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The Mayoral Election begins!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:24 am    Post subject: The Mayoral Election begins! Reply with quote

As many of you have noticed, our Mayor, NeverNeverGirl, has been missing from the City for the last few months. We've heard that she is ok, but for whatever reason, she is no longer serving as our Mayor.

Since NeNe's term is up next month anyway, I am hereby declaring that we will begin our regular Mayoral Election early this year. The winner will serve as Mayor for the rest of NeNe's term, plus six months more, until October 2009.

Here are traditional rules governing this and all Mayoral Elections at the City:

1. Anyone who wishes to run for Mayor must announce their candidacy publicly, in this thread.
2. Please do not run unless you are serious about being Mayor. I am not going to disqualify anyone by age or past history, but I do require that anyone who runs makes a commitment to take their office seriously and serve out their complete six-month term.
3. Assuming we get more than one candidate, then for at least one week after the end of the announcement phase, voters will have the chance to ask candidates their views on any issues related to the governance of the City. Candidates are welcome to respond as much or as little as they want. If the discussion is still active after a week, I may extend the time. At some point I'll call for the vote.
4. The first round of voting will go for four days. At the end of that time, if one of the candidates has a majority (>50%), that person is our Mayor.
5. If none of the candidates have more than 50% of the vote in the first round, there will be a runoff between the top two vote-getters, for four more days.
6. Anyone who has posted on the site at least once (including the candidates themselves) is eligible to vote.
7. No person may vote more than once. If you have multiple identities in the City, you can only vote with one of them. Anyone who violates this rule will be severely punished.
8. The Mayor will serve for a term of six months, at which time we will have another election.
9. The Mayor may be removed from office only for high crimes or dereliction of duty, at the discretion of the King.

Below are a list of all the powers and responsibilities of the new Mayor:

- Creating a new forum for the SGotM winner each month.
- Disbursing fables for all prizes, including SGotM, linear stories winner, completion of storygames, etc.
- Setting tax rates for the forums
- Forcibly collecting taxes from those who don't pay voluntarily
- Moving storygames to the Hall of Stasis when finished or when they go on hiatus, and back when they're back off hiatus
- Warning, banning and deleting inappropriate/spam comments and users as needed
- Bestowing custom ranks when paid for
- Creating new groups and forums as needed
- Selecting new City Council members and moderators as needed
- Setting configurable forum options, such as inbox and signature size
- Managing the money supply, including setting how many fables are awarded for what activities.
- Chairing Council and Citizen discussions on City issues
- Being the path of escalation if a citizen is unhappy with a moderator's actions or decision.
- Mediating disagreements between citizens

Please ask if you have questions about the election or the Mayor's job.

Happy electioneering!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooh interesting - a good election is always fun Razz
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Duke of the Mostly Dead

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i THOUGHT this was a little early.

Poor Ne. I wonder what's afflicting her. *sigh*

(Btw, just clarifying, this is NOT a post throwing my hat in the ring. Mayoringness is way too much a burden to me (Plus there seems to be some kinda RL plague targeting mayors right after they get elected. Happened to Wax then Ne) This is simply a post expressing my sorrow at Ne's resignation.)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello my fellow Ifians,

I formally put myself forward for consideration as Mayor. *gasp*

Yes, that may come as a shock for some of you. When the inclination first appeared in my head I was shocked too. Where did this desire come from? The simple answer is, I'm not sure.

(I see no reason to delay, or start a new thread for an opening statement. So settle down in a favourite chair, and prepare for some good ol'fashioned Smee waffle. )

Although many of you know me; know my history, I think it only fair to lay some of it out clearly again now for your early consideration so you know precisely what sort of candidate I am, and perhaps pre-answer some of the instant questions.

I've been in and around the city for a long time, as far back as when IF was known as Interfable. I have watched the city grow, and evolve many times over. I've seen changes, some good and others not so. I've played on hundreds of Storygames, some that finished, others that were beginning attempts by new authors. I've even done a fair quantity of writing of my own. And finally, I was the city's first mayor back when Key decided to create the role.

