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The Election Circus is in Town!!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:12 pm    Post subject: The Election Circus is in Town!!!! Reply with quote

Shrieks and wails echo around the Big Top, rotten veg splatters against its yellow and blue striped canopy. Small, hairy creatures, once slaves to Mayor C’ren weave their way through the aisles, selling more rotting ammunition to the baying crowds.

The lights dim and silence descends, a shiver of anticipation running through the Big Top. A chair creaks. Someone breaks wind by the ringside.

Drums roll... the lights blaze and the IFian fanfare strikes up. Cheers and boos alike, the crowd writhes in its excitement, as an aged ringmaster strides into the spotlight. His red tailed coat bright, his whip trailing behind him, he tips his top hat to the audience.

“Ladies, Gentlemen, Creatures of IF!” he cries. Welcome to the October 2008 Election Circus!”

The noise rises to a new level as the curtains behind him rise.

“I give you.... The Mayoral Candidates! Duffman66! Crossfire! NeverNeverGirl! Idea Master! Crunchyfrog!

Five IFians enter, acknowledging the crowd and waving as they make a single circuit of the ring.

“And now pray silence..." The Ringmaster waits as the shouting dies down.

"Let the questioning commence!!!”

The spotlight plays over the audience.....
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If a plane travels at 500mph and crashes into a mountain on the US-Canadian border, where do they bury the survivors?

Oh, you meant a Mayor-type question. Confused
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What gender are you?

I want to know whether you'll be a mayor or a mayoress.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

@ Whitey - I am female, and so if elected I would be a Mayoress.

@ C'ren - The survivors would be buried under a mountain of red tape after their attempts to claim on the insurance.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

@ Chickenren: Wherever they want to be after a long and hopefully productive life. I'm not one to dictate otherwise.

@ Whitey: Uh, that'd be male. Though I'm not sure, does 'Mayor' suit me? I was kinda hoping for 'Overlord'. Oh, wait, that's Key, nevermind.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

. I don't believe "mayoress" is a word, mayor is a genderless term AFAIK.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well as the name states I am a female... kinda thought that was obvious...

As for the survivors I think that we can safely assume that after their plane had crashed into the mountain they would have ventured forth into the surrounding peaks, stumbling onto a cave in which they take shelter - the ensuing snow/rock slide (caused when one of the passengers a particularly bumbling man by the name of Zonks sneezed extra loudly) traps them in a cave. Here it is a just short walk to the lava tube that takes them to the centre of the earth where they encounter all sorts of events from giant mushroom food poisoning to claymation T-rex chases.... thus there is no need to be buried for they are already a majillion miles beneath the surface of the earth and live there with the survivors of Atlantis and the mole people.

the end.

Oh yes and the title will be Goddess. suits me dont you think? Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, I have a question. This is an age old issue- What are your thoughts on making posts in the New Story Games District worth fable?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tavanesh wrote:
Alright, I have a question. This is an age old issue- What are your thoughts on making posts in the New Story Games District worth fable?

There's quite a history to this, which predates me.

I don't know when New Storygames was created, but as far as I can gather it was to help raise the standard of storygames in the main forums - by encouraging authors to get their chapters to a certain standard to be 'promoted'.

In September 2006 the Review Board was put in place. They were a group of Editors (or Head Eaters if you prefer) who were responsible for providing an in depth critical review of New Storygames.

When I joined IF in Dec 06 we had to formally and publically request for our Storygames to be considered for promotion AND pay 500 fables for the service. If the storygame was not good enough to promote, you had to pay more fables to submit after you'd edited it.

The reasons given for this were:

a) to encourage newbies to play other storygames in the main forums first, to earn the fables to pay the Review Board fee, and

b) to give authors incentive to turn out good quality storygames - good spelling, formatting, grammar, good plot, characters, description, good DP which was followed through to the next chapter.

Some time around April 2007 the Review Board was re-invented, and the fee was abolished. The Request thread was removed and in its place the Head Eater ID was created. This was so that authors could communicate with the Review Board by PM, and also to announce when a storygame had been promoted.

Keeping New Storygames as a no-fable forum is rather a negative incentive, but we do have positive incentives to help raise standards in IF:

Critique Corner was made into a fable earning forum, so that people could leave critiques of New Storygames and Linear Stories and earn fables for their effort.

