth though and will try to have the chapter up on Thursday, no, really.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 4: Captain Millstone

The hooded man leaned closer to the agitated Bar Maid. His hood slid back a little, allowing her to see he was Nadorian. He licked his lips as if relishing Maggie’s state and paused dramatically before whispering.

“His name is Nathaniel Barrow, he goes by Nate I believe.”

Maggie started and put her hand to her chest. She had never wasted any favor on the rough sailor, in fact she disliked him greatly, but this was unexpected to her. Maggie, although in many ways a good woman, was the all to common sort who fear what they don’t understand. She shuddered inwardly at all the times she had Nate in her establishment, all the times he could have killed her as easy as…

“The man you want is sitting at the bar, the dark haired one. I’m sure he deserves whatever you’re here to give him, but please don’t carry it out in here, the last thing I need today is a scene.”

“Of course madame, we would hate to stain the reputation of this fine place of business.”

The man spoke with a decided sarcastic air mingled with contempt and made a show of bowing with mock politeness. The three men observed the place where Nate sat, his back was to them and he hadn’t noticed their entry. They moved as a unit slowly forward, not making a single noise. The sounds of the bar patrons seemed to come from far away as they closed in on their victim, not even the argument over a wager broke their concentration. The hooded man slowly reached into his cloak and pulled a small knife from within. Nate did not hear his attackers approaching, and gulped down his drink without a care in the world. The sluggish way he held his mug bespoke that this was not his first drink, and his senses were not at their sharpest. The three moved forward, the candlelight dancing on the blade’s edge as it came nearer its mark. When they were within a foot of Nate’s spot, he stiffened up and began to hoist his half sober self from his seat, but it was to late. The tip of a very sharp knife was in his back, and his adversaries blocked him on all sides. His shoulders slumped in defeat and he spoke with a tone of resignation.

“So it’s you three again. Does the word ‘obsessed’ mean anything to you?”

“Lower your voice or I’ll be forced to break my word to a lady, you wouldn’t want that now, would you?”

“You raise questions of integrity Frank? Now I’ve heard everything.”

“Enough of that, get up slowly and come for a walk with us, or-”

“I know, I know, or you’ll kill me here and now. But if I go with you and tell you were its hidden you may let me live. Well, I don’t see as I have a choice, you’ve got me out numbered and unarmed. Still the same old courageous lot I remember.”

This seemed to strike a nerve with Frank, and he restrained the urge strike his enemy down right there. But the many eyes floating about the room checked him, and the three stepped back to allow Nate to walk in front of them. The group headed out the doorway, and passed a table were a man with an impressive array of scars on the left side of his face sat brooding. But Nate paid his captain no attention; he only focused on finding some means of escape from his predicament. It was a useless attempt. As soon as the door had closed behind them Karl’s two cronies each grabbed an arm and hurried him past the inn and into the woods behind. They increased their speed at the forest’s edge, and rushed on until long after the sounds of the small spot of joy on so many sailor’s lives disappeared. Eventually they halted and tossed the breathless man to the ground at their feet. Frank drew a shiny sword from inside his heavy cloak and placed the tip lightly under Nate’s chin.

“Now Nathaniel, I’ll give you one chance: Were is the chest you stole from us?”

Nate burst out laughing

“Do you mean to tell me you’ve been chasing me half way across the world for three years and think I’ve still got it? Really, I’d a thought you’d know me better by now.”

Frank tightened his grip on his sword and his face reddened

“You lost it already?”

“Lost? Hardly, I’ve had the time of my life; you wouldn’t believe half of it if I told you. It’s gone, all used up here and there. Why else would I be aboard a two bit ship again if I had a king’s ransom in my pockets?”

“Then we’ll take it out of your hide!”

Frank took a step towards the defenseless Nate then stopped abruptly, and scanned the surrounding woods in suspicion. Was that a person who had darted behind that tree? He assumed a defensive stance and nodded to his friends, who instantly did the same. The person in the brush must have realized he had been discovered, and slowly stepped from his hiding place as naturally as if out for a stroll. Frank and his companions relaxed.

“It’s just a kid. Get out of here now boy, if you know what’s good for you.”

Arron made no reply, but kept walking towards Frank slowly.

“Are you deaf? I said get out of here…what are you doing?”

Arron had stopped in front of the three and gazed at them critically. He then drew his knife from its sheath and tossed it to the side. Frank lost his patience. He dropped his sword arm to his side, and raised his fist as if he thought nothing of striking a child one-third his size. But his blow never fell. As easily as thinking Arron dogged to the side, with more speed than Frank thought possible. He grabbed his attacker’s arm before he could retract and jerked it forward, causing Karl to stumble to his knees. Arron twisted the unfortunate man’s arm as he fell, then placed a foot on Frank’s back and pushed him downwards. Frank’s arm gave a sickening crunch, and he cried out. Arron pinned Frank’s sword arm down with his other foot, then grabbed a hold of his head and snapped his neck as easily as if it were a twig.

Frank’s companions stood frozen in stunned silence. The whole thing had taken no more than five seconds. Arron stood to his feet again, fixed the remaining two thieves with a level gaze, and began walking slowly towards them. They stepped backwards; one of then tripped and fell to the ground with a thud. The other thief grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up, and then both turned tail and ran like the cowards they were. Arron shook his head at their retreating forms and turned towards the spot they had tossed his slightly inebriated friend. He was gone. Arron searched the edges of the clearing, and called Nate’s name softly a few times. But he was nowhere in sight or reach of sound. Nate had abandoned Arron in the middle of the scuffle. For the second time that day Arron let a weary sigh escape his lips. His shoulders slumped as if a heavy weight rested on them, and he headed back towards the Inn feeling very tired.

* * *

Maggie sat in the kitchen rocking Jovie nervously. The baby had begun to cry softly, and the bar maid had no experience with this sort of thing. She glanced around for that odd little kid that had dashed out a moment ago, muttering something about trouble. When Arron finally walked through the back door, he had an agitated expression on his young face, as if something were bothering him. However, the moment Jovie’s cry fell on his ears, he seemed to forget everything and quickly took her from Maggie’s frustrated arms. Immediately she stopped crying, and her eyes began to drop back into her disturbed sleep. Maggie crossed her arms and observed the pair with curiosity.

“It appears you have the touch, spent much time around babies?”

“I had a little sister once, but she died.”

Arron didn’t change his expression as he spoke, a fact that mad Maggie feel all the worse for brining the subject up.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault.”

Silence reigned for the next few minutes while Arron tended to his charge and Maggie twiddled her thumbs and felt guilty. Presently Arron sensed her was making his hostess uncomfortable, and removed himself to the dimly lit room beyond. The crowd was beginning to thin out, some staggering homeward and others being carried, but a few still showed no signs leaving. One of these was Captain Millstone, who continued staring at nothing as if it was incredibly important. When he saw Arron cross his field of vision though, once again he had that strange sensation of looking into a mirror of himself. Half roused from his brooding, he eyed the boy and tried to figure why he should have such an effect.

Suddenly a realization swept over him. That face! He had seen it before, years and years ago, on a stormy beach with cannons roaring all around him. His hand went trembling to his scars, and his breath came a bit quicker. He gave Arron a harder look now, and was engulfed in confusion. He was younger then the person he remembered, and it had taken place so long ago, it couldn’t be the same one. But the resemblance was uncanny; he had to know who he was. Pete was bussing a few tables nearby, and the captain waved him over discretely. Pete was far too apathetic to be afraid of the strange man, and approached him unperturbed.

“Yeah? Whatcha want?”

Millstone spoke in a hushed voice rusty from lack of use.

“That boy over there, do you know anything about him?”

“Uh, some refuge or something. I think I heard him say his name was Arron.”

A momentary disappointment flitted across Millstone’s face, followed by confusion.

“Peter, would you ask him to come here? I would speak to him.”

“Sure, whatever. Hey kid, come ‘er would ya?”

Pete jerked his head towards the captain, and left as if no further explanation was required. Arron stepped over to the captain’s darkened corner in half suspicion, not knowing what to expect. His teachers had instilled in him, or rather attempted to instill, an infinite respect for anyone more than ten years older than himself. It had only succeeded in convincing him his teachers were a bunch of idiots. So when he approached Millstone he showed none of the servile-like deference most children in his station would have, and simply looked him in the eye and waited. Millstone peered at him for a moment before speaking.

“I heard your name is Arron, is that true?”

“It is.”

“Is that the name you were born with?”

“I don’t see how that is any of your business, or why I should answer such an insinuating question.”

Millstone jumped a little at this unexpected defiance in one so young. Something that could have conceivably been a smile crossed his face, and he leaned back in his chair to get a full look at the boy, shaking his head.

“Incredible! If you weren’t so young I could swear you two were one and the same.”


“You happen to look remarkably like a man that did me a good turn once, if not for him I wouldn’t be around to tell how I got these battle scars of mine. For a moment I mistook you for him.”

Arron thought quickly: He needed an ally if he was going to get out of Malya; he hadn’t the resources to escape on his own. The Ampera would begin looking for him soon, he didn’t have much time. This strange captain was his best chance to get out of the country and he looked for any chance of using his resemblance as an advantage. He knew perfectly well who Millstone had mistaken him for, but thought better of disclosing that information. He’d have to find another way. Fortunately he didn’t have to try very hard. Millstone took a more serious attitude and lowered his voice even farther.

“Boy, er, Arron, what exactly is the trouble you’re in?”

Not many things took Arron off guard, but this did. Millstone was not an Ampera, but had seemingly read exactly what he was thinking. Millstone grinned wryly at his surprise.

“Don’t look so taken aback. I heard somewhere that Ampera can recognize their own with a glance, well, they aren’t the only ones. You’ve been through something, something terrible.”

“You can tell that?”

“It’s plain to those who’ve been there. You may be young, but you’re no stranger to tragedy. In fact, I’d say you’ve suffered the worst kind: seeing everything important to you taken away, just like me. I’m not the only one with scars, and it shows just as plainly to me as mine do the rest of the world.”

Most people would have been uncomfortable at their deepest sorrows being so nearly touched on. And Arron had even more cause, since his life could hang in the balance, but he never wavered for a moment. He realized there was no point in bluffing, and he was not the sort to lie, so he took a leap in the dark.

“You’re right. I have seen things, and I am in trouble. But I would request that you don’t ask about it, my safety or freedom could be endangered if anyone knew.”

“Fair enough. I wouldn’t speak freely about my troubles to a stranger either. But, it may sound sentimental, but I’d like to offer aid if you’ll accept it, if only because you remind me of my old friend.”

At this offer a thought occurred to Arron, ever since he had parted company with his teacher things had worked out in the most extraordinary ways. First he had managed to find a town in an area he had never seen before. Maggie had felt no qualms about taking in a stranger even though a war was on, Nate had warmed right up to him, even if he had abandoned him later, and now when he despaired of escaping another man he had never met was coming to his aid. If Timothy had been with him he would undoubtedly have called it the workings of Fate, but Arron did not believe in Fate and never wavered in his convictions for a moment. He thought only that he must have more influence over people than he had realized before. Throughout his short life Arron was aware that those around him seemed to gravitate towards him despite his peculiarities. He did not know if it was connected to his power as an Ampera or something independent of it in his nature, but it was a valuable asset as the current situation proved.

“Sir, I would not turn down an offer for help, especially in my present problems, but I think it only right to warn you. My presence will be a danger to those around me as long as certain people believe me to be alive. Are you sure you want to take that risk?”

Millstone arched his eyebrows and observed Arron gravely.

“Am I sure I want to take a risk? How do you think I got this face in the first place?”

* * *

Timothy stood outside the large gates that separated his home from the rest of the world. Ampera settlements didn’t usually have names unless they were near a large city or had something else noteworthy about them; Timothy’s was hidden so far away from anything that even most Ampera hadn’t heard of it. The search parties were beginning to congregate around their respective leaders and discuss strategy for capturing the fugitive. It made Timothy uncomfortable to see the expression on their faces as they talked about Arron; they seemed…too eager about it. It was as if all that concerned them was the excitement of it, the thrill of chasing something and the excuse to show off. Arron had always maintained a certain coldness around other Ampera in his village, at the time Timothy had thought his charge was a snob, and now he saw there was reason behind it.

Something nagged at Timothy about this whole business. It went beyond Arron’s rebellion or the preservation of that child. There was something beneath the surface that Timothy couldn’t quite grasp, something that made him doubt himself. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, and he wasn’t sure it was just with Arron. He watched as Ann spoke to her huddled group about the threat facing them and felt even worse. But he refused to let himself follow that train of thought and approached her; this was going to be hard enough without dwelling on mutual grudges. He waited until the slightly graying woman had dismissed her troop to make their preparations, and cleared his throat. She pretended not to hear or see him at first. Timothy sighed inwardly: She wasn’t going to make this easy.

“Pardon me Ann, may I have a word with you?”

“Words are not necessary Timothy.”

Timothy felt a slight tingling sensation in his head and tried to keep his temper. Ann could just barely make out the thoughts of a person, and it usually took her longer to gather information than plain speaking would, but she still lost no chance of using it. Timothy held back his frustration with an effort. He didn’t have time for a war of nerve; he had only a little while before the search began.

“Ann if we could dispense with…”


Timothy calmed himself and put up no resistance to Ann’s intrusions. After a moment he felt her pull away, and saw something he didn’t expect from her: a look of sincere pity. The thing about the mind class Ampera who could read thought was that they often saw things in their subjects neither of them intended. It only lingered on her face for an instant though, and was quickly pulled behind a mask of superiority. When she spoke, one would never have guessed she saw anything worthwhile in the old man before her.

“You know very well that we have to travel light on this mission, I couldn’t take along another person even if I wanted to.”

“But I know Arron better than any of you, I could be useful in tracking him down.”

“You are a soldier, your skill is combat, not subtlety.”

“I taught Arron well enough.”

“You honestly take credit for all his abilities? I watched him growing up, some things he picked up nearly without training, and better than his teachers. In the brief times he was with me I never had to show him something more than once. He has a natural gift unlike any I’ve seen. If he’s on the third tier now under you, if I had had the full training of him… “

“Ann, please don’t make this about past disagreements. Arron can still be saved, and I think he might listen to me where he may not listen to someone else.”

“I never approved of how you raised that boy, you let far to much slide and how he acted towards you proves it. What makes you think he’ll behave differently a second time?”

“Because it is not his Fate to be a villain, I can’t believe that it is.”

“On the contrary I’d say he has all the early symptoms of it.”

“What does that mean?”

“Think about Timothy, he lost his parents when he was very young, never fully submitted to those over him, lived a violent life in his tender years, and finally turned his back on his own when we needed him most. Those are all things Jarrell went through, how do you know Fate hasn’t been working against you all this time?”

“…If it has, I’d like to be there to see for myself.”

“Perhaps you should come, it may be the only thing that opens your eyes to your own mistakes.”

Timothy thanked Ann, and hurried to gather provisions. He was grateful Ann had consented, even if it was only to watch him squirm later. An hour later five search parties scattered in different directions, convinced the Fate of the world rested on their shoulders.

* * *

Millstone’s men had found it strange that a cabin boy was added to their crew at the last minute, and one that had a baby in tow as well. But the Captain always did strange things from time to time, and they dared not question his actions even among themselves. They made sure not to harass the new crewman like their usual custom was, if the Captain had taken an interest in him the boy probably held no small amount of favor. The last thing they wanted was the wrath of the sole survivor of Jarrell’s last stand. It made them shudder to think what he must have seen, what destruction he must have lived through. Only legend and tall-tale had trickled down to the general public, and given Jarrell’s famed power little of it was not believed.

Arron saw his charge safely sleeping in the bunkhouse and went about his work for the few remaining daylight hours. The crew left him to himself, which suited Arron just fine. He kept looking around for any sign of Nate, but he hadn’t reported back that afternoon. The few words he had with Captain Millstone had seen him sunk back into his state of brooding reflection, so he didn’t press him. He wanted to learn more about the man Millstone claimed had saved him, but decided to try when he was in better spirits.

When the day’s work was done and all the men not on watch shuffled into the bunkhouse, Arron sat on his bed holding Jovie until long after everyone else was asleep. He didn’t know what he was watching for, some sign of a threat or danger. After the chorus of snores convinced Arron he was the only one awake, he carefully placed Jovie between the wall and a pillow so she wouldn’t roll off the bed in the night, covered her with the thick blanket, then curled up without blanket or pillow and slept on the floor.

A few hours before daylight he awoke with a start, the sound of cannons blazing and voices shouting filled the air. Arron hurriedly gathered up Jovie and rushed outside. The scene that greeted him was worse than most he had ever faced. An enormous ship was firing on Captain Millstone’s vessel, threatening to reduce it to timber. Everywhere he looked Arron saw flames and bodies falling overboard. The blasts from enemy cannons rocked the ship, nearly throwing Arron off his feet. Crowds were rushing all over the deck, some barking orders and others screaming in panic.

Rapidly he took in the situation looking for a way to fight back or means of escape. Normally he wouldn’t think about retreating from any fight, but he had others to think of now. He forced his way through the confused crowds in search of the Captain, and stopped suddenly like he’d hit a brick wall. His eyes gave a slight twitch and his free hand went to his head. He turned in the direction of the ship and uttered one word softly:


His Jaw set and determination flooded his gray eyes. He knew what he had to do, although it didn’t appeal to him, it was the only defense he had at the moment, and more than one life hung in the balance

* * *

Aboard the ship firing on Millstone’s frantic men, Ann and Timothy stood at the railing regarding the small ship as if it were the only thing in the world. Ann was still too proud to admit that Timothy had been invaluable in tracking Arron down, and persisted in treating him as if he were a nuisance to be barely tolerated. It hadn’t been difficult for her to single out Arron even at this distance. His presence was stronger than the non-Ampera he traveled with, masked only temporarily by the creature he guarded. The instant she felt it she locked in on him and did not attempt to hide what she was doing from her subject.