The above would suggest, particularly having been mayor already, that I would be a good choice for mayor this time. But, to be fair to you voters, the other side of the coin must be looked at. I've also had some lengthy periods of absence recently, mainly since ending my first term as mayor. Warcrack is a well known source of blame for much of it, but in general it's been more than just one game. I found the instant gratification of several online games to be more absorbing than IF and quickly found all my spare time taken up with it, leaving some responsibilities here abandoned.

Despite all my writing, I've never maintained the motivation to see a single one of my stories to completion. They still sit unfinished in various parts of the city. Who knows if my latest will be the one to make it or will succumb to the same fate!

It would be fair to question, should you cast your vote to me, what is there to stop me from vanishing for 6-12 months again? It would also be fair to say that, just because I've been mayor before doesn't mean I know the city now, given my absenses! There are other possible candidates far more up to date than me.

Fair points indeed.

For the first, I would say that I wouldn't enter this election without ensuring I can commit to the full term (short of circumstances beyond my control, injury etc). I made the same weighty consideration before entering the last time, and I made sure to see that term through to the end. I will do everything I can to do so a second time.

I would also add, that despite the best attempts by some of the most addictive gaming ever invented on this planet, I find myself back here again. The simple pleasures of IF might not hold the instant gratification of live 3D games, but there's a deeper link here I just can't shake. I can't promise I won't ever be enticed away again by some new game, or expansion of an old game. But I can promise that if voted in as Mayor, that won't happen in the next 6-7 months.

For the second, I would hope my activity here over the last month or so would demonstrate a reasonable length of time refamiliarising myself to the city. I've always had access to the inner workings of the council, so despite absences I haven't been completely shut off from the goings on. I am confident that I am once again up to date with the pertinent events of the city and the outstanding issues likely to need addressing in the next 6-7 months, and stand ready to do what I can.

I would stress, being a mayor is mainly about the administration of the city. We're not here to magically make the city better on our own with just our ideas. A mayor is simply to keep it running on a day-to-day basis, whilst encouraging and helping out with ideas that are brought forward. My previous experience of the admin of these forums hopefully means I'll be more free to help with the latter part of the job.


So lets get down to more interesting business. I mentioned outstanding issues in the city. What are they?

- Bringing new people to IF,
- Fables!

Two recurring themes from just about every mayoral election so far, and long term issues that still plague us.

It would be great for the opening of this election campaign if I could immediately give outlines for plans for both these issues. And I have racked my brains to do so. But the simple fact is, these points are old ones. Many ideas have been tried already and I have no new solutions to offer.

But that doesn't make them worth ignoring. New people are in the city, and with them might come new ideas unconsidered before. I promise to have very open ears to any such ideas. Perhaps next election these issues won't be brought up again.


We've worked on linking IF with other writing sites, even going so far as to create a special team to approach other websites and offer a swapping of links. We've also worked at boosting the ranking in search engines. But IF has never struggled for people finding us, it's getting them to stay, write, play that proves tricky.

There is good news on this issue though. Despite the years, with many old faces a thing of the past, IF remains at about the same level as it always has. There's been quiet periods, but slowly, over time, new people arrive as fast as old people leave. The fact the city is thriving as well as it was 4-5 years ago, whilst not great, is certainly an achievement.

If there were only a way to get all those old people back with just a wave of a wand... the city with an active population of 60-100 or so would certainly be quite the sight!

In many ways, the lack of such numbers is what hold this city back more than any other issue. Just about everything else can be stemmed back to this. Many of the extraordinary ideas of the last few years have fallen flat simply for lack of people to lift it off the ground.

Even the infamous issue of 'what to spend fables on', the second problem I mentioned early, can be brought back to lack of people. If there were 100 regular members for example, there would be more people with more time available. Competitions, critiquing services, picture drawing services, 'write-a-chapter' events, auctions, storychats, would all be busier, all would cause a more rapid flow of fables around the city.