Authors can now also earn the privilege of bypassing New Storygames if they win Storygame of the Month, or they write consistently at a standard above the Head Eaters pass standard, proving that they no longer need to have their work submitted for review.

I don't know what effect turning on the fables for the New Storygames forum would have actually, since I wasn't around in the days when you could get fables for anything you posted.

I would have thought it would most certainly devalue the prestige of getting promoted - possibly resulting in fewer storygames making the grade, and fewer new members becoming established authors.

Right now I can't see any alternatives to the way things are being run at the moment, but if there is a strong enough reason to bring about a major change, and a well thought through idea on how to implement it, I'll always listen.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scissorkitty wrote:
Okay... here's a question, although not a new one:

What would each of you, Prospective Mayors/Mayoresses/beings/things/etc, bring to the table in terms of new developments in IF- be it housing developments, a grand redecorating of the Inn, or new areas for different storygaming? (that sort of thing, anyway. Just suggestions and ideas to freshen things us and keep the Fables rolling)

There are so many great ideas around at the moment I wouldn't be bringing anything new this time. If I were to focus on anything personally, it would be the storygaming itself, which is at the heart of IF.

I will, however, do everything in my power to encourage IFians to take responsibility for their own projects and make them happen. By this I am talking about the advertising, the multimedia, the City property trading, the IFki, the competitions, the games, everything that helps make that storygaming heart tick.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In reply to Tavanesh:

I concur with all of CF's points but a thought occurs to me that wouldn't perhaps be to hard to facilitate.

While fables are used to ensure a standard of SGs inthe main forums it can be quiet disheartening to work so hard for no reward for you efforts.

My solution to this is to pay a set amount of fables per two - three chapters posted on every SG in NSG. This could easily be done out of the Treasury or HE account as though there are many new SGs in the section only a small number stay there beyond there initial posts.

I would also put the onus back on the OP to notify the appropriate account when they are due for payment. A simple record keeping system (table?) could keep track of these payments.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CF- Why are you running for re-election now, instead of in the previous election cycle?

Ne- When are you going to resume the IFQuirer? Will you have time as mayor at all?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My solution to this is to pay a set amount of fables per two - three chapters posted on every SG in NSG. This could easily be done out of the Treasury or HE account as though there are many new SGs in the section only a small number stay there beyond there initial posts.

I don't think that's a very good idea, as it requires time and admin overhead, and anything that requires T&AO is "bad" and usually fails.

Not trying to poo poo ideas here, but just pointing out certain harsh truthes! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaren wrote:
My solution to this is to pay a set amount of fables per two - three chapters posted on every SG in NSG. This could easily be done out of the Treasury or HE account as though there are many new SGs in the section only a small number stay there beyond there initial posts.

I don't think that's a very good idea, as it requires time and admin overhead, and anything that requires T&AO is "bad" and usually fails.

Not trying to poo poo ideas here, but just pointing out certain harsh truthes! Very Happy

The harsh truth of the situation is that writers who post religously and don't get any recognition or promotion will soon leave.

The HE are discussing presently the Promotion process as a whole and it perhaps wisest to leave this issue until such a time as they have again refined our current idea.
Though it must be said that while my idea may be both T&AO rich, I believe that it is at least a starting point from which we can further explore the situation and gain an eventual resolution.

Perhaps something that Tavanesh also needs to consider - (if my memory serves me correctly, though I may be wrong as I have yet to receive confirmation on this) - is that on promotion to a Forum the writer gets fables for their existing posts on that thread. Thus being reimbursed (?) for their efforts.

It is my genuine belief that rather than focus on accruing fables that we should turn our attention instead onto growing these passionate young writers amongst us into the brilliant wordsmiths they each so obviously have the potential to be.