An hour before, when the two Ampera rowed up to Millstone’s ship in a lifeboat and asked permission to come aboard, he had refused. In response they had returned to their own vessel and opened fire. Now Ann searched Arron’s mind for any weakness in his resolve, any signal that he could be persuaded to come back. At least, she meant to. A moment after she locked on to Arron a surprised expression crossed her face. She narrowed her eyes and gripped the railing tightly, focusing more energy on her task. Finally she released the rail with a gasp and stepped backwards. She turned her face towards Timothy with unbelief written all over it.

“I never taught him that…”

She murmured softly, her breath coming a bit quicker. Timothy creased his forehead and glanced back and forth between the offending ship and his baffled colleague.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

“He…he resisted somehow, broke my hold.”

“How could he know how to do that? Students aren’t allowed to learn how to resist until they are fourth level at least.”

“Wherever he learned it he’s about to get more than he bargained for.”

Ann gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, kneeling down on the deck and folding her hands as she did so. Timothy bit his lip and ran his hand through his hair.

“Ann, you won’t hurt him too much, will you? You wont do anything permanent to him?”

“He has to see we mean business.”

Timothy protested anxiously until he saw that Ann’s awareness of her surroundings had left her. The seconds dragged on as he waited for her to end her work. But it was not Ann who put a stop to it. She began to twitch and totter a little. Her face contorted as if some struggle ragged within her. A gurgled cry escaped her lips; her eyes snapped open and her hands went to her head. She continued gasping as if in pain and doubled over on the deck. Timothy stood to shocked to move.

“Ann?! Ann, what’s happening?”

“Arron, st-stop it, please…”

The old woman shook her head violently from side to side in desperation, crying out again. Timothy knelt beside her and grabbed a hold of her shoulders, trying to find some way of freeing her from whatever held her in this state. The cannons let loose another volley and Ann sank in on herself.

“Arron please! Let me go!”

A thought struck Timothy and he leapt to his feet. He shouted for the crew to hear him over the din of the battle.

“Cease your fire!”

The men didn’t hear him. Another volley thundered and Ann nearly screamed.

I said Cease fire!

The cannons stopped and the baffled men stared at the old soldier. Ann’s arms fell limply to her sides and her eyelids half closed. She breathed a tremendous sigh and fell forward, crashing to the deck in a dead faint.

* * *

Millstone and his crew gazed in bewilderment at the ship that had begun and ended its assault so abruptly. It made no sign of shying off however, and they had the feeling this wasn’t over yet. Millstone struggled to his feet from the spot a close blast had thrown him, but except for a gash above his left eye nothing appeared wrong with him. The battle torn group parted and Arron pressed though to Millstone’s side. He breathed heavily as if he’d just run a marathon, and the light burden in his arms seemed to heavy for him. Dark circles were under his eyes, and he opened and closed his mouth a few time before speaking.

“Captain Millstone, you can’t keep me here.”

“What do you mean by that? We’re in the middle of the ocean.”

“That ship came because of me, you are all in danger because I’m with you. I thought I could hold them off but I can’t as I am. It is not right of me to ask you all to forfeit your lives for mine, and that could very well happen if you don’t surrender me to them now.”

Eric Millstone glanced from the boy in front of him to the silent ship, a suspicious gleam forming in his eyes.

“What have you done that someone wants you this badly?”

Arron hesitated for a moment, then cleared his throat.

“I’m an Ampera, I disobeyed an order and ran away from my guardian. Now they think I’ve gone rogue and mean to get me back by any means necessary.”

Eric’s mouth dropped open and he took a step nearer the boy. He started to speak but thought better of it. His brow furrowed as he looked from the battle ship to his tattered men, and then to a face that reminded him of another seen so long ago. He believed he knew what the right thing to do was, but he couldn’t look at that face and not remember he owed one like it his life.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A nice chapter GG! Good plot movement, and now we understand the title too! Very Happy

One slight comment. You tend to shift Point of View (POV) from one character to another very easily. I think perhaps you should stick to one characters' POV and what he/she sees/thinks.

For example, if a character was walking past another, thinking of something, don't switch to the other character and what he is thinking. You could make reference to the other charcter through the first one.

Geek Girl walked past him, wondering how she was going to eat all those cookies. The man barely saw her. He was thinking of the next chapter of Garden, which he was halfway through.

Instead, maybe:

As GeekGirl walked past, wondering how she was going to eat all those cookies, she glanced at the man, who appeared deep in thought.

It's a bit lame I know, but hopefully you get the idea. Wink

Anyway, what to do? It's a doozy. Can the smaller ship outrun the larger one? Should he risk all, or should he let Arron go?

Perhaps Arron could confuse the crew of the larger ship somehow, whilst the smaller one makes a getwaway, or even fires the cannon and attempts to disable the other, maybe firing on the rudder or somesuch.

I am not too good with nautical things!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter. Watch out for 'too' and 'to' though. You're getting them mixed up quite a bit. And 'rouge' is make-up, 'rogue' is renegade (my fingers make that slip all the time - I type too fast) Very Happy

One thought that occurs. Ampera seem to grow up extremely quickly. Arron was virtually an adult by the time he was five. Is there any chance that the super-Ampera, even though it's a baby, could be communicated with, told that its life was in danger unless it helped save the ship?

Perhaps Arron could tap into its power, or guide it to do the right thing. It's an option worth considering anyway, because I'm not sure the captain's going to give up his new cabin-boy. He doesn't seem the surrendering sort to me Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for pointing those out shady, I can't believe I did that!

Oh, china, about the POV changes: I promise they'll stop shortly, but I needed them for the first few chapters or the story won't make sense later.

A lot of interesting things could happen in this DP. I don't think Jovie can do anyhting yet, except maybe mask Arron somehow...that could confuse Timothy and Ann. Maybe Arron leaves but makes Millstone take Jovie with him?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a tough one.

Arron didn't seem like he was asking permission. I think, as usual, he was saying what he had already decided to do. He will have to be convinced before embarking on plans of fighting off the other ship.

The captain would recognise his tone and say:
"Answer me one thing: will the two of you be safer if you go with them than if you fight with us?"
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This story sure moves fast Smile I think Arron is going to have to be conviced into not surrendering, but finding some trick to use to escape will be better than just fighting to the death. Unfortunatly I can't think of a good trick just now...
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, you've certainly got a lot of balls up in the air here. I like it.

I'll throw in my one obligatory grammar comment: you have many many run-on sentences in this chapter.

Ok, putting myself in Millstone's shoes right now. This isn't like back in the bar. He's on his own ship now, and he's in charge. I don't think he'll let Arron go, and I don't think he'll see it as Arron's call.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahm all caught up. Ah reckon Mr. Powers has the right of it. The Cap aint going to take no talkback from some young 'un.

Spit in their eye and fight says me.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The boy obviously wants off, and it doesn't seem worth the Captain's while to keep him aboard. Doing so will only endanger his life, that of his crew, and that of his ship - I'd say let him loose if he wants it.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, wide varity of ideas here. Any more before the poll goes up?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forgot to say, the poll will run for about a week starting today.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a really great story, have just cayght up and it was worth it Smile .

I'm not really sure what should happen next:

1) Hand him over: Aaron says he's not ready yet - however he doesn't believe in Fate which seems to be working in the background. The fact he's suddenly been able to Master control over Ann that has put a stop to the fighting indicates that he is meant to continue on with the voyage.

2) Keep the baby...Very bad idea, the baby would be left alone on a rough sailing vessel with no carer.

3) and 4) Better options. Clearly they have inferior fire power so running is the only option. A better option than it first sounds as fate seems to be wanting Aaron to stay on the ship and he's already shown he has power over Ann - so it's unlikely that Timothy will risk opening fire again.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, missed the vote going up somehow!

Voted for the fight back option.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah reckon yer should put up a fight. Voted fer such.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Outrunning seems a good idea if it's possible (and it should be, with Arron's luck or fate or whatever). If Jovie can mask Arron from Timothy and Ann, so much the better.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sor far fighting back is in the lead, cool! I'll let the poll run a few more days to make sure everyone who wants to can vote.

EDIT: So it looks like out run 'em won. I'll try to have the next chapter up in a week at most.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ARRG! Just figured out why my computer wasn't working, my friend actually took a vital part out so he could play some dumb game on his without even telling me...

Anyway, the point is that's why the new chapter isn't up yet.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just caught up, nice story going on GeekGirl!

Looking forward to the next chapter, where I can actually say something meaningful to your story. Wink


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Five: A Place of Refuge

?Arron, I will have you know that I have never once sacrificed a comrade to save my own skin, and I don?t plan to start now. We may be outgunned, but this ship is lighter and faster, we can easily outrun them.?

Arron said nothing, he was too exhausted to either agree or argue. Millstone called his men to assemble, and addressed them with the gravity only a sea-Captain was capable of.

?Men, the enemy has ceased firing on us. We do not have he numbers or the resources to return the attack with equal force. Our best course of action would now be to hoist sail and head for the nearest port with all the speed we can muster.?

The men were only to happy to obey. Before an hour passed the enemy ship was only a speck on the horizon. It had given chase but proved far to heavy and slow to offer any threat. Arron had maintained his silence during this time, sitting on the deck perfectly still, watching the crew run back and forth. His mind wandered to Timothy and Anne, he knew his actions would cause a bit of a stir. After all, no one had taught him warfare beyond physical techniques. He knew also that this would be taken as another sign of his fall from honor. The other Ampera would use it to say that he?d grown cruel by tormenting one of his own, never mind they?d been ready to blow a whole ship of civilians out of the water to find him. He thought about his last argument with Timothy, about what his teacher had said about Fate. It reminded him of another conversation they had had in happier times. The boy closed his eyes, and could almost see the place he and his friend first touched on the debate that had culminated in their violent separation.

It had been mid Autumn, but the air was cool enough to show up the breath of the two combatants. The late afternoon sun glowed only as it could in that season, piercing the transparent leaves fluttering in the wind and tinting the whole clearing in a heavenly illusion. In the middle of this ideal scene, a casual observer would have seen an old man and a boy, a very young boy, engaged in a lively contest with wooden swords. Advancing, retreating, leaping this way and that, the battle grew faster and more intense with each passing second. Until finally Timothy stumbled back and half laughed, half gasped his words.

?Alright, that?s enough Arron, defeat acknowledged.?

Timothy displayed no shame in being bested by such a young student. On the contrary, he seemed pleased. But Arron?s brow creased gravely at his teachers words, indeed it seldom seemed to relax that expression, and regarded him as if concerned.

?But Timothy, I slipped on the last thrust. My form was all wrong.?

?Oh, don?t let that bother you, it would have killed me all the same. It?s enough that you realize it. Most students older than you just blindly hack away and act surprised when they win a match.?

?Could we please try one more time? I?d like to get that right before today is over. I don?t want to get sloppy habits with something this important.?

Timothy leaned against a tree to catch his breath. He smiled at Arron and saw the boy wasn?t nearly as taxed as he. Arron wasn?t even perspiring. Clearly he had amazing stamina and strength. And the importance he placed on his studies was remarkable too.

?Son, I wish I had your drive. Never once have I seen a student so determined. It wouldn?t surprise me if you?re destined for great things.?

?Destined? I?m not destined for anything.?

Timothy stopped and looked hard at the boy. He was perfectly serious.

?You don?t believe in your own Fate??

?I don?t believe such a thing exists at all.?

?And why not??

?It doesn?t make sense, that?s why. It nullifies good and evil.?

??That doesn?t make any sense.?

?No, it does. Would you say Jarrell was Fated for evil??

?I can?t see how such a man could have been meant for anything else.?

?And what is evil??

?Acting upon Malice for all.?

?You?ve just proved my point.?

?Arron, please just say what you mean for once.?

?What I mean is this: You?ve said to be evil is to act on your own malice, and there is no way Jarrell could have done otherwise. If a man behaves a certain way because he has no choice, he has done nothing wrong. Also he can do nothing right if it is forced. If we allow Fate to exist, not only is every action futile, but we lose the ability to admire or judge.?

?Talking with you is more tiring than fighting with you.?

Arron seemed not to hear anything, but kept on his train of thought.

?And that doesn?t even touch on the biggest question Fate brings up. Why? What is all this for??

?Son, you?ll have to learn that in this life there are questions without answers.?

Arron?s checks turned red and he looked sharply at his teacher as if he?d just been slapped in the face.

?I don?t believe that either.?

Arron stalked out of the clearing with his eyes blazing. Timothy stayed leaning on his tree and watched Arron go, completely perplexed. The wind died down, the sun sank behind a cloud, and the paradise-like illusion vanished.

* * * *

It was dark. Almost pitch-black. Arron came to himself with a start and instantly looked down to check on Jovie. She was gone. Before this information could even register Millstone?s voice cut the through the cold night air.

?Don?t alarm yourself, the child is sleeping in my cabin. I thought it would be better than a noisy bunkhouse. I?m astonished it didn?t occur to me before, but I?ve never had a head for details.?

Arron rubbed his sore neck and stood to his feet. Millstone was standing a few feet away with a lantern in hand that cast an eerie glow over his mangled face. The left side was almost unrecognizable as human, but the right was free of any blemish. It was not a very old half a face, no more than thirty years could be read in its unmarred brow. Both eyes were unharmed as well, though few could stand to look in them. They were frightening in a way difficult to describe. They held no hint of malevolence or anything threatening, but there was still a darkness spilling from them. A darkness that had nothing to do with evil, but was just as unnerving. When one looked into the Captain?s eyes they caught a glimpse of something that ran so deep, was felt so intensely, but yet so impossible to give name to, they panicked. He was a bottomless pit of all things overwhelmingly foreign to normal experience. Arron looked into these eyes, but not a ripple of distress showed on his face.

?Thank you sir, that was kind of you.?

?I came to tell you that land is in sight a good deal sooner than I expected. We should be docked before dawn. Do you have any place to go once you get there??

?No, not yet. I know Nadoria is hostile to people like me, but the alternative was much worse.?

?It?s possible that I can help you with this. I have a friend who is a bit?displeased with the state of things in Nadoria. He?s been known to give refuge to Ampera before. If you are willing, I can lead you to him.?

??Sir? May I ask you something??

?Anything you like.?

?Why are you doing this? You are not an Ampera, and most normal people hate us. Why is it that you don?t?

Millstone made no reply at first, but walked over to the ships rail and gazed into the inky sky. His enigmatic eyes clouded over with memories.

?I remember the war against Jarrell in ways few could. When he made his last stand, he retreated to a small fishing village on the coast and took the whole population hostage. When the Ampera cornered him instead of backing off, his response was to begin slaughtering every man woman and child the town held. It was a way of spitting in the Ampera?s face, doing something they couldn?t stop before falling to them. The few Ampera that survived that battle were never the same.?

?But Jarrell was an Ampera too, a second generation one at least. The destructiveness of that battle is what made most people afraid of the Ampera.?

?If I did fear them, it would be ingratitude. I was living in that town when Jarrell attacked. I was just a boy, not much older than you. These scars were inflicted by Jarrell himself.?

At this point Millstone paused. His eyes closed and his whole body shook silently. With an effort he mastered himself. When he finally spoke, it was in a very still voice.

?I remember seeing my whole family cut down in front of me. As plain as day I can see myself trying to run. I don?t know exactly what Jarrell did, he didn?t seem to move. But a pain beyond description shot through my whole being and I could feel my body distorting. No wound was inflicted on my person, but I?m sure the pain itself would have killed me if the Ampera didn?t get through at that moment. A group charged Jarrell himself, ignoring his men and going for him directly. One man got to me somehow and dragged me away from the fighting. He carried me to the inn and told me to wait there. I was losing consciousness, but his face is burned into my memory. It was like yours.?

?And he died in battle as well??

?That is something I?m not quite sure of. I could have sworn I saw him through a window after the shout went up that Jarrell was dead. But afterwards he was counted among those killed. I must have imagined I saw him, I wasn?t myself at the moment?and I never really have been since. People are afraid of the Ampera because of Jarrell. They think they have bad tendencies, especially second-generation Ampera. But I?ve seen them give their lives to save one insignificant person, who could do nothing for them in return. That?s the height of nobility in my eyes?

Arron stood silent after Millstone finished his tale. There was nothing to say in response to it. For a long time the Captain just stood gazing out to sea, his face a bit more peaceful than Arron had yet seen. At length Millstone roused himself and turned toward Arron.

?Well, I?ve settled your curiosity, are you willing to do the same for me??

?I?ll answer if I can.?

?Why is that little girl so important to you? I would be daft if I didn?t understand that she?s one of your kind, but why are you so attached to this particular child??

?Because I see myself in her. We were both brought into a world crashing down around us, in one way or another.?

?That doesn?t explain things well, but I?ll leave you be if you don?t want to expound on yourself. Goodnight son.?

With that Millstone turned and retreated with his lantern into the dark. Arron stood, the word ?son? ringing in his ears. No one but Timothy had ever called him that, and it gave him a strange relief to hear it now. In my opinion it was at this time that Millstone and Arron truly began to be friends. A thing especially noteworthy, not simply because it influenced future events, but because neither party ever formed such ties easily.

The next day saw Arron by Millstone?s side on a busy deck. The port they had landed in was far larger and more successful than the one they left in Malya. The crowds and noise agitated Jovie, and Arron had his hands full appeasing her. The crew of the Kraken dispersed quickly, looking forward to their time of shore leave while the battered ship was being repaired. Millstone lead the two children away from the bustling docks and down narrow winding streets thick with the sights and smells of an overcrowded seaside town. When they reached the town square there was more room to breath, but little to see to ease the mind of a fugitive. A gallows stood in the middle of the square with a body swinging in the noose. A group of spectators watched in morbid curiosity while two men attempted to determine if the criminal was truly dead. Arron turned from the sight in disgust. No such thing would have been done in Malya.