And of course, more people would fundamentally mean more storygames to play, and more players for your storygames. The best storygames could see polls with 30-60 votes!

No need to go on further, we all know how great that'd be.


So what can we do? (And I say 'we' deliberatly. A single mayor can't do this on their own, it'll takes a city effort).

Sir Wax, your mayor before last, was very keen on getting the word of IF out on to the web in a much bigger way. Talk of podcasts and other such things were great ideas I hope to see persued.

But on a more simple level we need to make Storygaming 'the' thing to do, and IF 'the' place to do it.

And we do that by providing a constant demonstration of just what good fun Storygaming is, here in the city. By getting out there and playing the storygames, and bringing life to the city. A busy community is extremely attractive to new people, they see it, and immediately want to become a part of it. And we need such new people to create a truly busy community.

That may sounds like a catch 22, chicken/egg scenario, but there is enough of us here to make the city appear far more alive than it currently is. Get involved on each others stories, spread your ideas and comments. I would love to see a dozen or more welcomes to any newbie who steps into the city. Let them see how active, fun, friendly and welcoming we are. Again, this isn't something a mayor can do alone. They are still only 1 voice, 1 comment on a storygame.


Common statistics have shown it is those who want to share their writing that are most likely to stay here for any length of time. Having your writing read and commented on in a friendly environment is very appealing to many novice authors. Returning the favour is a fair thing to do, and often pleasant if you encounter good writing. And this is how I think the city has run for the last few years. My memory of names isn't great these days, but there hasn't been many I remember whom have stayed any great length of time without producing some of their own writing, Mother Goose being the only name that springs to mind.

It has to be considered that, (and I think this is something Key has considered in depth) on it's own, Storygaming just isn't fun enough. It's storygaming combined with trying it out yourself, and chatting with the friends you make here that makes it something that brings you back. And that isn't a bad thing at all. I certainly enjoy it.

Have a think and ask yourselves honestly, if IF were a place where there were just 20 or so storygames of various genres, style and qualities and no forums. All you could do here is offer your ideas for the decision points of your favourite stories, and vote in the polls. i.e A place purely devoted to playing storygames. Would it still be a place you came back to regularly?

For some it still might be, but for most, I think it would rapidly lose its appeal.

Maybe, maybe not ?!


...As interesting as such discussions can get, (and we will have more of them) and all waffling aside*. Perhaps we should stop worrying about what to spend fables on, and how to get new people, and simply concentrate on enjoying ourselves with what we already have here, enjoying the stories (whether writing them, playing them or both), be welcoming to newbies as they arrive, and choose a mayor who can competently keep the admin sorted, be active, and be approachable to mediate any problems that may arise.

If you think I can do that, then I ask for your vote. If you think I can't, let me know and I'll see what I can do to change your mind Wink

Happy Playing Smile

*For now! I do love a good waffle Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Smee as mayor*?!!?! Gasp indeed! Shocked

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, I returned just in time. Smee running for a second term? You got my vote!

Not just because we're old acquaintances, either. You made some very good points--this post alone evidences your keen insight and an uncanny ability to organize, compartmentalize, distill, and any number of other fancy words. In all seriousness, you very clearly grasp the difficulties facing the city, and can explain and discuss them in a manner that makes it as clear to others. Valuable traits in a politician.

Though I agree there is the matter of extended absences (I myself ever so briefly considered running, then immediately discarded the notion for the same reasons), I am of the opinion that your prior experience as Mayor, coupled with your continuing interest in new members and staying connected with them, prove that you consistently view the city with fresh enough eyes to remain in touch with the interests and needs of Ifians everywhere.

Furthermore, as an old Ifian and former moderator, I remember your term, and remember it well. I also remember what it takes to work here, and know from experience that you have it. So barring someone else showing me proof of greater qualification here, while it may be too early to actually vote, I certainly second the motion, and heartily so.

Sector 17 -- Rebuilding... ... ...