DLOTUS - My harshest critic of all. * It is true that I have not released as many issues of the IQ that I would have liked too - this is majoritivly because the last 6 months I have spent travelling back and forth across my fair Island country planning my wedding. As I have now officially been married about a month and half and my life is slowly returning to some semblance of normality (or what this NeverNeverGirl considers normal) you best believe that the IQ will be back to its regular scheduled programming ASAP.**

It is my intention to give IF my full focus now that I am otherwise unoccupied no matter whether or not I am elected Mayoress - I enjoy all of my roles here on IF. Very Happy

*vous vous occupez m'un coup douloureux mon ami Razz (Gah am I rusty)

**On this note I don't think it is good ettiquette of me to write articles regarding the election or election discussions - I do not wish to be seen as using the IQ as a platform to promote my own candidacy. If anyone would like to contribute anything in the way of commentary or whatever (not necessarily restricted to the Election) I will happily pay for these contributions. Please PM NNG!

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

D-Lotus wrote:
CF- Why are you running for re-election now, instead of in the previous election cycle?

I needed the rest! Very Happy

NeverNeverGirl wrote:
Perhaps something that Tavanesh also needs to consider - (if my memory serves me correctly, though I may be wrong as I have yet to receive confirmation on this) - is that on promotion to a Forum the writer gets fables for their existing posts on that thread. Thus being reimbursed (?) for their efforts.

To clarify... When a thread is transferred from a non-fable forum to a fable forum, the fables are not credited.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The harsh truth of the situation is that writers who post religously and don't get any recognition or promotion will soon leave.

Mmm. Here I don't agree. If there's a good story it will get lots of responses and recognition. Moving it to another forum won't get it any more recognition, and will reward a writer for writing drivel*.

Recognition is deserved, earned, and promotion is part of that.

As someone who has written a couple of things on IF myself, the Fables** aren't the thing. It's the comments that's kept me writing. I think any writer worth their salt would agree.

*Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh, but if it's not good enough to get promoted, then it's not good enough.
**Believe it or not.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, I don't write for fables.

Actually, fables are a bit... useless*. We all have more than enough we've acquired and not enough to spend it on. You don't write for fables, you write to write.

Now, as for my query:

First, how will you fix the problem I've already mentioned?

Second, what are your views on a forum (say by Linear Lane or in Open Forum) for IFians to show poetry, art, and other things they've created????
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alegria wrote:
Yes, I don't write for fables.

I'm also with you on that. As a Storygame author I get more from the replies than I do from the fables.

Actually, fables are a bit... useless*. We all have more than enough we've acquired and not enough to spend it on. You don't write for fables, you write to write.

Now, as for my query:

First, how will you fix the problem I've already mentioned?

If somebody had hit on the solution for that it would have been fixed a long time ago. You've been around longer than I, Leggy, so you've probably seen more fable spending fests - maybe even IF before fables!

Fables are as valuable as we, the IFians make them. The more exciting ideas we can come up with to encourage people to throw their fables around, the more valuable Fables become to us. This then has a knock on effect to wanting to get storygames promoted, and wanting to reply to storygames to earn Fables - which in theory will improve the standard of SG's in IF.

The infrastructure is there, we just have to make it work.

I can't fix it all by myself, but we're a creative lot, and I'd encourage ideas that move fables around. (I might even donate a fable prize, haha!)

Second, what are your views on a forum (say by Linear Lane or in Open Forum) for IFians to show poetry, art, and other things they've created????

Personally I like to see lots of different forms of creativity around the forums. If there was enough demand to create a new forum for different art forms, I'd certainly consider it. Right now I'm not sure whether there is, but that may change in the future.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I actually was here in a Fable-less IF, and I think that the quality of the stories has stayed the same regardless of the fable system. The main concern when the city council instated them was on the comments, which I also feel are about the same in quality.

Point is; fables or none, IFians will keep on writing good stories and posting good comments. That's why we're here.

Even with the Fable penalty on a late main forum chapter, I have enough fables to forstall my chapter coming out for years!!!!! 50 is no big loss.

That's my take on Fables.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the last 6 months I have spent travelling back and forth across my fair Island country planning my wedding. As I have now officially been married about a month and half

OMG! Congratulations! That's ucking fawesome. Very Happy

Note: edited by SirWaxaLot for content.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

D, please edit out that word. You know what I'm talking about. Yes, a member getting married is an exciting thing (Congratulations, by the way, NeNe) but there is no call for that. It doesn't even fit the mood.