A line of rough wagons seating even rougher people lined the edges of the streets in front of shops and other various places of business. Millstone scanned these carefully, as if looking for something he recognized. He didn?t have to look long. A young girl in tattered clothes, roughly Arron?s age, sat on the curb with her knees tucked beneath her chin. When Arron and Millstone passed her, she sat bolt upright as if an ice cube had slipped down her back. She jumped to her feet and looked directly at Arron. The girl was an Ampera. A relieved expression crossed her face when she saw Millstone next to him, and without a single word she darted quickly behind a corner. Millstone followed slowly and motioned Arron to stay where he was. The boy waited patiently in the shelter of a shop doorway, until Millstone appeared in the street again and walked rapidly towards him. The girl darted out in the opposite direction a moment later, sprinting down the street despite the stares of passerby. Millstone was visibly anxious, and seemed to need to catch his breath before he spoke.

?I have bad news, but more for me than you. My friend, Jim Warden is his name, was discovered and arrested just this morning. Everyone knows what he has been doing for the Ampera and the punishment here for shielding them is death. They have him in the jail and plan to execute him at sundown. He won?t even be given a trail. I have to act immediately if I wish to save him, and I could use your help.?

?I?d be happy to do anything I can, but what about Jovie??

?I can have her taken to the refuge I spoke of by that girl you saw a moment ago. We?re to meet her in a safer place in a few moments. She would come with me to save Jim, but she fears some of the guards would recognize her. Your help would be invaluable in this, but I?ll understand if you want to see to the child yourself. If you wish, Abigail, that?s her name, can show you both to safety. Think for a moment before answering, this could be very dangerous.?

Arron did think carefully about this choice. He did not like the idea of leaving Jovie with a stranger at all, even if she was an Ampera. On the other hand, Millstone had done so much for him, and Arron felt a growing loyalty for him. How could he abandon him when he needed aid?

What does Arron do?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another good chapter GG, though just two points:

but we loose the ability

Lose not loose! Aaarrggg! Duel

I think they escaped the other ship a little too easily, but hey.

Now, I see no reason not to take up the fight and rescue his friend. Go for it! Bigg
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks China, I've got to stop writing these things at 3am.

oh and as for point 2:
I think they escaped the other ship a little too easily, but hey.

Don't be so sure they've shaken off them yet!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd go help the firend too, it seems Jovie will be safe enough in the refuge for now.

Good Chapter GG Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have the feeling that everyone is going to want to help Millstone Smile Good old half-face, we just can't let him down in his hour of need.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Probably, unless Arron gets all paranoid about Jovie being found by Timothy while he's gone. But than again he's not the type to take the safest way either.

And oh, congrats on winning the sgotm Argo!

EDIT: Okay, the poll will run for ten days, unless theres a tie. In that case I'll have to wait for someone to break it.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted! Sorry I didn't notice the new chapter earlier. Confused

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jovie will probably be safe in the refuge, but if anything should happen, she's actually pretty powerful even at her age and might well be able to deal with it. Meanwhile Arron and the captain will be unencumbered. Voted for the first option.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So Arron is going to hand over Jovie after all. I've got 2 other chapters to write before this one, so it might be about two and a half weeks before you see the what happens to the wierd little boy.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, it's been a lot longer than two weeks. I'm floundering in homework right now, so I'm goin to take a bit longer to put the next chapter up. I haven't forgotten though, so hang in there!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Although it has been a long time since I had enough time to read this tale which so intrigued me some time ago, or had time to comment for that matter.

Well, anyway, I just wanted to stop by and complement the way things are going in here. Like your story before, the one about the boy I forget the title, I have found within I don't believe in Fate a story that doesn't follow tradition.

Your characters aren't conventional. Your plots are to say the least, unique and somehow strange, in a way that is both intreguing and supremly well done. Simply said: Everything about this storygame smells of a book a would read over and over again, and has every mark of being truly Orignial. And those are the highest complements I can think of.

In fact to show my love for this story and your unique style of writing and orginal plot lines (not to mention one of a kind indepth characters), I don't believe in Fate has been seconded for SGOTM. This time, I hope it wins.

Good luck and happy writing, Greekgirl.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why thanks! That just made my day!
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I feel your pain. Studying/exams have kept me from writing my own SG as well.

I think he should help the friend out, even if it means taking his eyes off Jovie for a day. I think he is smart enough to see the value of investing in friends, even if he is too cynical to do it out of a feeling of duty.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I tend to like school, but I really am swamped right now. I'm trying to get the next chapter together, just haven't had much time to sit down and write lately.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great story.

To be really chalanging, throw in a giant chicken WITHOUT making it a comedy.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Sigh) I'm afraid that's far beyond my ability Masterweaver, but don't worry, there mighyt be giant other stuff. Cool
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry it's taking me so long, I'm going through finals Shocked
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Take your time...
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Six(part one): A True Begining

While Arron diliberated with himself, Timothy and the ship's doctor were standing beside Anne's bedside attempting to wake her up. The doctor, a little man with a graying head, eventually shook his head and stepped back.

"I don't think she is in any danger Sir. She appears mostly to be exhuasted. Just let her rest and she should be fine."

"That's a relief to hear, thank you."

Anne stirred, struggling to wake her self from her heavy sleep. Timothy motioned the Doctor to leave, and seated himself on a chair near the patiant. He didn't try to tell Anne not to move or trouble herself. She would have taken it as condescending. He simply sat and waited for her to find her voice.

"Timothy? What day is it? How long have I been under?"

"Only through the night Anne, it's early morning."

"Did you find Arron and the...the creature he had?"

"We dropped behind them to avoid another fight. We should be docking soon."

Anne sat up and shook herself, her voice growing a bit stronger.

"Then you didn't find him. How on earth did he learn that? I only tuaght him resistence and concentration techniquies. How could he have bested me all of the sudden? On his first attempt?"

"I'm as puzzled as you Anne. You're lucky he spared you, that man we found lingering near the docks said he showed no hesitency in killing."

A silence ensued in the cabin, and Timothy rested his chin in his hands, staring off into nothing. Anne watched him for a moment, than spoke gravely.

"Timothy, when we find him, you can't hesitate either. I'm in no state to fight him again, it will rest chiefly on your shoulders. Are you sure you can do what's neccasary?"

"Don't worry about me Anne, I know my duty in this."

Anne stared hard at her comrade. Timothy knew she was searching him to see if he believed his own words. A moment later Anne settled back into her pillows and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry Timothy."

She nearly whisperd. Timothy said nothing, but got up from his seat and left the room. For the remainder of the morning, he spoke to no one, wandering around the deck and blinking very hard.


Oblivious to the inner conflict of his gaurdian, Arron puased briefly and glanced down at the child he had given so much up for.

"I'm willing to help you Sir, but I need to know how safe this place is. I do have peole looking for me."

"I can't describe it here, but it's protected people like you for over 20 years and it's never been found by anyone Jim didn't want in."

"Alright, I'll trust your friend with Jovie."

Millstone smiled slightly and led Arron back into the main street. Arron was greatful for the number of people milling around now, it was safer than travleing in the open. Millstone headed towards what looked like a general store, and entered casually. A woman with an apron was standing in a cornor with a list in her hand, apparently checking her inventory. She turrned when Millstone entered, and glanced at the two children at hi side. Millstone gave her a slight nod. She quickly crossed over to the store entrace, closed the door, flipped the sing on the inside from open to closed, and turned the lock. She than went back to her list as if nothing out of the ordinary was happining.

Millstone led Arron to a small trap door in the far side of the room that served as a passage to the celler. The pair carefully climbed down a slpintery wooden ladder, and found themselves in a dimly lit but clean room stacked with vegatables and assorted household goods. At the sound of their footsteps, the girl known as Abigale poked her head out from around a stack of flour bags and whispered.

"Is that you 'cap?"

"Yes Abby, it's me, and the two friends I told you about."

Abbigale stepped out from her hiding place and looked critically at Arron for a moment. When she tried to look him in the eye, her gaze faltered and she quickly turned her attention to Millstone.

"Like I told you back there, Jim got himself caught answering a false alarm. The rumor going around about another ampera was fake. The govonor started it it to drag Jim out. We all tried to warn him but he wouldn't listen."

"I know, Jim's can be stubborn like that, but we're going to get him out."

Abigale looked tentatively back at Arron.

"Then he's gonna help us?"

Arron was used to being talked about like he wasn't there, so he kept quiet and let Millstone speak for him.

"Yes, Arron is going to help us get Jim back. If you can take this little one to the refuge for him."

"Sure thing, I'll have her there as quick as possible."

Arron slowly handed Jovie over to Abigale, who smiled at the little girl in much the same way Arron had the first time he saw her.

"She's a cute little thing isn't she? What's her name?"

"Her name is Jovie."

"Jovie? You know that kind of fits? Don't worry, I 'll take good care of her."

Arron nodded and turned to face Millstone.

"Where are they keeping your friend?"

"I'll show you, follow me."
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


So...Where's the DP?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is just the first half of the chapter. The next half comes ina few days.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice to see this one running again!
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, school is almost over now so I'll have a lot more time to work on this.
Pissing babe

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry it's taking me so long to get the rest of the chapter finished, I thought now that school is out I'd have more time, but no such luck Sad I do have the outline done though so just hang in there a bit longer!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No prob!

Oops, that's borderline...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Like I said somewhere else, I've got an unexpected family crisis, I'll have to go away for a few days, but I will be back soon with the rest of this chapter. Thanks for your patience.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, don't worry about me! i know the next half will be a hit! Wink I cannot wait! Laf
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Six: A True Beginning (part two)

It’s odd how the most important things in a person’s life can happen so quickly. Only a few short days before Arron had been a promising student and trusted agent of his King. Now he was a fugitive, preparing to commit his second crime against the powers that be. As Erick led the boy down the back streets of the busy town, Arron thought about Timothy. He couldn’t help but think of how his former teacher would have reacted to what he was about to do. Arron halted in the streets as a picture formed in his mind. Timothy’s jaw would have dropped; his face turned red, then with a tremendous effort Timothy would have checked himself and launched into a three-hour talk about treaties and abiding the law. He would have given an excellent speech, for someone who wanted a description of government policies, then finished up with a proverb about doing what you could where you were. Arron shook his head; perhaps if Timothy had explained why policies and trade laws made it acceptable to tolerate persecution they never would have had a falling-out…or maybe it would have happened sooner when so much wasn’t at stake. Erick stopped when he saw that Arron was no longer beside him and looked back.

“Arron? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, sorry, please lead on.”

The buildings and houses of the prosperous town gradually thinned, and trees appeared more and more frequently. Eventually the pair was traveling down a lonely forest road instead of cobblestone streets. The light was beginning to fade, and Erick’s apprehension rose. Just before the sun was completely obscured by the surrounding hills, the pair of rescuers heard a noise. It was low and indiscernible at first, but grew louder as they drew nearer its source. It was the sound of a celebration. Erick and Arron abruptly found themselves at the edge of a large, circular clearing buzzing with people. Nearly all of them were dressed in guard uniforms and hanging around a large, multi-storied building with bars on the windows. Arron took in the scene rapidly, trying to get a feel for the layout and potential weaknesses. It was obvious to him that this building was a holding place for special prisoners, and as such removed from the general public. It was also obvious that these people were not used to prisoners with strong friends.

Only a handful of the guards were standing watch at the prison doors, and even fewer were circling the clearing in a half-hearted attempt at a patrol. Most were standing around a large bonfire drinking out of crude wooden cups, sarcastically toasting “That fox, Warden” and telling gruesome jokes. It was more like a morbid farewell party than a serious matter of state. Everyone was reveling in his moment of victory and unsuspecting of trouble. Arron closed his eyes and wrinkled his forehead in deep concentration. It was just like the problems Timothy used to make for him as part of his training. At the thought of Timothy his eyes snapped open, he’d almost forgotten that he was still being pursued. He looked long and hard at the fire and reached under his shirt, bringing a small object hung around his neck into the dim firelight. He fingered it for a moment, and gazed at the building in the center of the clearing. A moment later his jaw set and he turned towards his companion.

“Sir, I have an idea. It isn’t perfect, but if it works it will end the chase both for your friend and myself.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“There is some risk involved, and we’ll need to split up. The only thing is that if it doesn’t work you won’t be safe in this place any more.”

“I’ve suffered worse things than unpopularity.”

Arron looked at the sea captain with that peculiar expression of his that would have been a smile on anyone else.

“Alright then, listen carefully. In about twenty minutes a large wagon or cart is going to turn onto this road. You must waylay it without letting the driver see you. Bring it about a half mile from this spot and Warden and I will be waiting for you.”

“How can you be sure someone will be headed this way?”

“Easy. There is no gallows in the clearing, which means they want to execute him in public. There are no horses, carts or any means of transportation around either; one must be coming for him.”

“So…Jim is going to escape in the same wagon that was supposed to carry him to his death?”

“If all goes well, Sir.”

“He’ll love that.”

The time of Warden’s execution was dangerously near. Arron crouched in the darkness, watching the flickering of the fire and waiting for the right moment. An operation like this required perfect timing. The guards were settling down now and speaking in lower voices, finally feeling the weight of the situation. Arron ruffled his hair a little and rubbed dirt over his clothes. When satisfied he looked sufficiently scruffy, he took a deep breath and stepped out into the circle of light, making no effort to hide his presence from the guards. Very quickly he was spotted by one of the less inebriated ones around the fire, who gripped his spear and glared at him.

“Hold up there! What’s you’re business here?”

Arron did his best to look meek an intimidated, which wasn’t easy for him, and didn’t answer at first. On of the other guards squinted at him in the dim firelight and rolled his eyes at his companion.

“Lay of Jack, it’s just a kid.”

“I don’t care Ted; we’re supposed to be on the lookout for trouble.”

“And what kind of trouble is a squirt like that gonna cause? Best be getting on home kid, this aint no place for little ones.”

Arron seized the opportunity the guard had dropped into his lap. His lip trembled ever so slightly, and his eyes watered up just a hair. If this was going to work he couldn’t over do it.

“But I don’t have a home mister. I’m cold and hungry and I just want a safe place to stay. Please, could I stay in the jail, just for a little while? I promise I won’t stay long.”

The guard known as Ted glanced at his friend sympathetically. The other guard shook his head.

“Oh no, no way. Beat it half-pint.”

“Now Jack, what could that possibly hurt? Look at him, poor thing. Why not?”

“We can’t let him in under the same roof as you-know-who.”

“And what’s the kid gonna do? Spring him? Come on Jack, have a heart.”

The second guard let out a long sigh.

“Alright, fine. But if the sheriff comes back and finds out it’s all on you.”

The friendly guard led Arron past the watchmen at the door and into the prison. He sat the boy down on a pile of blankets in front of a fireplace in the Sheriff’s quarters, and in a few minutes had a pleasant blaze going.

“Sorry I can’t make things better, but this aint what you’d call a palace.”

“I’m quite comfortable. It was kind of you to do as much.”

“Yeah, well, I know what it’s like to be down and out. Just keep your chin up, things will get better.”

“Thank you.”

Ted bid Arron a good night and left to return to his duties. Arron lay still for exactly a half hour before jumping up from his place and looking around the room for something useful. There was an oil lamp on a desk in the corner, perfect for what he needed to do. Before he could do that though, he needed to find Warden. Warden was not an Ampera, so that made it more difficult to locate him. Some would have grown nervous as the time slipped away, but Arron never felt the least apprehension. He checked every cell, first the ground floor, then the second, then the third, till eventually he heard a muffled sigh. Arron darted down the upper corridor and halted at the last door. It was locked fast. He rapped gently on the door, careful not to make unnecessary noise. A groan came from the cell, and a weary, burdened voice followed.

“Just open the door, I’m ready.”

“I don’t have the key.”

There was a slight pause before Arron received a response.

“A…A child’s voice? What is this? Who’s there?”



“You don’t know me. I’m a friend of Captain Millstone.”

“Erick?! Then you’re here to-“

“Hush! Not so loud!”

“Oh, right. Sorry. How are you going to get me out of here without the key?”

Without answering, Arron lifted his foot and kicked the door. It splintered and flew off its hinges, falling inches from the feet of a haggard and dirt-besmeared man somewhere in his thirties. The signs of a hard life and recent abuse were evident on his person, but there was a lift in his chin that denoted sufficient pride to handle them. He gapped at the boy revealed before him in wonder.

“You…you just kicked in a door.”

“Yes, what of it?”

“Oh, you’re an Ampera!”

“Brilliant deduction. Do you really like it in there or something?”

Warden stepped out of his cell, shaking his head as if trying to wake himself up. Arron led him quietly back to the room Ted had placed him in, and proceeded to push the blankets, chairs, desk, and anything flammable he could find into a pile in the center of the room. When that was done he took the oil lamp and broke it, sprinkling the liquid on the pile and making a trail to the fire. He then kicked a burning log out of place so that it caught the corner of a blanket and flared up. Warden didn’t have to ask what he was doing. Who would go into a burning building to save a condemned man? But it did give him pause when Arron pulled a small object on a chain off his neck and threw it into the growing blaze.

“What was that?”

“A long shot.”

Arron said nothing else, but led Warden to a window and waited. The fire quickly spread into the hallway and the heat was soon uncomfortable. Warden began coughing, but Arron held still until the smoke was thick enough to cover them. The two climbed out the window just in time to hear the startled cries of the guards noticing smoke billowing from the windows. They crept carefully to the edge of the clearing, not relaxing or making a sound until the sounds and lights of the confusion behind them were indiscernible with the noises of the night. When finally they were sure of safety, Warden shook his head and sighed deeply.

“I don’t know who you are boy, but I sure owe you one. When I heard that knock…”

“We can’t breathe freely yet, we have to meet up with Captain Millstone and get out of here.”

“Where is Erick anyway? I was expecting to see him on the other side when that door came crashing in.”

“If I’m not mistaken that’s him now.”

The clop-clop of horse’s hooves sounded down the road. Warden tensed, but Arron stood unconcerned out in the open. A moment later a small wagon approached drawn by two enormous black horses, Millstone driving them at an easy pace. When Warden saw who it was, he laughed out loud and ran forward.

“Erick! What on earth are you driving? It looks like the head of a funeral procession.”