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter--bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter
And because it is my heart."  -- Stephen Crane
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having just thwacked TWO Bobs in this thread, I can't help my kneel to the will of Bob, and his charming karma. Seems like a good idea to me! Smile

And I also like waffles.
......back and forth.....
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A present, Smee, from a fellow Mayoral candidate, your very own pair of Election Shoes, lightly toasted uppers with a splash of butter on the toe. I hope they're a good fit, if not, I'm sure we can have the image resized! Very Happy

Well... after taking some pre-planned RL events into account, I am in a position to run for Mayor again, although it's looking to be tough competition already! Shocked

But I want to be clear up front that for a period of three weeks during April, my availability will be no more than 2 or 3 days a week due to a RL commitment. However this reduced access will not impede performing the essential administration tasks delegated to the mayoral role during that period.
Except for a week's vacation during the summer I will otherwise be able to manage IF on a daily basis throughout the next 7 months.

So, why Crunchyfrog? Again?

I don't have quite the same waffle power as Smee, so I'll be (relatively) brief. Very Happy

As many of you know I served a term as Mayor a year ago, so I am familiar with the role. I have been involved with the 'Head Eaters' and New Storygames since February 2007, and I currently look after Critique Corner in Linear Lane. I have also previously served as moderator of the Games forum.

I could probably be described as one of the most active members on IF, almost every day bar the occasional short break since I joined in Dec 2006.

I am an active storygame player and writer, having turned out at least one chapter a month now for two years, and often critique others' work.

My fundamental priorities are not so different from Smee's. The Mayor is there to provide the administrative stability, but the success of IF depends on the activities of everyone here - one of the most important and addictive being chilling out and having fun.

Think about it: New members are more likely to be attracted to a buzzing community. More creative activity will increase the flow of Fables about the city. The more the Fables flow, the greater the demand for them will be. The greater the demand, the more SG activity to earn them, and the greater incentive for New Storygamers to improve the quality of their writing. This would lead to more good SGs, more potential new players, etc. etc. As I said in one of my responses during the last election, the infrastructure is there, all we need is to make it work. The beauty of it is, if we forget about it and just enjoy what we have here, it will take care of itself.

My pledge at the last Election was to take care of the administrative duties and to allow IFians to run their own activities - from competitions, to technical developments for the site and anything in between.

My pledge at this Election is exactly the same.

"But you lost the last election!" I hear the hecklers cry. "Why are you offering the same again?"

I am offering the same again because I truly believe that every person on IF is important to the success and evolution of this city. Let's quit worrying about fables and active members, let the Mayor get on with the Admin, and just relax and have fun.

IF is what you make it.

(although choosing the right Mayor helps.) Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Wow, this is shaping up to be a humdinger of a dilly of a race. I'm almost tempted... but no. Wink

Although I do want a pair of those shoes. Mmmm, buttery.
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Duke of the Mostly Dead

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This looks like a close race already. Only a couple other people on this site could garner close to support that these two already have.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, a big thank you to both of our candidates. Very Happy

I'll give a day or two more for anyone else to declare...
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This shall prove to be one of the most memorable mayoral elections in the history of IF.

Wish you both luck in the upcoming run, and may you do your very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY BEST for IF!
Cherish all your memories, even the bad ones, for they are what makes you who you are.

Doors to the truth, an SG where a boy is propelled into worlds he is unfamiliar with. He crosses many worlds, and sees many things that force him to throw away his innocence, once, and for all. Fourth Chapter, out for viewing!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All right, the declaration phase has closed, and we are priviliged to have two fine candidates for Mayor: Smee and Crunchyfrog, previous Mayors both.

Feel free to ask any questions of the two candidates by posting a new topic in this forum. What do you want to know to decide who to vote for? Ask away!

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmmm... very interesting, I have returned just in time to elect out new mayer, what a pleasant surprise. I believe this may be one of the best elections I have witnessed yet, both candidates are very capable, and both Mayer's previously. Though I believe I know whom I'm going to throw my support to.
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