A serious question:

As a possible candidate for mayor, what are your thoughts on Linear Lane? I don't necessarily mean it being a non-fable forum, but simply any stray thoughts on the matter. Does it contribute much to IF?

And a not-so serious one:

Any plans to change the link-font-colour if you become mayor/mayoress?
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*busts a gut laughing at DLo* Nice use of vernacular D.

Alright, my question is a simple one and a repeat.

What will you do as mayor to attract more attention to IF?

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CF wrote:

To clarify... When a thread is transferred from a non-fable forum to a fable forum, the fables are not credited.

Thanks Seef – maybe this something that we can look at rectifying? I am not sure of the mechanics behind it but if elected I would certainly look into it.

First, how will you fix the problem I've already mentioned? (spending on fables)

Second, what are your views on a forum (say by Linear Lane or in Open Forum) for IFians to show poetry, art, and other things they've created????

1. I answered in the Election 08 thread.
2. I Love the IDEA! I already created a thread in HEMs main forum for just such a purpouse and the idea of an Offical IFian showcase is something fun that will consolidate the numerous threads for such things that are currently spread through-out IF Very Happy

OMG! Congratulations! That's ucking fawesome. Note: also edited by SirWaxaLot

LOL – Thanks very much D – the sentiment is appreciated. Thanks also to Meanie!

A serious question:

As a possible candidate for mayor, what are your thoughts on Linear Lane? I don't necessarily mean it being a non-fable forum, but simply any stray thoughts on the matter. Does it contribute much to IF?

And a not-so serious one:

Any plans to change the link-font-colour if you become mayor/mayoress?

Anything that helps writers to improve or to get across their concepts/ideas/stories is a good thing!
Linear Lane contributes much to If in so many ways. It gives us a glimpse into the minds of different writers when left totally to their own devices and these stories also seem much more free-form in their ‘tale-telling’ style giving us a unique opportunity both as reader and writer to explore depths from which, perhaps, SGs limit us.

Now, In regards to the link colour issue... I am rather unsure as to this.. Red is my colour in chat but it is VERY hard on the eyes I am afraid.. but maybe a change back to the original orange could be considered. The IF that I first fell in love with was orange... [/sentimental moment]

What will you do as mayor to attract more attention to IF?

I think that a simple step at first would be too extend the Key words that are accessed by search engines thus widening our net.
Another idea is to promote our writers and artists through other online avenues.. competitions, short vids of animation with writers reading aloud their works posted on hosting sites... I personally very much enjoyed those ideas touted by Sir Wax and as I have said elsewhere would endeavour to push these through to completion.

And I have a few other ideas I might hold in reserve for the now.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why thank you Ne, I would help you with what I know and what I have that is started of those ideas touted by moi. Knowledge of RSS feeds would be great and I think SG podcasts would add another untapped resource of tale in If. One that with my new busy schedule, I would love to catch up with certain storygames while riding to and from or while at work.

As for fabling NSG's, I'd have to say I agree with Chinaren. Implementing even things that seem easy like, only giving fables to people who reply to the story with a crit is difficult, as I found out. Out of all of us, you with your programming knowledge should take a stab at it, or possibly another solution. There is a way to reward fables when a person changes status from say "Visitor" to "Citizen", which I was going to propose before my life got a bit hectic. What do prospective mayors feel about this plan for giving members a chance at some fablage?

Also, being mayor sometimes is taxing on your being. I'll be as honest as I can be without trying to be insulting. Sometimes you get hit with an slanderous/libel article, or sometimes you just get accused of something that is not at all true and downright paranoid. (Razz you two know who you are) Seriously though, sometimes council members sort of stay uninvolved/indifferent in or passionately oppose what you would like to see happen or experimented with If. There is no correct answer to this really but, what would you do and what kind of mindset would you have over these situations that are somewhat behind the velvet curtain of If? How many hats are you willing to wear when you need to wear several? Are you willing to pick up the slack of a couple moderators/Head Eaters who sometimes don't have time to do their duties?

Another question for prospective mayors is, I started talks with Key of trying to make this site more than just a hobby for writers who have really great stories on this site. Something that could actually be profitable to the writer who pours their time and energy into a piece. What, if any, ideas would you have in making this possible? Or would you wish If to remain a "hobby" site while some of the authors sell their pieces separately and not under one umbrella?