“So it is Jim, yours.”

Warden did a double take at the wagon and let out a low whistle.

“Now that is what I call poetic justice.”

Moments later Arron sat between Warden and Millstone while the horses labored through a densely overgrown forest path running alongside a river. Arron and the sea Captain said nothing, but Warden chattered away enough for both of them. Now that he was out of danger, he seemed unaware that he had ever been in it. Arron yawned absentmindedly, bringing the escapee’s attention on him.

“Say, Arron is it? How long did it take you to figure out that plan?”

“About a minute, why?”

“You have a gift for strategy.”

“I am an Ampera after all.”

“I know, but…you also are very strong. You knocked down the door like it was nothing.”


“Not many Ampera could have been the brains and the muscle of an operation like that.”

Arron didn’t answer at first, but turned slowly and looked Warden in the eye. Warden returned the stare for a moment, then dropped his gaze, unable to continue for some reason he didn’t understand. Arron’s voice became very quiet and still.

“If I were like most Ampera, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.”

“There’s no need to act like I’m accusing you of anything. I meant it as a compliment. A multi-talented person like you could be very useful to the rest of us.”

Arron clenched his teeth and returned his eyes to the road.

“I’m sick of being ‘useful’.”

An awkward silence descended on the small group. It was a relief when Millstone finally reigned in the horses and alighted from his perch. He waited till his two companions followed his example, then smacked the horse on the rear, startling it and sending both galloping into the forest with the wagon in tow. Warden took the lead from this point, following the river up stream until it opened into a large clear pool. It rippled tranquilly in the after shock of a waterfall cascading down a cliff you had to hurt your neck to see the top of. Warden smiled broadly and seemed to relax.

“We’re home free now, friends. Safety is just past that cliff.”

Arron examined the face of the cliff doubtfully. It was extremely steep and he doubted that even an Ampera could scale it successfully.

“You’re not suggesting we climb that are you?”

“Not at all. I said past, not over. We aren’t climbing it, we’re going through it.”

Warden and Millstone led Arron to the foot of the cliff then turned towards the pool and the waterfall. They slowly made their way over a narrow little shelf of rock peaking above the water line that hadn’t been visible before. Arron saw now what they meant to do. The waterfall perfectly masked a low cave behind its turbulent façade. Into this cave the two men disappeared. Arron followed, nearly loosing his balance on the slippery rocks and tumbling into the churning water. Luckily Millstone was close at hand and grabbed a hold of the boy before this happened.

“Careful son, we’re not even to the dangerous part yet.”

Arron just nodded and followed the Captain. The cave was darker than Arron expected; He could only see a few feet into it with clarity. Millstone and Warden couldn’t stand up all the way, and it was bitingly cold. Other than that though, Arron could see no immediate threat.

“What’s dangerous about this place?”

“To Jim, nothing. But for people who aren’t familiar with it, everything. You can’t see it coming in, but this is the beginning of a massive labyrinth. Even if you could see you’re hand in front of your face, I doubt many people could find their way out. This area used to be mined before an earthquake ruined the tunnels and redirected the river. There are pits, cave-ins, animals, and other unpleasant things littered around here.

“Did Abigail bring Jovie through all that?”

“No, there are several ways to get there. Abby took a much quicker and safer route that led over the pass we’re going under. We could have gone there ourselves, but we would have had to go through the town to get to the starting point. It really isn’t that far from here distance-wise, but it takes a good bit of a day to get through because of the terrain. But the bright spot is what’s on the other side.”

“And what’s that?”

“You’ll see.”

The three set out on the final part if their journey, moving slowly and calling each other’s names every so often to make sure they were all accounted for. An hour of this would have been bad enough, but three passed before Warden announced the ‘easy part’ was over. On and on the time dragged. The ground got rockier and dipped up and down. Some parts slanted uphill for so long it seemed impossible that it was all inside of something bigger. Other times they covered ground dropping so steeply they had to give up all pretenses of walking and slide. This was not pleasant. The stale air rushing past one’s face combined with the inability to see anything made it feel more like free-falling into a bottomless pit. The space around them also seemed to fluctuate radically. There were places were they had to twist their feet and walk sideways to fit. In other places their footsteps echoed back at them in spaces it made you feel dizzy to think about. Finally, a distant speck of light glimmered in the distance, heralding an end to the draining journey.

Warden picked up his pace at the sight of it, Millstone and Arron close on his heels. The speck grew in size and brightness till they stood blinking in broad daylight. When Arron’s eyes adjusted to the light, he looked around at what was to be his new home. He was not disappointed. The sun fell full on a green little valley hemmed in by snow-laden peaks on all sides. The trip had brought them up into mountain country, but left them low enough to be safe from cold temperatures and harsh weather. A deep river, stemming from the same source as the waterfall that had been the start of their journey, rushed past them and winded its way into the valley. He followed the river with his eyes, and saw several small, simple buildings with people hanging around them. He could strongly sense the presence of Ampera. One in particular caught his attention: A girl, running toward him with a bundle in her arms. It was Abigail and Jovie. Arron drank in the peaceful scene around him and sighed, but this time it was out of relief, not weariness. For the first time in a long while, Arron knew he could rest.

At precisely the same moment Arron was gazing at his place of refuge, Timothy was standing knee-deep in a pile of smoldering ashes. Anne was there, leaning on him a little, and showing every possible sign of resenting the possibility. Her students were scattered around them, searching the debris for any evidence of the lost pupil. When they had docked, the whole town was abuzz with the news of a mysterious fire and death of a dangerous criminal. One man in particular, sad and depressed, had told them of a small boy that he’d given shelter to just before the fire started. Timothy and Anne immediately had headed to the scene, suspecting the fire was not such a mystery. Anne shook her head at the fruitless efforts of her students and decided to take her impatience out on Timothy.

“This was a stupid idea. Arron could be long gone by now and we’re just wasting time.”

“But we don’t know the fire was his doing Anne, what if he…what if he…”

Anne’s faced softened almost imperceptibly.

“Then, as bad as it sounds, we can call this mission a success. The goal was to keep Arron from running around loose. Perhaps this is better for all concerned than the ordeal of a trial and retribution. Perhaps it’s better for Arron if he didn’t survive, the way he was going.”

Timothy bit his tongue and couldn’t answer Anne’s speculations. He knew she meant well. But despite his initial reaction when Arron had rebelled, the more time went on the harder he found it to think of harm coming to him, even at the hands of the Ampera. He wondered if it really was his fault, if he had let his fondness for the boy ruin him.

“If he is dead Anne, I don’t think I can forgive myself.”

Almost as if Fate was having a cruel joke at Timothy’s expense, one of Anne’s students gave a shout and ran forward, holding something in her hand. Timothy took it and paled. It was a simple enough object in itself: A small bronze circle with three starts engraved on it. What made Timothy react so was not merely what it was, but what finding it without Arron seemed to imply.

“Anne, this is the award he won for entering the third tier.”

“I see that.”

“He was the youngest person ever to get one, remember? It was one of the few things he was proud of. Anne, he never would have left it behind.”

“Are you sure Timothy?”

“Positive. I know that boy better than he knew himself, despite whatever he wanted to think. He valued this over anything else. Before he left it he would have…”

Timothy trailed off, unable to finish the thought. After a pause he spoke quietly.

“Call them back Anne, I don’t want them to find the body. Let the boy rest in peace, undiscovered, were he is. The world can be ignorant of his crime then.”

“But what about the child?”

“I wouldn’t worry about that. If it wasn’t with him it probably was killed in the sea battle. And even if it didn’t it won’t survive here long without Arron to hide what it is.”

Anne called her students and ordered them back to the ship, but she didn’t tell them what had happened for Timothy’s sake until after he retired for the day. The whole trip home he never spoke. When the other groups returned they were bound to secrecy. The village gave him a hero’s memorial, and the message went to the King that one of their soldiers had died serving him. As far as the world was concerned, that was exactly what happened.

But Arron’s story doesn’t end here. His finding a place of safety for him and the child he had given so much up for is merely the end of the prologue of his story. For this is not a story about a little boy, or even a little girl. It’s a story about a man and the impact he made on the world around him. The beginning of Arron’s story, its true beginning, requires that one more event be explained that took place years later, when Jovie was about the same age as Arron when he entered Warden’s refuge.

“Arron! Arron! Jim’s looking for you. Arron?”

Jovie ran through the forest, calling out the name of her friend without receiving a response. She could tell he was nearby though, and she wasn’t giving up till she found him. Jovie had grown into a dark-haired, green-eyed little fireball with boundless enthusiasm it was impossible to suppress for long. Arron had proved prophetic in naming her, for over the years hardly ever did a frown cross her face. Despite the differences in personality and years, Jovie and Arron were the best of friends. There was a sort of sympathy between them, like they both understood something no one else could. Arron’s influence over her gave her a certain maturity that most young girls didn’t have, and whenever Jovie was around, Arron was much less somber and silent then usual.

Perhaps because of her parents, Jovie had inherited a natural command of attention and a strong will, that elusive quality that marks someone as important. Even though she was only a little girl, people listened to her when she spoke. Warden called it a ‘natural leadership’ but Millstone thought it might be something more, something to do with her abilities. Jovie rivaled Arron as the most gifted Ampera among the group that Warden protected despite her years, and was able to do most things as well if not better than those much older than her and better trained. This made Arron cautious about training her at all. He wanted her to be able to control the power she had, but he didn’t want to reveal the full extent of her abilities, even to herself, lest someone figure out the secret he held. Jovie wasn’t much interested in training though, and spent most of her time just being a kid. It was a privilege Arron didn’t want to take from her.

“Arron! I know you’re here somewhere!”

The little girl narrowed her eyes and scanned her surroundings. She knew each twig and rock of her home, and no one was going to pull the wool over HER eyes! She halted her pace and closed her eyes, shutting out the distractions around her. A moment later her green eyes snapped open, a sparkle in them, and her mouth twisted upwards. Ampera could always tell if another one was nearby, but Jovie could almost pinpoint the exact spot, and without much effort. She crept forward, peaking around a large tree. Arron sat with his back to her, apparently oblivious to the world around him. Jovie stifled a giggle, and began tiptoeing towards Him. Arron sat a little straighter a second later and spoke without turning his head.

“What is it Jovie?”

Jovie waited for a minute for him to turn and face her, but he didn’t budge. She plopped herself down on a rock in front of him and rested her chin in her hands. She could see he was in one of his moods again, so in true-friend fashion she sat and made faces at him, determined not to move till teasing out a smile. Arron, now fully grown, was a far cry from the slender runt he had been in childhood. He was tall and broad shouldered, no longer easy to lose in a crowd. One would hardly recognize him from his youth, except for one thing: His eyes. Everything else about Arron was different, but his eyes still had that strong, defiant, almost eerie calm they had when he was a child, except maybe they were less sad than before. He resisted Jovie’s contagious exuberance for as long as he could, but it was hard not to smile when Jovie was around. A few minutes of making faces at him got the desired result: Arron slowly grinned and suppressed a laugh.

“Alright Jovie, I surrender. It’s no good trying to be serious when you’re around. Now what was it?”

“Oh, nothing much, Jim’s looking for you is all.”

“What does he want now?”

“He just wanted to tell you that Erick is coming back again, thought you’d want to know.”

“Really? That’s different. It’s been almost a year since we saw him last. I hope he stays for a while this time.”

Arron got up from his spot, brushed himself off, and headed back to the small circle of houses that they lived in. There were about 12 Ampera of varying ages in the small refuge at the time, Ampera came and went depending on their circumstances. Only a few had been there since before Arron and Jovie arrived, and these made up the makeshift family Jovie knew. The two friends strolled along, Arron said nothing and Jovie hummed a little tune, picking wild flowers as she went. Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks and stared blankly ahead of her. Her cluster of flowers slipped forgotten from her hand. Arron saw this and was about to ask what was wrong, but before he could utter a word a twig snapped behind him. The two whirled around to see three men dressed in black with their faces covered, brandishing swords. The one in the middle spoke.

“Don’t do anything stupid, we’ve dealt with Ampera before.”

Jovie shrank against Arron’s side in fear. Despite the danger of the moment, he couldn’t help but marvel at the little girl at his side. She had known the attack was going to happen an instant before it actually did. That was more than Anne ever could have done with all her years of training, and Jovie hadn’t had any. He placed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly, and addressed the group with no sign of fear or nervousness.

“Perhaps you have, but it was a mistake coming after me.”

Jovie tightened her grip on her friend. Her eyes grew very wide and her voice very quiet.

“There’re not after you.”

Arron started and stared at Jovie, bewildered. A horrible thought struck him a second later, and he slowly looked back at the three. His muscles tightened as his eyes glowered at them.


He moved to go forward, but never made a single step. While his attention was focused on the three men in front of him, another came silently from behind and struck him over the head. Hard. The blow scattered his senses, and for the split second he held on to consciousness time seemed to slow down. As he feel to his knees, he cursed himself for being so careless. These people really were used to dealing with Ampera, even if it was in a cowardly way. As he hit the ground, and made a feeble attempt to push himself back up, he saw through his blurring vision the circle draw around Jovie, closing off any escape. The last sound he heard was the scream of a terrified young girl, but it seemed distant and far away. Arron had sacrificed his life once already for Jovie, and would gladly have done it again. But Ampera that he was, he’d blundered, and now was powerless to help her. When the darkness closed in on him, for a split second his mind’s eye saw Timothy’s face, though he couldn’t say why.

When the mist began parting from his eyes, at first Arron didn’t know where he was or how he’d gotten there. The green canopy of the forest towered above him, birds were chirruping as if nothing was wrong. Then like a flash, the events of the day came back to him, he sat bolt upright and saw the last thing he’d expect. Jovie was sitting next to him, hugging her knees. She was shaking a little, half-dried tears on her face, and staring straight forward as if mesmerized. Arron followed her gaze, and saw the four men who’d come after them stretched out on the ground, stone dead. Jovie Sniffled, and looked trembling at Arron.

“I…I didn’t even touch them. I was scared, and angry at them for hurting you. I didn’t even touch them…they just…”

Arron realized that Jovie had somehow defended herself without realizing what she was doing. He remembered what Millstone had said years before about his encounter with Jarrell. Clearly Jovie was more powerful than even Arron supposed. She had saved their lives with little more than a single thought. But such reflections would have to wait for later. For now, Jovie was frightened and confused, acting as if she’d done something wrong. Arron put his arm around her, and she leaned against him, tears streaming down her face.

“Arron, what did I do? What’s going on?”

What does Arron do?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow. Shocked Nice job GG. Just a few punctuation problems but nothing else. Wink As to the question, i think Arron try to make it easier for her from now on. It is not easy to take the fact that you hurt alot of people without knowing what you are doing and how you could prevent it. Unsure
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great Chapter GG! I say explain everything to Jovie well not everything, but everything she needs to hear. Calm her down, and explain what she just did.

Explain you and she can do a lot of things but she is much more powerful than you are so things come easier and quicker for Jovie. Explain to the girl that she needs to be more careful with her power, but sometimes things will happen that she can't explain. Explain to her how to choose between using her power carefully and wisely.

Make it sound as if your not sure how much more powerful than you are than her, but think it is only by a little bit.

Train her, guide her, and comfort her. Do it now, before it is too late.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 dinranwen. If people in black who have dealt with ampera before are rocking up and falling dead, its not going to be possible to just let Jovie be a kid anymore. He has to teach her to be a very unusual kid.

Teaching her some control before she becomes a teenager is a good idea anyway. She will be impossible to handle when the hormones kick in and she thinks she knows everything.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not sure what else there is to add other than good Chapter and f5 the others, tell her as much of the truth as is relevenet to her.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with dinranwen, be gentle when you tell her what you need to. She is just a kid anyway. Most kids her age would not take what she experenced.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good Ideas, though I'm surprised that no one has suggested that Arron tell straight out about herself. I think given the way he's dealt with Timothy and the ideas he has he'd be more likely to tell her everything. The choice is also an ethical one, we know he doesn't lie, so would it be dishonest to keep things back from her now? He wanted to protect her, but now she's growing up and will have to be able to protect herself. Is there any other way he could handle this besides comfort or harsh reality?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Geek_girl72 wrote:
Good Ideas, though I'm surprised that no one has suggested that Arron tell straight out about herself.

I thought that was implied by dinranwen's suggestion.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, maybe I misunderstod her, I thoiught she was saying just to tell her that she was stonger, not a second-generation Ampera. Oops Shocked

This choice might seem a little narrow, but the story could go in two drastic directions based on how Arron deals with this. I'm really looking forward to writing the rest of this story, it's all coming starting to come together!
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

May the voting commence!
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tell her! She can handle it. Wouldn't he have wanted Timothy to tell him everything about himself, when he was young? And she has more power than he had at that age.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only two people have voted so far, I'll leave the poll up till thursday afternoon and then user those results.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's over! telling Jovie everything won, I'll get started right away on the next chapter.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(part one of this chapter, my computer is still in pieces.)

Chapter Seven: A Harsh World

Arron quickly escorted the crying child away from the gruesome scene in the woods. He led her to just inside the mouth of the cave he had come through so many years ago and sat her down in front of him. The walk had helped her regain some of her composure, but her anxious gaze told Arron that she knew something serious was about to happen. Arron made up his mind quickly, like always, and acted with equal swiftness.

“Jovie, listen to me. You have nothing to feel remorse over. Defending yourself, and your friends, is something to be proud of, don’t ever let anyone tell you different, understand?”

“Y-yes Arron.”

“I’m going to explain to you what happened today, but to do that I’ll have to explain some other things about yourself you’ve never heard. It will not be pleasant, and will probably change the way you see many things. Can you be brave enough to face it?”

“Would it make a difference?”

“Perhaps not.”