Oh yes, and what do you think about fablage for Mods?

Thanks for your time you potential mayors, you. Smile

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've fallen behind on one or two questions, so I'll answer them all together! Very Happy

Alegria wrote:
I actually was here in a Fable-less IF, and I think that the quality of the stories has stayed the same regardless of the fable system. The main concern when the city council instated them was on the comments, which I also feel are about the same in quality.

Point is; fables or none, IFians will keep on writing good stories and posting good comments. That's why we're here.

Even with the Fable penalty on a late main forum chapter, I have enough fables to forstall my chapter coming out for years!!!!! 50 is no big loss.

That's my take on Fables.

That's an interesting perspective, and useful to know. To me that suggests that if we want to use fables as incentives or rewards in New Storygames or Linear Lane, first we need to find things people will want to spend their fables on, before looking at modifying any of the systems.

Meanie wrote:
A serious question:

As a possible candidate for mayor, what are your thoughts on Linear Lane? I don't necessarily mean it being a non-fable forum, but simply any stray thoughts on the matter. Does it contribute much to IF?

Linear stories and competitions was once a forum in City Central. During Chinaren's reign it was given its own district, making it more prominent in IF. With the addition of Critique Corner (a new concept for IF at the time) it has the potential of attracting new members who are writers rather than role players - tapping into a new market, if you will. (Considers own non-existant marketing skills Confused ) Whether it has really has done that or not I don't know.

Meanie wrote:
And a not-so serious one:

Any plans to change the link-font-colour if you become mayor/mayoress?

I think whoever wins the Mayoral race this time around should call a vote. Smile

Rai wrote:
What will you do as mayor to attract more attention to IF?

The short answer is that I'd first help IF to decide who or what we are, before going out and attracting attention to ourselves. Smile

At first glance IF's focus is confusing. Our focus is supposed to be Storygaming, but in reality, Storygaming is just one of many things going on here. There was a very interesting discussion on this topic during the Mayoral election of Oct 07 - The Soul of the City It might not be a bad idea to continue this discussion here.

Waxy wrote:
There is a way to reward fables when a person changes status from say "Visitor" to "Citizen", which I was going to propose before my life got a bit hectic. What do prospective mayors feel about this plan for giving members a chance at some fablage?

Awarding fables for achievements is a fine idea but as mentioned in my response to Leggy's comments, first we need to make people 'want' fables, by finding creative ways of getting people to spend. Once this aspect is fixed, many of the questions about when to award fables will answer themselves, since the incentives to earn them will become much more obvious.

Waxy wrote:
Also, being mayor sometimes is taxing on your being. I'll be as honest as I can be without trying to be insulting. Sometimes you get hit with an slanderous/libel article, or sometimes you just get accused of something that is not at all true and downright paranoid. ( you two know who you are) Seriously though, sometimes council members sort of stay uninvolved/indifferent in or passionately oppose what you would like to see happen or experimented with If. There is no correct answer to this really but, what would you do and what kind of mindset would you have over these situations that are somewhat behind the velvet curtain of If?

My mindset is to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be involved - if and when they want to - there should be no need for a 'velvet curtain'.

During my Mayorship I allowed others to take initiative. Proposals for making changes were mostly brought up by citizens and councillors, and I saw it as my job to facilitate the discussions, and put the changes into place when all was agreed.

If situations were getting too heated, or I was too close to the situation to make an unbiased decision, I would resort to consulting with past Mayors and the King before going back to the Council. After all, they've done the job before!

By keeping things transparent, giving everyone the opportunity to get involved if and when they want to, and by drawing from and valuing the experiences of those who've been around IF a lot longer than I have, I gradually earned people's trust, support and respect.

I believe it is important to make sure everyone feels they have the opportunity to be a part of IF's evolution, from giving ideas and feedback to providing the expertise to put new systems in place. Some of the best ideas and progressions can come from the most unusual quarters.

I would do things the same way again, if elected.

Waxy wrote:
How many hats are you willing to wear when you need to wear several? Are you willing to pick up the slack of a couple moderators/Head Eaters who sometimes don't have time to do their duties?

How many hats? As many as is needed. For areas outside of my own expertise, I'd ask for help. As for picking up the slack, this is something I did as a matter of course during my mayorship and would do again - after all the mayor is just a part of the team.

Waxy wrote:
Another question for prospective mayors is, I started talks with Key of trying to make this site more than just a hobby for writers who have really great stories on this site. Something that could actually be profitable to the writer who pours their time and energy into a piece. What, if any, ideas would you have in making this possible? Or would you wish If to remain a "hobby" site while some of the authors sell their pieces separately and not under one umbrella?

This is an excellent discussion point, and could be part of the solution to Rai's question about how to attract people to IF. If we decide that it is writing storygames we want to focus on, then perhaps we need to attract good writers. I am sure many writers dream of getting noticed and published, and if it was possible to provide tangible incentives that would be great. We have at least two published writers who run storygames on this site. My suggestion is to ask them what they think.

If anyone would like to kick off this discussion, please start a new thread in this forum! I think this is important for all of IF to be involved.

Waxy wrote:
Oh yes, and what do you think about fablage for Mods?

The Moderators are there to look after the forums, and must earn the trust and respect of IF in order to do the job effectively. Having a forum to moderate is a privilege in itself.

Although I do think we need to consider how we can spend fables before we look at awarding them.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi there, this is some Q&A for you precious IFians to read and to help you understand what I stand for and as such, help clairfy my goals as Mayoress of IF!

sir wax wrote:
Why thank you Ne, I would help you with what I know and what I have that is started of those ideas touted by moi. Knowledge of RSS feeds would be great and I think SG podcasts would add another untapped resource of tale in If. One that with my new busy schedule, I would love to catch up with certain storygames while riding to and from or while at work.

Okay ... lol ... this gobsmacked me... firstly one of the ideas up my sleeves was an RSS feed. I have already learnt all the basic coding and developmental stuff .. (and have coded the Front page -into RSS format - as it stands now) I am just waiting for access to a test page (which I have to set up - with server access) so that I can upload it all. I actually have a draft PM to Key in my inbox lol. It was my intention to offer up this idea regardless of the outcomes of the election.
RSS is a great way to update ppl regularly as to what is New on IF. ( I could go on for ages about RSS but I won't lol)

That was a little twilight zone-ish.
(If I am wrong and I had mentioned it on site somewhere then it’s less amazing I know...)

As for the podcast element of SGs - I think this has been my favourite Idea so far! I would ask that no matter who is elected we try to push the Ifian envelope in this small way.

wax wrote:
As for fabling NSG's, I'd have to say I agree with Chinaren. Implementing even things that seem easy like, only giving fables to people who reply to the story with a crit is difficult, as I found out. Out of all of us, you with your programming knowledge should take a stab at it, or possibly another solution. There is a way to reward fables when a person changes status from say "Visitor" to "Citizen", which I was going to propose before my life got a bit hectic. What do prospective mayors feel about this plan for giving members a chance at some fablage?

CF wrote:
Awarding fables for achievements is a fine idea but as mentioned in my response to Leggy's comments, first we need to make people 'want' fables, by finding creative ways of getting people to spend. Once this aspect is fixed, many of the questions about when to award fables will answer themselves, since the incentives to earn them will become much more obvious.

Thus the crux of it. Ppl have to want fables, have uses for them or ideas for their use. I believe that this is an issue we should undertake separately to the election - it moves beyond just the Mayor. If elected I would expand on a conversation I have had very recently in If chat with several of the chat regulars and would do so in wider If, in hopes of gaining some further insight into popular opinion.

wax wrote:

Also, being mayor sometimes is taxing on your being. ... what would you do and what kind of mindset would you have over these situations that are somewhat behind the velvet curtain of If? How many hats are you willing to wear when you need to wear several? Are you willing to pick up the slack of a couple moderators/Head Eaters who sometimes don't have time to do their duties?

I think that one thing that I would do to preserve my sanity while being Mayor is too set time aside in which I differentiate between my duties as Mayor and Contributor to If. Switching focus from one role to another will enable me (IMO) to give to IF just what it needs from Me as both Mayor and Mod/citizen.

I believe that simply by putting my hand up to run I am declaring that I am more than willing to undertake any additional duties the Mayor has. Whether it is encouragement or filling in for an AFK Mod, this is an expected and accepted part of the role.