Jovie hugged her knees to herself, and fixed a steady gaze on her friend. Arron paused a brief second. He felt like a person drowning a kitten, but it had to be done. He began his story, and with his characteristic serenity told the young girl the story of herself. He hid nothing from her, but let the full weight of her situation be known. Once again, a child knew the harshness of the world they belonged to, and faced things that many much older persons would have buckled under. Jovie was silent for a long time after Arron finished his story. She started rocking back and forth and stared at the ground. Arron leaned forward and placed one hand on her shoulder to steady her, and with the other lifted her chin so she had to look him in the face.

“Jovie, I’m sorry. It isn’t a pleasant thing, growing up before you time. I know what that is myself.”

“Then my parents...”

“Were two of the greatest villains the world has ever seen.”

“Does that mean that I-”

“No. Don’t even entertain the thought. It means nothing. The only person responsible for who you are is you alone.”

Jovie looked at Arron as if seeing him for the first time.

“You mean it then, what you always say about Fate?”

“I never say things I don’t mean.”

Jovie seemed to ponder something for a moment, then wiped her tears, stood to her feet, and looked Arron full in the face. A change had come over her in an instant that Arron was both grieved and relieved to see. The little girl that he had always known was gone, except for the sparkle in her eyes. Her world had fallen to pieces around her, but Jovie herself had not, and her peace of mind was still intact.

“Arron, I think I should start training right away.”

Arron sighed, and stood likewise to his feet. Jovie was supposed to be Abby’s student, but he felt sure he could convince her to step down. It was obvious now that he was the only one it would be safe for Jovie to train under; both because others might learn her secret, and his unusual years of experience could be the only thing that enabled him to keep up with her for any length of time.

“That’s a very wise idea Jovie; I’ll speak to Abigail and Jim today about it. I have to warn you though: when it comes to serious matters like this I won’t always be able to be your friend like I have been before, I have to be your teacher first for your own sake.”

“I know things will be different, I can handle it.”

Arron smiled proudly at his friend. He moved as if to tussle her hair like he had before, but checked himself. Nothing had chaffed him more in his time with Timothy then when his teacher used such condescending gestures. He intended to avoid treating Jovie as if noting had happened. Instead, he clasped his hands in front of him and half-bowed, the way people of equal rank in Malya used to do to show respect. Jovie’s face lit up and she returned the gesture.

“In that case, my first instruction is to go find Jim and tell him I have urgent business to speak with him about.”

Jovie nodded and left to carry out orders. Not running or skipping as she would have usually done, but walking purposefully at a steady pace. Before Arron followed, he made a point of taking the bodies of the would-be kidnappers and hiding them in the cave. Despite the fact that Jovie had reacted well to the whole thing, something nagged at him. How did the four find their hiding place to begin with? And why were they more concerned with a little girl, who couldn’t have begun training yet, then a person much more likely to pose a threat to the powers that be? A suspicion that they knew who Jovie was he quickly discarded. It was impossible for anyone to know either of them had survived. And yet, something odd was going on, and Arron couldn’t shake the thought from his mind that this event was merely the herald of something bigger.

Later that day, Jim looked at him from across the fire pit that served as a congregating spot for their small community. It was a little ways removed from the cluster of dwellings in the valley, and most important matters where taken care of here. Arron had told him of his wish to begin teaching Jovie, and his long time companion was at a loss for several minutes.

“Arron, you can’t be serious.”

“Why on earth not?”

“She’s only a little girl, it isn’t time yet.”

“I was younger than her when I started.”

“Yes, but...Is it fair to her?”

“Mr. Warden, fairness is hardly ever a deciding factor in people’s lives. Jovie needs to begin training; you’re a dunce if you can’t see that.”

“I don’t deny she has an amazing gift, but...she is young, and Abby was supposed to train her.”

“With all do respect to Abigail, I think I could make more headway with Jovie then her.”

“I think I should have something to say about this.”

Jim and Arron looked up to see Abby leaning on a tree with her arms crossed. She had grown into a very tall and slender woman; one that many thought was very pretty. Arron had never seen what all the fuss was about personally. She glided up to the fire pit with the grace that made her such a useful spy, and casually sat herself down at the far end so she faced both Arron and Jim. She Smiled at Arron in a way that most men would have done back flips to be favored with, but Arron was not like most men, and remained unfazed by it.

“Jim, Arron, there is no reason to get into a long drawn out debate over this. It’s a simple matter of who is best for Jovie. I for one have never spent much time with her, Arron has. I would only have one reservation about handing her over to him.”

Arron sighed inwardly, for not wanting a drawn out debate, she was taking an awfully long time to get to the point.

“My only reservation is...well, Arron, you do have a reputation of being a little...aloof? shall I say?”

She flashed another of her usually disarming smiles at him, Arron did his best to keep from scowling openly at her.

“And what of it?”

“Well, with Jovie... she is a little girl as Jim says. You wouldn’t harsh with her? I mean you will bear in mind that she is only a little girl?”

“I will bear in mind that she is an Ampera in a world hostile to her, and act accordingly.”

The force with which Arron spoke those words startled Abby and Jim a little. Arron was usually so reserved and quiet, but when something angered him, it showed. Abby recovered a little, and looked puzzled as if she had no idea what she had said wrong. She managed a week smile in Jim’s direction and tried to continue as if nothing had happened.

“If he is willing to do his duty by her as a teacher, I really don’t see why you should hesitate Jim, Jovie is more likely to heed the words of a friend more than anyone else.”

Jim furrowed his brow and thought a moment, then simply nodded his assent and left without speaking. Arron rose likewise to go, but Abby jumped to her feet and called to him.

“Arron! wait a moment if you will.”

Arron seriously contemplated pretending he didn’t hear her, but that would have been ingenuine, so he halted and turned back. She motioned him to sit down, and he begrudgingly complied. Abby fidgeted for a moment, and looked around as if not wishing anyone near while she spoke.

“I just wanted to say, I am sorry if I said something to offend you.”

“You didn’t.”

Arron replied simply, and stood again to leave. Abby jumped up again and stepped after him.

“Oh Arron, you are angry about what I said, aren’t you? Please tell me what it was and I’ll apologize.”

“I told you I wasn’t angry.”

“Then why do you act this way? I’ve only ever tried to be your friend, why do you always act like I’ve said something wrong?”

Arron cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms. He looked at the theater-distress in the young woman’s face and felt sick to his stomach.

“Do you really wish to know?”

“Of course.”

“To be honest Abigail, I don’t truly like you very much. In fact, I can’t say I like you at all.”

Abby started and stepped back a little. She opened and closed her mouth several times, at a loss. It was clear nobody, no man at least, had ever spoken to her in such a blunt way. Eventually she managed to sputter out:

“You what? What...why...what have I done-”

“You smile too much.”

Abby flushed, as fully aware of what Arron meant by what he was leaving out as by what he said

“Well, at least I’m not a...a...not some...some...”

“Don’t hurt yourself.”

Abby stalked off with her noise in the air. Arron just shook his head. That night, it was Arron’s turn to keep watch. Jim hadn’t required a regular watch be kept ever since his ‘death’ ten years ago eleminated most of the threat of discovery, but Arron always insisted on staying on the lookout. His pearch atop a hill allowed him to see the whole of the hidden valley stretched out before him. As the sun gradually sank out of view and the darkness thickened, Arron felt strangely affected by it. It seemed that all the memories of his past life made this moment significant in some way. The small fire at his feet sputtered as the burning logs fell in on themselves. Arron took a stick and stirred the fire, more to have something to do than because it needed it. A single ember rolled out of the flames and stopped a few inches off. Arron watched the glowing coal struggle to keep burning apart from its native environment. His mouth twitched in an odd way, and he let his head fall into his hands. A soft rustling cuaght his attention, and Arron looked up to see Jovie sitting beside him. Without a word, the young girl picked up the stick, and moved a second ember to rest next to the first one. Arron stared, amazed at his young friend, then turned his head away as if not wanting her to see his face.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

good stuff! Can't wait to see the rest of the chapter. Arron is such a great character Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Harsh World (Part Two)

Before Arron could make a reply, his thoughts were interrupted again by the sound of footsteps. Two people were approaching the small fire, neither were Ampera. Arron stood to his feet and motioned Jovie to do the same.

"Stay close to me in case there's trouble."

He whispered, and Jovie silently nodded to show she understood. The footsteps grew closer, and a whispering voice could be faintly heard. What must have been the second person shushed the first, and they continued towards the two friends in silence. Arron glanced at Jovie and his hands involuntarily tightened into fists. He was not going to be careless this time. A moment later two men entered the light of the fire. Arron relaxed and Jovie broke into a smile


She cried while rushing forward. The sea Captain picked her up and twirled her around with the air of man meeting his own child after a long separation. Time could not heal the scars on Millstone's face, but it had at least begun to heal other things, as was clear by the way he received Jovie's enthusiasm.

"Jovie? Why you must be a whole foot taller than when I saw you last. Arron, why didn't you write to tell me I was missing my d-, my little friend's whole childhood?"

"I think she has a few more years before wrinkles start popping up."

Eric chuckled at this rare display of humor from his friend. An impatient chough from the man with him brought a more serious look back into his face.

"Ah, Jovie, I need to speak with Arron in private for a while and it is already late. Go off to sleep now and I'll see you in the morning."

Jovie kissed the sea Captain’s cheek and turned to leave. She caught sight of Eric's companion for the first time and paused. She glanced at Arron with an odd look on her face and obviously wanted to say something. She glanced quickly again at the man and seemed to reconsider, then nodded her good-night to Arron and disappeared back into the small group of houses. Arron looked at the man to try and see what had caused this reaction in Jovie. There was nothing extraordinary about his appearance: A short, middle-aged man with dark hair and slumped shoulders. Something in his demeanor marked him to Arron as a beaten man. Although this usually in most people would have evoked feelings of compassion, Arron took an instant dislike to him without being able to say why. Eric cleared his throat and motioned his companion to step forward.

"Arron, I'm afraid this visit isn’t a social call. I have very grave matters to speak to you about."

"Are you in some sort of trouble?"

"No, not me personally. But certain events have recently taken place that may concern you, and Ampera everywhere."

A grim expression flickered across Arron's face. He knew that Eric was no man to exaggerate, and no coward by any means. If Eric said the situation was that serious, then it must be.

"Me? And Ampera everywhere? To what extent?"

"I was getting to that. This man I've brought with me, his Son, who happens to be an Ampera, has been kidnapped."

Arron took a closer look at the man. He was obviously a Nadorian, and from his clothing one of high standing, yet his son was an Ampera? To harbor and Ampera, even your own child, was a capitol offence in Nadoria. If the powers that be discovered it, his life could be forfeit. It dawned on Arron what must have brought this man here.

"It's still not clear how this could affect Ampera everywhere; I can see you are an important man-"

At this the man lost his patience and stepped forward.

"I, Sir, am Angelo Giovanni Ignacio Dragonsbane the Fourth, King of Nadoria, and...

Here he cast a contemptuous gaze at Arron as if his whole self hated to make a request of him.

"..I have need of your services."

What Does Arron do?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally! The next chapter is finished. So how does Arron handle this? Does he help a man responsible for a lot of suffering and injustice, or let an innocent Boy suffer? Bear in mind that both could go against his principals and he will have to eventually explain his actions to Jovie.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all he should tell the King that he doesn't care that he is King. He never took any crap from his own friends and mentors, I don't see him taking it from some puffed up Ampera-phobic royal with self-hate issues.

But of course he should still find the prince, for his own reasons and on his own terms.
(Arron should probably find out what the king and the kidnappers each intend to do to the prince first.)
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exactly. But what about how this is going to effect other Ampera? How should he find out about that wihtout risking the loss of an opportunity?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter GG, finally had time to catch up!

Well, you can't really respond until you hear him out. So do so, making it plain that you promise nothing.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Something in my heart tells me to distrust this I do, without knowing quite why.

Listen to the man, hear him out, and see what he has to say.

Then, before answering him one word, tell him that it depends largely on your pupil, Jovie, who is relant on you much the way a daughter would be.

Once he is alone with Jovie, I say that he is completly honest with her about the whole thing, how it might be dangerous, and that he saw her reaction to the man, and because he trust her and wishes to treat her like an equal, he wants her opinion.

Basically if Jovie says no then no,

If Jovie says yes, say yes.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting, although I think despite the fact I haven't written a lot about it yet, Eric is Jovie's father figure (that will come out in the next chapter I think) Arron treats her too much on level with himself to be a big athourity figure. Asking Jovie her opinion is a good idea, since he does have an obligation to her now and this situation might put him in danger.

Edit: Okay, so far I've got

1. Have nothing to do with him

2. Hear him out politely.

3. Turn the tables and question him first.

Any thing I've missed?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is up! Let the voting Commence!
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the votes are in! Arron being his usuall self won the poll. Next chapter should be expected in...roughly two weeks.

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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll throw a fourth option that i am going to vote for (if it is in cluded ) is For Aaron to seek Jovie and see what she says then decide from there Perhaps Jovie knows something that Aaron doesn't...?
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 8: Arron and the King

Arron drew himself up to his full height and took a single step towards the King.

?Save your bravado for the cowards who follow you, I am not one of them.?

The King of Nadoria started at this unexpected attitude much the same way Abby had earlier. He stood for a moment with his mouth slightly open, either to angry or too shocked to speak. Out of the corner of his eye, Arron thought he saw a faint smile flit across Eric?s face. The King finally found his voice and sputtered out:

?You dare to insult a king to his face?!?

?And you dare to come to me for help after all the thousands of my kind you?ve slaughtered??

?The innocent blood of my son will be on your hands if you refuse.?

In a swift move that surprised even Eric, Arron grabbed the King by the throat and slammed him into a tree. The King gave a strangled cry, but didn?t fight back; he just gazed glassy-eyed at his attacker, overcome with surprise and terror. Arron gritted his teeth and stared the tyrant straight in the eye, not allowing him to drop his gaze, which seemed to inflict more on the King than his breath being choked out of him.

?Innocent? ?Ampera are born tainted? those are your words. What of all the blood on your hands those words have caused? The sons, daughters, parents and children killed by your commands, your decrees? Yet you have the gall to come to us and behave as if we owe you something.?

?I?I acted on my convictions.?

?The same convictions you sacrifice now? You have killed people for doing what you have done. If you were an Ampera, I would kill you where you stand.?

At this Arron released the King and let him fall trembling to the ground. He crossed his arms and glared at the quaking monarch with utter contempt as he continued.

?But fortunately for you, I have scruples about killing a defenseless man, even one as despicable as you. For heaven?s sake stand up like a man.?

The King drew himself unsteadily to his feet with the air of a dog with his tail between his legs. He leaned against the tree, gasping in the air and trying unsuccessfully to regain his lost dignity. He didn?t look Arron in the face.

?Please, he?s my son. He?s only a child.?

At his tone, Arron closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. He glanced at Eric, who gave him a slight nod of assent. Wearily, Arron gestured towards the fire and the three sat down around it.

?I have some questions about what happened, but understand that I make no promises at this point.?

?Yes, of course.?

?First of all, give me one reason why I should help you.?

?In return for restoring my son to me, I will?relax the laws surrounding your kind.?

?Relax? To what extent??

?It will be similar to the system in Malya. They will be left alone if they keep to themselves and do not enter our towns without permission.?

?That is not how it works in Malya, but at least it?s a start. Now, tell me how this?incident, took place, were you with your son when it happened??

?No. He was in the fields by himself, but I was watching him from a window. Out of nowhere, four men in black suddenly appeared and carried him off. I raised the alarm but-?

?Wait, did you say four men in black??

?Yes, when we searched the area, I found this.?

The King pulled a small object from inside his cloak and handed it to Arron. Arron shook it out and held it up to the fire to examine it. The object was a black cloth mask, identical to what the men who had attacked himself and Jovie that afternoon had worn. Arron?s eyes narrowed, this added a whole new meaning to what had happened. Two attempted abductions within a short space of time, and both on Ampera children? It was too suspicious to be a coincidence. Arron hid his concern though, and continued questioning the king.

?Do you suspect anyone in this plot??

?I have no evidence, but my brother is the most likely. He has the support of many of the stronger nobles, and three sons of his own. If my heir were out of the way, my throne would be seriously in danger.?

Arron shot a quick glance at the king with this last bit of information. A guilty look registered on the King?s face, and Arron shook his head in disgust.

?That?s fatherly love for you.?

The king stood to his feet in impatience and put his hands on his hips.

?Sir, I have borne your questions and contempt long enough. Tell me plainly If you will help me, or not.?

Arron leaned back and crossed his arms, looking up at the king with o change of expression. He knew of course, before he?d even questioned him, what his answer would be.

What does Arron decide? His convictions might go either way with this one. Helping Ampera all over Nadoria would be tempting, but can he truly trust this king? Comments please!
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 10:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course he can't trust this king. However I think he would take any chance he can get to help the Ampera. Plus, the kid he's supposed to rescue is the heir to the throne, so being an Ampera himself, hopefully his countries treatment of Ampera will improve when he comes to power. Not to mention the fact that this is a lead on those mysterious, Ampera hunting, men in black. And you just know Arron wants to find out more about them.

In short, he can't possibly pass up this opportunity. Smile
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 12:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I F5 Argo, such an oppurinity is not to be missed!

Great Chap GG! I only wish there was more of it, LOL!
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

..Yeah, it was another one of those things where I had to stop or go for ten more pages. The next chapter will be longer.
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I f5 Argo as well. He is already connected to what is happening, whether he likes it or not. He might as well make the most of it and do something.
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I f5. He can't pass this one up. However, he should try and find out the brother's views on Ampera too. Maybe the brother would be a supporter. Unlikely I know but...
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

...Interesting, I didn't think of that possibility. So far the options I've got are:

Agree to help,

Seek out the brother first,

and even though it's not likely: refuse

Any other options before the poll goes up?
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, forgot to say: the poll will run till monday.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, Arron will agree to help the King. I'l try to put the next chapter up as soon as possible, but I've got two other chapters to finish ahead of it and 'whodunnit?' tp get started, so it might be a littel while.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just got caught up, your story is as excellent as ever. Looking forward to the next chapter!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As am I. I took me quite some time for me to catch up but it was worth it. I enjoy its flow and rhythm. I await the next chapter with relish, so in short, hurry up!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whew! I'm back from my leave of absence, and the first thing I'm going to do is post a new chapter shortly...and change the name of this sg. I'm thinking: 'A question of fate' would do better, but do you guys have any ideas?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I rather like the title you have now GG. I thought it was cool when I read why it was called this.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've come to know and love this name also. If you change its name now, it will just become "the storygame formerly known as I Don't Believe in Fate".
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hehe, that's a good point. I guess the name doesn't have to change. It's just that I'm thinking of trying to make this into a regular novel after it's done here and I'm not sure if the title is a good one. But then again I can't think of one that expresses the story better.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 9: The Deal

Arron nodded simply. “Yes, I’ll find your son for you, but on one condition.”
“You can have whatever title or compensation you wish of course. You’d be exempt from the new laws and-”

“That is not what I meant by condition.”