And as for Hats? I look great in Hats! (Just something that you might like to know Razz)

(I will assume by the term 'velvet curtain' you are referring to the Council chambers being inaccessible to the citizens. )

During my time on If I have been witness to three mayoral styles, each with its own problems and positives. I have also utilised the chance to chat with Mayors past and present about their own styles and issues they dealt with through their terms and after. This has given me a great chance to see what has worked and what has not.

It is not always necessary to reveal everything to everyone - it can cause much unnecessary drama and in can sometimes drag the issue out for much longer than desired. I am not saying that I would be secretive or deceptive in my actions, as a person my own particular view is that 'If you ask me I will answer as directly as possible.' But sometimes by not revealing everything you save a lot of drama.

I believe that cutting discussion s off when they have reached some sort of resolution is much better than being too politically correct and allowing a fresh round of unhelpful and not totally relevant topics to be bought up. It is important that everyone has a say or that they are able to if they desire to do so but delaying too long to take action can be more harmful than good.

In saying that there have been Mayors in the past that have been considered to be successful and were much loved, I believe that this is in part because they dealt with the things that came to them in a timely manner and with very little fuss – not always consulting the entire Council but taking appropriate action directly. IMO this is sometimes crucial in making an effective choice in enough time to stymie a rising problem.

Therefore it is my opinion that there is need for balance between the two styles, an importance in treating your Mods with respect and as your friends – not as hostile enemies or ppl with agenda’s and most importantly to remove yourself (personally) from the tasks at hand and try to consider everything with a just and reasonable mind.

wax wrote:

Another question for prospective mayors is, I started talks with Key of trying to make this site more than just a hobby for writers who have really great stories on this site. Something that could actually be profitable to the writer who pours their time and energy into a piece. What, if any, ideas would you have in making this possible? Or would you wish If to remain a "hobby" site while some of the authors sell their pieces separately and not under one umbrella?

I believe that if the consensus is that we want to head down this path with IF then there are several options. There are also several things to take into consideration before any such choice is made.

Amongst our options there exists the fact that we have published authors amongst us – they are an untapped resource as to advice into this area. Gaining their opinions on the viability of such an idea as a communal Ifian ‘Sales’ library, the negative and positives of self-publishing and even ideas/opinions on getting a manuscript ready to send to a publishing house/approaching a publishing house with your story – there can be no harm in the asking.

Yet before If heads in this direction we need to take stock of where If is now and where we hope to take her.. opening this conversation up to the entirety of If for a start.

wax wrote:

Oh yes, and what do you think about fablage for Mods?

I am not sure that it is a feasible option. How does one regulate such as this? Some mods are more regular than others, some speak only when spoken to, and some are very active around site in several different capacities.

Bearing in mind that several others would unhesitatingly jump at the chance to be unpaid Mods if the present ones are unhappy with their working conditions a businesswoman would have to say that spending the fables isn’t necessary.

Maybe something that bears looking into is giving a fable award per set number of posts or per period of time in If? Again this is something that I think needs to be bought out in OF to be discussed in the context of what fables mean to IF.

I have taken my time in answering the above series of questions as I wanted to put the right empahsis on them. I still maintain that my stance on If is fairly grassroots, build on and finish what we have and THEN take the next step forward in evolution. It has been difficult to maintain this position and answer some of the more 'progress and evolution' oriented questions. I apologise in advance if anyone finds I contradict myself. Please seek clarification and I will do what I can to sort it out.

~ Very Happy ~

Last edited by NeverNeverGirl on Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nevernevergirl wrote:
My solution to this is to pay a set amount of fables per two - three chapters posted on every SG in NSG. This could easily be done out of the Treasury or HE account as though there are many new SGs in the section only a small number stay there beyond there initial posts.

You mean people would have to pay to submit their new story games for upgrade again? And they would have to pay more if they have more chapters? This sounds wrong so I must be misunderstanding. Maybe you mean they would get paid?
Adventures of John Chapter 2. I am working to update chapter 1 before I close poll and write chapter 3.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TruePurple wrote:
nevernevergirl wrote:
My solution to this is to pay a set amount of fables per two - three chapters posted on every SG in NSG. This could easily be done out of the Treasury or HE account as though there are many new SGs in the section only a small number stay there beyond there initial posts.