“Then what is it?”

Arron paused for a minute, considering his words carefully.

“I’ll wait to explain that for a while. But when and if I find your son, and if I am able to return him unharmed, at that time I’m going to ask something from you, do I have your word that you will grant it?”

“…You want me to promise you something before I know what it is?”


The King stared hard at Arron, as if trying to guess what he was capable of demanding. He looked helplessly at Erick, but the Sea Captain remained stonily silent and motionless. At length, the King’s shoulders slumped and he nodded.

“I suppose I have no choice do I? I give my word as King you may have whatever you ask for if you return my son.”

As soon as the words were out of the king’s mouth, Arron stood to his feet and offered his hand to seal the deal, which the King reluctantly accepted. Arron instructed the King to wait while he and Erick made some quick preparations, and hastily made for the group of houses under the inky blackness of the night. When they were out of earshot, Erick cleared his throat and addressed his friend gravely.

“Arron, do you really trust that man too keep his promises?”

“No, not for a second. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to kill us both after this is over.”

“Then why on earth are we doing this?”

Arron grinned in a way Erick had often seen him do right before a sparring match with another Ampera.

“Because there’s something we can take with us that will force him to keep his word.”

“And that would be?”


Erick stopped dead in his tracks and stared amazed at Arron.

“Jovie?! How does she fit into this?”

Arron likewise halted and looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Erick, you know how in a game of chess, a pawn can become a queen under certain circumstances? Well, that’s what Jovie is like. She may seem unimportant to an ordinary person, but I can see she’s only one move away from being the most powerful figure in this dangerous game we’re playing.

“Arron, I don’t pretend to know exactly what you’re talking about. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

A moment later they reached the small dwelling Jovie lived in with several other women. One candle was still lit. Arron knocked softly, and a shadowy figure that had been sitting by the light slowly rose and headed for the door. When it swung open Arron groaned inwardly. The last person in the world he wanted to see had answered the door.

“Arron? What exactly are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?”

“Save it Abigail, Erick and I need to speak to Jovie.”

Abby barely nodded at Erick to give the least possible acknowledgement of his presence, and looked at Arron with a strange expression of triumph on her face.

“I’m sorry Arron, but Jovie is sleeping, I don’t want her developing irregular habits.”

“What are you babbling about now?”

“I spoke to Jim again today. I told him I’d changed my mind about handing over Jovie and gave him several reasons why you would be unsuitable as her guardian. And as her official guardian I’m exerting my authority about whom she speaks to and when.”

Arron glanced at Erick, who shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to Abby.

“Abigail, I don’t have time for this. Stand aside.”

“Oh no, don’t think you can push me around like that. Jim agrees with me perfectly. He would have explained everything in the morning had you not so rudely barged in here tonight. In any case, the bottom line is that I have his approval in this, good night.”

Abby tried to shut the door in Arron’s face, but he stopped it with his hand and shoved it violently back open. Abby started, and Arron took a step closer and looked her directly in the eyes. Her defiance quickly shriveled up and she dropped her gaze. Arron crossed his arms and spoke in a deadly still voice.

“Abigail Hanson. You are a selfish, spoiled, petty, insufferable, overgrown brat. Not to mention by far the stupidest person I’ve ever met. I don’t care who happens to be Jim Warden’s little favorite, I brought that child here and I’ll take her away if I so please. So stand aside. Now!”

Abby had kept her gaze fixed downward with a sullen expression while Arron spoke. When he gave his final command, she flinched and stepped aside. Arron quickly made his way to Jovie’s room and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, he tentatively opened it and peeked inside. Jovie was sound asleep with a little smile on her face. Arron shook her gently till she stirred and opened her eyes. Upon seeing her friend, Jovie sat up groggily and stifled a yawn.

“Arron? What is it?...Abby told me I couldn’t be your student, she was really mean about it too.”

“Abigail is a moron, don’t pay her any mind. I’m sorry to wake you up, but I have a very important question for you…”

Arron explained the situation as quickly as possible, and Jovie listened with growing interest. When he reached the end of it he fixed her with a serious gaze.

“Now Jovie, I believe that you would be an asset on this venture. But I won’t lie to you, it will be very dangerous, it could even be life-threatening. I won’t hold it against you if you want to remain behind.”

“I don’t want to stay behind Arron; I need to find out why…”

Jovie bit her lip and didn’t finish her sentence. Arron put a comforting hand on her shoulder and softened his voice.

“Alright, if that’s what you want. Gather whatever you need and we’ll go.”

Jovie hastily shoved some clothes and a few personal possessions in a satchel and headed out with Erick to meet the King. Arron briefly stopped at his own small home to arm himself properly, and came to the smoldering pit last. The King was apparently making some protest at Jovie’s addition to the party. Arron quickly stepped in and interrupted him.

“You Highness, it is essential that my charge come with us.”

“But…She’s only a child…”

“Sir, Jovie is my student, not a child, either she comes or I stay.”

It was more the look in Arron’s eyes than the words he spoke that persuaded the King to comply, and with resignation they began their journey through the woods and back into the capital city. All the while they were making their way; Erick kept looking at Jovie with a slightly perturbed look on his face. More than once he started to ask Arron something, but seemed to change his mind and remained silent. By and by, Jovie threw a quick glance at Arron and dropped a few steps behind. He followed suit, and soon they were far enough behind the other two not to be overheard. Jovie hugged her shoulders as if cold and looked up at Arron with a troubled expression.

“Arron, what do you… I mean, the King…Do you think he’s a good person?”

“No, I do not. Why?”

“It’s just that, when I look at him, I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like you need to keep your eyes open around him.”

“Having spoken with him, that’s exactly what I think too, I’m surprised you picked up on it so quickly.”

“Do you think it’s because of my…abilities that I could?”

Arron sighed in irritation, not at Jovie exactly, but something in her words that rankled him. He was silent for a long time before speaking.

“No, I don’t think what you are had anything to do with your opinion of his royal highness over there. In all honesty, I think anyone spending five minutes in his presence would conclude the same thing.”


“Just listen for a minute Jovie, this is important. When I was your age, I lived with people who by an accident of birth were different from everyone else. And when the rest of the world decided to define them by that difference, when the world reacted with fear and contempt, those innocent people ran away and hid themselves out of shame. They believed them Jovie, they believed all the ramblings of blind fools and cowards, and by degrees came to define themselves in the same way. There was never a defeat so total.”

Arron’s fists began to clench while he was speaking, and his tone grew increasingly bitter. When he reached the end of his tirade, he halted, looked at Jovie for a moment, and knelt down beside her.

“Jovie, no matter what you are now, or what you become in the future, never forget that you’re a human being above everything else, even if all the world says otherwise.”

Jovie let the thought sink in and didn’t reply. As they continued on their way, Arron could tell by her face she was having difficulty with it. Neither spoke for the duration of the journey. When they finally reached the palace, the four of them drew stares from nearly every guard and servant they passed. Arron couldn’t help but compare it to his memory of how Erick’s crew had reacted to him when he first stepped aboard his ship. The King gathered only the necessary staff into his throne room and told that these persons were his guests and were to be given the run of the palace. Afterwards he dismissed them, and they filed out of the chamber bewildered. The King then turned towards his ‘guests’ and suggested they retire for the night.

“There isn’t anything we can do at the moment that I haven’t done already, and it is only a few hours till morning. We should rest while we can.”

Arron agreed, and the King left them. Erick saw Jovie safely asleep, then pulled Arron aside into an empty hallway. Arron knew that whatever had been on his mind during their journey was about to be put into words.

“Arron, what is the matter with Jovie?”

Arron started, and gazed surprised at his old friend.

“What do you mean Erick?”

“I can’t exactly put it into words, but she’s different somehow then when I saw her last.”

“Well it was over a year ago-”

“That’s not what I mean. She’s…quieter, almost sadder in a way. She had that look on her face my men get when storm clouds gather on the horizon. That’s not like her at all. I know how close you and Jovie are, but that little girl is the daughter I never had. You have to tell me the truth.”

“Erick, what are you driving at?”

The Captain ran his hand though his hair anxiously, and for a moment his eyes held that vacant, dead expression they had ten years ago when Arron had first seen him.

“Arron, did something happen to Jovie, while I was away?”

What does Arron do?

"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay, new chapter posted! And an excellent one at that, though the lack of line spacing makes it look a little cluttered. No matter, the story didn't suffer for it.

So for the DP I'm assuming you want to know what to say to Erick. I would say tell him the truth. I don't remember how much of Jovie's origins Erick has been told, but in any case he ought to know that the reason she is troubled is that she now knows the extent of her own powers and how truly different she is. And about the attack, Erick ought to know as well - perhaps he will see a reason for the coincidence that Arron, living away from the world as he has, may have missed.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blast! I leave, and my favorite story comes back to life! Curse my luck! I'm still lurking around is apparent.

As for the Dp: I say tell Erick what happened to Jovie...the guy deserves that much honesty at least.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good points, you two. I guess the only thing that might keep Arron from telling Erick is concern for his safety, even though he isn't a citizen, harboring an Ampera is a serious offence in this country, and Harboring a second-generation Ampera (gotta find a simpler way of saying that) gets a death sentance anywhere. Is it right for Arron to endanger his trusted friend like that?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Erick was discovered to be harboring a sg ampera, the powers that be are probably not going to excuse him simply for not knowing. Ignorance is rarely a viable excuse. If this is the case, perhaps it would be better and more fair to him if he knows what he's dealing with.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Regardless of legality, Erick deserves to know. If anything, he should be told so that he has the choice to stop harbouring them. (From what we have seen of his character I don't think he would change anything once he found out.)

However in the interests of making this a decision rather than a no-brainer, I should point out that they are in exactly the wrong place to discuss it. They should not be standing in the hallway of a powerful man they mistrust discussing things they don't want him to know. Walls have ears, as the saying goes.

I suggest two possibilities:
Arron tells Erick that this is not the time to discuss it, but he will tell him everything he wants to know at some later time.
Arron tells Erick that this is not the place to discuss it. They go into a private room and Arron writes down what happened for Erick to read, then burns/erases the message afterwards.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good thought, your Dukeship! F5 that. I rather like the writing-and-burning option, as it gets the information across right away. Anything can happen between now and "some later time".
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That is a good idea Duke, the only other reason I can think Arron wouldn't tell him (just to put more options on the board) Is that he might want to ask Jovie's permition to tell her secret first. And I guess he could just say she was attacked without telling him everything, that would be the comprimise between the two.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'K, Polls up. It will run till next Monday
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Doh! I had forgotten this story! Bad algy, bad algy *hits himself with a wooden stick*. At least I came in time for the DP though... Let Jovie decide!

Well, i had read the story but never done anything but vote Confused
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I forgot all about Jovie being all grown up for a while there. I ended up voting to let her decide.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it's good to see this story again, I wish I had time to come and read more Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Argo, I completly forgot to tell you I was back, sorry about that : (
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Urg! Too slow to comment! Anyway, finally caught up, and this story is as enyojable as ever GG!

It's too late for me to comment, but I stuck my finger into the hole of voting at least...
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Jovie is not exactly "all grown up" though she has amazing powers and intelligence. I don't think she would object to telling Erick the truth about herself - she trusts him - but how many more chances are there going to be for private conversations? In order to get her explicit approval first, Arron would have to have two more opportunities, one with Jovie and one with Erick. I vote to seize this chance and get everybody in the same understanding right away. Jovie is not touchy; she will understand.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems that option is behind in the polls right now though, I guess monday will decide the turning point of the story! (and yes, it will drastically)
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Polls over! Arron will ask Jovie for permission to tell Erick her secret. New chapter soon!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Ten: Nightmares (Part One)

Arron decided that it was Jovie?s life that hung in the balance, so it was Jovie that should decided who should know the truth. He glanced around to make sure they were alone, and then lowered his voice.

?This isn?t the time or place to talk about such things, get some rest and we can discuss it in the morning.?
Erick?s face paled.

?Then something did happen, didn?t it??

?In the morning Erick.?
The sea captain looked at Arron for a moment, then nodded in assent. He trudged slowly to his room; his shoulders slumped as if under a heavy weight. Arron hadn?t counted on Erick?s quick perception of Jovie?s behavior, and he wasn?t sure if was a good thing. He contemplated waking Jovie again to ask immediately if she would let Erick in on the secret, but decided to let her have her peace for the night; it was a rare enough commodity as it was. Still, he didn?t like keeping things from Erick, especially about Jovie. Despite the Captain?s frequent absences, he was the closest thing she?d ever known to a parent, and Jovie was the closest thing Erick had to having a child of his own. True, he had in a manner of speaking raised Arron, but as Erick had often said himself, Arron seemed to have been born grown up already, with little need of guidance.

Arron felt strangely troubled after his two friends were asleep. Unable to think of rest himself, he wandered outside and gradually came to the front of the great Palace. The stars shimmered overhead, and Arron could see a handful of guards standing at the Palace gates in the distance. With the exception of a few stray words of their conversation, the night was perfectly still. A large, ornate fountain placed a few yards in front of the elaborate stairway that lead up to the palace gurgled soothingly. The boy sat down in front of it and leaned his head against the cool stone, with the intention of planning his next move for the job at hand. But the gentle trickling of the fountain was calming, and combined with the warmth of the summer night, Arron soon drifted off to sleep.

?Arron! Arron! Wake up!?

The mist cleared, and the young boy stared up into the eyes of a lovely blue-eyed lady who was gazing at him with tears streaming down her face and an agonized mixture of fear and concern. The child opened his eyes, wondering why they stung, and started coughing.

?Thank God!?

The woman exclaimed, and threw her arms around him. Her arms nearly enveloped him completely, since he was small even for a five-year-old, and she held him so tight he could scarcely breathe. When she finally let go he could see smoke wafting in the distance, accompanied by an orange glow. The whole forest behind them was on fire, but in spite of that, he felt dreadfully cold and shivered. The lady took off her cloak, revealing a scorched and tattered dress, and wrapped the boy up in it. He looked around himself, bewildered, then noticed an acute lack of something that should have been there.

?Mother?? He managed weakly, ?Where?s Sara, and Father??

The woman involuntarily looked over her shoulder at the blaze. She looked back at her son and tried to speak, but a lump in her throat prevented her, and the tears came faster. The boy stared at her wide-eyed, not able to fully take in what was happening. Slowly, his own tears began to trickle down his face, and his mother drew him to her again, crying and rocking him gently in a vain attempt to console the inconsolable. Suddenly she started and jumped to her feet, gazing anxiously around the woods. Faint voices, angry, harsh voices, could be heard; and a moment later the flicker of torches became distinct from the inferno in the distance. The boy clung to his mother?s side in fear.

?Mother, why are they doing this? What did we do??

The woman didn?t reply, but took her son?s arm and ran through the woods. Terrified, the boy tried to keep up, but his short legs couldn?t match his Mother?s stride. He was slowing her down, and the mob behind them was getting closer. In her desperate attempt to keep moving, the woman tripped and cried out. The voices seemed to ring in the boy?s ears as they bore down on them. Anxiously, the woman looked at her terrified son and whispered.

?Arron, quick, find a place to hide.?

There was a tree a few yards back that had a natural hollow between its roots, obscured by several bushes growing close around its base. The woman wrapped her shawl more securely around the boy and made sure he was safe from view. Footsteps were approaching, dangerously near. The woman gazed hard at her son as if trying to memorize his features, the boy started to cry.

?Mother, I?m scared.?

She put a soft, comforting hand on his face and gently wiped the tears from his eyes with the corner of the shawl.

?I know, I know you?re scared. But now I need you to be brave; whatever happens, I need you to be strong and stay here no matter how much you want to run away. Can you be strong for me??

The boy stifled his tears and nodded. The woman smiled softly, and planted a Motherly kiss on his forehead. She hugged him close one last time, and whispered:

?Arron, I love you. Never forget that.?

She let him go and rushed away from his hiding place. Not a minute too soon, for before she could get out of sight of where her son hid, the crowd stormed through the trees and over took her. Two men grabbed her, and she fought back valiantly, exhibiting a remarkable amount of strength for so frail-looking a woman. But she was horribly outnumbered, and in the end she was forced to her knees in front of a tall man in rich clothes with a sword strapped to his side. It took four men to hold her in place, but she stopped struggling when the armed man drew his sword out of its sheath and brought the tip under her jaw, forcing her to look up at him.

He shouted something unintelligible to the woman, and drew his sword back.
The boy nearly panicked. He was on the verge of giving himself away, of running out to his mother and not caring what they did to him. But then he caught sight of her face. She wasn?t afraid. Even though his mother was facing a brutal death, there was no fear in her eyes. Even though he was only a child, the boy felt ashamed of his fear then, ashamed of his own weakness. The tall man seemed to move in slow motion, the edge of his sword first moving away and then towards the defenseless woman. She stared him straight in the eyes, unflinching, and in the end it was the executioner who had to look away. As the tip of the sword came closer, the boy felt a scream rising in his throat. He clamped his hands over his mouth, he?d promised her he?d be strong, and he would. He wouldn?t make a sound, even when the blade was a hairsbreadth away from its mark?

Arron sat bolt upright, breathing heavily and not knowing where he was. His heart was pounding in his chest. He looked around him; ad recognized the fountain he?d fallen asleep at. The sun was starting to rise over the hills; he?d been asleep several hours.

Part two will be here shortly, in the mean time, what do you think of this new insight to Arron's behavior? Does it make him make more sense? (I'm debating leaving this part out of the second draft so I need to know if it works)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nice insight into arron's past. i think it works wonderfully, depending on how often these recountings of his past occur. could you italicize the dream, so that we are certain that is what we are reading? otherwise, nicely written chapter, GG.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure thing, I should have thought of that myself Embarrassed

Anayway, before I add the rest of this chapter, I need to know what you guys think specifically of Arron's emotional reactions in his dream/flashback. Is it too drastic? Or does it make sense with his somewhat cold demeanor now?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the flashback is great. I've always liked Arron's character, and the way he acts, but some insight into why he acts that way helps you to identify with him more I think.

Rather than taking it out of the second draft I'd suggest putting a few more in. I'm not sure if there are appropriate places earlier in the story, but some vague hints of flashbacks early on, even if they don't really reveal anything about him, will set up an expectation of revelations to come.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was thinking about that the other day Argo, I dobn't want to reveal to much at a time, suspense is a good thing Wink I think when I do the second draft I'm going to start out with a nightmare of Arron's; but put in a way so it doesn't seem like a memory...maybe a dream about being trapped in a burning biulding.

...I also think I'm going to make him a few years younger, that way his friendship with Jovie would make more sense, and they'd seem more like a team then protector and protected.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought it was fine as it was. Like you said, dribble it out a little.

Look forward to part 2.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*smiles and purrs* I've always loved this story. I agree with everyone else here, by no means take it out, but leave this nightmare in, it explains so much and it helps the readers finally understand the seemingly cold and calucating manner of Aaron. It makes him approachable in a way the charater wasn't before. But I agree with Argo, a few more, even if brief flashes of childish nightmares would help lead to an expecation, and will help make this memory not so sudden. Or, there could be perhaps be a trigger to this or these memories, a subtle linking between then and now, so as to explain why Aaron haves them when he haves.

For example in the dream above, perhaps there was a stream near where his mother was killed, and the sound of the fountain reminded some primative part of Aaron of the memory, or perhaps the statue on the statue reminded Aaron of his mother's killer.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Really good suggestion, I'll try and incorporate that next time Arron has a nightmare or something. These really should take place earlier, but it's better to add them now and see how they go then leave them out.

Oh, and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to finish the chapter, RL has been difficult lately and I haven't had much time to write, sorry Embarrassed
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 10: Nightmares (part two)

Despite the warmth of the early sun Arron shivered. He tried to slow the beating of his heart while regaining his bearings. Everything was quiet; it seemed as if the rest of the palace was still asleep. A sudden grinding noise broke the peaceful morning and arrested Arron?s attention. It was the front gate. The great gate was being opened for a solitary rider on a horse. Arron couldn?t make out their features, but whoever was waiting to be admitted was terribly impatient, shouting at the guards and bolting up the lane the second the gate was opened wide enough to push through. The rider came closer, and Arron saw it was a young woman dressed richly but very disheveled. Her burgundy dress was muddy and torn at the hem, and her brown hair that had once been tied back was falling out around her face. Her long sleeves where frayed, and there was a small cut on her left check. She galloped off toward the stables, and Arron followed, wanting to see who this newcomer was. Perhaps they were a messenger, or someone else he?d need information from to begin his search for the prince.

When he reached the stables, the woman was busy brushing down her horse and hanging up the saddle. Upon hearing footsteps, she called out, assuming the stable-boy was approaching.

?Wallace? Where have you been? I have to speak to his majesty immediately and have no time to-?

She stepped out of the stall and abruptly stopped when she saw Arron. He got a good look at her face, and felt a vague misgiving that he couldn?t explain at the time. He got the feeling of looking over a cliff on a windy day. The woman jumped slightly at seeing a complete stranger, then grew irritated by his failure to provide an explanation of his presence.

?You?you aren?t Wallace?Who in blazes are you??


The woman rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

?Well, what are you doing here? I know every servant and chambermaid in the palace and I don?t remember seeing you before.?

?I?m here?on a special commission.?

?Special commission...??

The woman looked at Arron confused for a moment, then she noticed the sword strapped to his side and the dagger-sheath on the inside of his wrist. She looked around and noticed for the first time that she was alone with this strange man. She tightened her jaw and stepped forward. It was obvious that she had misunderstood his words and thought he was some sort of threat. Arron could tell that she was frightened, but most people wouldn?t have known it by the way she held herself. He found it very impressive.

?You mean?you were one of the kidnapers yesterday??

?What?! No, no, nothing like that. The king hired me to find the kidnappers.?

Arron thought of adding ?I?m not a criminal? on the end, but upon reflection realized that in some ways he was. The woman relaxed a little at his words, but still eyed him with an air of suspicion.

?But, you aren?t Nadorian. Why would An- I mean his Majesty, hire an outsider??

The irony of the lady thinking him an outsider merely because he was foreign wasn?t lost on Arron. He was sure that other than the King, and maybe the king?s brother, no one knew about the young prince?s secret. It took him a moment to think of an explanation that wasn?t compromising.

?There are?certain advantages to working outside the system for his highness. I?m not a citizen, so this can be unofficial and avoid creating a very delicate position for the King.?

?You mean his brother won?t know about it? That is a good idea for him politically, but if word gets out that he?s hidden this, and hired a foreigner to handle it?It sounds like he?s putting a lot at stake. Your help must have come at a very high price.?

?Actually, I have my own reasons for doing this.?

The woman blinked several times and looked at him in surprise.

?You aren?t being paid to recover a member of the royal family??

?Not monetarily, no.?

?Well, how then??

Arron thought very carefully, wondering if he could confide in this unknown woman. Despite the odd impression she?d made on him earlier, she looked like a trustworthy person. But it wasn?t merely his own safety that rested on his descression, and Arron wasn?t the type to let his guard down for a pair of big brown eyes.

?There?s someone important to me, she?s stronger than most would be in her situation, but she still needs to be protected. The King can give her that protection.?

A vaguely disappointed expression crossed the woman?s face.

?Oh, so you?re doing this for a woman who?s?important to you??

?A child. An orphan who needs a more stable life than I can give her.?

?Oh, I see. That?s very admirable of you. But I still don?t understand why the King hired you specifically.?

Arron couldn?t think of an answer to that question, so he didn?t respond to it. Fortunately, the woman seemed to have meant it rhetorically, and a moment later continued her musings out loud.

?The King is taking a great risk with you, He?s placing an inordanite amount of confidence in both your abilities and your honesty. And he isn?t the trusting type?Why you??

Arron wasn?t sure he liked the expression that took over the woman?s face as she spoke. No one had ever looked at him like that before, and it made him uncomfortable. He wished he?d never followed her here, and hoped she?d go away. But the woman showed no signs of wanting to leave. A slight smile crossed her face, and she stepped slowly towards him.

?You?re someone special, aren?t you? Someone important.?

Arron didn?t say anything, and wondered what it was about this woman that made him uneasy. She just stood there, looking at him, not saying anything either. A sudden slam of a door startled them both. A young boy had entered from the rear, carrying a bag of feed over his shoulder. When he saw the girl he jumped.

?Oh, forgive me miss, I didn?t know you would be here so soon. I would have-?

?It?s alright Wallace, just run and tell his Majesty I need to speak with him.?

The boy turned to leave, then noticed Arron for the first time. He hadn?t been one of the privleged group to know about the crisis with the prince, so the sight of a forienger surprised him.

?Who?s he miss??

?Never mind, just run along and do what I said.?


The boy set the bag of feed down and left. The lady turned her attention back to Arron and smiled.

?So, who are you??

?I?m not really anyone of im-?

?No, I mean what?s your name??


Arron ran his hand through his hair and found something suddenly fascinating about his boots.

?I?m? Arron.?

?Arron, it?s nice to meet you.?

The lady extended her hand, and Arron looked at for a moment as if he hadn?t seen one before. At length, he took her hand and shook it briefly, then quickly turned to go. The woman called after him.

?Wait a moment, Arron!?

He turned back and looked at her questioningly. The lady smiled again in that unsettling way.

?Aren?t you going to ask who I am??


And with that Arron simply left the surprised young lady and headed out the door. He didn?t have time for this, there were things to do; and right now the most important one was speaking to Jovie. He cuaght sight of her passing a window and gestured for her to join him outside. She came immediately, and Arron noticed that something wasn?t right. She was looking at him anxiously and fidgetting distractedly with the ribbon holding her hair back.

?Arron, are you alright? You aren?t hurt or anything are you??

?What? No, of course not. What are you talking about??

?After you left last night I had this feeling, it doesn?t make any sense at all but, I felt like something horrible was about to happen. It was so awful I couldn?t sleep.?

Arron watched her carefully. He knew Jovie?s moods very well, and knew that she was doing her best to hide how shaken she was.

??And you thought it had something to do with me??

?Yes, I even got up and looked for you once, but you weren?t in your room and I didn?t want to wake Eric??

At the mention of Eric?s name Arron remembered what he needed to speak to Jovie about. He tried to assuage her fears while steering the conversation toward the task at hand.

?Jovie, you can see that I?m fine. Are you sure you weren?t reacting to what happened yesterday? Eric told me you seemed depressed.?

?Eric noticed??

?Yes, and he was very worried about you. He asked if anything had happened to you while he was away.?

Jovie stiffened and looked up sharply at her friend.

?What did you say??

?I said I would speak to him later about it, because I wanted to talk to you first and ask how much of what happened you wanted him to know.?

Jovie was silent for a long time, furrowing her brows and staring off into the distance. Arron sat and waited for her to make up her mind. Despite his reassuring words, and his real belief of them, something nagged at him. Jovie had had a premonition before the attack, and he wondered if her abilities could be growing that rapidly. It wouldn?t be the first time such a thing happened. For some Ampera, the advent of there abilities was sudden, like a dam bursting, and one strength exercised could stir others and bring them to the front. If this was happening to Jovie, then she needed to learn how to control herself quickly. Arron was greatful that he had insisted on bringing her with him, there was no way Abby could have handled anything like this.

Jovie sighed, breaking in on Arron's thoughts, an expression of resignation on her face. He felt a vague sense of dread welling up in him. Whatever choice Jovie made, it could have drastic repercussions on both their lives. Jovie must have realized it too, becuase she seemed to have dificulty forming the words. Arron sat quietly and waited for her response.

What Does Jovie Decide?

Alright, I've finaly got the rest of this chapter out Shocked
Two things: First, should Jovie opt to tell Eric everything? Nothing? Part of the truth? And second, how does this mysterious woman strike you? I'm still debating how a big a part her character shoudl play and I need to know if she seems interesting or not, or suggestions on how she could be.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally! I feared that you had dropped this again! Well worth the wait though

hmm, the woman first. She is...interesting. Obviously Arron is at least infatuated by her, so, perhaps, after his success she could become a greater part of his story, but, as you already said, he has a lot on his plate right now. No time for her to be there now.

Jovie-she trusts Eric, he is like a father to her, so, she allows arron to reveal all but the fact that she saw it coming. She doesn't understand this power herself yet, or have the ability to control it. Don't worry Eric with that bit yet.
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
I don't know, it's just the way I am.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say let it loose. It's hanging over them now. Best 'clear the air'.

Glad to see this one continuing!
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

reveal all but the fact that she saw it coming.

So you mean reveal that she was attacked, and how it might have some conection to the prince, but not that she's a second-generation Ampera?

And another thing, what about Jovie's premonition that 'something bad' was going to happen? could it have something to do with her secret? Or even the mystery woman? How should Arron deal with that?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Jovie's premonition was just of general badness, then there's not much Arron can do besides be wary. Maybe he can get some more information from her on the specifics of her premonition, if there are any.

It seems like Jovie would want to tell Eric what's going on. But perhaps it is better that he not know she's second generation, the less people that know that, the better.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess the tricky part about this is that Jovie is only a kid after all, and might not even be able to keep secrets like this from someone she respects so much. it's difficult enough for Arron, who's an adult, even if he does have good reasons for his silence.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the poll's over. Telling Eric everything won. Expect chapter 11 shortly....
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:50 am    Post subject: Chapter 11: Escalation (part one) Reply with quote

?I think we should tell Erick what happened, everything that happened. I think he deserves to know.?

Arron sighed, relieved that the matter was at least decided now.
?If that?s what you want Jovie. Go tell Erick I need to speak with him, but don?t come back with him. In case he?reacts, I don?t want you to be there.?
Jovie nodded and turned back to the palace. Arron thought it was odd that the first time Jovie visited a real palace, a place she belonged by birth, should be marked by so much secrecy about her heritage. He waited for Erick in the fields the prince had disappeared in, taking advantage of the opportunity to examine the scene. He found an area trampled down by the scuffle, there were footprints belonging to both a child and multiple adults, but not a single shred of any other evidence, save the eastward direction they headed in. He was just turning to leave, when something caught his eye. Very faintly, so light that it hardly left and impression, was an extra set of footprints, an extra child?s footprints. Arron followed them back to the edge of the woods surrounding the castle. They approached apart from the four assailants, stopped several yards behind where the actual attack took place, then headed back on their own.

He searched the area where the second child?s footprints ceased, and found more, definitely older, and again a third set older than those, all belonging to the same person. Around these mysterious tracks, Arron discovered several crusts of stale bread and an empty water skin, decomposing in the mud. He estimated that before the attack, at least three times this unknown person had approached, hidden themselves, and observed the young prince in the fields. A sick feeling rose up in the pit of Arron?s stomach. Had someone likewise spied on Jovie before attacking? Could that be why they had been prepared to deal with him? Did this mean the rest of the Ampera in Warden?s refuge were in danger? He sat down on a rock to wrestle with the possible answers, this situation was quickly escalating, and something very strange was behind it. Before he could form a conclusion however, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Erick had found him.

?Arron, Jovie said you needed to speak to me??

The anxious, haunted look he?d worn the night before was still there, and judging from his demeanor, Arron guessed his old friend hadn?t slept the entire night.

?Yes, I want to speak to you about Jovie. But come into the woods a little ways, this isn?t for anyone else?s ears.?

As they made their way into the forest, Arron had a flashback to that horrible day when he and Timothy had parted company. Was history about to repeat itself?

?Erick, you could tell last night that Jovie was?different, than usual??

?Then something did happen! Arron, what happened to Jovie??

?She?s alright, don?t make yourself anxious about that. But yes, something did happen while you were away, yesterday morning to be exact.?

?Arron, please, just tell me what it was.?

?There was an?attempt to abduct her, much like the prince.?

Erick started, more confused than alarmed at this information.

?Someone tried to kidnap Jovie? But why? And how did they know where to find her??

?I don?t have the answers yet, but this incident with the prince resembled what happened in many ways: Four men, in black, and even though I was with her, they managed to incapacitate me. Whoever is doing this knows what they are doing, and must have some definite plan.?

?Wait a minute. You just said that these people got the better of you??


?Then?how did Jovie escape from them??

?She didn?t, they never captured her.?

Erick?s jaw dropped slightly as he struggled to comprehend what Arron was saying.

?You don?t mean she fought them off herself?!?

?Yes, that?s what I mean, and part of why I believe that what happened to her might be connected to what happened to the prince?.you might want to sit down, old friend.?

Erick, already looking dazed, sat down slowly on a rock beside Arron.

?What could you tell me that?s more shocking then what you?ve already said??

?A good deal I?m afraid. You see, there is a reason Jovie was able to defend herself, even though she didn?t even realize how. She?s?special, even for an ampere. As difficult as this must be for you to hear, I have to tell you. Erick, Jovie is-?

But Arron never got to finish his sentence.

Sorry to end it there, I'll have the rest by the end of the week

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Erick raised his hand, cutting Arron off.

"Don't say it Arron!"

Arron stopped, startled by Erick's command. Erick sat, staring at the ground, an inscrutable expression on his face.

"I...I think maybe you're the one that needs to sit down."

Thunder rumbled in the distance, Arron sat beside his friend and watched him struggle for words.

"Arron, about Jovie, there is nothing that you need to confide in me about. A part of me hoped that you would, if only to know that you respected my discretion, but I understand why you kept things to yourself."

"What are you talking about?"

"About Jovie....I know Arron, I've always known."

The world seemed to slow to a crawl for Arron. The storm that had heralded its approach a moment before began to close in. Clouds sprawled across the sky, obscuring the sun. A cold wind breathed the memory of winter frost through the forest.

" know that she's-"

"I know both who and what she is, there is no need to put it into words."

"But how did you know?"

"Honestly Arron, you don't have much faith in my intelligence, do you? Did you think I would take no note of the fact that the very day the war in Malya ended, a refugee came to me for help? Did you assume that the fact that your teachers were so desperate to get Jovie back was lost on me? Do you really think me that dense son?"

"Then...all this time, you knew about Jovie?"

"I have known about her, and a few things about you too."

Arron looked sharply at the Captain and jumped to his feet.

"Be careful Erick, friend that you are, you are treading on dangerous ground."

Arron fixed Erick with an icy stare that most people had never been able to contend with. The Captain met his gaze, and to Arron's utter shock, tears welled up in his eyes."

"Arron, I was right, wasn't I? Nearly the first moment I met you and Jovie, I could tell you had been through something dreadful, and I was right. I could tell you had scars."

Arron was struck dumb by his friend?s words, and his feet were rooted to the spot. "Could he really know?" He thought silently. In any other man, the thought would have been accompanied by fear, but Arron felt only a vague sense of surprise...and anger. Erick continued.

"I believed that even though they didn't show, your scars were as bad as mine, but in that belief I was mistaken. The scars you have are worse than mine Arron, because you let them fester. The burdens you carry, you insist on carrying alone."

"What exactly do you claim to know about me I haven't told you?"