You mean people would have to pay to submit their new story games for upgrade again? And they would have to pay more if they have more chapters? This sounds wrong so I must be misunderstanding. Maybe you mean they would get paid?

Sorry if I was not clear TP. What I meant to say was that maybe the writer could be paid per 2 -3 chapters (only while in NSG that is), at a reduced rate to encourage them to keep going...

I do not believe we should pay for upgrades at all.
Very Happy Ne
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaren: In the sky, obviously. :T

The White Blacksmith: Ummm... I think I'd be a Mayorite, or maybe a Mayorin'. :o

Alegria: I soooo disagree. Still, I think that we could stand to have more ways of draining Fables out of Citizen's coffers than we already possess... just to hold up the pretence that the City actually NEEDS the money, having no one to really trade to and thus devalue our currency AGAINST. T_T

Myriad sounds like a nice name for an artistry/poetry/other stuff forum- and it DOES have precedent... *Smiles.* Certainly better than "Misc." :o

Oh, and by the way: I was, too. I actually think, in some cases, it was BETTER. :o Still, it doesn't mean that the Fable system is BAD... it just needs a bit of work. *Smiles.*

TMOF: For the first, I really think that it's a valuable addition to our City! There are lots of people out there who want an alternative to StoryGaming... why not give it to them? :O I think there should be an itty-bitty Fable bonus when you're posting a Linear story. Nothing too much, just enough to stave off the dreaded Starving-Artist Depression (SAD). :o

For the second... YEAH! I was sort of thinking silver, if my proposal to totally revamp IF goes through, but if not...

...indigo, duh. :o

Kalanna Rai: If I had total control of the site, I would place advertising in some inobtrusive place on the site (one that doesn't rely on actual clicking in order for it to work) and use THAT to fund more advertising on other sites. Unfortunately, that's not only ugly, but also not really an option, since I doubt Key would go through with it. Still, I could try... :o

Keyword alteration/differentiation is an obvious one. If we use commonly found keywords that also attract the sort of viewers that we actually WANT, that would be excellent.

Sir Wax: GAH! So... many... QUESTIONS... *Twitches..!*

I am willing to wear an infinite number of hats- but that isn't always possible. Previously in these discussions a sort of Skills Pool was suggested. Perhaps the Mayor could designate ordinary Citizens to fill in temporarily for Moderators in times of crisis... or perhaps, like in other forums, there could be a backup for each user in a position of responsibility. *Thoughtfully.*

I kind of hope that it is going to go well once I am in office. However, (if it isn't... *Miserably.*) I'm still not going to step away. Just because a couple of people are mean to me, doesn't mean that I'm a complete wreck, discarded by the City! :O Otherwise, I would have been gone long ago... Not only that, as long as I have friends here, I'll be able to take whatever is thrown at me. *Smiles again, lost in distant reverie.*

*Returns to the present, and begins speaking firmly.* I'll try to think my suggestions through before they're placed in front of the Council. If they make reasonable suggestions, I'm happy to take them in- if it's something big, and controversial, I might decide to leave it for another date, and give them time to think it over. However, if it's something little... I guess it's sort of my choice.

It's possible to turn this place into a sort of online publisher, a foothold to greatness n'such... if the Citizens want it, I'm happy to oblige, although I'm uncertain about the idea myself. We can do a lot to make this profitable, if that's what you really want... I rather prefer it in its current state, isolated from the world.

Each Moderator should have a certain amount of income as a reward for their services, but I think that's it- barring bonuses for service above and beyond the call of IFnation. :o

TruePurple: I personally favor a reward by way of word count. Something like twenty-five Fables per thousand words in the New StoryGames District for each Citizen- nothing too vast, just enough to keep interest alive in the work of our latest authors- including the interest of those latest authors themselves! :o


Well, that's it...

...I think...

*Looks helplessly at the rest of the topics...* Well, maybe one or two more before I collapse. *Wanders off, somewhat desolate, but still looking brightly determined.*

Thrash, dash and crash alike.

Silent eyes decide the wise and unwise - for one that lies. Let it arise.
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