"It's what you've never told anyone that I know. Not even your former teacher, Timothy, he didn't even know. At first it was just a suspicion, but the dates lined up to well to let me leave the matter alone."


"Yes, not the dates pertaining to Jovie, but the ones before her birth, before the war in Malya, and right after Jarrells rebellion. I knew there was someone you reminded me off.?

Arron's eyes widened as he looked at his friend, then slowly closed in resignation.

"Erick do you wish me to understand that you know..."

"I know everything. Why you always keep to yourself, why you seem old before your time, why you've never given anyone your surname."

Erick took a deep breath. Time came to a standstill, waiting for Arron's reaction, waiting for a moment its fate hinged on. Erick looked his friend in the eye, and spoke almost inaudibly.

"Arron, I know who you are."

Okay, a bit of a weird dp, but one that could go in several directions. So Arron's had the tables turned on him, who exactly is he? He could be connected to some of the characters we already know, or something completely new.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, there hasn't been any responses yet. I'll let it go another week and I suppose I could put my own poll up or maybe re-write the chapter...
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey GG, well and truly missed this one!

You need to go through and spell check the last bit, it has some fairly horrible spelling mistakes in.

Now, for the DP...

The problem is, due to the long delay between chapters, I've forgotten who's who! Could you put a synopsis in and then I can make a suggestion.

Sorry! Embarrassed
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure thing China Wink

Part one:

Arron rescued Jovie (King Kazhere's kid) from the end of the war, which cuased a violent altercation with Timothy, his teacher. Arron won the fight, leaving Timothy and the Army captain Margo to wonder what happened to him. Timothy convinced the Ampera's leaders to let him search for Arron, and was accompanied by his rival, Anne. Meanwhile, Arron was befriended and quickly abandoned by Nate, a shady Ampera sailor. While wondering what to do, Nate's battle-traumatized captain, Eric Millstone, saw him and was reminded of the person who saved him from Jarrell's last stand. Arron joined Eric's crew, which was quickly attacked by Timothy and Anne. Arron held off the attack, and suggested that Eric release him so as not to endanger his crew. Eric refused, insisting on protecting the two children, and the crew evaded their attackers. They arrived in a foreign port, only to discover that Millstone's friend Jim Warden, known for hiding Ampera, had been imprisoned and condemned to death. Arron helped rescue Warden, and trusted Jovie in a young girl named Abby's care. The attempt was successful, and Arron used the situation to his advantage to fake his own death and throw Timothy off his track.

Part two:

Jovie now about ten years old, is attacked by mysterious assailants and inadvertently kills them, not knowing her strength. Arron tells her who she is, which she takes surprisingly well. Later that day, Eric returns, and brings a visitor with him who turns out to be the King of Nadoria, who has had countless Ampera killed. He asks Arron to help him find his kidnapped son, whom he is ashamed to admit is an Ampera, and Arron begrudgingly agrees, although demanding the King return the favor he owes him later on. At the castle, Eric notices that Jovie is behaving oddly, and while Arron debates whether or not to tell him the truth, he makes the acquaintance of a mysterious woman and is somewhat smitten with her. Obtaining Jovie's permission, he decides to tell Eric about her, but is surprised when Eric reveals that he figured out who she was long ago, and also knows Arron's true identity, which he has tried his whole life to keep a secret.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yet another story whose author's loss to this fair city, I morn. Cheated, jaded, I feel left hanging on this story which hooked me in, drew me close, and leaves me craving more like a sailor who has drank of the sea. My only hope is that the brillant mind that created this tantilizing tale is alive, well, and if they have any sense in their head publish this work which has quickly captured my imagination and broke my heart in two.
Possibilities are the food of the imgination.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I decided the best way to deal with this situation is to add another part to this chapter and go from there

Capter 11 (part three)

Arron met his old firned's gaze streadily.

"Erick, get to the point."

Erick nodded and began speaking like one who knows he's taking a great risk.

"When I first met you, I told you that your face was like that of a man who saved my life."

"Yes, I remember."

"His name was Daniel Castle. He was a captain among the Ampera sent to stop the massacare of my home town."

Arron shifted uncomfortably.

"What does that to do with me?"

"Arron, you know full well what it has to do with you. That man was your father."

Arron shook his head impatiently.

"So I'm the son of an Ampera captain, many of those soldiers had children who also shared their talents."

Erick sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before continuing.

"Old friend, there is no point in trying to hide the full truth from me. I've spent years tracking your past in my travels, and I know about what happend to your family."

Arron stoped, and sat slowly. He didn't look at Erick while he spoke.

"They were murdered."

he said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Arron. It was a most brutal and cruel thing they did. They burned your house down with your family still in it."

"You know why?"

"I do."

"All becuase my father was an Ampera."


Arron looked slowly at his friend, a dull panic rising withing him.

"It was becuase your father was an ampera.." Continued Erick, "...and so was your mother."

Arron was never sure afterwards how long he and his firend sat there, saying nothing. He only had a vague memory afterwards of what he did next.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Short, but hopefully none of you saw that one comming. So, what does Arron do now that his secret is out. I'm going to go ahead and dismiss his attacking Erick as an options, since that too far out of character for him.. He might threaten him though, or he could break down and try to face his grief. In any case, his ralationship with his friend will be drastically affected by the next choice.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm up to Chapter 10 on this now, and taking a breather, so will post something more coherent on this soon! Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool Cool , No rush, thanks for reaing Very Happy
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But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I too shall be working to catch up... not sure how far into this I got the last time I was reading it either so it might be a full read through to do so. But I do intend to, so at least at first, please tread slowly here so that I may.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure thing, I've left this story off for a long time, so I don't expect everyone to remember all the intricate details Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I finally caught up, and I'm glad I did Smile

Arron's not used to relying on anyone but himself. I think Erick's intrusion into his secrets is going to cause him to panic.

Despite their long friendship, I think Arron's going to be worried that, like everyone else in his life, Erick is looking to use him - and Jovie too, now. He's going to test the friendship, maybe not deliberately, but through voicing his suspicions and fears. Maybe he'll try to get some distance from Erick in the upcoming mission to help the king.

He and Jovie are both Ampera-squared. That means they're both automatically a danger to those around them - or a weapon to be used by those around them. Except that both of them are choosing not to be. And this, I think, is Arron's way out of the dilemma, in the end.

Just as he believes he has free will over fate, he has to recognise that others do too. People seek to destroy those with power, or use them for their own purposes, yes - but it doesn't mean that Erick has to. Erick has a choice, and his friendship over the years has been true and reliable (or so we might assume, given their current relationship). He sees Jovie as the daughter he never had, and logically it seems unlikely he'd do anything to hurt her, or those she's close to.

Given time I think Arron will come around, but for now he'll try to gain space from what he perceives to be threatening him.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay I am now also all caught up.

I had thought, early on when he first found Jovie that he might also be the product of two Ampera parents, and that suspicion was reaffirmed when he had reached level 3 training but still had not been classified as a physical or mental Ampera - (all the others usually show which side of the ability they major in by level 1 training as far as I remember)

That would, I guess, mean there was a good possibility that he was gifted in both sides, but surely, wouldn't he have realised that he was many times more powerful than his Ampera colleagues by now? Also, in the way that Ampera can sense when they are in the presence of one another, are they able to sense the extent of each others abilities, and ultimately whether they are in the presence of a full-blooded second generation Ampera?

I would suggest that because of the way this story has been told, and there are only hints so far that he's exceptional with his powers, that he disbelieves Erick. He tells him he has got it wrong, or at the very least, demands that Erick proves his theory.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting, I hadn't thought of Arron being ignorent of his own past. As for the way Ampera sense each other, they just know when thry are in eachother's presence, they can't tell how powerful they are, although Jovie is much better at locating her fellow Ampera than most.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*claps hands and gives Greek_girl candy* You do realize this one of my favorite stories ever!

I'm going to agree with Crunchy, the idea of him not knowing his past appeals to me somehow.
Possibilities are the food of the imgination.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm, That really is interesting, now that I think of it. I;ll try and work with that and will probably have the next chapter out by next week.
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up, I'll let run till friday
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

can some one please break the tie?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is closed now. I'll get the next chapter out right away
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Twelve: The Confrontation

Arron stood to his feet, struggling to keep himself under control. In a fit of anger, he turned his back on his friend and slammed his fist into a nearby tree. A loud crack resounded through the forest.

“How long have you known?”

He asked at length, in a voice that veiled his anger.

“A few years.”

“If you knew all this time, why did you hide it from me? What use was it to keep it secret?”

“Arron, are you honestly implying that I meant to use this knowledge against you?”

“What else am I to think? You pried into my past, without my knowledge, and you held back for years the fact that knew the ugliest truths of my life.”

“I know these are painful memories to awaken son, but-”

Arron looked Erick dead in the eye.

“I am not your son.”

He said quietly, and left Erick alone in the gathering darkness.

Arron made his way into the grand hallway of the palace. As he approached the doubled doors leading to the throne room, a servant attempted to forestall him. Arron ignored his protests and barged through the doors. The King and the young woman from before were conversing earnestly. They looked up, startled, as Arron stalked towards them. The large double doors slammed shut, sending an echo through the entire hall, just as he reached them.

“You Majesty,” he said curtly “I have gathered enough information to begin my search. I will require four horses and supplies for the journey, in addition to a few weapons.”

“Uh. Of course,” the King sputtered, taken off guard, “You may have anything you need, but why four horses?”

“One for me and both my companions,” Arron replied, then gestured briefly at the young woman, “And one for your niece.”

The woman stared at Arron in shock.

“How on earth did you know who I am?”

“Your clothes are torn but they are still to fine to belong to a servant, such as a messenger, and no one else would be allowed to see a king on such short notice. In addition, in the stables you nearly called the King by his first name. Only a family member could get away with such informality. His Highness only has one child, and one married brother. Seeing as his brother's wife has three sons, you are obviously to young for that. Hence you must be the kings niece. You are Lady Angeline Dragonsbane, if I am not mistaken.”

Angeline looked at Arron and crossed her arms.

“Fair enough. But what makes you think I'm should go with you on this little adventure?”

“Cover, mostly. It will allow me and my friends to pass as your servants. Furthermore, as you pointed out earlier, I am a foreigner. No one will be happy to answer questions I put to them. You, on the other hand, a high born Lady of this land, will command respect and cooperation from most everyone.”

“Then you don't have any scruples about taking a lady into a potentially dangerous situation?”


Angeline stared at Arron carefully without responding. The King reacted with outrage to Arron's words.

“Out of the question! I am not going to send my brother's child on this mission. If you think you can order a king around simply because-”

“Angelo,” The lady interrupted. “if you don't mind I'm perfectly capable of making this choice myself.”

What does Angeline decide?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. Difficult one to decide, not knowing the character of Angeline that well. If she didn't want to go with Arron, she wouldn't have interrupted the Kings refusal to let her go. It'd be a bit strange if she followed the line: 'if you don't mind I'm perfectly capable of making this choice myself' - with 'er, yes Angelo you're right, I'm not going with him.'

What else could she logically say after that than 'Ok I'll go'.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's true, unless she wants to appear strong in front of Arron by refusing to be compliant. She may also want to attatch conditions on her cooperation, or try to use the situation to learn more about Arron before agreeing
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You've left us with a blank slate as far as Angeline is concerned. I don't mind that, it allows more freedom of choice in her responses Smile

So, if I were Angeline, I'd ask that, since he obviously has no immediate regard for her safety or her personal wishes in this, was IS he offering her? The life of her cousin (I think the King's son would be her cousin, no?) is already part of the agreement between Arron and the king. As such, it can't be held as a lever to co-opt Angeline's aid now. We can assume she cares about her relative, but she won't be blind to the risks involved in going along with Arron, and the very brief time she's had to glean his character.

At the very least she'd want a demonstration of his power, otherwise she's just sacrificing the life of another member of the Royal family on a fool's errand. But I think she'd also want him backfooted, given the way he barged in here and laid claim on her as part of his territory. There'd be a fair amount of points-scoring in the conversation, before either one of them settled down to the task ahead.

I do think she'll go eventually, but not as a piece of baggage to be negotiated away by Arron and the King Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

perceptove Shady, and a battle of witts is always fun t0 write Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up, it will run till next monday
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, poll's over. new chapter should be out by friday night at the latest.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 13: Angeline

Angeline looked at Arron levelly

“Seeing as how you have no regard for my safety, give me one reason I should be compliant to your request.”

Arron returned her stare.

“Firstly, it wasn't a request, and secondly, I never said I had no regard for your safety, I merely said I had no reservations against taking you into a dangerous situation; there is a difference.”

“Then please, enlighten me.”

“This search, while filled with it's share of uncertainty, is perhaps the safest place for you at the moment.”


“My Lady, surely you are aware of the implications, should your cousin not be found? A member of your family would inherit the throne. Your brothers are not of age, you would at the very least be first in line for regency. However, there are many others, with you family's best interest second to ambition, who would covet that position, especially because of your brother's youth.”

“But no one knows of the kidnapping.”

“We here know, and a few others.”

“Whom my uncle trusts with his life.”

“It does not matter, my Lady. Scandal has a way of reaching daylight. The moment this one does, you become a target. It is in your best interest to leave the palace.

Angeline set her jaw and crossed her arms.

“Suppose I thought it was worth the risk to stay here? Would you try to force me to accompany you?”

“That will not be necessary.”


“Because given our brief acquaintance, I believe if you had decided to stay you would have stated it instead of presenting it as a possibility, and I do not believe that you are a fool.”

A silence ensued, where Angeline and Arron stared at each other as if waiting for something. Arron looked the lady in the eye, and after a moment her face softened and she dropped her gaze.

“I'll go.”

She said, curtly. Arron nodded in approval.

“be ready within the hour.”

The King said nothing, but glared at Arron and stormed out of the room. Arron turned to go.


Angeline called, and hurried after him. Arron paused, unsure weather to acknowledge the call or not. He felt very tired, and wanted a few moments to himself before departing. Angeline placed her hand on his arm and turned him towards her.

“ what title do I address you?”

“Arron will do.”

“Arron, then, I wish to ask you something.”

“I will hear it if you are brief, I have very little time.”

“You have been most blunt about what my reasons for going with you should be.”

Arron nodded as Angeline paused, choosing her words carefully.

“I wish you to be just as blunt about what your reasons for wanting me to come with you are.”

“Apart from the benefits I mentioned before, there is one other reason.”

“And what is that?”

Angeline asked, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth,

“if you wish me to be blunt, my Lady, the reason I wish you to join me is that I cannot be sure you are not the one behind this whole thing. The same reasons your life may be in danger are also reasons you could have arranged for the prince's disappearance. If that is the case leaving you here will only cause harm, and taking you with me will spoil what plans you have.”

“Angeline's smile had vanished, and her face hardened as Arron spoke. She took a step backwards and looked at him with a mixture of anger and disbelief.


She forced out. She didn't complete whatever thought she had started, and much like her uncle had done a moment before, turned and stormed out of the room. Arron sighed with weariness when she'd gone, and left to see to his preparations.
At the end of the hour, his three companions were waiting for him at the stables. Angeline readied her horse, pretending not to notice him. Erick nodded noncommittally in greeting, unsure if his friend were still angry. When Jovie saw him, she smiled widely and rushed towards him, much recovered from her low spirits before.

“Arron! Erick told me I get to ride my own horse!”

Arron smiled in spite of his foul mood.

“You wont be so happy about it in a few hours when all your muscles ache from the jostling.”

“I don't care if all my limbs fall right off! I've never gotten to ride by myself before.”

“Jovie, I know you're excited to be out on this first adventure, but-”

He knelt and placed his hands on her shoulders

“This is a very serious business, possibly very dangerous, are you aware of that.”

“Of course I am,” she chirped happily “That's what makes it all so exciting!”

As Arron prepared his horse, he herd Jovie giggling as Erick gave her some pointers on riding by herself. She nearly fell off when mounting, laughed, and corrected herself. In any other situation, Arron would have been worried to see her carefree attitude, but given the events of the past two days he was much relieved to see her smiling again, even if she did still carry the trauma of what had happened. Angeline leaned against the stable door, watching Jovie and Erick.

“Is that her?” she asked.


“The little girl, Jovie. She the one you want to protect?”


“Strange, you bringing her with us then.”

Angeline looked at Arron knowingly. He said nothing. After a moment she shook her head.

“You could have told me you were Ampera.”

“Does it bother you?”

“No, but it is...jarring, to meet a certain type of people for the first time.”

“I didn't know there was more than one type.”

Angeline started to say something in response, but thought better of it. She observed Jovie and Erick silently, then smiled slightly.

“Her name fits her. She seems like a happy child.”

“She is neither.”

Arron responded, and looked at Angeline. She knitted her brows together.

“It seems everything I say offends you somehow Arron.”

“Then silence would be the rational course.”

Angeline looked at Arron without reacting to his harsh tone. She stared at him with an inscrutable expression, then simply returned to her horse. When the party was finally ready to depart, Arron called their attention and presented him with their options.

“This is not going to be an easy mission. The people we are tracking know what they are doing, and have obviously planned for a long time this crime. The trail leads to the forest, which is a dangerous but short route to the nearest town. The people we are searching for must have passed through, so some clues or witnesses may be their. We could follow the trail, follow their movements, and risk danger from wolves or bandits. Or we could take the main roads, posing as Lady Angeline's servants, and begin our search more covertly. There are benefits and drawbacks to both options, we should resolve it democratically.”

What do they decide?
"My candle burns at both its ends, it will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!"
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since there are two second generation Ampera among the party, dealing with wolves and bandits shouldn't be a problem, since wolves cannot talk, and bandits are less of a nuisance dead than alive. They'll be more likely to retain their cover for longer if they take the forested route.

I suspect that Angeline might prefer to go the other route, though particularly as she doesn't really trust Arron as yet. So there may be some persuading to do.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, so there are the two obvious choices, and then a choice of conflict or impass, nice one crunchy Wink
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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Geek_Girl72: If you're the girl from Proff D's writing class we win the trophy for one of the worlds biggest coincidences
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